2018 Self-Evaluation Part 3 - Ongoing Searches Part 1

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2018 Self-Evaluation Part 3 - Ongoing Searches Part 1

Post by web-ed »

Since we're going to be talking about searches, I'll begin by revealing that I found nothing at all in March as far as Golden Age Comics. I am making slow progress, going through perhaps 50 romance comics in March (with no spankings :( ) with hundreds more still to review. Why no spankings? It could be because I'm reviewing mostly Harvey titles, and they aren't known for lots of spankings (22 total but only 7 are M/F and only 2 from romance comics). We'll come back to the Golden Age later.

I probably should have done a post on the CSR Vault before this one, but I just didn't feel like it. :lol: Because one might ask, "Since you've got 7400 files organized in 377 sub-folders(!), why are you even worried about finding more spankings? Just show us what you've got!"

Well first, not all the 7400 files are spankings, and I don't know exactly how many are - let's say several hundred. The rest are probably pictures of paddles, non-spanking pages of comics with a spanking in them (needed for reference until the item is posted), Humorama and other magazine models and cartoons, many featuring the female subject bending over (must be at least 200 of these :o ), "behinds in jeopardy," examples of Good Girl Art, supporting documents, etc. And the reasons for these is of course to do special features on the main site (like Humorama Spanking Positions, Novelty Paddles) or here on the Forum (Humorama models to see more of). But there's still those several hundred spankings, some going back to the old Artastic Forum that I rescued before it came down and certainly others that have never appeared anywhere on the web. Why not concentrate on those?

And the answer is basically, that's what I do. I spend comparatively little time conducting wide-ranging searches any more, but there are some things that can't wait. And that brings us back to the never-ending Golden Age Search (digital side) again.

The only way to conduct that search is to download the digital copies as they become available, then look over each and every page for spanking panels. I have to continue downloading so I don't miss anything, even though this has led me to pile up about 550 comics. No harm in that, although they take up 22GB on my hard drive and of course I have to keep backing them up every few days. It's going to be less of a "problem" in the future, though, because the chief source for these comics, JVJ, has pretty much dried up. How big a source was JVJ's collection? Take at look at this picture, which displays only a portion of it:

Every box in this picture is filled with Golden Age comics, and this is only a part of the entire collection - wow! :shock:

But the JVJ Project at Digital Comics Museum has come to an end, so far fewer books are being scanned than before. That gives me a chance to catch up, and with hundreds of romance comics yet to go through there's a good chance I'll find something, but it also means some GA books will remain out of reach, at least for the time being.

I do still search for GA and other comics by other means, and those searches occasionally pay off although they also sometimes result in a terrible M/M scene where I had expected something better. Lots of stuff is still out there, including Timely (Marvel) romance comics which can't be digitally scanned and publicly displayed because they're still under copyright. Same problem with the Archie line - still under copyright, and I'm sure there are more spankings there. The frustration :x !

Then there is the question of all the Silver Age romance comics - how will I ever find and search them? (These are the questions that keep the ol' Web-Ed awake at night).

Looks like I've gone on too long as usual, so there will have to be a "Part 2" to talk about other searches, including of course Humorama.
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2014 Self-Evaluation Part 3 - Ongoing Searches Part 2

Post by web-ed »

One more Golden Age item I forgot about, and that's Wonder Woman! My search for spankings in her comics has mainly depended on reprints rather than digital scans because there aren't any (copyright again). Unfortunately, the last issues written by kink-master William Moulton Marston or his assistant Joyce Murchison are still unavailable to me and all I can do is wait out D.C., which I hope will reprint them eventually. (I can't just buy the old comics because they're typically hundreds of dollars apiece, when you can find them). I do finally have the last sorority paddling known to exist in Wonder Woman, and I'll present it during Super-Spanking Summer.

What about the post-Marston era, you ask? Robert Kanigher took over Wonder Woman and continued to write it all through the Silver Age, if I remember correctly. Unfortunately for our purposes, Kanigher was not a kinky guy and scripted no spankings anywhere that I'm aware of. (His strength was really war comics, and he modeled Sgt. Rock on himself). I've seen a number of his WW comics, and there's nothing even close to a spanking in them (please don't ask me to explain who Egg Fu is :lol: ). That doesn't mean more than a few SA WW books have been searched - they haven't - it just means we shouldn't get our hopes up.

The infamous Egg-Fu! Nobody who creates a character like this is likely to script a lot of spankings - I think. I mean, how would he get Wonder Woman over his knee when he doesn't have one :lol: ? © DC Comics Inc.

Non-digital searches for GA spankings continue also, but these are the most difficult and are not going to yield high numbers, although I do find some good spankings this way. The problems are (1) figuring out which books might have a spanking, and (2) securing an actual copy for inspection.

O.K., on to non-comics spankings. I suppose the most important of these is still Humorama, and that search does go on. There are now only a handful of "classic era" (1955-60) Humorama digests that I haven't searched, plus a few more whose existence I can't even establish. There may be some "spankers" by Bill Ward during the 60's that are still undiscovered (one is known from 1962) or by Bill Wenzel somewhat later, say 1969-73. And there are definitely at least three by a Wenzel-imitator whose name I don't know and which I don't have clear scans of.

I think I have about 14 new Humorama spanking cartoons ready to go, with dozens of additional printings of the ones we've already seen on CSR. I had hoped to present all the remaining new ones together, but perhaps it would be better to present what I've got say next spring and not wait any longer. Or maybe we should have a poll to let CSR readers decide what they want to see next once the current comics stuff and Super-Spanking-Summer are over.

I also still search non-Humorama men's magazines for cartoons or live model spankings, and I have a few of these of varying quality. I'm not even interested in the William E. Harrison publications any more because the spankings are all alike and mostly F/F, but I have a few saved up we'll see eventually.

E-bay: I search about once per week, and sometimes interesting items do turn up.

Video: I used to do a monthly search for bar paddlings, but they're getting less common (or YouTube is censoring them) and as I explained a few weeks ago, I'm boycotting YouTube and its parent Google as much as possible. I do have a lot of video material, at least in the editing stage, and I think I've covered it before. I'm not doing a lot of video searching, but if I happen across something, fine.

Other Websites: time is so short I visit very few of these, and only on one day per week. I've taken some photographic material from Richard Windsor and some spanking art from AnimeOTK and DeviantArt. Both have some spankings but are difficult to search and AOTK has a huge amount of stuff featuring kids, furry animals, anime, M/M, and other characteristics that make it of little interest to us at CSR.

One other very difficult technique is to search a "straight" site to find spanking material; for example some porno and superheroine sites have led me to find spanking cartoons, and good stuff at times, but really a long shot.

And that's about it for the searches. Of course, there are also contributions, including some things of Mike's I've still got packed away in a trunk... :)
-- Web-Ed
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