Unusual spanking in "True Grit?"

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Unusual spanking in "True Grit?"

Post by daneldorado »

In the 2010 version of "True Grit", Matt Damon spanks Hailee Steinfeld (or her body double), and it's a pretty good scene; but something about it seemed unusual to me. Here it is: Damon begins by putting Hailee (or her body double) over his lap and spanking her bottom with his hand. Two of these handswats are visible to the audience. But then, midway through the scene, he reaches down to the ground and picks up a switch. He then proceeds to continue the spanking, using only the switch. And I wondered why? He was doing fine with just his hand. Why did he "switch" to another implement? Seemed awkward to me.

I did a little research, and I may have found out why.

We all remember that in the original "True Grit" (1969), that same scene is played by Glenn Campbell, who spanks Kim Darby. But Campbell used only the switch, never once using his hand on Kim's bottom. Why the change in the 2010 version?

In the IMDb's coverage of the 2010 version, the writers are at pains to tell us, again and again, that the 2010 film is not a remake of the 1969 John Wayne film. No, it is an interpretation of the original book by Charles Portis. It's considered a classic, and the director wanted to respect the words of the book. So I'll assume that the source book does describe the spanking as it is shown in the 2010 film. Either way, it's fun to watch by such as we.

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Re: Unusual spanking in "True Grit?"

Post by web-ed »

That's an interesting theory, Dan, but as I've never read the book version of True Grit (in fact I barely remember the Glen Campbell/Kim Darby spanking from the first film version) of course I can't say if it's right or not. If it's true that the director wanted to respect the written word then he's a remarkable standout in that profession, for most film directors just stomp all over the writer's work with absolutely no regard for it - one of the reasons I've always hated Hollywood so much. Every writer must want to work with this guy if that story is true.
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Re: Unusual spanking in "True Grit?"

Post by dmsherwood53 »

hi I've actually read the book ;its 5 vyears ago but ITHINK he uses a switch
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