2018 Self-Evaluation Part 6 - The Future

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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2018 Self-Evaluation Part 6 - The Future

Post by web-ed »

I'm ill this week, but I wanted to wind up our "April" musings on CSR. So where do we go from here?

As I think I've made clear, I don't plan on any really major changes. Some cosmetic stuff with new galleries, and I do plan to segregate any non-X/F material in each gallery (this is already the case in some of them), but no major overhauls. We'll keep on presenting the best spanking material we can find, and I'll hope to eventually have time for some of those special projects I mentioned. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is generally good advice. :)

What about our readership? I expect we skew a little to the older side of the spanko population, especially on this board ;) . Our numbers generally hold steady, though. Here they are for 2018:


Anything over 10,000 per month for Unique Visitors I think is pretty good. (As you can see, the number of "hits" is much higher, but I've never believed that meant anything). Now, CSR has been higher in the past, but I attribute that to the number of visitors who came via Chross, which was considerable. (Why those visitors didn't then bookmark CSR and come back on their own is a mystery. Were they all like robots, clicking on Chross's links every week? Perhaps they were literally that - robots.)

Anyway, we're holding our numbers well enough. The question is, will younger spankos eventually find CSR and become regulars here? Kids who were born around 2000, just before CSR was founded, probably have little interest in the great comics of the past. They may not even care much about the comics of the present! And they probably didn't learn very much in school (which won't stop them from voting in this year's election - shudder!). They know how to play with their iphones and other electronic toys, and that's about it.

All I can do is present good stuff and hope these youngsters eventually get wise. Who knows - reading CSR may be the best education they've ever received :lol: !

Let's close by taking a look at a few of the search phrases that have brought searchers to CSR:


I always get a kick out of seeing these Chinese language symbols that lead people to CSR. Most of the rest are what we'd expect - "ot katie", "mcclintock" - with a few weird ones like "i74" (how that one got directed to CSR I don't know). The two that probably stand out most on this
list are "gwen stacy gets spanked" and "miss marvel [sic] gets spanked".

It's funny, but as much as I loved Spider-Man in the 60's and 70's I never thought much about Gwen getting spanked, being more interested in giving the super-heroines that treatment :lol: . Black Widow was one of them (she's on this list, too) and Ms. Marvel (as "Miss Marvel" here) was certainly another. In fact, if I ever have enough money to do any more commissions, I think it's fair to say that obnoxious feminism, in the person of Ms. Marvel, will find herself facing away from the paddle, holding her ankles and waiting to receive the swats where they'll do her the most good. :lol:
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