2018 Self-Evaluation Part 4 - Where Have I Come Up Short?

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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2018 Self-Evaluation Part 4 - Where Have I Come Up Short?

Post by web-ed »

It's not a lot of fun to write something like this, but we're all friends here at CSR so we might as well confess our shortcomings. If nothing else, it will prove we're as aware of them as we are of our obvious greatness :lol: . So what are the problems with CSR, as I see them? In no particular order:

1. Graphics design - my talents obviously lie elsewhere. Everything on CSR is logically well put-together, but it's not exactly graphically well put-together. I'm still using Microsoft Paint to create new banners, etc. for Pete's sake! And the result is adequate but not great (see for example the designs of the Gallery Index pages). Not too much I can do about it except choose my graphics materials wisely, and of course the detail pages, which is where most readers will be spending their time, are not depending on graphic design since they feature highly visual material for the most part (as for example all the comics stuff).

By the way, even though I do not have the artistic talent of our Resident Artists Dan, B00m, and Phil O., long-time readers may remember that I did once colorize a black & white Batman/Batgirl piece (itself derived from the classic Batman/Marcia Monroe scene). And every now and then while searching for more Batgirl spankings I run across it on other sites, always uncredited. But even so, I'm gratified to see it because it means someone actually liked my coloring!

Characters © DC Comics, Inc. Coloring by the Web-Ed.

2. Posting Pace - When I was starting out, I didn't worry about this. For the first few years, I didn't even give much thought to Friday's update until about Tuesday night. Then I'd trot out something, often something fairly easy like a Doctor Cylon colorization that didn't take me long to set up, and that was it. But things started changing after the first five years: in late 2009 we got this board going, and then I got all that comic strip material from Jim C. and Humorama stuff from Mike D. that inspired me to dig up a lot more of my own, and it was off to the races! For a While there I was posting 3 or 4 updates per week :o and in one year I think I doubled the number of pages from 300 to 600, making us definitely "big time".

It's unfortunately not possible for me to match that pace at the current time - other demands on my time plus the technical side of "keeping the lights on" at CSR keep me so busy that I've mostly been doing only one update per week. And so a lot of material sits in the CSR vault waiting for me to post it. I've still got some of M.D.'s stuff from 2010 sitting in a trunk (although not much, at least), a Blackhawk spanking I came across several years ago but am still trying to find the origin of, some things from Bawdy Bard that should have been posted a long time ago, etc. Perhaps this will change some day - I hope so as I'm holding on to a lot of material I'd really like to share with everyone. And some contributors are probably wondering if they sent their stuff to a great black hole instead of my inbox by mistake :lol: !

3. Things Not Done - These are basically special projects I've never gotten around to (the subject of our next post) plus technical features I haven't been able to add to the site, foremost among them a way for our Resident Artists to upload their work to the site and then link to it. Yes, that's what the "Attachment" function does automatically with an additional encryption step that makes the file names unrecognizable, even to me, but I've always wanted to be prepared for the day when we bump up against some kind of limit (all attachments go into the same directory, and I can't change that). Fortunately, we've had no problems yet and Dan links his stuff from Image Titan anyway, which takes up no room at all in any of CSR's folders.

O.K., that's enough, I guess. If anyone does have any suggestions for the site, please share them. God knows none of us may live long enough to see me actually code them into reality, but it's always fun to dream, isn't it? :)
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