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The Seven Spankings

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 6:51 pm
by web-ed
Recent questions about spankings in The Spirit and Frontier Romances lead me to believe it's time to share with all of you what I term "The Seven Spankings" - the first group of comic-book spankings that were actively being sought by us spankos way back in the 70's (pardon me a moment while I get my old disco suit out of mothballs and don it for the occasion). Since this was before internet, I don't know how many of us there were. We didn't have a club or anything, and if we communicated at all it was by snail mail.

Remember, these were not the first seven spankings ever to appear in comics, they were simply the only ones we knew about at the time. Strangely, I never heard the Batman / Marcia Monroe spanking mentioned, nor had I seen it before DC reprinted it in Super-Team Family (which was in itself odd, as Batman wasn't exactly teaming-up with Eclipso as much as fighting him - but that's DC for you). The Spirit (the artist, not the strip) has done a superb job in tracking five of these down and retouching them, while I have the remaining two.

We searched every comics catalog, we went to conventions, we haunted comic-book stores, we struggled to raise the necessary $17.00 to purchase a promising item by mail - and in the end, we had precious little to show for it. But we were young and eager, and into spanking and comics, and by God how it all seemed to matter back then! Good times - except for the economy... and the fact we were broke, and couldn't have afforded to buy the spanking issues even if we found them... and the Carter Administration... did I mention disco? Oh, all right - they were crappy times! - but how eagerly we tried to find these seven spanking comics:

1. Boots and her Buddies #7 - here at CSR (soon to be updated), and Spirit (the artist, not the strip) has it also and probably originated it.
2. Campus Loves #5 (although we had some misinformation on this at the time, we knew it existed) - see Spirit
3. Frontier Romances #1 - got it here at CSR, and soon to be posted.
4. Popular Teen-Agers (Secrets of Love) #14 - Spirit
5. The Saint #5 - I've yet to see this on the internet. I have a copy - I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one - but I can't find it! Someday...
6. Spirit 12/01/1940 - got this one here at CSR, shortly to be updated.
7. True-Brides' Experiences #16 - Spirit

I'm going to leave this up here for awhile, at least until I'm convinced you can find all seven.

Re: The Seven Spankings

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:49 am
by jimc
My group of the seven spankings was a little different. i had no friends in the spanking scene at the time, so i was finding some in the comic books (most of them were reprints) Lois being spanked by the robot, batman spanking marcia monroe (i 1st found this one in a comic book called the women in Batman's life), Lana being almost spanked by her father, Lefty Drake spanking Bootsie Belmont, Wendy Winkle having a dream about her mother punishing her and the spirit spanking ellen dolan( first cover that i saw with a spanking on it) and the one that has evaded me forever the Jackson Twins birthday spanking ( i had overheard about that one and i looked as well as i could for it, but have not found it.) So i guess it was a region spanking quest as well.

Re: The Seven Spankings

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:23 am
by web-ed
A good list. I hope some others with similar experiences will share with us here their own "Seven".

The Seven Spankings - Finished At Last!

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:51 am
by web-ed
This week I'm going to post the last three of the seven that I have, leaving only The Saint #5. Unless it was stolen during a move years ago, I still have this in my collection somewhere, in which case I will of course post it as soon as I find it. It's not a particularly good spanking - I'd rank it no higher than fifth out of the seven - but everyone deserves a chance to see it.

I'm also changing this topic from stickie to normal, so it won't stay at the top of the forum any more. It's really not needed now that I've built an index page containing links to all seven.

[09/12/2010 Update] - The Saint #5 will be posted on 09/17, finally completing this group. Hooray! :D