Clapping Erasers

The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Clapping Erasers

Post by daneldorado »

Hi... those of you who are young fellows... e.g., Web-ed, Overbarrel, hugob00m... may remember a time when our school rooms all had big blackboards in the front of them, and the teachers would write on them with white chalk.



Maybe you also remember how the teachers all kept the blackboard erasers clean. Remember that? Uh huh. They made the students do it. This picture is the sort of fantasy I used to have, about that!

It would be nice if you guys would tell us about your experiences with this sort of discipline, in your comments. Oh, did I mention I want your COMMENTS? 8-) Oh my, yes. The more comments, the better.


P.S.: Send COMMENTS!!!

Only forty-eight hours to go.... :D

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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Hi... those of you who are young fellows... e.g., Web-ed, Overbarrel, hugob00m... may remember a time when our school rooms all had big blackboards in the front of them, and the teachers would write on them with white chalk.

Hi Dan,

I realize that it's a matter of your viewpoint so in that respect, you're right. Still, calling us young fellows may actually be a bit delusional on your part :lol: . In any case, I do indeed remember blackboards and chalk :roll: .
daneldorado wrote:Maybe you also remember how the teachers all kept the blackboard erasers clean. Remember that? Uh huh. They made the students do it. This picture is the sort of fantasy I used to have, about that!
I also remember keeping the erasers clean although I have to admit I never saw a scene like your drawing depicts as a result, although I may have had some fantasies about it :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:It would be nice if you guys would tell us about your experiences with this sort of discipline, in your comments. Oh, did I mention I want your COMMENTS? 8-) Oh my, yes. The more comments, the better.

I can't say that I ever had any experiences like this to report although there were a few nice looking female teachers in high school that I wouldn't have minded spanking :D .

Miss Lucas looks very cute across her student's lap with the seat of her panties sticking up, getting a good spanking 8-) . You already know that I'm a big fan of garters, panties and hose, especially if the young lady's dress is raised for a good spanking allowing us to see all this clearly :D . I like the kicking legs and the position of her hands, both of which indicate her shock and dismay at unexpectedly finding herself in this position, with her dress up, exposed from the waist down and and with her bottom stinging!:D :D . It all goes nicely with her facial expression, which conveys the same emotions 8-) . Our spanker looks very satisfied and also horny........or is that my imagination :lol:? I like the gag and as always, all the detail you have put into this drawing :D . Considering your opening statement, I thought it was appropriate that the subject on the board was history :lol: . I've always heard that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it's mistakes and I'm figuring that Miss Lucas is learning a valuable lesson from her own personal history :D . Thanks for sharing this. Phil
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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Dan.
daneldorado wrote:Hi... those of you who are young fellows... e.g., Web-ed, Overbarrel, hugob00m... may remember a time when our school rooms all had big blackboards in the front of them, and the teachers would write on them with white chalk.
I'm not sure about the "young fellows" part... (I suppose I'm younger than you, since you once mentioned being ten when Kiss Me Kate was in the theaters. I was born that year, and turned ten the month McLintock! made its debut!) I do indeed remember the big blackboards that used to dominate the front wall of a classroom. (Except that they were dark green instead of black! I didn't understand why they didn't call them "greenboards"!)
daneldorado wrote:Maybe you also remember how the teachers all kept the blackboard erasers clean. Remember that? Uh huh. They made the students do it. This picture is the sort of fantasy I used to have, about that!
In my school, the teachers came up with a sneaky little trick... they made it a PRIVILEGE! ...Bestowed on all the little brown-nosers that behaved themselves and tattled on the ones that didn't!

I didn't have any grade school teachers that I would've ever fantasized about spanking... but there was one in junior high... And Tommy looks a little older than grade school... Unfortunately, all my experiences with school spankings were... uhh... the other way around!
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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by daneldorado »

hugob00m wrote:

I didn't have any grade school teachers that I would've ever fantasized about spanking... but there was one in junior high... And Tommy looks a little older than grade school...

Um, that isn't Tommy. Darn it, I knew, about halfway through drawing this toon, that I should have given him sandy-colored hair, or some other "look." The way it is, this kid does look something like Sal's "Tommy," only younger.

I'm sure you can guess, from my avatar, that I had black hair as a youngster. So, maybe I unknowingly draw the young spankers to look the way I looked, back in the day. Next time I do a picture like this, I'll make the young spanker a towhead or something. Also, Miss Lucas is not Miss Johnson. Women change their hair color all the damn time... so, I can't even plead that you can tell this spankee isn't Spanky Sal because of her red hair.

