The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

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The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by web-ed »

Has anyone else noticed that a good portion of spanking sites (especially blogs) don't seem to last very long? I was thinking about this recently when I remembered that CSR is about to turn 8 years old some time in April (I don't remember the exact date). There are some sites that have been around longer than that, but a lot of others have come and gone in that time. Honestly, there aren't too many spanking blogs that I follow, especially ones without visual content, but it seems to me there's a real lack of staying power overall. Why is it that My Bottom Smarts and Cherry Red Report are refreshed each week while Drawing Her OTK and Aunty Agony just sit there slowly rusting year after year like automobiles left out behind the barn? It seems especially true of blogs started by some of the flakier spanking actresses (no, I won't name them).

Blogging is free, so it can't be a question of them not making enough money. I can certainly understand the feeling of "burnout", since I wrote about it recently on this forum with respect to spanking parties, but I have to wonder what these bloggers' expectations going into it were? Fame, money, new friends - none of which ever materialized? Did they become discouraged because there were too many lurkers and not enough readers who would take the time to comment? This is something Dan and others here have discussed many times. Maybe the problem is related to the sheer number of spanking-themed blogs - maybe they're dividing a finite audience so many ways that no one can get a large number of regular readers.

I've spoken once or twice about the feeling of "playing to an empty house" - you write an article or post an unusually-good web page, and no one seems to care. I'm happy to say I don't have that feeling too often here at CSR - we have members on this forum who usually have something to say about the weekly updates, and even before I added the forum I always felt that someone was out there watching. But even when I do feel I've got the theatre to myself, I'm not discouraged about doing CSR - maybe I'll say a little more about this in an anniversary post.
-- Web-Ed

Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed wrote:

I've spoken once or twice about the feeling of "playing to an empty house" - you write an article or post an unusually-good web page, and no one seems to care. I'm happy to say I don't have that feeling too often here at CSR - we have members on this forum who usually have something to say about the weekly updates....

Yes, you do, Web-ed. We all care about this website and do our best to support it. But maybe that's because we can see that YOU -- the author and host -- are so passionately devoted to its continued existence.

While we are on that subject, let me say that I am not uniformly enamored of ALL your content. (I'm using the royal "your.") Occasionally, some piece of art or some bit of literature will be published to these pages, that I do NOT approve of. Things like nudity, hard-ons, fingering, and other staples of X-rated material sometimes slither onto these pages. The fact that you do not delete these things immediately, tells me that you are being perfectly democratic (small "d," here) with your members. It does NOT signal that you are necessarily in agreement with the sentiments expressed... and I say, good for you, for being such an understanding host!

By being liberal about the material that makes it onto your website, you are encouraging more and more folks to join in and share the fun. I just hope that no one misinterprets your acquiescence as an endorsement of improper material.

Or do I have that wrong?

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Re: CSR Editorial Pratices

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote: By being liberal about the material that makes it onto your website, you are encouraging more and more folks to join in and share the fun. I just hope that no one misinterprets your acquiescence as an endorsement of improper material.

Or do I have that wrong?

Nope, you've got it right Dan (and thank you for your continued support). I try to do a balancing act between presenting a wide variety of content and imposing an editorial viewpoint on the material. Most of the F/M and M/M material I run across is rejected, for instance, as well as spankings when mixed with explicit sexual acts (I'm going to present two such items in the future with the sexual acts deleted from view). I don't succeed in maintaining this balance 100% of the time any more than other editors throughout history, but I do my best.
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Has anyone else noticed that a good portion of spanking sites (especially blogs) don't seem to last very long?
hi web-ed,

i have indeed noticed this. personally, i don't regularly visit all that many blogs and currently there is only one yahoo discussion group that i check daily. i have been a member there since Arild's went under so it has been quite a few years now. i have a hunch that groups like this one make it this long because they get enough new members to renew old discussions and because the moderators are constantly posting questions and starting threads. even at that, when the moderators have issues in their real lives these groups often go pretty silent which the group i belong to has recently. i have belonged to several of these groups along the way and actually got in on the ground floor of a couple because i liked the people who were running them. as you were saying, most of them didn't last long. what i have seen is that the owner of the group was usually a little older, kids grown and gone and looking to do something for themselves. they went in with a ton of enthusiasm and things would go fine for a while. then there would be grandchildren or an illness in the family and all of a sudden they realized that the spanking group wasn't as important and they thought.

