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Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:05 pm
by web-ed
The Archie gang has come up for discussion before (see, e.g. Josie and the Pussycats by Tanner) and since a small collection of Archie comics has come into my possession, I decided to start a separate topic for this subject.

Of course, the two best-known spankings (one each for Betty and Veronica) have been seen around the web as well as in Comics Gallery 1, but the rest have been elusive except for the occasional recollections of "old-timers" and fragments such as Veronica holding her bottom and crying "Wah!" - until now.

Yes, the collection I referred to above, which was sent to be by Robin, contains these goodies:
  • Josie explaining to her mother that she can't sit down since her dad got a look at her report card.
  • Veronica does indeed cry "Wah!" after she takes the side of a complete brat who throws rocks at Archie and breaks her father's Ming vase, causing her father to spank her before he gets around to the (other) brat. The actual spanking is off-panel, although we (and Archie) hear some interesting sound-effects coming from the Lodge house.
  • During a tennis match with Betty and Reggie, Archie accidentally whacks Veronica in the rear with his tennis racquet. No OTK positioning, but it's a nice, hard whack that certainly gets Veronica's attention!
It will be a while before these can be posted, but I'll try to do a series of them after Comic Strip Spankings and Golden Age Comic Spankings have concluded (some time in April).

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:55 am
by jimc
yes great finds i remember them well. pity that they did not show the actual spankings(Josie, Veronica, etc.) the threats and after spanking are fun spanko devices, but you also feel robbed that you could not have seen the orginal. Have a good day

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:47 am
by daneldorado
jimc wrote:

pity that they did not show the actual spankings(Josie, Veronica, etc.) the threats and after spanking are fun spanko devices, but you also feel robbed that you could not have seen the orginal. Have a good day

Yes, Yess, and DOUBLE YESSS! This is what I have been saying all along. Not only here at the good ol' CSR, but everywhere the Internet can reach, as well as through the U.S. Mail!

The point is this: A spanking in a film, on TV, or on paper, is NOT A SPANKING unless it can be SEEN!!!

A lot of people, even dedicated spankos, have tried to convince me that I am wrong about this. They reason that, since spankings are so rare in the media anyway, even a MENTION of one "counts." No no no! It does NOT count!

In PEP Comics, where we see the toon "Sgt. Boyle" and we see the eponymous sergeant put a naughty girl over his knee and raise his hand to spank her, he says:

"Shall I start, or will you come with me?"

She gives in and goes with him, of course. But how much better it would have been if he had given her a sound, 200-swat spanking right on her derriere, before agreeing to go with him! The fact that she was put into the over-the-knee position and then THREATENED with a spanking makes no difference whatsoever. No spanking, no thrill.

Off-screen spankings fall into that same vapid category. So do scenes that show a pretty girl holding her bottom and ruefully crying, "I got spanked." Hey honey, if we didn't SEE it, then you did NOT get spanked!

What makes it even more infuriating is that Sgt. Boyle and other such comic strips were being published in the most spank-prolific era in U.S. history: The 1940s. I can name, off the top of my head, SEVEN movies that were released in 1941, and they all had spankings in them! The rest of the decade was the same, culminating with that sensational OTK smackfest visited upon the lovely June Haver's bottom by Gordon MacRae, in Look for the Silver Lining (1949). No "off-screen" smacks for June, no sirree!

We -- you and I and all our spanko friends -- can make a change, simply by refusing to support any "fake" spankings in movies, TV, or in print. In time, the greedy entrepreneurs that try to make money from phony spankings will see the error of their ways, and a positive change will result.

If you spank it, we will come.


