A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

As I said earlier, my insporation for having a pretty female ghost getting spanked was an episode of Topper, a show that ran for just two years in the U.S. in the mid-fifties. I've never been able to find the episode in its entirety anywhere, but this blog ran a clip that showed the intro of the show, and the "spanking" itself.

http://strictuncle.blogspot.com/2010/06 ... af0b2529ce

Even though the "spanking" in this scene was most likely faked, it's still fun to see her pulled into position, and watch her feet kicking as the shot fades out, and then to see her reluctance to sit down afterwards.

Anne Jeffreys had been no stranger to spankings, even before starring in Topper. Earlier in the decade, she had been on stage as Lilli Vanessi in Kiss Me, Katie. According to Harry at Vanilla Spanking, Anne Jeffreys had done 887 performances as Lilli! Wow!
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by willjohn »

Leo G Carroll? Didn't he play Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuriakin's boss in "The Man from Uncle" in the 1960s?
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, WillJohn.
willjohn wrote:Leo G Carroll? Didn't he play Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuriakin's boss in "The Man from Uncle" in the 1960s?
That was him. He was in Topper about ten years before The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Marco G.
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by Marco G. »

The episode is "the Hypnotist". The full episode is available on YouTube.

Here is a link
https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/v ... tion=click

Not the greatest spanking, but of great interest to the 5 year old me.

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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Marco. Thanks for the link.

There was one detail that I remembered wrong from seeing this episode years ago. The woman who was visiting Henrietta was an old classmate, not her mother. I'm glad I finally got to see this again.
Marco G. wrote:Not the greatest spanking, but of great interest to the 5 year old me.
It's unfortunate that the show's producer, writer, or whoever made the decision didn't have Robert Sterling give Anne Jeffreys a full on-screen spanking... but even so, it was fun to see him pull her across his lap and to see her legs fluttering as the camera panned and faded out.

The other thing that I remembered fondly for so many years was the scene that immediately followed, with Marion rubbing her backside and complaining that she couldn't sit down, and her husband offering her a pillow! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

The thing I copied from Topper was that a pretty female ghost got a spanking.

The thing that I did differently was that the ghost got spanked by a living man, instead of by another ghost.

The reason Topper could see Marion and George was that he was part of their unresolved issue in life that had turned them into ghosts upon their deaths.

I haven't decided what kind of unresolved issue in life turned Lizzie into a ghost. But the reason Jack can see her is that he's in love with Lizzie's great-granddaughter.

The one original part of my story (At least I think it's original. I haven't seen anyone else do it) is that Lizzie can only be spanked with an implement that was used on her while she was alive.
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by web-ed »

What a fine, imaginative Halloween tale this was! You really got a lot of things right here, B00m! :D (By the way, I haven't commented on your other strips because I haven't seen them yet. I certainly plan to get to them eventually.)

First, Halloween "specials" tend to be kind of weird and, to me, off-putting. I'm thinking of The Simpsons and its annual Halloween specials (which may still be going on for all I know; it's been years since the show was bearable for me although it was very good back in the 90s). But this story was warm (in more ways than one) and humorous, with "Dizzie" Lizzie acting just as she did in life, avoiding anything too grim (compare to, say, the ghost of Hamlet's father or the ghost of Jacob Marley in Dickens' A Christmas Carol).

Second, there were only two ways to get Lizzie spanked that would be both logical and humorous: call up the ghost of her husband to do the deed or use the authentic hairbrush from the past. You chose the second, which I believe is original, and also has the advantage of allowing Jack to be the spanker.

Finally, we have a delightful "end" (again, in a double sense) with Lizzie soundly spanked as she deserves and the view of her rear end as we "fade to black" (the old-time direction TV writers of that era used, if memory serves - and yes, I've seen a couple of old scripts including an original one by Rod Serling for Twilight Zone).

This was a great Halloween treat (and non-fattening!), and I hope all CSR readers take the time to read it. Wish I could have linked here from my "weekly updates" post but as I noted there the board's two-link-per-post limit prevented me from doing so.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Great story this is the true way to bust ghosts :twisted: :lol: :lol: love how her bottom fades away :D :D HAPPY HALLOWEEN :!: :!: :!:
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by web-ed »

