Lady plumber

The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Lady plumber

Post by daneldorado »

I realize that some of you members may not agree with me, but....

Your cartoon of a blonde woman on her knees, trying to fix a plumbing problem, is filthy. It is pornography.

I have drawn many pictures of pretty girls getting spanked, and I always enjoy showing their glorious, double-round buttocks on display. But I have NEVER included their vulvas (vulvae?) or any other part of the lady's genitalia. Yeah, sure, there are a lot of sites that will show you pics of those intimate areas, but I never draw them and I don't collect them. For me, seeing any part of the genitalia is an instant turn-off. Can't we just see the buttocks? That, after all, is where the spanking "action" is.

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Re: Lady plumber

Post by web-ed »

Just getting to this now. I supposed I should move this to the Weekly Updates topic and perhaps I will although I forget under what topic I've dealt with the "exposure" question in the past. [Later note: after remembering that if I moved these two posts to "Weekly Updates" they would appear in chronological order there, separating them and confusing everybody, I decide to just leave them right here.]

Dan is referring to a Julius Zimmerman/Doctor Cylon piece that I posted four years ago now. The fact is that Zimmerman was a problematical artist, and he drew a lot of stuff that's way over the line. This probably isn't the place for the thorough discussion of Zimmerman's work, but it places me in a quandary: I don't like the pornographic aspects of it, and yet I don't want to deprive CSR
readers of his bending-over women and their bare buttocks either. Then there are Doctor Cylon's embellishments - I hate to deprive everyone (Doc has a lot of fans) of those, either.

Sometimes I don't print the stuff. There are about 40 pieces by Zimmerman in the Doctor Cylon "Unusable" sub-folder, which contains art I don't want to print either for legal reasons or because, yes, it's simply too pornographic. The current Tinker Bell Series has had a few by Zimmerman that were definitely borderline and I did at least censor the thumbnails. I don't know - maybe I should have held them back. It's impossible to make every editorial call correctly but rest assured I do hold back a lot of Zim's stuff. I think it's unfortunate that Zimmerman had this particular focus, and it certainly presented Doctor Cylon with some problems although I don't remember now the details of our correspondence on the subject.

At some point, a critical assessment of Zimmerman's artistic output, considered as a whole, will certainly be merited but I can't say when that will be or even if we should place it here or on the main site.
-- Web-Ed
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