Re: Spankings Must Be Seen!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:48 am
by web-ed
Actually, I'm in agreement with Dan and JimC on this point, even though I bent the rules and treated Sgt. Boyle as if it were a true spanking. When I look at that panel, I ignore the dialogue and picture the paddle landing repeatedly (200 swats would be good, like Dan said). Mostly though, I'm strict and don't count implied spankings as if they were the real thing. Thus, Josie and her bad report card will be posted here shortly but will not be counted in the Comics Spanking Data Base because we don't get to see it. Ditto Alfred spanking Catwoman since no spanking appears on-panel, even though we get to see Catwoman declining an offer to sit down shortly afterward. Even Mr. Lodge spanking Veronica (the one where we see Veronica holding her bottom afterward) doesn't quite cut it, because although we can hear the spanking, we can't see it. On the other hand, Archie whacking Veronica with a tennis racquet I believe should count, even though the swat was unintentional, because we can see it.

By the way, for readers of this forum who may not know, Dan is one of our foremost authorities on spankings in the movies, perhaps even #1 in that field, and ably defended his point about off-screen spankings not counting over on Chross's Board. Look For The Silver Lining, the film he mentioned, is important to me personally because it was one of the very first film/television spankings I saw when I was a kid, and it was a huge thrill! I'm sure everyone here knows the feeling of that first (or nearly first) spanking we encounter in various media as we're growing up. :)

Josie and the Pussycats

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:07 am
by web-ed
Not quite a spanking (see preceding discussion) so it doesn't go into the Comics Spanking Data Base, but it's kind of cute. This is from Josie and the Pussycats #88 (April, 1976). This was a 1-page "pinup" gag, which is why there was no way we were going to get to see the actual spanking.
Josie and the Pussycats #88 (April, 1976).  The cover gives no hint of any spanking, just the Archie line's standard brand of teen humor.
Josie and the Pussycats #88 (April, 1976). The cover gives no hint of any spanking, just the Archie line's standard brand of teen humor.
josie_and_the_pussycats_no_88_cover_bbsize.jpg (109.13 KiB) Viewed 20921 times
From the Archie collection recently sent to me by Robin.
From the Archie collection recently sent to me by Robin.
josie_and_the_pussycats_no_88_postspanking_pinup_bbsize.jpg (257.03 KiB) Viewed 20921 times

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:36 am
by jimc
yes i had seen that one and wished that there had been the story like Josie is in the living room talking to her father about her grades (he is talking to her while she is otk) and the mother is in the other room thinking about talking to her daughter as well and the thought balloon showed her otk as well. Although i do think her Pussycat outfit was a better spanking outfit. I wish there was a spanking story involving the girls (Josie, Melody, Val and Alexandra would all be spanked by some parental authority ) i tend to look for quanity sometimes more than quality (greedy i know), but it is fun to think about it. have agreat day.

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:20 am
by Tanner
Thats a different postspanking from the one I remember. In that one, the dialogue was the same, but Josie was holding the seat of her slacks, with the "spanking pain stars" beside it. Maybe they used that idea more than once.
Agree that the Pussycat outfits would have been great for spankings, same with Veronica and Betty when they were in their more daring bikinis.

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:15 am
by Dave Wolfe
I love this thread! In fact, I linked back to it and used the Josie pin up, with all due attribution, during my "WolfieBlog" discussion of my feeling of connection with Dan DeCarlo! Thanks, Web-Ed, Robin and all!

Veronica Spanking Positively Identified

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:26 pm
by web-ed
This is not a new Veronica spanking, it's the one that's been seen all over including here at CSR. I finally managed to track it down and have now purchased a copy of the original issue. It's a pretty good scene, and there's an after-spanking panel in which Veronica rubs her sore bottom, plus an implication that she may be in for even more spanking later on!

For the new Archie spanking series which begins next week, then, this is what we have planned:
  1. Veronica spanking #1 (the one we mentioned above) - updates with new scans of the surrounding pages and the spanking panel, plus a post-spanking panel.
  2. Josie (of Pussycats fame) gets whacked in the rear with an ottoman of all things.
  3. The "Ming Vase" episode - although not a true spanking because we don't get to see it, we do at least get to hear it and see Veronica crying "Wah!" afterward. Lots of fun, which is why we're going to post it, but technically not an actual (visual) spanking so will not qualify for inclusion in the Comics Spanking Data Base.
  4. The "Tennis Racqet" Affair - A nice scene in which Archie accidentally swats Veronica's fanny on the tennis court. This is a true spanking despite the lack of OTK positioning. Especially enjoyable are the reactions of Reggie and Betty, neither of whom are exactly broken-hearted to see Veronica getting some heat applied to her seat. :)

