Spanking in new movie Professor Marston And The Wonder Woman

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Spanking in new movie Professor Marston And The Wonder Woman

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HI WEB-ED CSR!!!! There a New Wonder Woman movie out so I think being it came out in 2017! don`t know was it in a theater or straight to video being I just saw a clip on Youtube that feature a spanking :D now before everyone get excited the movie is base on Wonder Woman only it about the creator of the comic Professor Marston :shock: the spanking scene take place in a Sorority where Professor Marston and his Wife watches a young girl being paddle across the knee of young woman it say this is what inspired him to put spankings in his Wonder Woman Comic 8-) also didn`t know how so many young people back then hated WW as they show a scene where the comics is being burn by students :x I only seen the short spanking clip and preview running on Youtube maybe you already seen it WEB-ED if not check it out on youtube it call Professor Marston And The Wonder Woman also check out the short spanking clip of the movie 8-) 8-)
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Re: Spanking in new movie Professor Marston And The Wonder Woman

Post by web-ed »

I did check out the clip, Butch - thanks. (It looks like Chross is still somewhat active, but my old ID doesn't work on his board any more). I didn't think too much of the spanking scene - the spanker, Olive, applies the paddle OTK, which is totally wrong, and she does so without any enthusiasm. It's really more of a play spanking than a sorority paddling.

It is interesting that Marston and his wife snuck in to the sorority, if that did indeed happen. Marson was clearly captivated by the whole concept of the sorority and its leadership, as well as paddling punishment for transgressors, although neither he nor artist Harry Peter ever depicted these paddlings properly.

By the way, Michael recently sent me the last of the "Beeta Lambda" sorority paddlings I remembered from years ago, so we will be seeing it on CSR eventually. :) It's another disappointment, being put in the background instead of front-and-center in a large panel. My search through the small number of remaining Marston-era Wonder Woman comics is on hiatus until someone reprints them. I don't think we're ever going to find any spankings in the Robert Kanigher-scripted stories of the 50's and 60's.
-- Web-Ed
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