A Words About Spanking on TV

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A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by Sweetspot »

The Better Half featuring the Parkers May 27, 1962 Stanley Parker's observation, which might just be a wry comment on censorship, is being made back in 1962. In the play he spanked her but by the time the source material is turned into a TV presentation he merely sticks his tongue out at her and offers a 'raspberry'. For examples of spankings in plays and books not converting over to the movies or TV make your way to Vanilla Spanking. For more on spanking and censorship you need look no farther than right here at the CSR. :D
BetterHalfStanleyParkerMay27,1962.jpg (45.64 KiB) Viewed 11729 times
Doctor and the Red Head episode of The June Allyson Show April 23 1960 Here's a photo publicizing a vigorous spanking that did appear on the small screen - Dick Powell makes an appearance on this wife's show in 1960 and is rewarded by getting to spank Felicia Farr. The clip of this spanking is readily available at the usual 'clip joint' near you. June Allyson herself is spanked by Van Johnson in Too Young to Kiss
Doctor and the Red Head April 23, 1960.jpg
Doctor and the Red Head April 23, 1960.jpg (141.31 KiB) Viewed 11729 times
Doctor and the Red Head episode of The June Allyson Show April 24, 1960 published in a Rochester, NY newspaper. From the expression on her face it looks like Dick got down to business this time and really gave her a whack. Also see Dick spank in In The Navy and Hard To Get
Doctor and the Red Head April 24, 1960 Rochester, NY.jpg
Doctor and the Red Head April 24, 1960 Rochester, NY.jpg (119.2 KiB) Viewed 11729 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Fri May 18, 2018 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by willjohn »

It is a changing world.
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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by Sweetspot »

Laramie 'The High Country' episode. Photo published February 11, 1962. I don't know anything more about this 'spanking' I didn't see nor have I read anything else about it.
February 11,1962 Laramie.jpg
February 11,1962 Laramie.jpg (82.46 KiB) Viewed 11725 times
Mr. Adams And Eve photo published September 27, 1957 in the Los Angeles Times. I consider this little gem one of my finest discoveries. I can verify that this spanking, looking very much like it does in this publicity photo, did take place as advertised - I saw a rerun as a wee lad - David Niven guest stars by dropping by in his Around the World in Eighty Days balloon. Most prints were lost in a studio fire but a print from Ida Lupino's personal collection exists in an archive in Austin, TX so there is a chance it might be available in the future. The spanking is set-up because Ida as Mrs. Adams is insisting her husband find a part for his mother-in-law in the movie - a version of The Taming Of The Shrew. Another real-life husband and wife TV spanking happens when Robert Goulet spanks Carol Lawrence in a 1968 production of Kiss Me, Kate.
Mr Adams And Eve September 27, 1957 L.A. Times.jpg
Mr Adams And Eve September 27, 1957 L.A. Times.jpg (76.67 KiB) Viewed 11725 times
On the other palm - I don't know if there is actually a spanking in an episode of Date With The Angels or not but the idea of a young Betty White getting spanked is certainly appealing. From an advertisement for Date With The Angels published November 8, 1957.
Date With The Angels November 8, 1957.jpg
Date With The Angels November 8, 1957.jpg (70.72 KiB) Viewed 11725 times
Last edited by Sweetspot on Mon May 21, 2018 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Love seeing Mrs. Lupino get spanked :D :D but the best spanking she received was from James Gleason in a movie called yours For The Asking where she got it while wearing a long tight skirt 8-) 8-) 8-) :D :D :D don`t know much about the Laramie spanking but will be looking ! how nice would it been to see a young Betty White get spanked 8-) 8-) 8-)
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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by Marco G. »

I just watched this episode. The entire show is available on Starz.

Sadly, no spanking.

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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by Sweetspot »

Marco G. wrote:I just watched this episode. The entire show is available on Starz.

Sadly, no spanking.

Thanks Marco and I'm not very surprised since it seemed unlikely a show as high profile as Laramie could have flown under the spanko radar if an episode contained a male spanking adult female spanking scene.

Butch - I'm having trouble finding the Yours For The Asking clip although I vaguely remember seeing it - it's been awhile. I couldn't locate it here, Chross data base, at Vanilla Spanking or You Tube.

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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by daneldorado »

Regarding Sweetspot's posting about Anita Sands getting spanked in a 1962 episode of "Laramie'"... if that's true, then Ms. Sands got TWO television spankings in 1962. The other one would be in an episode of "Frontier Circus," in which she was turned over the knees of John Derek and soundly walloped.

The main reason SS's posting made me think of Anita Sands and "Frontier Circus" is that to my eyes and ears, her FC spanking seems REAL, and not merely rehearsal level. Derek spanked her lustily, and the sounds of it were as sharp as the sound of a bell ringing.

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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by Sweetspot »

Quoting Dan:
The main reason SS's posting made me think of Anita Sands and "Frontier Circus" is that to my eyes and ears, her FC spanking seems REAL, and not merely rehearsal level. Derek spanked her lustily, and the sounds of it were as sharp as the sound of a bell ringing.

Wow yes Dan thanks for reminding me of that scene! I think the sound of the spanking in Frontier Circus is top-of-the-line for sure, in the You Tube post I just watched it's crystal clear. The spanking takes place in episode 25 [of 26] in the only season of the show. The episode is called The Daring Durandos . Bitterness and feuding threatens to pull apart the circus aerial act.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDe3nGZ5K8s Recommend you start at the 29:00 mark. BREAKING NEWS: first spanking at 27:30 or so!
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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by web-ed »

Wow - you guys are great researchers :D ! I don't think the dialogue was very convincing in Frontier Circus, but the spanking sure was, as I'm sure the spankee would agree :lol: ! Experienced spanker Dick Powell (didn't he administer one in Abbott and Costello in the Navy? Can't look it up right this minute) gives a good spanking in Doctor and the Redhead, too.

