Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Weekly Updates for 12/31

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].

Had to postpone a couple of updates due to holiday pressures and some unexpected difficulties with the first in the new Humorama series. I decided to create a little decorative border made up of old Humorama titles, and between cutting and sizing the individual pics and figuring out how to code the page so the border would surround the text, it took about three hours! Still, I do have six updates including that one:
  • Annie twice animated - or at least Doctor Cylon animated the hand that spanks her twice!
  • More F/F spanking from the 50's - last week's vintage piece put me in the mood, I guess. This will probably be the last of this kind of material we'll see on CSR for a while, as lots of Irving Klaw's stuff is available elsewhere if you want to find it.
  • Humorama series begins - I'm really excited about this year-long celebration of Humorama's old spanking cartoons, although this may not seem an auspicious beginning. It's really just a cover with some spanking verse on it, but as I explain on the page itself, I wanted to introduce Humorama to younger readers who may know very little about what it was.
  • Unknown comic strip - I always hate it when I can't identify something from a comic book or strip, and this item is one of several I've had in the files for some time while I tried to track them down. Maybe someone will recognize it - it's a fine scene.
  • Firehair fires some poor saloon girl's butt with her whip - it's just one tiny nip, really. Another Golden Age spanking from Fiction House, although I can't help wishing it was Firehair's own fanny getting flamed!
  • Skygirl assumes the position - I actually put this one up in October, but there was no link to it from Comics Gallery 2, which I've finally added. I also added one more panel that Riley found somewhere.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

Yes Annie Fanny lived up to her name. and the good doctor did a great job of giving the heroine her coloring. The unknown strip does appear to be Aquaman spanking some pretty criminal we would imagine. I remember that cover, but i did not think there was any spanking in that issue of Snappy, but it has been a long time since i have seen it. Since i am more of a fan of otk than any other realms of the fetish scene the 50's spanking that you posted i am glad you shared it, but as you said there are other sites that do have more of them. I did forget to wish everyone a happy new year. And thanks again web-ed for starting the year off right with a spank (not a bang) as that is much easier on the eyes as well as the ears. Have a great day.
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Weekly Updates for 01/07

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].
  • Updated the Events and Links Pages.
  • Updated the recent Vintage Sleaze Spanking from the 50's with more information from Jim Linderman.
  • Doctor Cylon retouches two photographs for a change.
  • Spanked Before Bed - one woman bends over before bed so another can spank her. Some might call it strange, but it's o.k. with us.
  • Humorama Series - Shrink spanks patient in this cartoon from Stanley Rayon.
  • Golden Age Comic-Book Spankings - we had a poll that decided this odd scene from Hawk was indeed a spanking. A F/F panel from the GA, during which this orientation was seldom seen.
  • Modern Comic-Book Spankings - we stretched a point to include this example of sexual harassment from MAD magazine. There were no spankings from MAD in its actual 4-color comic days, but next week we'll have a color spanking from the MAD fold-in on the inside back cover!
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 01/14

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].
  • Updated two Doctor Cylon pages with information about Bud Root, and also added Doc's explanation of how his "spank bomb" actually worked.
  • More of Doc Cylon as he and Julius Zimmerman see to it that a Bad Pixie gets what's coming to her.
  • The year-long Humorama series continues with Secretary Spanking #16 (and there will be more secretaries turned OTK during the year). I think it's a good thing the secretaries of the world don't know where to find me...!
  • Secretaries get a break for a moment as Teacher Gets a Spanking by the famed bondage artist Alazar.
  • Comic Strip Spankings - an Indian lass gets her canoe paddled by Laughing Wolf (we'd probably be laughing if we were in his place). Old joke, but good treatment.
  • Modern Comic Book Spankings - another selection from MAD, this time a fold-in spanking given by a clown!
  • Golden Age Comic Book Spankings - Winnie the Waitress gets paddled by her sorority sisters. Not a particularly good scene since the artist didn't know how to do a proper paddling. Of some interest is that Winnie was an unlikely back-up feature for The Green Hornet, which had another, better spanking we'll be seeing two weeks from now.
  • In response to a specific request from a CSR reader, Dan Rivera posted another episode from his private-eye series Sam Swatt. If you haven't been around lately, be sure to check out all the cartoons posted by Dan and HugoB00m (O.T. Katie) in the Comic Book and Superhero Spanking Forum.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Wolfie138 »

FYI re the Alazar, not sure if it appeared elsewhere originally but i've got it in a comic called "big top bondage", there's a "spankorama" centre spread w/ a montage of his pics. googling it shows a few d/l site, also a gallery here http://g.e-hentai.org/g/315894/3a2074759f/
Last edited by web-ed on Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alazar and Big Top

