a third O.T. Katie thread

The cartoons of hugob00m. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Katie and The Clean-Up Man

Post by web-ed »

So far, so good with this story :) .

Since you're taking a poll, b00m, I would have converted your last post into an actual poll but the board doesn't allow it (anyone can start a poll, but it has to be a new topic). Anyway, my vote is (big surprise) for the Clean-Up Man to spank Katie with her panties down! Should you choose to follow Dan's suggestion and make the spanking last for several panels, it occurs to me you could "accessorize" the scene with an example of the marvels of future technology, perhaps some kind of device that monitors the completeness of a spanking. As the spanking goes on, Katie's face (and bottom, naturally) become redder until her face and the device both indicate that she's well-done - just a perverse possibility for you to consider. It could also help avoid any "exposure" by allowing a side-view camera angle all the way through the spanking panels, with the changing indicator (maybe a simple visual like a thermometer-style level) alleviating any monotony that might otherwise result from not varying the camera angle.

I loved "The Scarlet Asp" (almost a cross between Marvel's Wasp and Scarlet Witch, both of whom could have used a good spanking) who, of course, lived up to her name. Futuregirl also wound up OTK (fancy that), and her spanking did get extended over two panels (we may note that exposure was avoided even with her panties down by the impact indicator and the placement of Clean-Up Man's arm). I think it was o.k. to have Futuregirl's second spanking, by the neanderthal, take place off-stage since we did just get to see another one.

And lest we forget: I think Katie is still due another spanking from Bullmoose for letting that clone escape :D !
-- Web-Ed
Dave Wolfe
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by Dave Wolfe »

Hey, bOOm!

What a hoot to see some of the "old" characters revived! The Scarlet Asp is hilarious, too, the snakey headpiece is brilliant! And I did wonder if she's redheaded? Anyway, her costume is great, especially from behind!

Nice effects, and Time Warp sound effects, too!

As to the vote, I'm thinking you could answer the various concerns by doing both lacey panties and her li'l bare bottom! :D

Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed, you are extraordinarily inventive with your ideas, especially the devices that gauge the progress of the spanking.

Butt... your advice about using a "side-view" angle on all the spanking panels (I'm hoping there will be at least three) is not artistic. If you're going to show a spanking over several panels (I hope, I hope) then you should VARY the angles. And you say that using that side-view angle throughout would obviate any "exposure" (I assume you mean, exposure of her private parts), but in point of fact b00m and I and even overbarrel have used varying angles often, without any unseemly exposure. That "exposure" only happens when the artist WANTS it to happen. I trust and hope that b00m is not that kind of artist, so I know he will do the right thing.

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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by jimc »

i vote for spanking so there is another yes vote and i do not think i have seen a no vot yet. Great series as always b00m i enjoy Katy meeting all the unusual spankers that she has met (bosses,ghosts, leprechauns, time travellers, etc. Great imagination great stories and great positioning on all the charactors. Thanks again
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by willjohn »

I vote that Katie gets a long bare bottom spanking three times a day for a month. :twisted:

Re: third O.T. Katie thread

Post by daneldorado »

I have to admit, b00m is a pretty smart guy.

He knows that all the resident artists who struggle to produce toons to post to this forum, usually have to beg and plead for somebody -- ANYbody -- to respond to their work. Respond positively if possible, but even if your response is negative, at least we are assured that somebody out there is looking at our hard work.

So, b00m ends his latest "O.T.Katie" work with... a POLL!! And the poll asks for answers as to whether she is to get more spankings! Not only that, but she cautions us that "Failure to respond" will amount to a "NO spanking" vote. Oh boy, that b00m is cagy. Why didn't I think of that, back when I was trying to find votes for my Sam Swatt and Captain Woodshed cartoons?

So far, all the responses to "Katie's" question have come back positive. But remember: She also said that failure to respond will amount to a "No Spanking" vote. Of course, there is no way that Katie -- or b00m -- can know how many folks saw the toon but did not respond to it. So, b00m can have it both ways. My guess is that he will wait until he has a super-majority of "Yes!" votes, and then and only then will he decide to show us the spanking scene we've all been waiting for.

Crafty guy, that b00m. But he's the best at what he does.

