Spanking Art and Artificial Intelligence

Spanking Art not from Humorama or other Men's Magazines, and not from Comics
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Spanking Art and Artificial Intelligence

Post by web-ed »

Technology has reached the point that we're beginning to see spanking art enhanced or even "created" by AI. Here is a recent example from Nik Zula:


Now, I don't want to launch into a long-winded discussion (there's a first time for everything, right ;) ) about the theoretical drawbacks to AI spanking art; the question before the House is "What role should AI play at CSR?"

I think the obvious danger in AI art is that it's going to be inevitably a soulless regurgitation of whatever input is fed into the program (and a very sophisticated program is all AI really is). AI, for example, could never create anything like O. T. Katie; to produce a Katie strip it would have to be fed some of B00m's work to be used by it as a model. On the other hand, AI offers a chance to "create" some spanking art we might not otherwise see, especially if we had to create it ourselves. I'd love to draw a sequence of superheroine "Spankings for the Girl Legionnaires" except for one thing - I can't draw! (My entire artistic output consists of coloring a B & W variation of the classic "Batman Spanks Marcia Monroe" so that it's a nude Batgirl over Batman's knee. I still get a kick out of seeing it on various websites (without attribution, of course)).

I haven't had time to investigate the possibilities of getting AI to produce some of my spanking commission ideas, but obviously other people have looked into AI spanking art. Nik Zula has been doing some experimenting, as seen above, and there's a thread at AnimeOTK for AI work.

There's no shortage of material in my files, but what do you think about displaying AI spanking art on CSR? Should we forget about it, or post it only if it's really good?
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Spanking Art and Artificial Intelligence

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If it good you should post it! hope to see more of these spanking Art :D :D 8-) 8-)
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Re: Spanking Art and Artificial Intelligence

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Web-ed.

This is an interesting topic you introduced.

Ever since the early 20th century, there has been talk of machines replacing human laborers in manufacturing. And to a large extent, it's happened.

Lately there has been software that is said to mimic creative processes. The work of a particular writer can be fed into a computer, and the output is something that approximates that writer's style.

For visual art, we already have a lot of C.G. in the movies.

And of course there are art programs out there that anyone can use.

I plan to say more... but it's almost time for me to get ready for work.
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Re: Spanking Art and Artificial Intelligence

Post by hugob00m »

I'm back again.

I suppose that if it's advanced enough and is fed enough information, A.I. could do a story-line that resembles the style of a human author.

As for the pictures, maybe A.I. can do that too.

I'm currently using an art program to draw my panels for O.T. Katie. Computer art is really good for repetitive stuff.

The first O.T. Katie strips were mostly hand-drawn... but even in the beginning I used a bit of computer editing to clean up some lines and correct some mis-drawn parts. Lately, I've been doing all of my drawing on the computer. I use a line tool that starts a line where I click the cursor, and then I move the cursor to another point and click for a straight line, or click and drag to make a curved line. It's almost like drawing by hand, but easier to correct mistakes,

I've turned most of my characters into what I call "electronic paper dolls". They're divided up into hands. forearms, torsos. heads. etc. Once I get each body part placed correctly, I use the line tool to trace the entire character.

That was one way of getting a consistency of the characters from one frame to the next without having live models to draw from.

I started drawing by hand when I was very young. As far back as I can remember, I was three and illustrating stories that I made up. At about ten, I used to watch Jon Gnagy on T.V. and I talked my dad into buying an instruction book that he had written. I took some art classes in high school that helped me learn some things about using pencils, pens and paintbrushes. However, when it comes to computer art, it's all been trial-and-error.

Things like perspective, composition and shading carry over from what I've learned about traditional art methods. I suppose you could say that I'm combining traditional art with some more-or-less modern tools.
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Re: Spanking Art and Artificial Intelligence

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:22 pm I'm back again.

I suppose that if it's advanced enough and is fed enough information, A.I. could do a story-line that resembles the style of a human author.

As for the pictures, maybe A.I. can do that too.

I'm currently using an art program to draw my panels for O.T. Katie. Computer art is really good for repetitive stuff.

The first O.T. Katie strips were mostly hand-drawn... but even in the beginning I used a bit of computer editing to clean up some lines and correct some mis-drawn parts. Lately, I've been doing all of my drawing on the computer. I use a line tool that starts a line where I click the cursor, and then I move the cursor to another point and click for a straight line, or click and drag to make a curved line. It's almost like drawing by hand, but easier to correct mistakes,

I've turned most of my characters into what I call "electronic paper dolls". They're divided up into hands. forearms, torsos. heads. etc. Once I get each body part placed correctly, I use the line tool to trace the entire character.

