One Good Turn

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: One Good Turn

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Phil... Thanx for the friendly message. You know, I have had this same problem before, with your poser toons.

I remember that, when you were rendering your "Tommy and Tammy" story, I kept saying that Tammy was obviously an African American girl. You said she was white, but with a dark tan. As you continued to render your toons, Tammy looked more and more as if she were a black girl, or at least a south sea islander.

Now you say that Sara Ann's mouth looks normal to you, on your computer monitor. But on mine, she looks like she is trying to swallow a red apple... WHOLE!

When you wrote that, I took another look at your last page. I enlarged it as much as possible, and took a really close look at what you did with Sara Ann's mouth. And you know, I can see where you tried to fill in a row of teeth and a tongue... but that isn't as clear on my computer as on yours.

Now, my computer is practically new. I bought it last December, so it's not even a year old. I have an Apple screen, or an iMac, so maybe there is some sort of incompatibility between your screen and mine. Do you have a PC? Are you working on Linus, maybe?

Anyway, I have now "touched up" Sara Ann's mouth so that it looks normal on my screen.

And yes, I do watch the antics of the background characters. Harley has got some Rogues' Gallery of buddies, doesn't he? It is funny that old Sam, who thought he was having a heart attack, asked for a nitro pill but received a Viagra instead! Dunno if you intend to pursue that story, but it's amusing nevertheless.

Last edited by daneldorado on Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by web-ed »

There's certainly a lot to like with the way this series is progressing! The secondary issue of the reactions of the various old-timers, especially Sam getting the wrong pill which was a fine comedic touch, has been well-handled all the way through. As far as the spanking itself, we have the paddle being applied to Jennifer's bare bottom (her "Please!" changing to "Eeeek!" as her panties were lowered was enjoyable), including a "moment of impact" shot (from the front, in panel #16).

And speaking of comedy, I'm with solsunbeach on Sara Ann about to receive a warm welcome, shall we say, to the party. This reminds me a little of Suzie Q. Smith, but of course you may never have seen it, Phil. Not that it would be a problem if you had - the idea of the grown daughter who can still be spanked can be developed in different ways, and I think we all want to see exactly how it will play out here. Another "moment of impact" shot would not be amiss, in my view.

As for Dan's issue with Sara Ann's mouth, I would suggest checking your screen resolution - maybe it's set to a lower value than Phil's.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

i do have a pc and not only is it a pc but also it's one designed with poser in mind. poser is a memory hog and has a tendency to be buggy. when i was talking to my computer man about all this before he built this one i explained all this to him and he took a couple months to research poser, it's requirements and just what kind of software they used when developing it. then he started with one of the computers he builds for the graphics and video programs at the local college and modified it to run poser better. it works great. when i first got it set up i opened a pic that i knew had taken 30-35 minutes to render with my old computer. then i doubled the size and started the render. it took 4 minutes. the graphics card has 512 mb of ram and is the same size as the inside of the computer................that's in addition to the 2 gigs of ram in the computer itself. it's about 2 years old and the monitor is about 3 i think. the monitor is an "envision" flat screen and all settings on it are the default settings. my screen resolution is 1280X960 which is the way it was set up in this computer. that's pretty much all i can think of to tell you about it. you know, it occurred to me a while back that i go to a lot of trouble do make all the coloring i do look exactly right. i start with the lighting in poser and then try to select just the right color for the scene in photoshop and adjust the opacity till it looks just right to me..........."on my computer". when you come right down to it though, i really have no clue just what it looks like to other people who are looking at it on other computers. anyway, hopefully these problems will be few and won't interfere with your enjoyment of the toons..............or other folks enjoyment.

btw, that pill mix up might just have some interesting results later in the toon :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,
web-ed wrote: As far as the spanking itself, we have the paddle being applied to Jennifer's bare bottom (her "Please!" changing to "Eeeek!" as her panties were lowered was enjoyable), including a "moment of impact" shot (from the front, in panel #16).
i'm glad you enjoyed Jennifer's reaction to her panties going down :D it seemed to me that something like that could happen. i'll be doing more of the impact pics as we go along, not only in this toon but also in future ones.
web-ed wrote:the idea of the grown daughter who can still be spanked can be developed in different ways, and I think we all want to see exactly how it will play out here. Another "moment of impact" shot would not be amiss, in my view.
i agree. as a matter of fact, i find the idea of mom getting spanked to be an exciting one :D after all, a naughty girl is a naughty girl no matter what her age :lol: . i hadn't seen the Suzie Q but it looks just right to me. actually, as i was looking at it i found myself wondering if perhaps Spanky Sal has a mother who needs a spanking :lol: thanks, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by willjohn »

Of course, after mother is done and dusted, there is little doubt Jennifer will get another rump roasting from mother.

