some great old images posted at flickr

Spanking Art not from Humorama or other Men's Magazines, and not from Comics
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some great old images posted at flickr

Post by jimc »

I was just checking flickr the yahoo photo posting site and there there was a new set by collector it showed vargas, playboy, benny hill and a whole lot of spankings that we have seen here at CSR plus some i had not seen before. It is neat to see many of the old pinups, old girlie cartoons and some of the other art that was around. It was in the general area, but not found under spanking, but in collectors photostream well worth a look see. Also i am glad that you found the Homer one that was one of the first i saw as a teenager. I loved the position, the expressions, the caption and esp the drape of her skirt to show a panty-clad bottom getting spanked. I had seen many kid's spanking, cartoon spanking and of course nursery rhyme spankings, but this was my 1st encounter of spanking art between adults (Although of course by then i had seen several movies, tv shows and even Kiss ME Kate so i knew there was adult spanking) and i was always looking for spanking material. Anyway have a great day everbody and i hope you see the collector's photostream.
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Re: some great old images posted at flickr

Post by web-ed »

I think the guy Jim is referring to is called "Collector108". I'm going to start looking through his collection now. He has taken several Humorama items from CSR (you can see "chicagospankingreview" on one of the few I marked that way) which is fine - I don't own the stuff. If he's got any good spanking material that's not on CSR, I'll grab it and post it later!

Special note to Butch: among his girlie cartoon collections is one devoted to Don Flowers, whom you were asking about recently. I didn't see any spanking cartoons among them, however.

Update: I just finished looking through his collection, and he had several Humorama cartoons that I hadn't posted yet but which are in my files and scheduled for posting, plus 1 or 2 of Bill Ward that I didn't have. It looks to me like he had scans from original art auctions for some of these because there are no captions (there are in most of my versions because they came from Mike's old 60's collection). So if you're only interested in Humorama's "spankers" you can just wait for the series here on CSR to be concluded, but if you like girlie cartoons generally you should take a look.
Last edited by web-ed on Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add updated information.
-- Web-Ed
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