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Re: O.T. Katie

Post by willjohn »

hugob00m wrote:Oh yeah. I just remembered... I didn't set a deadline for my vote. I've always thought that Dan's 48 hours wasn't enough time, so I'll give everybody about a week and a half. At the end of the month, I'll count the votes. Your choices are for Katie to get spanked on the seat of her skimpy little lace panties, or for Katie to get her panties pulled down for a bare-bottomed spanking, or for the cleanup man to not be allowed to spank Katie at all!

I would say the "no spanking" option has all the chance of a burp in a hurricane.
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by glaucon6 »

Count me in for the "please do and tastefully bare bottomed if you please" vote. I am with dan with respect to not showing her lady bits, but I think I have seen b00m do bare bottomed before and he did not show lady bits in that comic.

Since this is my first post I wanted to mention that I enjoy the works of all the resident artists on this forum and I am happy that you are all willing to share your works with us. I know creating these comics is a time consuming task and one which takes an artistic talent which I personally lack. Again, thanks.

I was a lurker for quite some time on this forum and on other sites, primarily because I am not a very trusting person and I fear the thought of people knowing about my sexual preferences. However, I know I am in good company here. I enjoy the female form quite a bit, especially the back side, and I see a good deal of what I like in b00m's, dan's, and overbarrel's work. Taking Katie as an example, I greatly enjoy the facial expressions b00m draws for her and the overall amount of action that takes place in the comics (Katie running and falling in water, etc.). Katie has an ample bottom which I appreciate, and b00m depicts it jiggling as she moves, no small feat in a completely static medium such as this. I am not only into spanking, but I also like other rear-end-related fetishes. I think I am not as into spanking as some because watching videos of hard spanking isn't really a turn on for me. When the girl's butt is all red with welts I do not enjoy watching very much. I probably prefer these drawings to actual spankings because you can depict a red glow in one frame and have her completely recovered in the next. Also, especially with Katie, she ends up being friends with at least some of her spankers (I'm thinking of the Leprechaun in particular). Ok, well maybe not friends, but the relationship is one of fondness and familiarity at least, without the dominance and hatefulness I have seen in some videos (again the more hard core spanking depictions come to mind).

Thank you artists for putting up with lurkers like us. We do appreciate your work even if we don't say anything for fear of coming out in the open with our secret desires. I hope you will all continue enjoying making your drawings as much as we enjoy looking at them.
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Well... on the 31st of July, I counted the votes (about half and half between a spanking on her panties and a bare-bottomed spanking) ...but then I looked at "times viewed" to get the non-votes. >Sigh!< :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Poor Cleanup man won't get to spank Katie after all! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

But does that mean there's no "happy ending"? Well... let's just see.
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

At least one of you didn't forget about Bullmoose! Neither did I!
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More to follow soon! ;)
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom,

bullmoose to the rescue.................good save :lol: i love all the pics of katie sitting around in her bra and panties................especially the one shot from behind :D . i got a chuckle from the one where she is holding her bottom just because she knows it's gonna be sore soon :lol: . i can't wait for more. thanks, phil

Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by daneldorado »

HEY B00M!! Wait just a gosh-darned minute!

Looking at the number of "times viewed" doesn't prove the folks wanted NO spankings for Katie! Some folks like to log on just to check for anything new to look at. If there is nothing new posted, those folks just move on. It doesn't mean they haven't voted.

As an example, my post of July 4th -- Yay, Independence Day! -- called "Tommy and Miss Johnson Redux" -- yielded only EIGHT (8!) actual replies. But, if you look at the number of "Views," there were 278! That doesn't mean that 270 people didn't like the post, it only shows that they came back and viewed it a second -- or third, or fourth -- time!

Do you have some way of "invading" the website's "deep logic," and divining that the non-replies were ACTUALLY people who did NOT want to see O.T.Katie get spanked?

Of course, all this is just to resolve the annoying point about non-votes meaning "No spanking!" In truth and in fact, I would actually prefer to see Bullmoose ("Bullmoose Armstrong is NOT my boyfriend!") doing the actual spanking on Katie, rather than some evanescent creature from the future.

