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Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:01 pm
by hugob00m
This is little bit political... but mostly, it's just an excuse for Katie to get another spanking!
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:03 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:04 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:06 pm
by hugob00m
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Ban spankings? Oh no! We can't let that happen!

Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:06 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:07 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:08 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:09 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:10 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:11 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:12 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:13 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:14 pm
by hugob00m
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Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:11 am
by daneldorado
Good start, b00m. I assume there will be more -- many more -- spankings for Katie to have to endure.

Dunno who the baldy is, but the first spanker has to be Geraldo! Right?


Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:17 am
by willjohn
Blaming spankings for global warming (or warming anything but a behind) is the worst scientific argument I know of.

Katie will never convince Bullmoose or anybody else to stop tanning her substantial derriere to save the planet. It would only make it easier for her to sit on wooden chairs. :lol:

Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 6:25 am
by hugob00m
Hi, Dan. Thanks for being so quick to comment on my newest story.
daneldorado wrote:Good start, b00m. I assume there will be more -- many more -- spankings for Katie to have to endure.
Actually, it's is the beginning and the end of this particular story. I ended with a spanking in progress to imply that the "experiment" is going to last a while.

About Katie having to endure more spankings... I've got another story in progress. I'll be posting it soon.
daneldorado wrote:Dunno who the baldy is, but the first spanker has to be Geraldo! Right?
I didn't intend for Agent McGreedy to look like Geraldo, but he does, sort of! I just gave him curly hair and a big mustache to set him apart from all those other guys who always seem to be finding a reason to spank Katie.

"Baldy" is just an anonymous scientist who happened to be attending the symposium that Katie was addressing. He decided that Katie's claim about the true cause of global warming needed further investigation.

Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 6:41 am
by hugob00m
Hi, WillJohn. Thanks for your comments.
willjohn wrote:Blaming spankings for global warming (or warming anything but a behind) is the worst scientific argument I know of.
The previous story was science fiction... and this one is fictitious science! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: It seems like everyone has their own agenda when it comes to global warming. Some politicians want the rest of us to revert to Stone-Age living, while they continue to live in mansions and fly around the world in their private jets. Others want to completely ignore the damage caused by industrial pollution, and continue business as usual. Most of the so-called "experts" totally ignore the effect of the sun on the earth's temperature... And so... Katie has come up with her own theory about the cause of global warming and how to stop it. (Of course, like everyone else, she has her own personal agenda... to get some relief from the constant warming of her "globes"!)
willjohn wrote:Katie will never convince Bullmoose or anybody else to stop tanning her substantial derriere to save the planet. It would only make it easier for her to sit on wooden chairs.
You're right about that! She's going to have to continue avoiding wooden chairs for a while... unless she has a couple of soft pillows to put under her! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:00 am
by overbarrel49
Hi Boom,

I hadn't realized until just now that you were not only a cartoonist but also a scientist :lol: . Katie looks very studious and thoughtful in the first panel. Of course, perhaps that's because she's facing us. If she were facing the other way, that would have given US something to study instead :lol: . However, she does seem to be proceeding in a scientific way, as indicated by the visual aids in panel 2 :D . There's a more accurate depiction in panel 3, however 8-) .......and I love the reaction of the audience...........sort of like the onlookers in my own current toon :lol: . It would seem from panel 4 that Katie has recently had a spanking of her own. Now who would have guessed that :lol: . Again, I like the reaction of the audience, or at least one of them :lol: . I see in panel 6 that the agent from F.R.A.U.D. is ever vigilant and quite conscientious in the performance of his duties 8-).........although Katie seems to have a different view of this as he leads her away :lol: . Katie seems more distressed about getting spanked in front of everyone than she is about the effects of global warming in panel 7 :lol: . In panel 8, we have another example of a naughty girl stubbornly sticking to her guns..........again, like the naughty girl in my own toon :D :lol: . I got a big laugh from panel 9.......especially the steam rising from Katie's scotched behind :lol: :lol: . In panel 10, Katie looks less studious than she did in the opening panels but much cuter as she rubs her stinging bottom while making her point 8-) . Of course, it's likely none of the males in the audience heard what she was saying as they were concentrating on other things :D . In panel 11, here comes a real scientist to the rescue whose only goal is to study Katie's theory :D . Even though it appears that our scientist is following the scientific method, for some reason, Katie appears a bit apprehensive as she's led away so he can conduct his experiments :?: . In the last panel, we see just how the experiment is going. We don't know what the final results will be but one thing is certain, in the last panel, we can see exactly what globes are being warmed :lol: :lol: . I guess this just goes to show you that Katie can find a way to get a spanking in ANY situation :D . Thanks for sharing this. Phil

Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 11:53 am
by hugob00m
Hi, Phil. Thanks for your comments.
overbarrel49 wrote:I hadn't realized until just now that you were not only a cartoonist but also a scientist. Katie looks very studious and thoughtful in the first panel. Of course, perhaps that's because she's facing us. If she were facing the other way, that would have given US something to study instead.
I'm not really a scientist, but I read a bit of science at times, and I'm frequently amazed at how often some scientists will ignore the "scientific method" of investigation, if the answers they get don't fit their preconceived ideas.