Post by web-ed »

Thanks Wolfie - I remember when Big Top came out, but I never had a copy and didn't know the drawing I'd found came from there.
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 01/21

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page]
  • Dan posted better-quality scans of two DeCarlo spanking cartoon classics on the Comic-Book Forum.
  • Doctor Cylon shows us the aftermath of a no-nonsense hairbrush spanking.
  • Keffy spanks Wolfie (not our Wolfie here, obviously) - those are their names, and I don't know the characters, but this is a fairly cute boy-spanks-girl cartoon from the U.K.
  • One of the cartoons Dan posted that I mentioned above was a famous cop-spanks-speeder one - by coincidence, I also have a very little-known, and perhaps never before seen on the web, cartoon by Jack O'Brien where the cop is spanking a jaywalker instead.
  • Steve Canyon spanking #1 (two more to follow) - from Milton Caniff's great strip, a Princess gets spanked - by the Queen!
  • Another Steve, Steve Roper, nips some bad behavior in the bud. This is an example of a spanking which looks like it really will do the spankee some good and help her get her life back on track.
  • Housewives at Play - just like Desperate Housewives, except this bunch is interesting...
A couple of late items that should probably go under "New Finds":
  • While sorting through two old issues of Cartoon Parade, I found a Kirk Stiles post-spanking secretary cartoon I'd completely forgotten about. We don't actually get to see her OTK, but it's still worthwhile (never before seen) and will be added to the ongoing Humorama series. This ties Stiles with Bill Ward at 14 apiece for the series...
  • I've gotten ahold of some more information on Phantom Spanking #5, plus another artist's homage to the Phantom/Queen Pera spanking, plus another color comics version of Jorge spanking Pera which I've had in the files for a while, plus two more Swedish-language comics of Pera getting spanked by Phantom and Jorge (will she ever be able to sit again?), plus another Swedish-language Phantom spanks some spoiled heiress I can't identify! I think I'll have to have a Phantom-spanking special event as soon as the current Comic Strip Spankings series concludes.
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Add late items.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

As always, a great series of new material from our valiant web-ed.
Will be very interested in the Steve Canyon. I remember this week's quite well. It was a surprise because by 1981 spankings had virtually disappeared from the comics.
Wonder if we will see Canyon actually spanking anyone. Do remember a couple interrupted or offpanel spankings in the strip.
One I recall was from sometime in the 60s. Steve's cousin Poteet had caused a lot of trouble. She is shown apologizing and saying she doesnt know what do. Steve rolls up his sleeves and says "I do."
In the last panel Steve is shown with another female Air Force officer. Poteet is accompanying them on a trip. He says will be leaving "as soon as my cousin Poteet gets back with an air cushion for her to sit on."
So we know what happened. Poteet got her bottom thouroughly spanked. And oh yes, the other officer had a very bewildered expression on her face when he said that!
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Steve Canyon Spankings

Post by web-ed »

The two remaining scenes don't include Canyon himself doing any spanking, unfortunately, although we have another close call in #3 when Poteet turns herself over his lap and asks him to spank her!

I wish I had those other scenes you remember. I'm sure everyone would love to see them. But maybe they'll turn up someday - Steve Canyon has been reprinted somewhere, I just don't have the editions and can't obtain them anytime soon.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

yes, i seem to remember another one in the either the 60's or 70's about a soviet spy and Canyon flying together and there were some young radicals (a young man and a young woman that were going to hijack a plane). There was a scene in which they were working together to subdue the hijackers and somehow the soviet spy got the woman over his knee and said if she continued to struggle that she was in such a position that he could easily spank her, (and i seem to remember him also saying it is what you deserve after all) but he did not . I do remember the same one that Tanner mentioned and thought i would of liked to see that one as well. Although to be honest back then i was only looking for the strips that actually had spanking in them. Most of these were the kid spanking and that is not what you are looking for in this forum. You have done a great job web-ed of finding most of them and i hope some lost ones surface in your search. Also Tanner your recollection is far better than mine about the strips and thank you for sharing some of your memories as it does bring fond recollections back to me as well. have a great day.
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Re: Weekly Updates for 01/28

Post by hugob00m »

I just took a quick peek today, to see if you might've done this weeks's update slightly early... and there it was! WOW! Great as usual! I think I like the Humorama ones the most, and I see you've got an O'Brien cartoon I've never seen before. Thank you!

[Note: b00m posted this while I was writing the 01/28 Weekly Update topic, therefore it appears apparently out of sequence. I changed the subject line to add "for 01/28" in an attempt to avoid confusion, but instead I may have increased it! -- Web-Ed]
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Weekly Updates for 01/28

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].