as far as blogs go, i don't really have much of a feel for that. Dave Wolfe's Wolfietoon blog is the only one i visit on a regular basis. i used to go to "the collar purple:" but it went silent and never one seems to know why. i would say that you and Dan have probably hit upon a good theory about it though when you talk about too many lurkers and too few members who comment. this is a big problem not only at the blogs but at the discussion groups to and the owners have to be willing to spend a lot of time to overcome it. i can imagine that it would be more frustrating than the average blogger is willing to put up with................or perhaps has time to put up with. that's about all i have. good question. i'll be looking forward to your comments in the anniversary post. thanks, phil
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Erica Scott is Packing it In

Post by web-ed »

I found out by way of The Spanking Blog (one of the very few spanking sites I visit weekly) that Erica Scott is giving up her spanking blog. Now in all honesty, I wasn't one of her regular readers - time permits me to visit only about a half-dozen spanking sites/blogs per week, and Erica's wasn't one of them - but it's always sad to lose one that's been around for awhile, and Erica has some interesting observations about the progress of what we might call "spanking talk" on social media the past 20 years. Here is an excerpt:

"I have watched many changes in what became known as social media. In the early days for spanking chat and exploration, there were what was known as newsgroups, and various chat rooms. Often the latter devolved into a bunch of silly cyber spanking, but one could find intelligent conversation if one looked carefully. [Web-Ed's note: Jesse Ray's old ACES BBS was a prime example of these early pioneers.] Then, around 2000, give or take a year, those gave way to chat forums, such as those on MSN and Yahoo, the old Shadow Lane chat board, etc. People posted and chatted and shared and connected. I co-managed a successful forum for a few years and had a blast.

"When the forums began to run their course, they were overtaken by a new phenomenon: the spanking blog. Soon, everyone and their second cousin twice removed was blogging. I joined this bandwagon in 2005, on what used to be the hopping place (!): MySpace. My blog there straggled along for a while, trying to find its audience, but there was so much competition. But then two things happened. One, I was listed by our blog queen, Bonnie, who made a point of spotlighting new blogs in her “In With the New” column. Things really picked up for me after that, but I still had a second holy grail to achieve. The buzz in the blogosphere was about a gentleman who went by the name of Chross, who had a weekly list of what he considered the most notable blog posts. If one was lucky enough to be “Chrossed,” they would be treated to a highly gratifying spike in blog hits. But how did one get on Chross’s radar, I wondered? I finally grew so frustrated that I wrote a post called “Who Do I Have to @#$% to Get on Chross’s List?” Apparently, that got his attention. :)

"After that, wow. Views, comments, etc. skyrocketed. Until MySpace died, and I took the plunge and started a new blog on Blogger in 2010. I flourished there for years, getting Chrossed often, sharing adventures and party stories and photos and scenes and video shoots, as well as bits and pieces of my personal life. When Blogger threatened to censor or shut down all their “adult” blogs, I migrated to WordPress. Turns out it wasn’t necessary, since Blogger backed off, but I don’t regret it.

"However, things changed yet again. Slowly but surely, the spanking blog was overtaken by the Tumblr blogs: pictures. Lots and lots and lots of pictures. The lengthy blog entry morphed into quickie sound bites, gifs and jpegs. Comments became likes and reposts. The spanking models, who all used to blog, now opened Tumblr accounts. Twitter came to be, and now, instead of writing party and shoot reports, people tweeted the action as it was happening."

We should remember that just because something becomes technologically possible does not mean that it's a good idea. I for one refuse to waste my life on Twitter and rarely visit Facebook, which is being misused as a collection of personal internet portals, and I pity these young people who do nothing all day but put "selfies" on Facebook and Twitter their lives away. Perhaps more to the point here, the replacement of the good old spanking site (CSR is a holdout) and blog with random Tumblr pictures is not my idea of progress; there's no research, no interpretation, no evaluation, and in the end no understanding of the spanking material being presented.

Erica's blog will remain standing, and I wish her well. (I might even have a photo or two of her somewhere to post eventually). As for CSR, it's essentials are not going to change as long as I'm around. I started it back in 2004 because I knew we spankos needed something like it, and that hasn't changed. I just hope the next generation of spankos will join our involved and informed readership instead of just twittering. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by Sweetspot »

