Humorama Artists Who Should Have Done Spankers

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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Re: Jo Albistur

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote:Another re-captioned Humorama: This artist's signature seems to be "Albister", whom I've never heard of.

The look of apprehension on the woman's face, the quizzical look on the desk clerk's face and the man who appeared to be trying to explain something. That's where my mind went.
Another definite improvement, B00m!

As Willjohn wrote, this is indeed Joaquin (Jo) Albistur (b. 1920; I can't find any date for his death). His heyday was probably the 1940's and 50's, when he did a number of cartoons and also some comics work for Hillman, Dell/Gold Key, and the Simon & Kirby studio. No actual spankings are known, but I do have a cartoon of his in which a boss mentions spanking to his secretary, which we'll be seeing eventually as we look at more spanking mentions in Humorama.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Not exactly spanking related, but...

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote:This cartoon is about the appreciation of the feminine backside...

The signature is missing, and I can't read the caption, but it looks like all the guys in the office want to watch the shapely woman sharpen a bunch of pencils. Since so many of us are old... we probably remember when pencil sharpeners were hand-cranked. Watching her operate a hand-cranked pencil sharpener must've been the high point of the day for these guys!
I think I'd like to see her drop all the pencils and have to bend over and pick them up, one at a time :lol: .

I could not translate this with any online translator, so I guess we'll just have to let our imaginations run wild :lol: .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Humorama Artists Who Should Have Done Spankers

Post by willjohn »

Translates as " The boss will last a very long letter. Look how many pencils she takes?"
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Re: Humorama Artists Who Should Have Done Spankers

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one spank for each pencil she drop :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Great find
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Re: Humorama Artists Who Should Have Done Spankers

Post by willjohn »

I think it had more to do with sex than spanking.
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Re: Humorama Artists Who Should Have Done Spankers

Post by hugob00m »

willjohn wrote:I think it had more to do with sex than spanking.
Yeah, I think you're right.

Too bad.
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