A rough week marked mostly by fighting spammers on this board, but I've still got a dozen updates:
  • Dan Rivera posted some new scans of two classic Dan DeCarlo cartoons in the "Spanking in Media" forum.
  • Four from Doctor Cylon featuring Jessica, and some of these pages themselves feature multiple images. That's a lot of spanking (and some corner-time) for Jessica!
  • Some more information on the Teacher Gets A Spanking page we posted last week.
  • Two more versions of the classic "Spanking in the Hills" cartoon by Dan DeCarlo, one a new scan from Mike's collection and the other a nicely colorized version.
  • b00m explains how he did the "Dagwood Spanks Blondie" cartoon.
  • New series! We look at spankings involving well-known characters from animated films. First up: Aladdin spanks Jasmine!
  • Humorama Series - This one's going along well, with a newly-discovered (from Mike's collection) birthday-spanking-new cartoon by Jack O'Brien.
  • Comic Strip Spankings - Steve Canyon #2. We almost got to see a caning here (in Steve's dream) but not quite. It's pretty hard to see what's going on, partly because of the way Caniff laid it out and partly because this is a scan of a xerox copy of the strip.
  • Modern Comic Spankings winds up with SPANK, a comic book that unfortunately failed to live up to its very promising title. There is one half-hearted smack (we're tempted to say half-assed, since it only lands on one cheek). "Spank" was actually the name of one of the characters, a doll who only comes to life when he's sexually aroused. This one's a little strange...
  • Golden Age Comic Book Spankings gives us a good spoiled-heiress-gets-spanked scene, from a back-up story in The Green Hornet. This is one of the titles that I'd like to look further into if I even have the chance, since three of the eight spankings I found in Harvey Publications came from this one title!
  • The first new article in two years was written by Michael Gray. "Spanked Daughters of the Slapstick" explores the history of comedic father-daughter spankings, with some visual examples provided by the author. I'm very glad to present this because the Articles Section is one thing that really distinguishes CSR from other spanking sites - very few other sites ever get into "how-to" articles, or psychological research, or historical essays like this one. Please take a look at it - you'll be glad you did!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 01/28

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote:I just took a quick peek today, to see if you might've done this weeks's update slightly early... and there it was! WOW! Great as usual! I think I like the Humorama ones the most, and I see you've got an O'Brien cartoon I've never seen before. Thank you!
You're very welcome, b00m, and I thank you for your support. Like you, I've very excited about the Humorama Series, because some of these cartoons have never been seen on the internet before! These are some of the ones I was fortunate to have given to me by Mike, who also had new/alternate versions of some that we're already familiar with but may have only been available in not-very-clear scans (like the DeCarlo "General spanks WAC" cartoon). I wasted no time in making high-quality scans of these 63 Humorama cartoons, and together with some others that I already had in my files they gave me enough for a year-long series.

And one trivial matter: yes, I've been doing the Friday updates on Thursday in the spirit of delivering more than promised. Because I can't find a job, I've been able to get ahead of schedule with CSR and I have time to do the updates on Thursday - in fact, I've already got the new pages coded for the next two weeks, so now I can update more of the existing pages or (gasp!) actually get around to writing some more articles.
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Weekly Updates for 02/04/2011

Post by web-ed »

[For links please go to the Home Page].

Here in Chicago as I write this we're buried under 20 inches of snow and the temperature stands at 0 degrees, but the weather can't be allowed to stand in the way of our weekly updates, of which we have ten. First, it's Mermaid Spanking Week:
  • A very practical question - how do you spank a mermaid - to which this wonderful little cartoon has the answer. A mermaid finds that taunting a sailor wasn't such a good idea after all!
  • A similar theme - the problem of getting to a mermaid's bottom - is explored twice by Doctor Cylon.
  • Spanking Ariel (1 - 3) - More from Doctor Cylon as we update one of his earlier pages with animations in which a hand and wooden spoon are used, plus added captioning with the ruler!
  • Spanking Ariel (4) -a classic from Kevin Karstens and Bawdy Bard in which she finds that spanking, like many other things, is better out of the water.
Then we have our "regular" updates:
  • Humorama Series - a woman is surprised by the efficacy of Mr. Burbank's home remedy, in which a paddle is employed.
  • More scans from the Superman comic strip in which Queen Arda is spanked by her own adviser, Evad!
  • Strip Spankings - the third from Steve Canyon, in which Poteet asks to be spanked!
  • Golden Age Comic-Book Spankings - the only known spanking from Airboy, and it's a good one: a truly bad girl gets a just punishment from the man who loved her and whom she scorned. Two spanking panels, light bondage, and a sentence of 20 spanks make this one pretty much unique among all the comic-book spankings we have ever seen.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

