Captain Woodshed in traffic

The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Re: Captain Woodshed in traffic

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed wrote:

An exciting conclusion to an outstanding adventure! Like Phil O., I was very much impressed by the penultimate panel and the close-up on our speeding spankee's face - how her rear end must be sizzling to produce an expression like that!

Many thanks, Nick, for commenting on my "Captain Woodshed in traffic" story. Yes, it was a lot of work to colorize what had been an old black & white toon. But compliments from you, overbarrel49, willjohn, and jimc make it all seem worthwhile. Thanks! :D

jimc calls this "a spanking and a half!" He may be right. And although I didn't feel I was overdoing it at the time, by the ending I did sense that the young speeder received a longer, harder spanking than I had ever drawn. Not that I was being sadistic; the panels just took me where the story demanded. After that last closeup of the young lady in tears, I felt that I should "soften" the punishment, somehow. And that's why, in the final panel when the just-spanked lady stands up and complains to CW that her spanking may have been too hard, I showed her with her skirt down and in place, rather than up and in a humiliating position. :lol:

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Re: Captain Woodshed in traffic

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Dan.

Most of the things I would've said about this cartoon have already been said, but I'd like to add one little thing. I really like the way you were able to suggest with just a few well-placed lines that the young speeder was wearing a lightweight summer dress. Perhaps she would've felt the sting of the Captain's vigorous spanking even if her hadn't raised the hem up to reveal her very skimpy panties! But he did raise her hem and I can see that the panties offered even less protection to her poor little bottom!

And... something else comes to mind regarding this cartoon. The events depicted must've taken place on a warm summer day. (Unlike what I'm experiencing here in Kansas on this December morning!) When your pretty miscreant gets back into her car, she's going to have one more "reminder": a hot carseat! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Captain Woodshed in traffic

Post by daneldorado »

Wow, it's been more than two months since I last posted anything here! Web-ed already knows about my problems -- a new computer that I need to learn to operate -- and it has been a nightmare. (It's a Windows PC, which is way more complicated than my old Macintosh Apple.) But thankfully Web-ed has allowed me to re-register, so I should be back in the saddle again, pretty soon.

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Re: Captain Woodshed in traffic

Post by solsunbeach »

Great to see the captain continuing to do good work
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Re: Captain Woodshed in traffic

Post by willjohn »

You may be back in the saddle, Dan, but I can't see The Captain's latest spankee sitting on a saddle for quite a while. :P
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Re: Captain Woodshed in traffic

Post by web-ed »

Glad you're back, Dan - I'll make an announcement. :D
-- Web-Ed
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