That was one way of getting a consistency of the characters from one frame to the next without having live models to draw from.

I started drawing by hand when I was very young. As far back as I can remember, I was three and illustrating stories that I made up. At about ten, I used to watch Jon Gnagy on T.V. and I talked my dad into buying an instruction book that he had written. I took some art classes in high school that helped me learn some things about using pencils, pens and paintbrushes. However, when it comes to computer art, it's all been trial-and-error.

Things like perspective, composition and shading carry over from what I've learned about traditional art methods. I suppose you could say that I'm combining traditional art with some more-or-less modern tools.

To me, this means you're using digital tools to create your art (which is standard procedure these days, a point I'll return to in a moment), but it's still being driven by your own creative intellect. AI has no creative intellect or any intellect at all; artificial intelligence is really a misnomer because as I noted above, it's really just a very sophisticated program. In fact, I think the best way to view it is as a supervising program that designs and executes another program on the fly when stimulated to do so by some human input, for example "Draw a picture of Captain Kirk spanking Lt. Uhura". This "called subroutine" as we used to call them would itself probably call on other subroutines to handle each sub-task.

AI would take that question and somehow find examples of Kirk and Uhura (by searching relevant data bases on the internet, one supposes - subroutine #1), pose them as spanker and spankee (subroutine #2), and then fill in some stylistic details (subroutine #3). Each of these subtasks might be further broken down, of course, but I think this has to be basically how it all works. An amazing degree of programming sophistication, yes, but it's more simulated intelligence than artificial intelligence. Indeed, AI basically crashed and burned when it was recently rolled out rather prematurely, mishandling any questions having to do with politics or the broader culture.

Google's Gemini, for example, produced German Nazis of African descent (I guess Gemini didn't know about Nazi theories of Aryan superiority) and Nordic Vikings who looked like American Indians. Now, this was not a case of "garbage in, garbage out" because the data being input was not the problem - the actual programming behind Gemini was contaminated by cultural Marxism, producing inaccurate, culturally-biased results. But suppose that had not been the case - could AI produce really good art (spanking or not)?

I think the answer is no, because AI-generated art would have to be derivative. AI would search out previous examples and try to produce something similar - exactly what we used to call a "swipe" with one artist copying another.

The days when comics artists inked over pencilled drawings and then painted them with colored inks are over; no one would produce a comic book that way today. Indeed, my one and only comic book, which I wrote and edited and which cannot be identified here, was drawn by one collaborator, colored by another, and lettered by a third all using digital techniques. And yet, it was a 100% human product and not AI-produced. So it is with your work on O. T. Katie: you may use digital tools, but they are still tools guided by you even if of a different kind than were used in the past.

I would guess that AI drawings are not going to be a big part of CSR's future, but it must be said that AI can already produce some decent (if unoriginal) spanking art, and expect it's going to make earning a living even more difficult for human artists than it is today. You can see how advertisers will try to replace human commercial artists with AI. Since I can't draw myself, I'd experiment with it a little if I had the time but I wouldn't want to rely on it for the majority of CSR's content.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Spanking Art and Artificial Intelligence

Post by jimc »

This is a hard question to answer on so many levels many AI programs do not allow for nudity or some animations .some sites have a policy against spanking artwork and some of the sites have taken some down that seemed quite tame.there are some artists using a program called DALL that does have some great ones. In deviant art , anime otk and pixiv all have some great art.I myself prefer OTK art and I have found several artists that I enjoy.spanking art by its very definition is mature rated so you do have to sign up in the mature section of these sites even to begin. I like an artist on deviant art called espec22 he does some great ones that do look like famous people and some that look like super heroes or superheroines getting or giving spankings. Another artist that uses a program called Blender has created a great amount of movie and celebs that get spanked is called kink-Blink also on deviant art.another that had some great ones was called Bare-Faced cheek and their spanking artwork is on pixiv. Web-Ed does have some as well that are well known about wonder woman and Black Adam as well as some others.enjoy your day.
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Re: Spanking Art and Artificial Intelligence

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some of the AI spanking I seen was pretty good but are hard to find !most AI art I watch are of Asians women with big beautiful bottoms dressed as school girls teachers or police women really would enjoy seeing them spanked :D :D
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