If nothing else, this is a "wake-up" call for me. I am definitely going to have to try and use more variety when drawing my subjects.

Oh, and Overbarrel:

You say: "You already know that I'm a big fan of garters, panties and hose, especially if the young lady's dress is raised for a good spanking allowing us to see all this clearly" :D .

Sorry Phil, but no, I would not have guessed that. Your latest opus, "Good Marks," shows us Xandra, Anna, and Barb all getting spanked while their legs are bare. All of your "Santa spanks" pics are bare-legged, too. And when Jennifer and her mother Sara get spanked, my recollection is that they, too, are stocking-less.

That's the way I like it, because I am a major "leg-man." I don't like to see stockings and garters, or anything else, interfering with my view of milady's limbs. The only reason I drew Miss Lucas as wearing hosiery is that I was trying for something new, something we don't usually see in my cartoons. Maybe I'll think that one over.

I thank you, b00m and Overbarrel, for being the first to comment on my "Miss Lucas" toon. Very gratifying.

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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by Sweetspot »

Dan -
I'm evidently a few months older than hugob00m since I was 11 when McClintock arrived in theatres. Yup, 1963 was a big year for me my mother died in January and that changed my life and lifestyle forever. My stepmother was certainly at the top of my list for women most in need of a spanking - but eventually we grew quite fond of each other - overcoming the fact that she certainly knew how to effectively spank a teenage boy. Moving in with my dad introduced me to the world of sports and other guy stuff. The assassination of President Kennedy made me acutely aware of the world around my little sheltered life and finally the movie McClintock and my response to the spanking scenes would set a pattern for my "hobby' and fetish that I still follow to this day. Cutting McClintock ads out of the newspaper - well dang! Back then I clipped with scissors and the only difference is that now I'm clipping funny page spankings with digital tools :lol:

So evidently the demographics for the typical CSR forum user skewers a bit on the, shall we say, mature side. :roll:

The clapping eraser story that I have is F/f so I'll only share that on request if anyone cares. Speaking of clapping, the word clap still has a negative connotation for me because in the military of my early years, of course, "The Clap" was the common slang name for a prominent STD that the Army made sure we remained pretty terrified of and I still am to this day although not going to happen. :oops:

So finally to make a long post short "TO LATE" you say? - Excellent art! History 101 is the ideal class situation for such an occurrence because if history has taught us anything it's that a beautiful bottom like the one that belongs to Ms. Lucas is just begging to be spanked. ;)
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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by hugob00m »

daneldorado wrote:Also, Miss Lucas is not Miss Johnson. Women change their hair color all the damn time... so, I can't even plead that you can tell this spankee isn't Spanky Sal because of her red hair.
Yes. I could tell the difference between Sal and Miss Lucas, but I thought the boy was Tommy spanking another teacher.
daneldorado wrote:I'm sure you can guess, from my avatar, that I had black hair as a youngster. So, maybe I unknowingly draw the young spankers to look the way I looked, back in the day.
Comparing the boys to the photo of you, I can see that they both look like a younger version of yourself.
daneldorado wrote:That's the way I like it, because I am a major "leg-man." I don't like to see stockings and garters, or anything else, interfering with my view of milady's limbs. The only reason I drew Miss Lucas as wearing hosiery is that I was trying for something new, something we don't usually see in my cartoons. Maybe I'll think that over.
I myself like a little variety in that department, which is why I draw Katie bare-legged sometimes, and other times have her wearing stockings, kneesocks, or even pantyhose.
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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by daneldorado »

hugob00m wrote:

I myself like a little variety in that department, which is why I draw Katie bare-legged sometimes, and other times have her wearing stockings, kneesocks, or even pantyhose.

And I wish you would do it again. Our last glimpse of Katie was the last time Santa spanked her, and that was back in December.

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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by web-ed »

Well, I'm sure glad we made it within the 48-hour time limit since I'd have hated to miss this one :lol: ! Sometimes 5 days will go by before I have a chance to look in on the board or Web-Ed's mailbox, which is unfortunate as problems could go undetected, but that's the way things are (how I long for a peaceful retirement when perhaps the pace will slow down a bit, but I don't know that it will ever happen).

