El Payo, from south of the border

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Joined: Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:10 am

Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by jimc »

Hi phil, i am a fan of your art and thank you for posting it. I have often stated i do not feel i have the right or the experience to critize an artist after all the subject is important to them enough for them to draw it and my criteria for enjoying it is just that i enjoy spankings given to pretty women so i can only say nice picture even though i thought it was really good. improving art is a matter of personal taste and i have to admit i have enjoyed some modifacations to the work (animation, coloring,composites... etc) but i would not thought of those corrections myself. I enjoy art and could look at many for hours on end admiring the nuances that make it special to me, but the artists themselves might think that they poured their soul into something that did not do anything at all to me and i do not think that my comment would make it better. We all have different tastes and one man's passion is another man's poisin and altering art to hear some artists view is dishonor in its highest form. So i choose the easy road. Thank you for your time, talant and the fact that that you shared your art, but do not expect many people to give you more than that There have been some of your works that i did look at for hours on end just like all the artists that have been featured on CSR and i could not begin to explain why i liked it only that i did. Have a great day
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Re: El Payo, from south of the border

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

It s not a day go bye that i don"t check the tv book for movies with spankings in it. That why i alway try to record spanish soaps because i have found out that most spankings happen on them than any place else on mainstream tv. As for spending my time thinking about pretty girls that i wish i could spank my list would read like a novel :lol: Being in poor health i to think aout someone finding my collection of spanking books magazines videos and audios tapes some dating back to the mid 60"s that i foolishly thrown in the trash. Thank god that i found this site where i can blog about my love for the art of spanking without being embarrass or judged. havn"t seen much of El Payo yet but hope you feature more of it in the future along with many other comic books or magazines from south america and the world.It would be amazing to find out how much spanking is view around the world. And hope that i get the chance to see it all! Keep up the good work CSR on your quest to find great spankings material for your dear fans!!!
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Location: Chicago, Illinois USA

Foreign Material

Post by web-ed »

Thanks, Butch, and I'm glad you like what I'm doing here at CSR!

I wish I had more foreign material, especially Spanish, but I don't have too much. I will post all of El Payo one of these months, and I also have some more Memin Pinguin somewhere, but as both of these have already appeared elsewhere on the web I haven't hurried to get them posted. The only other Spanish-language comics material I have are a couple of DC comic reprints I picked up almost 40 years ago, but they don't have any spankings in them.
-- Web-Ed
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