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:44 pm
by overbarrel49
hi web-ed,

can't wait to see all this. thanks for all the work. phil

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:05 pm
by jimc
Yes the veronica spanking had it moments, but really had too much impact to be a good spanking panel, there was another story where veronica had been warned if she messed up a deal in the works for one of her father's companies she would enter the deal with a ping pong paddle. As always happens with veronica she does get in trouble, but while she does bring her father the ping pong paddle and is holding at such an angle that she does know how he would use it she does get out of her well deserved spanking it was still a great image to think of. as there were only 2 actual spankings to Betty and Veronica (there were off strip and some other f/m that we have no use for at CSR that were around), but they were not as good as some of the strips or some other comics that were done by DSD. So even though they were the most spankable they did not have the stories that should have happened. Oh, before i forget there was a surfing episode where Archie was trying to be a life guard and working together they foiled the attempt by Archie to be bothered by all the females and the winner of the job was their biggest competitor and so all the boys were not going to be available and Jughead asks to borrow their board and they say sure just on one condition that he give each of them a couple of good whacks with the board and it showed them bending over to get them. Great scene in their bathing suits.

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:23 pm
I hate it when writers teases us by not showing the spanking! wouldv"e been nice to see Josie getting her bottom smack by her father for poor grades also like to have seenthat spoil brat Alexandra get the spanking of her life boy" she deserves it.

Some Pratfalls from Archie Comics

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:25 am
by web-ed
O.K., it's officially Homecoming Month at CSR (October 2015) when we're going to return to Riverdale High, and as part of the festivities, I'm going to do three posts under this topic of items closely related to spankings. First up are Pratfalls.

Now of course pratfalls are not as good as actual spankings, but we sometimes get some good rubbing afterward that looks like it might have been due to a spanking ;) . Here are four examples (and thanks to Robin for finding these):

1. Archie the Gentleman (publication details unknown):

2. Betty and Veronica go Ice Skating, from Betty and Veronica Annual Digest Magazine #9 (October 1993):

3. Betty Tries Out for Cheerleading, from Betty and Veronica #38 (September 1958). Script by Frank Doyle, who also wrote some of the actual spankings we've seen in Archie comics, pencils by Dan DeCarlo, and inks by Rudy Lapick.

4. Suzie takes a pratfall, from Suzie #89 (October 1952, creative personnel unknown)

Characters are copyright AP.

Just to refresh everyone's memory, Suzie was published by Archie but was a year or two older than the Riverdale HIgh gang. Nonetheless, she got spanked at least once (see it in Comics Gallery 2) and was obviously not too old to be turned over her father's knee as strongly suggested by one panel (mentioned below). We'll see one example (in two weeks) which strongly implies she got spanked by her employer, and Robin located an extremely suggestive post-spanking panel which I am still trying to identify. Suzie appeared in at least three titles, so tracking down all her appearances is going to be difficult. Fortunately, a number of issues of her own title, Suzie, have recently become available, which is how I found this one.

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:11 pm
by overbarrel49
hi web-ed,

nice prat falls. there is indeed something about girls falling on their butts that's a little appealing and it definitely always makes me think that i have a much better way to make their bottoms sore :lol: . i have to admit that i don't remember the Suzie character but i was intrigued by what you had to say and i'll be looking forward too seeing what you have concerning her in the upcoming weeks :D . thanks, phil

Behinds in Jeopardy from Archie Comics

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:09 am
by web-ed
For our second of three special features during Homecoming 2015 we have some examples of what I call "Behinds in Jeopardy". Not spankings, but significant I think because spanking humor cartoons probably evolved from this humble beginning, and we do sometimes get some pain stars or rubbing. Once again we are indebted to Robin for providing these examples to us, although it's likely I found some of the Suzie stuff.

1. Betty and Veronica kick some ass - literally!
A paddle might have been nice, but wasn't handy. Publication details unknown.