Now some further comments here since I wanted to avoid going on for too long in one post:
  1. B00m, I think your idea of some further strips with Lizzie's ghost in the manner of the old Topper series has great merit. The only problem I can see is that young people might ignore them because they're so alien to the (distorted) sensibilities of our mis-educated youth, immersed in a truly awful popular culture as they are. Of course, I don't know how many younger readers CSR has anyway, which is another manifestation of the same problem, namely old-fashioned virtues such as literacy and charm that may not appeal to a couple of generations that has never known them.
  2. Topper actually began as a novel by Thorne Smith back in 1926. There were then a series of films beginning in 1937, the 1953-55 TV series, another movie (television pilot for Topper Returns) in 1973, another TV movie in 1979 with Kate Jackson (which was a pilot for a third series that I believe was never produced), and the TV series Nearly Departed with Eric Idle, which took the Topper premise but not the name. (Whew!)
  3. That clip of the spanking scene from the Strict Uncle web site seems to have been removed - quite possibly more YouTube censorship, as the radical feminists over there hate M/F spankings - but I will try to find that whole episode on YouTube linked to by Marco G. before they remove that too and extract a video file from it for later editing. Whether I'll ever have the time or energy to edit and post it here at CSR is in doubt, but I'll at least try.
  4. Leo G. Carroll may also be remembered as the spy master (good guys) in the silly but entertaining film North by Northwest, starring Cary Grant (who had also starred in the first Topper film back in 1937!).
  5. I don't think Willjohn had anything to say about Halloween in Australia, but since it is the eve of All Saints Day it seems it should be at least known down under. England celebrates it, as does Mexico, although I imagine customs differ somewhat country by country.
  6. It's funny but I never thought of referring to the female buttocks as "taillights" even though it seems (once again!) doubly appropriate. For the benefit of younger and non-American readers, we should explain that boys seem to have started using the slang term "headlights" for "breasts" in the late 1940s or early 1950s in America. Fredric Wertham makes mention of this fact in his infamous Seduction of the Innocent (see my commentaries over on the main site (if interested) in the Articles Section or regarding Frontier Romances #1). Twenty years later, say c. 1972, I think "tits" had pretty well replaced "headlights" among boys old enough to care about such things.

    It's a good suggestion, B00m, but I don't see it gaining much traction.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by willjohn »

Halloween "trick or treating" is something that is occasionally celebrated among children in Australia but is unlikely this year because of Covid19 which the Commonwealth and all State Governments are trying hard to eradicate.
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by willjohn »

No "trick or treaters" showed up last night, it was a wet and miserable night.
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

Hi Web-ed. Thanks for commenting on my latest story.

I'm going to try to respond to each of your points, and I'll probably have to split it up to avoid getting timed out
web-ed wrote:What a fine, imaginative Halloween tale this was! You really got a lot of things right here, B00m!
I'm glad you enjoyed this one.
web-ed wrote:First, Halloween "specials" tend to be kind of weird and, to me, off-putting. I'm thinking of The Simpsons and its annual Halloween specials (which may still be going on for all I know; it's been years since the show was bearable for me although it was very good back in the 90s). But this story was warm (in more ways than one) and humorous, with "Dizzie" Lizzie acting just as she did in life, avoiding anything too grim (compare to, say, the ghost of Hamlet's father or the ghost of Jacob Marley in Dickens' A Christmas Carol).
That was my intention. I was trying to do a ghost story without being too morbid.
web-ed wrote:Second, there were only two ways to get Lizzie spanked that would be both logical and humorous: call up the ghost of her husband to do the deed or use the authentic hairbrush from the past. You chose the second, which I believe is original, and also has the advantage of allowing Jack to be the spanker.
I'm glad you liked the hairbrush idea. And I'm glad you found it to be both logical and humorous. That was what I was going for... Well at least as logical as one can be in a ghost story.
web-ed wrote:Finally, we have a delightful "end" (again, in a double sense) with Lizzie soundly spanked as she deserves and the view of her rear end as we "fade to black" (the old-time direction TV writers of that era used, if memory serves - and yes, I've seen a couple of old scripts including an original one by Rod Serling for Twilight Zone).
I like to use the "fade to black", and I've done it before. However, this time, I had the picture fade at the same time that the ghost was fading to invisibility. As with Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, the most prominent thing is the last to fade from sight. For the Cat, it was his grin, and for Lizzie, it was her glowing red backside.
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:B00m, I think your idea of some further strips with Lizzie's ghost in the manner of the old Topper series has great merit. The only problem I can see is that young people might ignore them because they're so alien to the (distorted) sensibilities of our mis-educated youth, immersed in a truly awful popular culture as they are. Of course, I don't know how many younger readers CSR has anyway, which is another manifestation of the same problem, namely old-fashioned virtues such as literacy and charm that may not appeal to a couple of generations that has never known them.
I'll have to see what other comments (if any) I get on my Lizzie the ghost idea.
web-ed wrote:Topper actually began as a novel by Thorne Smith back in 1926. There were then a series of films beginning in 1937, the 1953-55 TV series, another movie (television pilot for Topper Returns) in 1973, another TV movie in 1979 with Kate Jackson (which was a pilot for a third series that I believe was never produced), and the TV series Nearly Departed with Eric Idle, which took the Topper premise but not the name. (Whew!)
I was aware that the novel existed, but I've never read it. Same way with the movies in the thirties. I took my inspiration from Anne Jeffreys, and how she portrayed Marion in the fifties TV series. She was as sexy as a woman could get away with in those days on network television, and came across as flirty, but not "slutty". And, even when I was a little kid, the sight of her being turned over her husband's knee got me excited. I was a little bit disappointed that they didn't actually show the spanking, but I still enjoyed the implication that she was getting spanked.
web-ed wrote:That clip of the spanking scene from the Strict Uncle web site seems to have been removed - quite possibly more YouTube censorship, as the radical feminists over there hate M/F spankings - but I will try to find that whole episode on YouTube linked to by Marco G. before they remove that too and extract a video file from it for later editing. Whether I'll ever have the time or energy to edit and post it here at CSR is in doubt, but I'll at least try.
The short clip had still been there when I checked earlier, but things happen. I'm grateful to Marco for posting a link to the whole episode. I don't think I had seen all of it since the fifties.
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:Leo G. Carroll may also be remembered as the spy master (good guys) in the silly but entertaining film North by Northwest, starring Cary Grant (who had also starred in the first Topper film back in 1937!).
I enjoyed Leo G. Carroll's acting. Most of the time, he was so dignified. I think that was why it was so funny to see him try to maintain his dignity as Cosmo Topper.