Web-Ed -
I read Erica's blog on occasion. I was never interested in her recounting visits from her "partners" or about her latest trip to a "party". Reading that kind of material made me feel to much like a voyeur - too creepy for my tastes - especially as she would write about the same experiences week after week :roll: . I guess it never bothered her to share details about her fetish relationships. In fact, I assume since she is a marvelous little exhibitionist she no doubt relished telling all and practically showing all at the drop of a hat. But I found the off-topic material to be fascinating as she told about her dad's involvement in TV production or how one of her former step-mothers danced in a movie with Jerry Lewis. My biggest concern for Erica was,in fact, that she gave away far to much personal information about herself. She didn't want to be outed she made that clear and yet she would often give out clues about her life away from being "Erica Scott". Well like a TSA official checking the security at an airport, I wanted to see if she was revealing too much about herself. Besides that, as you know by now, I like a challenge. I am a person, as you also know, with a knack for discovering the obscure and vintage in certain areas of pop culture. It took me literally about ten minutes to find out her actual name, how she could be hired for editing, her step-mother's name and even what shows her father had worked on going back more than several decades. Finding strips for CSR is a lot more time consuming than that search. With something of the feel of a big-brother rebuking a little sister he is particularly fond of, I wrote her to be cautious about the personal information she revealed on her blog. She understood but didn't seem overly concerned. But man I tell you with the guys she's offended with her little "Hall of Shame", political view point and generally abrasive nature she was lucky that it was only a few of the good guys that cracked her identity. So I'm glad she made it "home" safe unlike another popular model who was ultimately betrayed by someone she put her trust in.
It was her nasty political rant following the U.S. general election this past November that made me say good-by to Erica's blog. I don't care to mix politics with spanking. In her last post she mentions that she regrets getting so partisan and outspoken with her politics. I appreciated that confession. I wish this woman, who cares a great deal about the adult spanking community and freely gave of her talents for the pleasure and education of others -nothing but the best! By the way - I think my concern for her welfare stems from the fact that she bares a strong resemblance to my late wife. But that's something you'll just have to take my word on.
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Last edited by Sweetspot on Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by web-ed »

Very interesting, Phil. I really hadn't followed Erica's blog at all; I believe I followed a link once years ago from Chross, but basically, I just wasn't interested in her type of blog and I think the only other connection I had was a video of her getting paddled somewhere - if I still have it it's on my video editing computer. I hadn't realized she had taken such a chance with revealing so much personal information - it was good of you to point that out to her but it sounds like you should have driven the point home with a hairbrush :lol: !

I noticed her apology for bringing her politics into her spanking blog also, and it was not until then (last week) that I had any idea what they were. Curious, I looked up her posts from 2016 and found the rant you mentioned in response to the Nov. general election. Had I been a reader, that would have been enough to drive me away. At least she had sense enough to realize it was a mistake to drag her politics into her blog.

Anyway, her analysis of the historical trends of spanking blogs may have been the most interesting thing she ever wrote :lol: and I thought it might be worth pointing out.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by jimc »

We have talked often about blogs and playing to an empty house. For my part i have been different things in blogs and sites. I also have periods that i could not respond because of computer issues. I have been lurker, commenter, writer, fan, etc. I would try to get some topics started and not see much of a response or we did have a great response and it was a great thread. It seems some of the topics that were discussed when the site 1st began are surfacing again as they needed to resurface by another poster to get any response. I also think some of the sites either the owner died and it is running on autopilot like Underground animations and others seem to have just stopped for months at a time and then pick up like nothing has changed. Like web-ed says the preparing of the weeks entry does take time and so we only have a handful of commenters, contributors, artists, researchers that continue to support the site. i have enjoyed CSR throughout its run as i joined a little after it opened i think and liked how it has grown with a huge database and other files that web-ed has updated to keep us entertained and informed. I think the blog has to have a core that will keep it going and if it is only one it all depends on their files and how much they want to share. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by web-ed »

Thanks, Jim, and I hope your computer problems have abated. I will certainly let you know if I wind up with an extra computer in case you might need it.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by jimc »

Thanks at the present time my computer issues have abated, but i am always a virus away from losing again. I share the family computer, so i do always have to try and stay away from sites that are not safe, but i always want to find more spanking finds as there are so many hundreds that i have not seen or i had forgotten about so the virus is always a possibility. Thanks for the offer and hopefully i will not have to take you up on your offer. Have a great day.
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Chross's Blog - Another Casualty?

Post by web-ed »

Looks like another, and very substantial blog, has gone dormant. Years ago, Chross's Blog had become sort of a crossroads of the spanko community with its weekly links to various other blogs (and CSR) being followed by hundreds or thousands of people. I was never as dependent on Chross for referrals as, say, Erica Scott was (as we discussed on this thread recently) because CSR normally comes up high in the search engine rankings and because there are many other sites with links to us, but there is no question that when Chross referred readers to CSR the numbers went up considerably and I was grateful for the links. I don't expect to see 20,000 - 25,000 visitors per month again any time soon (note - this is a different and more demanding number than mere "hits" which don't mean too much these days).

