One Good Turn

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One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

i got an email from a viewer a while back that got me to thinking...........uh-oh :o . she told me that she had agreed to drive her grand dad around while his car was in the shop. one of the places he wanted to go was to a local watering hole to have a beer with his friends. while they were in there, he was introducing her to his friends and he made it a point to tell them that she was still a naughty girl, even though she is in her 20s and that he had to spank her frequently :o . she said that she was about to die of embarrassment and wanted to find a hole to crawl into. she wanted to know how she could ever show her face in there again :oops: . well..............i had some thoughts about "that" which got my warped little mind to spinning :twisted: . i came up with a fantasy based on this story. in a local place like this you have lots of business after work but during the day it's mostly just the retirees . many times they like to sit and visit with the other old timers during the day before the crowds come in later. of course, horny old men like these just looooooove to embarrass young women. after all, what else can they do with young wonem these days :lol: . anyway, i would know all this since i just retired ;) .

based on this story, i am starting a new toon today. i am posting the first 6 pics because this story needs some set up before we get to the spanking. i'm calling the new toon "One Good Turn" which i think is a perfect name on more than one level. ok, enough talk.............on with the toon. there's no spanking this time but i'll get all the set up out of the way today and well get to the spanking next week. i hope you enjoy this unlikely tale :D . phil
here's our girl looking to have a little fun.............and maybe get a little revenge.
here's our girl looking to have a little fun.............and maybe get a little revenge.
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

kinda makes you wonder just what those old timer are thinking now doesn't it?
kinda makes you wonder just what those old timer are thinking now doesn't it?
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

i wonder if any of these old timers still remember when the girls used to flash their panties at the boys back in school.............or maybe they're too engrossed in the current scene................LOL.
i wonder if any of these old timers still remember when the girls used to flash their panties at the boys back in school.............or maybe they're too engrossed in the current scene................LOL.
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

looks like our girls is having a stab at talking her way out of trouble here...................not working though.................LOL.
looks like our girls is having a stab at talking her way out of trouble here...................not working though.................LOL.
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

That's the trouble with plans like this one.....................the have a way of backfiring on you................LOL.
That's the trouble with plans like this one.....................the have a way of backfiring on you................LOL.
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by solsunbeach »

This is wonderful! The tension and the anticipation from the other characters, makes this one of your best, if not THE best :D
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi solsunbeach,

glad you enjoyed the opening to this toon :D . i am hoping that it will turn out to be an arousing fantasy and i'm also planning on having some fun with it. thanks for your comments. phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by willjohn »

Jennifer seems about to learn that sluttish behaviour brings its own reward (and I don't mean a blue ribbon, although her cheeky little rump stands a good chance of turning black and blue.) :twisted:

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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi willjohn,

it does indeed seem that jennifer is about to learn a lesson. from the devil face with the evil grin you used, i'm assuming you're enjoying the toon so far :D . thanks, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hey dan,

why did you delete your reply :?: i saw it yesterday but didn't have time to do any replies till now. you were talking about the one old timer who kept saying "holy shit" and i had him saying the same thing just for grins. i figured he was probably somewhere between 75 and 150 years old and might not have been able to think of anything else to say under the circumstances :D . the guy on the left side was a little tongue tied too and didn't actually form any words till harley came in :lol: there are always some retirees who hang out at the local tavern, the general store or maybe the American legion or something talking over old times and i've noticed that they just love to see the younger women come in and often try to embarrass them. being an old timer myself i may have to find such a place that i can go to. i'm not quite to the point where i get totally tongue tied by pretty girls yet but it's probably not too far off :D .

you also mentioned that ping pong paddle that jennifer's grand dad asked for but don't jump to any conclusions about that just yet. more pics next week. later, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by »

HI OVERBARREL!! Not one to criticizes being I havn`t seen the whole panel yet but this spanking seem kinda wierd meaning unlike Tammy story this look like the spanking is being done for the pleasure of a group of horny old men. Now don`t get me wrong every spanko has his own taste but this seem like the grandfather getsoff on spanking his granddaughter and now doing it in front of his friends for their enjoyment maybe she like being spanked and the two of them set this up but to me this dosn`t seem right. If this was a rude sexy young barmaid or slutty college girl that had too much to drink and bacame flirty with the men and got a good spanking for her bad behavior like some young ladies needs today then I say go for it!''' But to brag to your buddies about giving your granddaughter spankings and to now do it in front of them while they sat there and enjoy what kind of punishment is that?? To me it would have been better if he caught her flirting with his friends and took her by the ear while telling her she is going to get a good spanking once they get home with every body laughing as he drags her by the ear out of the bar. Can`t wait to see how this story unfolds really like how the young woman look great work on the bar and the people love the color it bring the story to life but to me this story seem weird and that the spanking is being done to please the spanker and his friends more than to punish a bad girl maybe if he was spanking her at home in front of her mother while telling his dauhter how slutty her daughter was today and how much she needed this spanking could`ve made the punishment more justified and deserving.LIKE I SAID CAN`T WAIT TO SEE THE REST OF THE PANEL MAYBE IT WILL CHANGE MY MIND THANKS OVERBARREL AND CSR!!!!!!
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi butch,