2. Betty gets the hook! At least I think it's Betty - it's hard to tell with her head covered. But I believe this is from
Archie Comics #28 (Sept-Oct 1947) in which case it's a Betty & Veronica story with art by Irv Novick, who worked for MLJ/Archie during this period. This is of course basically the old "Bend over, get a swat" gag from the days of burlesque.

3. Veronica Gets the Needle, from Betty and Veronica #144 (December 1967):

4. Too Much of a Good Thing - I don't know what the story is here - could have been pratfalls. Looks like Veronica won't be sitting too comfortably for a while. The publication details are unknown but this appears to be from the '40's.

5. Suzie Gets a Swat - Let's go back to Suzie, who as I mentioned last time was published by Archie Comics but was not part of the Riverdale High gang. She was a year or two older and was probably based on Bill Ward's successful Torchy.

Suzie bends over - can a good swat be far "behind"? (We've got a whole bunch of examples of Suzie facing away from us and bending over as a special feature in Comics Gallery 1).
From Suzie #50 (Fall 1945).

Her niece Angela delivers the "swat" although it's more of butt-to-butt contact. Notice that Suzie threatens Angela with "a licking" if she doesn't behave: :o

Angela places some cacti in Suzie's bed, and Suzie sits on them just as Veronica did the pin cushion, and Angela pays the price - in the last panel, she's taking the train home and sitting on a cushion.

Suzie spanking Angela was a lot like Fritzi Ritz spanking her niece Nancy, or Katy Keene (an Archie Publications character we'll be seeing on the main site later this month) spanking her little sister. As a matter of fact, Angela does get a spanking from an irate man on-panel in another comic, but because she's a child it won't be shown on CSR. If I haven't put the details in the Comics Spanking Data Base yet I will do so eventually.

6. Suzie Finds a Boat - You'll notice that Suzie has a rather full bust - this was the late 40's, and there was a definite tendency at this time, continuing into the 50's, for greater sexualization of the characters in comics and humor cartoons. Perhaps we'll take up that subject another day.

Suzie #57 (June 1947)

No bending over in this one, but at least we get some nice pain stars:
Characters are all copyright AP. :)

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:39 pm
by overbarrel49
hi web-ed,

as i said with the pratfalls, these all give enough attention to the victim's bottom to make my mind think of spanking for sure :D . of course, that's not necessarily a difficult task :lol: . my favorites are Veronica and Suzie rubbing after their incidents 8-) . if you'll notice, Betty is giggling as Veronica rubs her bottom and that seems like evidence to me that one female friend might just giggle while watching her female friend getting a spanking..............just as has been happening in my toons ;) :D . thanks, phil

Pratfalls, Behind in Jeopardy, and Missed Opportunities

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:21 pm
by web-ed
We're in our third week now of Special Features during Homecoming Month (2015). Before getting to some Missed Opportunities, I'd like to present one more pratfall and one more behind in jeopardy which I just recently discovered. Because of this additional material, I'm pleased to announce that we can extend these features one more week and conclude with more Missed Opportunities next time :D !

1. Suzie and Ferdie go Bowling, from Suzie #55 (1947, probably February - no idicia available)

Those bowling alleys are pretty hard, too - ouch!

2. Suzie and Ferdie take Angela to the Beach, from Suzie #70 (August 1949):
Low-level humor, sure, but we love it anyway! :lol:

Ferdie is Suzie's boyfriend, by the way, while Angela is her niece. Of some interest is that Suzie spanked Angela at least twice, while a man she was pestering did so once (see the Comics Spanking Data Base over on the main site for the details). When we also remember that Suzie was spanked at least once on-panel and is shown in a different after-spanking situation, and her back-up feature Ginger was also spanked off-panel (! - we'll see it here next week) it makes us regard this strip with great interest. I've searched about half the issues in her own title, but Suzie made some other appearances as well and I expect it will be some time before they're all available to me as Archie comics from the Golden Age are still hard to find. Let's all hope there's some more (adult) Suzie spankings out there. 8-)

3. Archie Being a Man (publication details unknown, found by Robin):

Good for you, Arch! Now you can continue your manly ways by taking Veronica firmly over your knee as soon as the two of you are safe from prying eyes (except ours!) :lol: .