There hasn't been anything on his "main" site for about 6 months now, and although there is still some posting on the Bulletin Board it appears quieter than it used to be. It has been several years since I had time to sign on to it, and apparently Chross converted it to phpBB (which is what runs this board) some time ago. In that conversion process some things appear to have been lost - I can't sign in or even request my password any more (I'll guess it's because phpBB can't decrypt it from whatever the old board software encrypted it as), and it appears from a user complaint that a lot of the older attachments don't show up any more (probably to the same kind of encrypt-decrypt problem).

Board conversions are tricky, and I haven't thought about the technical problems much since I wanted to convert The Artastic Forum years ago (you can read the story on the relevant thread). Either Chross's board couldn't be converted properly or it simply wasn't converted properly. Of course, since it's now phpBB, it could be moved over here relatively easily (I have plenty of extra data bases and it would only need 1 to hold it), but without the older attachments I'm not sure it would be worth the effort. Besides, it can pretty much go on the way it is for years on autopilot until something changes (e.g. a new version of PHP or MySQL isn't sufficiently backward-compatible for the old code to work) if that's what Chross wants.

The ranks continue to thin - but CSR and I are not going anywhere until God says so! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by Sweetspot »

Chross Spanking Blog was my go-to portal to all things spanking on the internet. No doubt that's how I first discovered CSR [Unless I got here through a Goggle search]. Long before I submitted material here I would send along what I could find to Chross. Since I didn't own an archive and didn't have clipping ability I would just link him to the pertinent page from the old Goggle newspaper collection. At that time it never occurred to me to use an archive to discover old comic strip spankings :roll: I miss the blog and I miss being "chrossed". Whatever Chross is up to now I hope he is content and happy. I thank him for his years of expert devotion to his excellent blog. The last discovery I made that I sent to him was in December 2015. He placed it in the blog a few months later. In that case I found it by Goggling and since Chross seemed pretty excited about it when he posted it I assume it was never before on a spanking site. It was the cover of Red Star Weekly #2014 from 1969 and the words red and star seemed highly appropriate.
Red Star Weekly .png
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by web-ed »

Women with a "wild streak" must always be tamed - and we know just how do to that :lol: !

Another good find, Phil - I don't believe I've seen this anywhere before, although I do know of a couple of other magazine spankings that so far I haven't been able to get copies of. I'm going to do a series on magazine spanking (after we do one on newspaper spanking) and we should add this one toit.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by jimc »

It appears that there are going to be several sites that we have come to enjoy leaving us in January. Anime otk looks like it is running out of money and unless finds some money will close in January. I do not hold much optimism that the request will bring the relief as most times requests for cash do not usually bring the intended result and when Anime goes so does Handprints and several other sites that he has been funding. Chross has been back , but at a very limited role. I have not seen any updates from Richard Windsor, Cherry RED, Nik Zula and several other sites also have not updated in awhile. There have been some new ones every now and then, but it seems tobe harder to find them as many of the ones that posted new blogs have not posted in awhile either. Any thoughts? Have a great day
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Re: AOTK, Chross, Richard Windsor, Cherry Red, and Nick Zula

Post by web-ed »

I'm actually surprised that AOTK has lasted this long without further problems, Jim. As I wrote back in 2012 on the AOTK thread of this forum, "I remain skeptical about its long-term prospects, however - Ai is still asking for donations, which means that unless people come up with more money than they have in the past, or Ai himself is able to make up the difference between site costs and revenues, AOTK could go down again in late 2013".

AOTK's perpetual problem is that its costs are simply too high. I don't have the traffic at CSR that they do, but even so I'd probably be in trouble if all of CSR revolved around this forum. Forums require lots of overhead, because you're executing PHP and MySQL on the server side for every little thing that you do. At CSR, only this forum and the Comic-book spanking DB and the Humorama DB require the server do anything but supply the page code - we've got 1400 pages or something of pure, simple HTML that the visitor's browser can handle easily and which don't cost the web host very much on the server side. AOTK is all bulletin board, so the processing overhead is very high, and is the reason they have their own servers - an expensive proposition.

I'm a VIP donator over there, but I'm simply not in a position to help any more. Anyone who would like to help will find instructions on the AOTK home page. They have a Patreon account these days.

What's up with Chross remains a mystery. I suppose that as he reached 40, life's responsibilities began catching up to him. (When I started CSR I was older than Chross is now in semi-retirement!) Technically his site isn't that complex, but he probably had to spend a lot of hours visiting spanking sites in order to find worthy weekly links. He's still doing some updates, but I can't sign on to his discussion board any more and as we mentioned a while back, all the old attachments seem to have been lost when he converted to phpBB. My guess is that he'll stick around for awhile at his new, reduced posting frequency.

