The Katzenjammer kids

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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The Katzenjammer kids

Post by fontanini68 »

In the post Katzejammer kids #1 it is asked: "Finally, the eternal question: any more spankings? With the two strips running so many decades, another F/F or even M/F spanking is possible...". Well there is at least one...
When I was a kid, around 1950 or so...there was a strip that make me a strong impression, perhaps the first one that attracted me into spanking... The story goes as follows: the kids agree with Lena (a female child character) to get a trick to mama: the kids enter a crocodile skin, and chase mama ...Lena arrives and drive out the false crocodile by squeezing its jugular vein. Then mama rewards Lena, which invites the kids also, to enjoy an ice cream. But Rollo, the rival of the kids, free a TRUE crocodile, so Lena, the kids and mama escape over a tree. At that point mama asks Lena why she did not squeeze the jugular vein to this one.... then understand the trick and starts spanking Lena on the panties, having lifted her skirt. She is crying that this crocodile is a special type, without jugular vein...and they are all still on the tree with the crocodile waiting, so the spanking goes...(and the strip ends).
I wonder if anyone remember this strip, and is able to find it...
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Re: The Katzenjammer kids

Post by Sweetspot »

I found a Katzenjammer Kids mm/f Lena spanking from October 1950. It's not the spanking you described [I'm still looking for that one - for you :D] and since it's a spanking of a child and not an older teen or adult I won't put it in a post. If you have a preferred cyber address I can send it to I will.
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Re: The Katzenjammer kids

Post by fontanini68 »

Thanks Sweetspot, I didn't realize that forum rules say "Nothing involving children on the receiving end...", also because I feel characters in cartoons as ageless. And in any case I am horrified by child abuse, in any form. I like spanking as an erotic play only, and I would like to see that particular cartoon as a recall of my own (happy) childhood.
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Re: The Katzenjammer kids

Post by web-ed »

Of course the spankings in the Katzenjammer Kids were far from child abuse, but we play it pretty safe around here, fontanini. If you like, Phil could send you the file attached to a PM on this board, or else he can send it to your email address available through the board since you haven't restricted access to it.

Phil, I don't want to write the address here because spammers could pick it up, but you can get it by clicking on the balloon next to "Contact".

And I have never run across the crocodile spanking, but if it turns up as a Golden Age reprint I'll try to remember to let everyone know.
-- Web-Ed
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