Katie puts on her labcoat whenever she wants to be taken seriously, and not dismissed as a bimbo with big boobs. (HUH? Boobs? Did anyone ever notice that she has big boobs? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: )
overbarrel49 wrote:However, she does seem to be proceeding in a scientific way, as indicated by the visual aids in panel 2.
Yes, very scientific!
overbarrel49 wrote:There's a more accurate depiction in panel 3, however .......and I love the reaction of the audience...........sort of like the onlookers in my own current toon.
Yeah, except that this is an audience of mostly men... Men who consider themselves to be scientists. (I bet most of them missed what she said because they were concentrating on the "visual aid"... or distracted by her big boobs!)
overbarrel49 wrote:It would seem from panel 4 that Katie has recently had a spanking of her own. Now who would have guessed that.
Yeah! She sure did! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I started on this story after the end of the last story in the sixth thread, but then got sidetracked by some other ideas that I wanted to do ahead of this one... But, yes, she had already been spanked before the beginning!
overbarrel49 wrote: Again, I like the reaction of the audience, or at least one of them. I see in panel 6 that the agent from F.R.A.U.D. is ever vigilant and quite conscientious in the performance of his duties
Yes, he is! (Especially when his duties require him to spank a pretty girl's backside! ;) ;) ;) ;) )
overbarrel49 wrote:.........although Katie seems to have a different view of this as he leads her away. Katie seems more distressed about getting spanked in front of everyone than she is about the effects of global warming in panel 7.
Well... she doesn't want to be discredited in front of her fellow scientists... AND... she knows how hard Agent McGreedy can spank!
overbarrel49 wrote: In panel 8, we have another example of a naughty girl stubbornly sticking to her guns..........again, like the naughty girl in my own toon.
In real-life, I'd admire a girl like that! She's willing to stand up for what she believes in! (She might as well stand up... I don't think she's going to be sitting down for a while! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: )
overbarrel49 wrote: I got a big laugh from panel 9.......especially the steam rising from Katie's scotched behind.
I'm glad you liked that. It's a bit of fanciful exaggeration, but I'm sure it feels that hot to her! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
overbarrel49 wrote:In panel 10, Katie looks less studious than she did in the opening panels but much cuter as she rubs her stinging bottom while making her point. Of course, it's likely none of the males in the audience heard what she was saying as they were concentrating on other things.
Yeah. I think they were looking more than they were listening... and I bet quite a few were thinking, "Why didn't he pull the @#$% pantyhose down?"
overbarrel49 wrote:In panel 11, here comes a real scientist to the rescue whose only goal is to study Katie's theory. Even though it appears that our scientist is following the scientific method, for some reason, Katie appears a bit apprehensive as she's led away so he can conduct his experiments.
Yes... Even if he can prove Katie's theory, it'll take weeks and months of carefully monitored experiments!
overbarrel49 wrote:In the last panel, we see just how the experiment is going. We don't know what the final results will be but one thing is certain, in the last panel, we can see exactly what globes are being warmed. I guess this just goes to show you that Katie can find a way to get a spanking in ANY situation.
I don't think he'll be able to prove anything conclusively, but he's sure going to have a lot of fun trying! AND... in future stories, I believe Katie can look forward to some more of that same kind of "global warming"! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Seventh O.T. Katie thread

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 4:00 pm
by daneldorado
b00m wrote:

Actually, it's is the beginning and the end of this particular story. I ended with a spanking in progress to imply that the "experiment" is going to last a while.

Oops, does this mean that, while the "experiment" is going to last a (long) while, it will continue off screen? :o Then what will we be looking at, in the interim? Maybe you will segue into another story involving Bullmoose spanking Clorene? or Delores or Elaine?

I can't stand it. To know that your cute little carrot-top is getting her comely behind soundly spanked, but in a place and at a time that we WON'T see, is torture. :lol: :lol: Hopefully, Professor Baldy will "get it over with," collect his data and publish his thesis quickly... so that we can return to seeing our Katie's scrumptious derriere "getting what she's got coming to her" in a more familiar venue. :D