So. So, if it's going to be Bullmoose putting the OTK in O.T.Katie, I won't complain; but again, I would ask you to let the spanking linger over more than one panel. Don't have us see just ONE panel of spanks; let it run a bit longer. Please, no more spankus interruptus.

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We Wuz Robbed!

Post by web-ed »

Here in Chicago, the local political machine has a long history of making sure elections go the way they're supposed to (those pesky voters sure can be a pain sometimes) by registering dead people. The dead may not walk, but they sure do vote, and only for one political party! What has that to do with O. T. Katie, you ask? Well, I believe the board counts anyone who requests a page in the "times viewed" stats, whether or not they were eligible voters. This would include those who aren't registered members and the major search engine robots. Those robots are members, by the way, and each of them "crawls" through here every day, but I have their permissions set to "read only" so they couldn't vote even if they wanted to! (Why do I make them members? Because I want them to come through this board every day so these pages will turn up on the search engines.) Some spambots may have read the page also, looking for a chance to deposit spam all over it.

Although intended humorously, the above paragraph is absolutely true, so you might want to consider a recount (we wuz robbed!). I don't know whether it helps or not, but I checked through CSR's stats to see how many readers came to CSR through the major search engines looking for Katie:

otkatie boom - 48
ot katie - 36

Not bad, in terms of expressed interest in a particular strip (I think only Sam Swatt did better). Unfortunately I don't know which page of the site they actually entered, so we can't conclude they wound up here.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: We Wuz Robbed!

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:Here in Chicago, the local political machine has a long history of making sure elections go the way they're supposed to (those pesky voters sure can be a pain sometimes) by registering dead people. The dead may not walk, but they sure do vote, and only for one political party! What has that to do with O. T. Katie, you ask? Well, I believe the board counts anyone who requests a page in the "times viewed" stats, whether or not they were eligible voters. This would include those who aren't registered members and the major search engine robots. Those robots are members, by the way, and each of them "crawls" through here every day, but I have their permissions set to "read only" so they couldn't vote even if they wanted to! (Why do I make them members? Because I want them to come through this board every day so these pages will turn up on the search engines.) Some spambots may have read the page also, looking for a chance to deposit spam all over it.

Although intended humorously, the above paragraph is absolutely true, so you might want to consider a recount (we wuz robbed!).
Alright, I admit it wasn't a fair "election". It wasn't really intended to be. I had an idea that was inspired by some of the pictures that Dan posted and then promptly removed because no one commented on them in the first two days. I thought I'd try a similar tactic and see how far it got me, by posting a story that leads up to a spanking for Katie, and holding the final panels ransom.

And there's another thing... Have you ever heard of a character in a story hijacking the writer? It's not that the character actually comes to life, like in some movies... it's more like... if the writer tries to make the character do something that's against the character's established personality, it just doesn't feel "true". I got to a certain point in my story and it was almost as if Katie herself was demanding a vote... because that's exactly what she would do if such a person really existed and found herself in that situation. And furthermore it was "her" idea to make a non-vote count as a no vote.

However, to be fair to those of you who did comment on my story up to that point, and vote on how I should end it, I came up with a way to give my "audience" what they want, and still keep my "promise" of counting all the times the page had been viewed and considering all of the ones who didn't comment to be casting a "no" vote.

Bullmoose to the rescue! As one of you pointed out, I began the story with Katie worrying about what Bullmoose was going to do if he found out that one of her clones had escaped. Even though I sort of painted myself into a corner with the Cleanup Man, Bullmoose wasn't going to pay any attention to who had commented, and how many people hadn't.

So, now I'm almost ready to post the end of this story, and well... in this case, I don't suppose it would be considered a "spoiler" if I reveal ahead of time that Katie is going to get a spanking! :oops:
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

(In my best Paul Harvey voice, I say) "And now, the rest of the story!"
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And now O.T. Katie is OTK!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...The spanking continues...
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...And Bullmoose confesses a secret love for Katie! (Oh really! How secret was that?)
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And she's still getting spanked in these panels!
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(Dan ought to like that!)
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Re: a third O.T. Katie thread

Post by hugob00m »

...And she's still getting spanked!
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...And a few more on behalf of her absent clone!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...A little mid-spanking rub... and a chance to admire the view!
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And then the panties come down!
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