it seems as if you have some doubts about this spanking scenario. if this was supposed to be a serious toon i might agree with you but it isn't. this is a total fantasy and it seems to me that something like this is "extremely unlikely" to actually happen :lol: . my theory is that one of the things that make fantasies so much fun is because they are most times about things that you know you will never do..................things that will never happen. i think many people don't even want them to happen but just enjoy fantasizing about them and if they did ever happen it would ruin all the fun of the fantasy. i have had many spankees tell me that they really enjoy fantasizing about being spanked outdoors where there is a chance they might caught. many of these same ladies will also tell you that they don't really want to do it though :lol: .

i think it's interesting too that 7 of the 9 replies i've gotten from this toon so far have been from the ladies. (that's NOT counting csr since we have mostly men here.) usually if there is a public spanking going on the ladies are fairly quiet and the men are the ones who are enthusiastic about it. of the 2 i've gotten from the men, one was more about my retirement than the toon. all 7 of the ones i have gotten from the ladies have been enthusiastic and they think it's great. this is totally backwards to what i was expecting and i have to admit i find it a little confusing. then it occurred to me that maybe they like it because it's so far fetched they know it's just a fantasy.........not sure.

in any case, as you noted, everyone has their own tastes and i personally think this toon has some potential to be a good, horny spanking toon and hopefully we'll even get a few laughs from it :D . i now have a pretty good idea of where i'm going with this but nothing is set in stone and changes in the direction might occur as comments come in as they did in "backside story". i do have plans to continue going in this same direction though so be forewarned :lol: . thanks for your comments, phil

Re: One Good Turn

Post by daneldorado »

overbarrel wrote:

hey dan,
why did you delete your reply i saw it yesterday but didn't have time to do any replies till now.

I deleted it because it was profane, and I apologize for posting it in the first place. After it sat on the board for 24 hours, with no replies, I got the message that you didn't want to deal with it.

By the way: Did you ever learn to use the "Shift" key? There are two of them, conveniently placed at the bottom of your keyboard, one on each side.

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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

no problem. i was just confused. it's true that i am retired and have more time now but i don't always have time to do replies when i'd like. i was just busy doing stuff around the place here and every time i took a break i'd stop and read a few but just didn't have time to do replies. btw, i do know where the shift keys are but seldom use them unless i am typing something more formal. i got my typing skills back up to speed talking on the instant messenger and the caps slow things down :lol: . sorry about that but i think you can look for that to continue so i hope it doesn't bother you too bad. later, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by web-ed »

I think what I like best about this one so far is the way Jennifer decided to tease the middle-aged guys: generally we might feel sorry for a young woman getting spanked in public, but because of the way she acted, she deserves everything she's going to get! This is shaping up to be a good "Let justice be done" kind of fantasy scene. Still, there is one weak point, namely, Harley having volunteered the information to his buddies that he still spanks Jennifer. I know this part really happened, and was in fact the springboard for the entire strip, but it could have been changed without losing anything.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the strip's continuation, and I'll hazard a guess that Ben will get back with the paddle in time for it to be used on Jennifer!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i'm glad that you're enjoying the way the story is shaping up. i'm hoping that this will not only be a good, punishment spanking but also that we will be able to get a couple laughs along the way :lol: as far as the grand dad talking about spanking his grand daughter to his buddies goes i am a little surprised by your comments as well as those that butch made. having sat around with some of those old times a few times i can tell you that there are 3 things that they all seem to have in common. they talk about old times, they love to see young women come in so they can try to embarrass them and the tell each other lies..............which they refer to as bull shitting :lol: . after the girl told me the story about going in to the tavern with her grand dad i wrote back and told her not to worry about it because in reality most of them probably didn't believe him anyway. in any case i was kind of surprised as i said because i actually thought that this part was one of the more believable parts of the toon. it's a minor point in any case and hopefully that won't spoil anyone's enjoyment of the toon. i have the next 2 pics done and will be posting them next week :D . thanks, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by willjohn »

She is already showing way more flesh than sense. Looking forward to even more of the former. :roll:
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi willjohn,

coming right up :D . i'll be posting a couple more pics in a few days and there's gonna be plenty of spanking action in this one. thanks, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by hugob00m »

I'm always a little bit uncomfortable about spankings given by fathers, uncles and grandfathers... it almost "smacks" of incest... But I'm waiting to see what's going to "shape up" in your story. Jennifer is very pretty and sufficiently bratty! I liked seeing all the old men watching her show off her panties, and now it looks like she's going to be a part of a show she hadn't planned!
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