Anyway, before getting to the interesting question of our gang's demographics, let's concentrate on the drawing for a moment. It has all your usual strengths, Dan, so age doesn't seem to be getting to you as far as your art goes: excellent OTK position, nice big fanny on the spankee, happy-looking spanker (who can blame him? ;) ), subtle yet effective coloring (in your more recent cartoons, not the B & W ones decades ago, obviously), etc. B00m should like Miss Lucas's red hair while I like her red bottom :twisted: .

Blackboards and erasers were certainly the rule for all of us during our schooldays, and I well remember students having to clap them together (also using the board cleaner, which looked like a long eraser, to clean the chalk residue from the board). I don't remember having any spanking fantasies along these lines however. When I started kindergarten, birthday spankings were still given in class (I gave one to a girl, which was terrific fun even back then ;) ). Then when I was about 12 we moved to a school where the "board of education" did not refer to the trustees responsible for school governance but to a wood paddle. This destroyed me completely in a certain way, and I fantasized endlessly about seeing girls getting paddled, female teachers getting whacked with their own paddles, superheroines bending over for swats with the paddle (you all get the idea :lol: ). I'm afraid after that, any "clapping erasers" fantasy would have seemed tame indeed.

Of course I wasn't the only one. Most of you are basically OTK spankos, with that position (and usually the hand as implement) being an important ingredient in the overall spanking fantasy and experience. But if you've ever wondered why on earth there are so many videos out there in which a paddle (usually a wooden paddle too) is used, this is basically why. Obviously the paddle is used in some homes and in some other situations, but in our day, its use in schools was quite common and it certainly affected a lot of young spankos and may even have created a few.
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The CSR Gang and the Age of Anxiety

Post by web-ed »

O.K., I didn't get to the question of how old the "CSR Gang" was in the last post because it was getting too long, but since it's come up: it appears that Dan is the Dean of us regulars (of course there are a lot more "lurkers") since he thinks of us as "young fellows". I think Willjohn is probably next since I believe he was already in the workforce by the mid 60's. Then come JimC, Phil Sweetspot, Hugob00m, Phil Overbarrel, and myself, perhaps in that order (I believe we're all of the same generation, the baby boomers). So we definitely do skew a bit to the mature side here, which is o.k. except I don't know who's going to keep the flame burning, so to speak, when we've all gone to our reward. Like Dr. Strange, I need a disciple! (A female disciple who needs discipline would be just fine :lol: ).

Let's put what we've learned in list form giving everyone at least one title, just for laughs on a Monday night:

The CSR Gang
Dan - Dean and RA
Willjohn - Assistant Dean
JimC - Comics Fan Supreme

Then the baby boomers:
Phil Sweetspot - Strip Researcher in Chief
Hugob00m - RA
Phil Overbarrel - RA
Web-Ed - Mad Genius :ugeek:

If this sounds like a weird post, put it down to fatigue, and I hope I didn't leave anyone out. We do have a lot of members and I remember most of your names, but I think those of us listed here are responsible for most of the yakking on this board. Wish I had some better "official" titles to hand out.

And one more thing: we may be getting older and grayer, but we've still got a lot to contribute (especially to the spanking scene), and I'm very proud to have each of you as a member here at CSR :) .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed wrote:

We do have a lot of members and I remember most of your names, but I think those of us listed here are responsible for most of the yakking on this board. Wish I had some better "official" titles to hand out.

How about The Senile Seven? :D

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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:Web-ed wrote:

We do have a lot of members and I remember most of your names, but I think those of us listed here are responsible for most of the yakking on this board. Wish I had some better "official" titles to hand out.

How about The Senile Seven? :D

Not bad! :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Clapping Erasers

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I to remember those big boards and have to clean them after school with a sponge and water also clapping the eraser out the window :lol: also I had a six grade teacher that I used to dream about putting over my knee and spanking with hand and ruler :twisted: :lol: :lol: she use to wear some of the tightest skirts ever showing her nice plump curvy rear :D :D think she wore them to impress a male teacher in other class :D remember having to stay after class one day when a female classmate told her I said she wore too much make up :lol: upset she told me it was none of my business how much make up she wore all through out staying after class and cleaning that black board I day dreamed of spanking her bottom so much I got a hard on :oops: :oops: :lol: anyway Great drawing! 8-) THANKS 8-)
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Re: Clapping Erasers

Post by web-ed »

Good story, Butch. I would sure liked to have had a female teacher like the one you described in such a situation that she had to bend over for me and accept swats with the school paddle :D ! But even I never got a chance to do that - sigh. Great fantasy material, though. :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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