Richard Windsor is a little older than Chross, and he's still around and in fact still researching old photos at his own expense. He doesn't post as frequently as he once did, but I predict he'll be around for some years yet.

I used to communicate with Dave over at Cherry Red every once in a while, but it's like everything else - no time to keep up the correspondence. I don't know what the story is there.

Nik Zula was doing at least one cartoon per week for a long time, and I'm not surprised he couldn't keep up that pace. He must have been the most prolific living spanking cartoonist during that period. I have a few of his cartoons saved up for later posting in the CSR Humor Gallery (where a few are already posted), but since all his stuff is available on his own blog I never made it a priority to reprint them in CSR. He still does a new cartoon every now and then, so we may hope he'll continue at this reduced rate rather than leaving the spanking world altogether.

Having written all this, I see a pattern (with the exception of AOTK, which is purely financial): we're all getting older! And as life makes demands, it becomes harder and harder to commit the kind of time it takes to run a spanking site. Having said that, I'm still not going anywhere until God says so :lol: , and CSR is going to be around for a long, long time yet if I have anything to say about it. (I'd still like to have an apprentice to take over the "family business" when the time comes, but that is a subject for another day). I can't produce the amount of updates I could back in 2010, but I'm still doing one per week (with a lot of help) which is what I started with, and of course we now have our Resident Artists' contributions and those of other readers here on the Forum.
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by »

YES I Miss the old Chross blog and hope to log in one day! you`re doing a Fantastic job WEB-Ed with CSR finding spanking in comics old and new and searching for great spanking drawings :D :D 8-) Keep up the good work and THANKS!! 8-)
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by web-ed »

I thank you very much, Butch. I'm doing my best, and of course I'm getting a lot of help with the content side these days.
-- Web-Ed
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Tumblr Forbids Adult Content

Post by web-ed »

One of the major events in the history of personal web sites was the advent of Tumblr: it tended to supplant the blog, which itself had supplanted full-feature web sites like the CSR main site. Now Tumblr sites to me were a disorganized mess: photos jumbled together without explanation and with useless information tacked on at the end - "So-and-so reblogged this from Tumblr-site-x" - and there have only been a couple of spanking-related ones I looked at once per week (I don't have much time to look at other sites), but they certainly seemed popular.

But now Tumblr has apparently issued an edict: No NSFW (Not Safe for Work) sites allowed. I don't know what motivated this change in policy; was Tumblr so naive that they didn't realize if you put an internet platform out there, a large part of it is going to be devoted to sexual material? I also question their business acumen: do they think they can grow as a business by cutting off affiliates and driving away readership? I"ll get back to this question in a moment.

There are, of course, alternatives to Tumblr, and some spanking sites are leaving for these greener pastures: see this article on Business Insider. So if your favorite Tumblr-hosted site disappears, see if they left a placeholder behind with their new address.

Why did they do it? I have to think this is coming from the management of Verizon, which when it purchased Yahoo! in 2017 assumed ownership of Tumblr as well. (Only five years ago Yahoo! bought Tumblr for $1.1 billion(!). Business decisions like that are probably why Yahoo! had been on the edge of bankruptcy until Verizon purchased them. Ah, the wisdom of highly-paid CEOs!). Tumblr's CEO had this to say:

"As Tumblr continues to grow and evolve ... we have a responsibility to consider that impact across different age groups, demographics, cultures, and mindsets."

Apparently users of adult content are not among the groups Verizon is concerned with. The terms "demographics" and "cultures" suggest to me that Verizon is planning to make further inroads into Asia, but I admit that's only a guess. The Chinese communists banned internet pornography some years ago, and one can only imagine what backward Islamic societies think of Western porn.

Fortunately, none of this affects CSR. I never did implement RSS feeds here, and I don't intend to in the future, so what happens to various Tumblr sites is of little concern to me. (I really should do something about our Links Page, I suppose, but I still dislike RSS). But if your favorite Tumblr site moves, now you know the probable reason why. As American citizens, we should make a mental note that other countries cannot be allowed to control the internet as they all believe in some sort of censorship, and we should make sure our illustrious "leaders" don't enter into some stupid UN treaty that requires internet censorship.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by Sweetspot »

Thanks for the lowdown, you answered a question or two about what happened to several sites that had gone missing from Tumblr and also provided me with a lot of information on the subject of the business side of the internet.
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Re: The Lifespan of Spanking Sites

Post by willjohn »

I think you will find that it would be more likely to be Christian fundamentalists from the American Bible Belt that would be objecting to nudity.
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