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2018 Self-Evaluation Part 5 - Special Projects

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:46 pm
by web-ed
I've tried to do a special project every year, but this year all I could manage was this series of self-evaluation posts :( . So what special projects would I like to do, or should have done already? Let's rephrase that more positively: what special projects am I going to do if we all live long enough? :lol: Let's rummage through the dusty corridors of memory as well as the cluttered files on my laptop and see... :lol:

1. The Aces Artist - I can't even remember what year I first began talking about this one. There was a guy who did a lot of spanking art for Nu-West (I believe that the only company involved) that later got featured on Jesse Ray's old BBS with "ACES" plastered on it. (Here is a link to the topic on this board from 2010).


Although he tried to disguise his style, I was pretty sure I knew who he was - a big-name comics artist, now deceased, but I never got around to making the case even though I think I've had all the material assembled for at least two years now! And I'm apparently the only one who knows now that Ed Lee is dead. (Before he died, he gave a public clue that confirmed my theory).

It's actually a little alarming how many "secrets of the spanking world" would be lost forever if I should suddenly depart this mortal plane - so let's hope that doesn't happen before I can spill all the beans :lol: !

2. Novelty Paddles - these had a great effect on me growing up as they were found in almost every souvenir shop during the 60's and 70's. I've collected a bunch of photos of these relics that would make for a fun if rather short article some time. :)

3. A Tribute to Bending Over - I'm extraordinarily fond of this position and have an eclectic collection of material relating to it, not including the additional installments of Humorama Spanking Positions I'd also like to do.

4. Flapper Spanking(?) - not sure about this one, that is, I'm not sure I have enough material.

5. The History and Development of the Spanking Cartoon - still gathering materials for this one. Someday...

6. A Discussion of Good Girl Art - what makes comics art erotic? Inquiring minds want to know :lol: !

And the other specials I'd do if a had the material - wow! :lol: