Threats and Missed Opportunities

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Threats and Missed Opportunities - Young Idea

Post by web-ed »

Young Idea appears to have been a one-panel comic that seems in some ways to have anticipated later entries into this genre. Phil S. :ugeek: found this one where the theme is spanking. Was the intended spanking carried out, or did the daughter's rather weak argument carry the day? You decide.

Young Idea, April 18, 1949 © United Feature Syndicate
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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she have a good point! but that not going to stop the spanking she got coming :lol: Nice find Phil 8-) 8-) 8-)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by Sweetspot »

Concerning Young Ideas: Her argument, and give her credit for thinking on the fly, brings her father up short but only temporarily I would think. Her claim is 'You want your offspring to have what you didn't have but you did have spankings therefore you do not really want me to be spanked.' First of course the idea that he doesn't want her to have what he did have is never explicitly stated, she is drawing an unwarranted and rather convoluted conclusion. Giving it a moment of thought I think a reasonable reply - not that she deserves one - would be, "I also had an allowance so I should stop yours. Oh yes, my parents fed, clothed and put a roof over my head...but if you'd rather pay for all of that...and by the way, I also went to school, had doctor appointments when needed and got my driver's license the day I was old enough to do so"..."OK dad just spank me and get it over with."

Captain Easy October 16, 1994 You would think that by 1994 Easy and Tubbs wouldn't be shocked to find out that the Chief Mate [whatever that is] turns out to be a female. I remember watching a mid-sixties Star Trek and Kirk is surprised when the Romulan commander swivels in her chair and is revealed to be a woman![and that takes place in the 23rd century.]
CaptainEasyOctober16,1994.jpg (37.94 KiB) Viewed 4560 times
Joe Palooka July 11, 1966 Not a hint so far [OK so I suppose we can call this a hint] of male spanking female or even F/F spanking in this long-running strip.
Joe Palooka July 11, 1966.jpg
Joe Palooka July 11, 1966.jpg (61.85 KiB) Viewed 4560 times
Dr. Kildare August 4, 1968. Dr. Kildare and Ben Casey were not only competing TV show but competing comic-strips back in the 1960s.
DrKildareAugust4,1968.jpg (46.86 KiB) Viewed 4560 times
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by web-ed »

Three more good finds, Phil! I like the threat in Captain Easy, not because I like the idea of him spanking a boy but because of the way the scene could have continued:

EASY: I'm sorry - I didn't realize you were a girl.
CHIEF MATE: I deserve to be treated the same as anyone else.
EASY: But after what you did, if you were a boy I'd spank you!
CHIEF MATE: That shouldn't make any difference.
EASY: O.K., if that's the way you want it...
CHIEF MATE: Wait - what are you doing? Stop!
EASY: This is going to hurt you a lot more than it is me.
CHIEF MATE: Yeoowwww!

By the way, the "Chief Mate" would be what we Americans would call the "First Mate" - I believe "Chief Mate" to be British usage since I remember seeing the term in Joseph Conrad's The Secret Sharer.

Nice threat in Joe Palooka also. I actually do have one spanking from the strip, of a bratty child actress by Joe, but I'm not sure I've documented it yet in the Data Base. It occurred on March 7, 1937.

I love the expression on Dr. Neilson's face when that guy (a patient?) says that he would advise Dr. Kildare to spank her! She looks horrified, but is it my imagination or is she just a little thrilled by the idea, also? :lol:

The art in this one is by Ken Bald. So far we know of no actual spankings drawn by him, but I did present his work on the cover of Namora #2 from twenty years before the Kildare strip when we saw Namora spanked in some independent art of Louis Paradis:

Cover of Namora #2 (October 1948). Art by Ken Bald. © Marvel Characters
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Re: Web-Ed on Dixie Dugan and BEND OVER

Post by Sweetspot »

[Moved from the Dixie Dugan topic - Web-Ed] I always hesitate to respond quickly to a Web-Ed post because the way the index runs for the Forum my response replaces Web-Ed's original post. The problem with that being that a Web-Ed post carries a lot more gravitas than mine does and therefore audience is lost. But this time my contribution to the bend over conversation is to pertinent [besides my 'name' was mentioned] not to publish in a timely fashion. Far be it from me to not bend over backwards to bring a selection of bend over images from the funny pages. :D

Out Our Way March 27, 1943 Will and Lil Willets maintained what must have been the longest running sibling feud in funny page history.
OutOurWayMarch27,1943.jpg (38.26 KiB) Viewed 4551 times
DETAIL from the same strip. Their mother seems to be forever hovering close by. She is often called upon to remove a fly-swatter or even a boxing glove from one offspring or the other.
OutOurWayMarch27,1943DETAIL.jpg (58.58 KiB) Viewed 4551 times
Is it just me or does Lil's skirt seem to be tantalizing clingy or sun dress like transparent? ;)
OutOurWayMarch27,1943DETAIL#2.jpg (48.39 KiB) Viewed 4551 times
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Re: Web-ED Dixie Dugan and Bend Over

Post by Sweetspot »

Out Our Way March 23, 1958 A strip that supports the point I made in a previous post :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=148&start=240
it's another variation on the old fly-swatter gag.
OutOurWayMarch23,1958.jpg (28.88 KiB) Viewed 4568 times
Archie February 1, 1960 Always a welcome sight to see Betty Cooper bent over. But my preferred gag would have been, " Spank me good good deed should go unpunished."
ArchieFebruary1,1960.jpg (55.49 KiB) Viewed 4568 times
Dixie Dugan September 25, 1939. Our woman of the hour bends over and WHACKO! :o
Bend Over Dixie September 25, 1939.jpg
Bend Over Dixie September 25, 1939.jpg (73.43 KiB) Viewed 4568 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Web-ED Dixie Dugan and Bend Over

Post by Sweetspot »

Moon Mullens January 28, 1927 Oscar is beating the rug for Emmy not beating on Emmy. :?
MoonMullensJanuary28,1927.jpg (31.22 KiB) Viewed 4549 times
Moon Mullens January 28, 1927. This is a gag that was published with only slight variation on more than one date throughout the life of this long-running strip.
MoonMullensJanuary28,1927DETAIL#1.jpg (46.06 KiB) Viewed 4549 times
Moon Mullens January 28, 1927
MoonMullensJanuary28,1927DETAIL.jpg (65.66 KiB) Viewed 4549 times
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Re: Web-ED Dixie Dugan and Bend Over

Post by Sweetspot »

Terry{And The Pirates} November 26, 1952. Except for the fact that Miss Peregrine doesn't actually get smacked there's certainly a lot to like about this two day sequence. As far as I know the only actual spanking that takes place in Terry... is F/F in a military setting.
TerryNovember26,1952.jpg (41.75 KiB) Viewed 4548 times
Terry November 26, 1952 DETAIL
TerryNovember26,1952DETAIL.jpg (62.28 KiB) Viewed 4548 times
Terry November 27, 1952 :shock:
TerryNovember27,1952.jpg (56.31 KiB) Viewed 4548 times
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Re: Web-ED Dixie Dugan and Bend Over

Post by Sweetspot »

Mutt and Jeff January 8, 1979. Bud Fisher's A.[ugustus]Mutt first appeared on November 15, 1907 in the San Francisco Chronicle. The retitling as Mutt and Jeff didn't happen until 1916 by which time the strip was one of the most popular in the United States. The strip continued to exist with various artists and gag writers until November 1983 but it's heyday was definitely over by the 1950s.
MuttandJeffJanuary8,1979.jpg (56.41 KiB) Viewed 4548 times
Mutt and Jeff January 9, 1979
MuttandJeffJanuary9,1979.jpg (57.69 KiB) Viewed 4548 times
Li'l Abner April 24, 1958 Gratuitous female bend-over courtesy of Al Capp. :D
Li'lAbnerApril 24, 1958.jpg
Li'lAbnerApril 24, 1958.jpg (54 KiB) Viewed 4547 times
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Threat in Dixie Dugan

Post by web-ed »

I hope readers aren't confused by all the different Dixie Dugan material being put out today, but I figure everyone will catch up. The reason is simply my passion for classification and organization: the Dixie Dugan topic is basically for spankings that won't be posted or non-spanking material that doesn't fall into this previously-established class of threats/missed opportunities.

O.K., let's see what Chief Strip Researcher Phil Sweetspot :ugeek: found this time:

Dixie Dugan, December 6, 1935. Scan by Sweetspot. ©McNaught Syndicate

I'm not sure how serious Pa is about turning Dixie over his knee, but she takes the threat seriously enough to run away! That's a rather cute touch, although not as satisfying as an actual spanking would have been. :D
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Re: BENDING OVER and Some Actual Spankings

Post by web-ed »

Wow! - it's hard to keep up with you, Phil! :lol: I hope you don't mind that I moved your post over here - my idea was to reserve the Dixie Dugan topic for that strip alone, whereas general BENDING OVER material (as well as "behind in jeopardy" stuff) has generally been part of this topic. Of course I forgot to hold off posting the misplaced Dixie threat before I did the move, thus it's now in-between your posts and this one, but I guess we'll manage. I better break up my responses into several posts.

(By the way, a handy trick on this board sometimes is to be in two places at once using multiple tabs or multiple windows (whichever you prefer). Once you sign in in one place, you will be signed in when you go to the board on another tab (window) also. Thus, I can go through Phil's posts and grab picture locations etc. without scrolling in this tab, or even refer to a post on a completely different thread. Another clear-as-mud technical explanation brought to you by Web-Ed :geek: ).

First, the Willets: congratulations on finding yet another nice brother/sister spanking in this strip! Too bad the actual swat takes place off-panel as we have seen before (someplace - I don't remember exactly where and I don't suppose it matters too much right now).
Is it just me or does Lil's skirt seem to be tantalizing clingy or sun dress like transparent? ;)
There's certainly something that makes Lil's fanny look more womanly in this panel, Phil - maybe J.R. Williams' style was evolving on its own, or maybe he was driven by the increasingly erotic way characters were being drawn as the decades moved from the 30's through the 50's (see Al Capp's Lil' Abner in during these years for an illustration of what was going on) - this is 1943 now, and only two years after Will applied the paddle to Lil's stinging seat.

Her dress is certainly different, but also her knees are straight and legs parallel - two important items to make sure of when employing the bending-over position!
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Re: BENDING OVER and Some Actual Spankings

Post by web-ed »

The Moon Mullins gag is rather good, and leads to a birthday paddling:


This in fact qualifies for the Comics Spanking Data Base, and will eventually go into Gallery 2 as well.

Mutt and Jeff also qualifies, and was in fact already slated for Gallery 2 although I didn't have the posting date set yet.

I think a better son-spanks-mother scene was done in Barney Google [later correction - this one is son-spanks-mother-in-law], and we will see it eventually although I'll probably have to censor the earlier panel in which the positions are reversed. As a matter of fact, I've got another "switching" spanking scene in which first mother spanks son and then son spanks mother, a rather remarkable occurrence, in a 50's humor magazine (similar to MAD) that I hope to present some time when we're all still alive :lol: - maybe 2019.
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Re: BENDING OVER and Some Actual Spankings

Post by web-ed »

We come next to an interesting motif - bending over to receive a kick or (better) a paddle-swat as penance for some offense, including against the bendee herself. We saw this first in Venus #2 and we will be seeing it again in the future from another Golden Age Marvel comic I have discovered as soon as I can get a copy. It is a characteristic of the period and probably looks a little strange these days to anyone under 55. :)

Here is Phil's example from Terry:


No swat or boot on this occasion, but although we wouldn't expect to see anything like this from a modern comic, we can hope for more from the Golden Age.

Then there's this one from Betty and Veronica, which is quite similar but with a nicer viewing angle:
© Archie

I'm pretty sure Phil found another, similar panel which I'll go look for in a moment (I want it to have its own post if it exists).
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Re: BENDING OVER and Some Actual Spankings

Post by web-ed »

Finally, we come to this panel from Al Capp:


It's a nice shot with head up and back arched (no paddling, alas), although Capp was more into "booting" than spanking, more's the pity. He did of course give us several spankings in Li'l Abner up through 1954 (the last year I have the collected daily strips), and there might be more in the 1955-77 period we don't know about.

Good finds all, Phil, and thanks again! :D
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Re: BENDING OVER and Some Actual Spankings

Post by web-ed »

This has been a big week for Dixie Dugan, and among other things Phil S. found this scene in which Dixie unwisely bends over near a billy-goat, with painful consequences:


We had seen one similar example before somewhere in this topic, and I've been collecting quite a few to put them all together in one post. As a matter of fact, I've had the color version of this one in my files for some time. Let's take a peek:

Reprinted in Big Shot Comics #24. © McNaught Syndicate

Notice that the bending over panel has been truncated (it wasn't that great in any case), but the butting panel is full-sized :D .

Among the other "butt-ees" we'll be seeing at some future date are last week's spankee, Lena Pry, and the quite attractive Invisible Scarlet O'Neil.
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Re: BENDING OVER and Some Actual Spankings

Post by web-ed »

One last example from this long, weary night: this is another Betty and Veronica example sent to me last year by Phil S. :ugeek: :

Archie, May 28, 1948. Scan by Sweetspot. © Archie

This is quite similar to the last one, with Betty managing to out-smart herself in her pursuit of Archie. In considering the apparent preponderance of the boot over the paddle, I am all the more grateful for Venus #2 and to that other similar Marvel scene (if I can ever get a good copy) where improvised paddles were used. Any more like them? Only time will tell.
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

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The look on a angry Archie I thought he was going to turn Betty over his knee :lol: :lol: :lol:
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One More From Dixie Dugan

Post by web-ed »

Last week's Dixie Dugan special took so much time and effort that one item slipped through the cracks. It was a spanking mention from 1946, and we'll see it now.

Dixie Dugan March 4, 1946. Scan by Sweetspot. © McNaught Syndicate

And we all know exactly where that hairbrush is due to be applied, don't we? ;)
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Re: Threats and Missed Opportunities

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi web-ed,

I'm not sure I understand this one. I'm assuming that our potential spankee is young and still living at home with her parents. I also assume that she's either stayed out past her curfew or perhaps has sneaked out when she wasn't supposed to. Whatever it is, it would appear that our girl knew in advance that she would get a spanking but decided it would be worth getting a spanking if she got to do what she wanted. I dated a girl in high school who did exactly that so this brings back fond memories. She lied to me when she told me her dad had extended her curfew, knowing full well he would be waiting for her with his hairbrush when she got home :lol: . Thanks, Phil
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The Bantam Prince

Post by web-ed »

Our next example comes from The Bantam Prince in 1953 and features a couple of spanking mentions. A young woman named Conchita is practicing at being a matador while two boys watch her from a place of concealment. One of them, named "Slip" or "Flip" (we think it's "Flip") worries that she's going to spank him, which would have been of no interest to us. But when he's discovered, Conchita instead says that it's she who needs the spanking - now we're talking :lol: !


The Bantam Prince, December 20, 1953. Scan by Sweetspot.

Chief Strip Researcher Phil Sweetspot :ugeek: did not find any follow-up spanking, nor are any known to exist in this strip. In fact, I don't know anything about The Bantam Prince - Maurice Horn doesn't mention it in his Encyclopedia of Comics and the late Donald Markstein didn't catalog it either. Chalk it up as another missed opportunity for a boy (or two) to spank an older woman.

[Later edit] Looks like I goofed up on one point: Flip is a girl! And Conchita's sister, as a matter of fact. Phil S. has some more details in the next post.
-- Web-Ed
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