4. Betty's father, Mr. Cooper, issues a possible spanking threat (found by Robin):

5. The Girls Bend Over: (found by Robin)
Archie should have brought a paddle along.

6. Betty Has No Discipline (we can suggest a remedy!):

Also found by Robin.

7. Nursery Time: Because the Archie comics are still copyrighted material, I can only present part of this story in which Betty seems to go slightly bonkers but manages to get the upper hand with Ronnie in the end.




Archie could have spanked Veronica right here ;)




Of course, we're all wondering if Veronica's father applied some paternal discipline in the form of a spanking once the police officer explained to him what she did :D . As for Betty, she manages to wind up with Archie, at least for now.

All the material here is copyright AP. And again, thanks to Robin for finding most of it.

Next time: more missed opportunities, featuring Betty, Veronica, Suzie, and Ginger! :)

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:46 am
by overbarrel49
hi web-ed,

you have presented us with several suggestive situations here :D . i think my favorite is Archie "being a man" by carrying Veronica off. both her position and the angry look on Archie's face certainly do suggest that he might be hurrying off to find a secluded spot to turn her over for a spanking.........i can almost picture her with her head and her panties down and her bare bottom up for such an event :lol: . the conversation between Betty and her dad is certainly suggestive of a young lady that is in danger of getting a good spanking too :D . I don't know exactly what Archie is thinking about as he watches the girls bending over but i know what would have been on my mind..........yours too apparently :lol: . in the last one you presented, you mentioned that we all wondered if Veronica's dad gave her a spanking after talking to the cop. that's certainly true although it seemed to me that Betty definitely deserved a good spanking too 8-) :lol: . thanks for sharing these with us. Phil

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:38 am
by jimc
There was another Veronica one where she is telling Archie and Betty that she has her father wrapped around her finger and all she has to do is sit on his knee like when she was little and the end shows her spraying her father and he calling out that he will see Veronica in his den and while Archie and Betty are walking away they tell her just to go in and sit on his knee facing downwards and it will be all right. I would loved to have seen the spankings mentioned in the panels I also hope you find the one about the girls bending over and asking Jughead to give them a couple of good hard whacks. Suzie is indeed spankable like Katy Keene and I hope that there is another of Suzie being spanked. I read in the database about Suzie spanking her niece , but I had never seen it. I think there was a pin-up with Betty walking to school with a hand print on her bottom and Veronica was laughing at it and Betty said something like it was real because her father had found out she had used all his ties to make her jeans into colored flares. Have great day.

Re: Spankings in Archie Comics

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:23 am
by web-ed
jimc wrote:There was another Veronica one where she is telling Archie and Betty that she has her father wrapped around her finger and all she has to do is sit on his knee like when she was little and the end shows her spraying her father and he calling out that he will see Veronica in his den and while Archie and Betty are walking away they tell her just to go in and sit on his knee facing downwards and it will be all right. I would loved to have seen the spankings mentioned in the panels I also hope you find the one about the girls bending over and asking Jughead to give them a couple of good hard whacks. Suzie is indeed spankable like Katy Keene and I hope that there is another of Suzie being spanked. I read in the database about Suzie spanking her niece , but I had never seen it. I think there was a pin-up with Betty walking to school with a hand print on her bottom and Veronica was laughing at it and Betty said something like it was real because her father had found out she had used all his ties to make her jeans into colored flares. Have great day.
You know, Jim, I think I've seen that first one you mentioned with Veronica - I'll have to check if I ever get 5 minutes. Haven't seen the surfboard incident yet although it reminds me of the spanking from Venus #2 in that the spankees ask for their swats (and a scene from one other still unidentified comic in my files). I'll try to remember to send you the one with Suzie spanking Angela. Finally, you remembered the Betty incident exactly except that it was a foot print instead of a hand print. I like it better your way, but in any case we'll see it today - next post! :)