More good ones- they just keep turning up, don't they?
Re Mermaid spankings-didnt Darryl Hannah get some sort of a spanking in the movie Splash! when she was a amermaid, or am I thinking of something else?
The Queen Arda is my favorite Superman spanking, even though the actual spanking was done by someone else. However, there is a second spanking panel,one with horizontal "pain lines" above her bottom. Always like to see it shown that the woman is feeling the spanks and may be nursing a sore bottoom afterwards.
Agree that if the dress had been flipped up would have been even better(guess editorial standards at the time would not have permitted that). And the display of her legs when she was standing in the opening panels brought to mind that some stripes with a switch or cane applied to her naked legs would have been a bonus.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

Tanner wrote:Another great week of postings. That Phantom one with the lady in the leopard dress I had not seen. It might well be fan art.
Hope you can find the last panels of the Marshall sisters one. Would assume it would be on a newspaper that ran the Sunday strip.
Years ago libraries actually had bound volumes of newspapers instead of microfilm. Thats where I came across these Phantom strips, all from the 1940s I believe. Wonder if there were any later spankings, like in the 1950s.
The Sky Band were a group of female bandits, who got captured by the Phantom. As we saw, the two leaders made an escape attempt and ended up with richly-deserved sore bottoms!
The Hill Girl one was interesting. I also seem to recall seeing another version of it where she is getting spanked over a pair of cheeky cutoff shorts instead of a Daisy Mae skirt.
Glad to finally see the jungle girl spanking. But I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about the bloopers in the story. Could he not see that this was a blonde, and not his girlfriend?
Wish they'd done a better job of showing Betty's bottom getting spanked in that abbreviated costume. Speaking of that,too bad that when Anne got spanked she had more protection, wearing Betty's clothes. She was the one that really deserved to be spanked in that skimpy outfit which would have provided but little protection.
On another subject, you mentioned Dell Comics(which later I believe became Gold Key). In the 50s they had a lot of Westerns and Adventure comics-Jungle Jim was one. Wonder if there might not be some spankings in some of them.
I remember Jungle Jim as black and white films made by Johnny Weissmuller when he put on too much weight to play Tarzan. I don't remember any spankings in the films, just how Johnny became miraculously dry after swimming fully clothed across rivers! :lol:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

There was also a Jungle Jim newspaper comic strip, 40s and 50s. Remember seeing one spanking, though it was not shown, just word balloons in a panel indicating what was happening, and another panel with the young lady holding to the seat of her shorts with both hands and saying some not very complimentary things about Jim'.
The argument that led to the spanking was about her wanting to go somewhere with that was too dangerous, She threw a tantrum, got spanked, and led to his observation in another panel that when women like children, it is necessary to treat them like children.
Maybe that one will turn up here someday.
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Re: Jungle Jim

Post by web-ed »

I don't have this one in my files, unfortunately, but it is on my search list.
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Weekly Updates for 02/11/2011

Post by web-ed »

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Ten updates as we had another busy week:
  • Doc Cylon did another version of his "Shanna after spanking" in which she's in a mad mood.
  • The animated ruler finds its mark as the good Doctor once again amends a drawing by Julius Zimmerman.
  • Animated Film Spankings - The Emperor's New Spanking Groove by Kevin Karstens and Bawdy Bard.
  • A M/F OTK Spanking drawing by Eric Stanton - very rare, unusual item never seen before on the Web. From Jim Linderman.
  • Another Stanton Piece - quite different from the first (a rope is the implement!) but also rare and never before seen.
  • A Smacking Good Time - silly, old-fashioned spanking humor as a carpenter thinks of another use for the board he's working on.
  • Humorma series - Earl Engleman takes a young lady sailing where she encounters A Spanking Breeze.
  • Golden Age Series - Captain Easy spanks bad spy Helga while she's wearing only a bathing suit. "Oo, how he spank!" muses Helga as she rubs her bottom afterward. An outstanding scene!
  • Suzie, Like Skygirl - No spankings on this page, but in a display obviously influenced by Matt Baker's Sky Girl, Suzie repeatedly bends over, putting herself in perfect spanking position each time.
And I did not mean to forget: b00m recently posted more of O. T. Katie, the girl who never sees her next spanking coming, and Dan did likewise with that spanker of evildoers, Captain Woodshed. Really, you don't want to miss either of these!
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add mention of O.T. Katies and Captain Woodshed
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

I always eagerly await those weekly updates. My favorite this time was the Engleman cartoon. Engleman seemed to like drawing women with nicely-rounded bottoms! His men could've used some work, but then, they weren't the center of attention, after all. I also like that you include a bit of history with the cartoons.
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