As everyone knows, with the exception of some 1960's TV shows, I have never specialized in Movie and TV spankings although I think I've done a good job in unearthing some that were not available elsewhere. But basically I've never had the time to even think about going through old movies and TV shows trying to find unsuspected spankings, and on top of that I hate Hollywood and don't have cable channels like Starz. I had never heard of any of these, but you guys have convinced me I'm going to have get more organized and record some of this info in a centralized location, which I have just created.

Now as to these specific finds, I have downloaded the video files for Frontier Circus and Doctor and the Redhead (B00m is going to love seeing another red-headed spankee, if he doesn't already know about it :lol: ). Why bother, you ask? Well, as I've mentioned elsewhere, those snotty little Social Justice Warriors at YouTube cannot be trusted - they could take these videos down any time just as they did my version of the Wagon Train spanking with Susan Oliver. Therefore it makes sense to preserve them for another day, and I generally have the capability to strip the files out of the YouTube players and reformat them as necessary :twisted: .

And yesterday I made a big breakthrough and finally found the tools I need to start embedding videos in my webpages again - hooray! :D Therefore, the time will come when edited versions of these spankings (the extraneous non-spanking stuff being cut out) are presented and preserved forever on CSR!

That leaves Date with the Angels, a TV series from so early in the medium's history that I don't even remember it. But given the date, Nov. 8 1957 (a big help), I'm a good enough researcher to find that the episode must be #21, Nobody's Father. I will check to see if it's available and report back here later.

[Later] - This particular episode is not available on YouTube, so for now it looks like we will have to do without.
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Re: A Word About Spanking on TV

Post by daneldorado »

Like many other guys in our hobby, I stay alert to find old movies and TV shows that contain scenes of "bad" girls getting spanked. When one of them shows up on TV, I download the scene and keep it... then, I re-watch it from time to time. You do the same thing.

But we are now in the 21st century, and it seems that feminists have taken charge of show biz. So the plots of today's programs almost never feature a humorous scene where a pretty girl earns herself a trip over some guy's knee. That's sad, because scenes like that were some of the most entertaining moments in films of yesteryear.

The reason I bring this up is that, just last week, miracle upon miracle! we were treated to not one, but two spanking scenes on television. The first one is from the 1941 Columbia Pictures movie "Our Wife", where we see the beautiful actress Ellen Drew receive a good spanking over the knees of her co-star Melvyn Douglas. One of my correspondents jokes that we should count that scene as not one, but TWO spankings, because right after the spanking from Melvyn Douglas, Ms. Drew takes more swats ... this time from another co-star, Ruth Hussey. There is no change in position, just another "top" taking over.

I'll count that scene as one spanking. But lo and behold, a few days later, we got to watch the famous scene from the Showtime series "Weeds" in which Mary-Louise Parker gets a good spanking from her co-star, Mexican actor Demian Bichir.

If I were an optimist, I would say that the emergence of two spanking scenes in one week may signal that show biz is ready to reconsider these delightful moments as part of standard show biz fare.

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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Too Bad Spanking are not feature in today`s tv or movies there are lots of movies and tv sitcoms that should have spanking in them :D :D The Big Bang Theory did have a nice spanking scene with Sheldon spanking his girlfriend Amy and the spanking on Starz Outlander was Super!! Check out the movie Yours For The Asking 1936 there a very great scene of Ida Lupino getting a hard spanking on her tight skirt by James Gleason 8-) 8-) :D :D :D :D
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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR if anyone interested in watching spanking from old classic movies YouTube have a bunch here a list that I have watch while being lock in and out of work! Taming Of The Wild great hairbrush spanking ; Man Of The Forest , Everything On Ice, We Went To College good newspaper spanking at the very end, Streamline Express, She Wrote The Book Super Hot hard spanking of Miss Joan Davis a classic!!! Yours For The Asking this is another Hot Spanking this time Ida Lupino get it on her tight skirted bottom from James Gleason it happens at the one hour 4minute mark or just watch the whole film it fun :lol: :lol: 8-) 8-) don`t know how long these movies will be posted but they are great to watch :D :D :D 8-) 8-) Thanks
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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Butch. Thanks for the recommendations.
butch46163@yahoo.com wrote:She Wrote The Book Super Hot hard spanking of Miss Joan Davis a classic!!!
I watched this one yesterday and enjoyed it. I've seen the short clip of the spanking scene before, but it was good to see the whole movie to get the context of it.

Actually Jane/Lulu (Joan Davis's character) didn't really deserve to be punished... She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. On the other hand, Eddie (Kirby Grant's character) certainly had a good reason to be angry, and from his viewpoint, Jane/Lulu seemed to be guilty. So then.... Jane/Lulu's backside took the brunt of Eddie's frustration!

Ms. Davis was seen receiving twelve hearty smacks, with more implied off-screen.

It was a very entertaining film... with a FUN spanking scene.
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Re: A Words About Spanking on TV

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

really felt the same way about the spanking in She Wrote The Book Jane didn`t deserved the spanking she got !! if it was anyone that needed a spanking it should have been the real Mrs. Winters or Horace gun carrying wife! Jane was only trying to save her school! Good spanking but the wrong woman got it!!! Hope you check out the other spanking movie that I listed Yours For The Asking We Went To College Taming Of The Wild Streamline Express Everything On Ice and Our Wife G :D :D :D 8-) reat spanking movies
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