Back then, if he had told people that he was being haunted by ghosts, everyone would have doubted his sanity. Nowadays, he'd most likely be believed.
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

butch46163@yahoo.com wrote:It's funny but I never thought of referring to the female buttocks as "taillights" even though it seems (once again!) doubly appropriate. For the benefit of younger and non-American readers, we should explain that boys seem to have started using the slang term "headlights" for "breasts" in the late 1940s or early 1950s in America. Fredric Wertham makes mention of this fact in his infamous Seduction of the Innocent (see my commentaries over on the main site (if interested) in the Articles Section or regarding Frontier Romances #1). Twenty years later, say c. 1972, I think "tits" had pretty well replaced "headlights" among boys old enough to care about such things.
Yeah. I don't know if "headlights" got used much outside of the U.S. or after the sixties. Although, sometimes when I see an old Humorama-type cartoon being sold on E-bay, they frequently make reference to a "high-beam babe".
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:I don't think Willjohn had anything to say about Halloween in Australia, but since it is the eve of All Saints Day it seems it should be at least known down under. England celebrates it, as does Mexico, although I imagine customs differ somewhat country by country.
He did shortly after.
willjohn wrote:Halloween "trick or treating" is something that is occasionally celebrated among children in Australia but is unlikely this year because of Covid19 which the Commonwealth and all State Governments are trying hard to eradicate.
willjohn wrote:No "trick or treaters" showed up last night, it was a wet and miserable night.
Covid19, and the efforts to fight it, have put a damper on Halloween celebrations in the U.S. as well. I'm staying home. I bought a small bag of candy just in case I see any trick-or-treaters... but I'll probably have to eat the candy myself. (That's why I bought a type of candy that I like!)
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Butch. Thanks for commenting.
butch46163@yahoo.com wrote:Great story this is the true way to bust ghosts love how her bottom fades away HAPPY HALLOWEEN
I ain't afraid of no ghosts! Especially if they're cute like Lizzie. :D :D :D :D
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by dmsherwood53 »

Yeah I had aN IDEA FOR A SRTORY "gHOSTsPANKERS "GhostSpankers but I could never get it together.
Dave Sherwood
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Re: A Halloween Ghost Story, Starring "Dizzie" Lizzie McGill

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Dave. Thanks for commenting.
dmsherwood53 wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:25 pm Yeah I had aN IDEA FOR A SRTORY "gHOSTsPANKERS "GhostSpankers but I could never get it together.
I've only done two stories that involved ghosts either spanking or getting spanked.

The other one is here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=176&start=40 In that story, a ghost spanked a living person (Katie!) for trespassing in his haunted house.

For the Jack Martin/Dizzie Lizzie story, I thought there should be some kind of a link between the living person and the ghost that would allow him to make solid contact with her non-corporeal bottom. I decided on two links: one being Jack's
relationship with Lizzie's direct descendant, and the other being that antique hairbrush which had been used to spank Lizzie multiple times during her lifetime and then had been passed on as a family heirloom.

Something I haven't done... but it was done by the writers of Topper... a ghost spanking another ghost! I suppose that would be the easiest to make work... since his hand and her backside would be made of the same ectoplasm.
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