Re: One Good Turn

Post by daneldorado »

willjohn wrote:

Of course, after mother is done and dusted, there is little doubt Jennifer will get another rump roasting from mother.

Right. But if -- I'm just sayin' IF -- Mom gets a spanking from Harley as expected, I don't think she will be turning Jennifer over her knee. Sara Ann's seat will be too sore to sit down. She may give Jennifer a spanking while standing up. That will be a new challenge for overbarrel, but I'm sure he is up to it.

Web-ed and Overbarrel:

Concerning the differences in computer resolution that seem to be giving me problems with Phil's poser art, it isn't all that serious. The only reason I mentioned the look of Sara Ann's mouth is that it looked so "strange" to me. But my screen resolution is cranked all the way up to Max, so that isn't the problem. It may have to do with differences between PCs and Macs. Anyway, I have adjusted the pic on my computer so that it looks okay.

No problem. These infernal machines are in their infancy, relatively speaking, and will no doubt find a "standard" that they can all live with, some time in the not too distant future. I just hope we're all still alive when that happens.

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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Of course, after mother is done and dusted, there is little doubt Jennifer will get another rump roasting from mother.
hi willjohn,

could be but each viewer is gonna have to decide that for him/her self. i generally don't do any f/f spankings. i don't have any problem with them and enjoy seeing them at times but i usually just stick with m/f. of course, nothing to prevent each viewer from having their own fantasies about after mom gets her spanking :D . thanks, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

overbarrel49 wrote:No problem. These infernal machines are in their infancy, relatively speaking, and will no doubt find a "standard" that they can all live with, some time in the not too distant future. I just hope we're all still alive when that happens.
hi Dan,

that would be nice. i'd really like knowing that everyone is getting to see the pics the way i want them too. thanks, phil

Re: One Good Turn

Post by daneldorado »

Overbarrel wrote:

i generally don't do any f/f spankings. i don't have any problem with them and enjoy seeing them at times but i usually just stick with m/f. of course, nothing to prevent each viewer from having their own fantasies about after mom gets her spanking . thanks, phil

Aha! A kindred spirit! Phil, let us swear eternal friendship.

For years and years I have collected pics of women getting spanked... but NEVER by other women!

Of course I know that many spanking fans like to look at F/F as well as M/F. On the few occasions that I have broached the subject on an Internet site, I always receive curt replies to the effect that I should enjoy BOTH, or else there is something "wrong" with me.

But although I will sometimes LOOK at an F/F spanking, I never collect them. There are NONE in my collections, either on the computer or in hard copy. And to think: I thought I was the only one that felt that way.

By the way: On a related subject, I also love to look at, and collect, m/F spankings. That's the small "m," get it? It means that I enjoy seeing young guys spank an adult female, sort of like my "Tommy and Miss Johnson" drawings. My heart leapt with joy when I first found such pics on the Internet; sort of like the "Suzie" spanking and the various "baby sitter" toons where the kids are spanking their sitters, though the sitters are maybe ten years older than they. Oh, and Kami Tora has a famous one too, where a young male student gives his teacher an OTK spanking. Those things are golden.

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Re: One Good Turn

Post by willjohn »

overbarrel49 wrote:
willjohn wrote:Of course, after mother is done and dusted, there is little doubt Jennifer will get another rump roasting from mother.
hi willjohn,

could be but each viewer is gonna have to decide that for him/her self. i generally don't do any f/f spankings. i don't have any problem with them and enjoy seeing them at times but i usually just stick with m/f. of course, nothing to prevent each viewer from having their own fantasies about after mom gets her spanking :D . thanks, phil
Perhaps one of those senior gallants will spank her on Mummy's behalf.
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

as i said, i usually only do pics of M/F spanking. as far as my collection goes though i do have some F/F spanking in my collection. for example, i love the drawings done by Paula and i save anything and everything i can find by her. she actually deals in lots of things that aren't my favorites including F/F spankings and all kind of implements that i don't particularly care for such as birches, and various whips and such. the thing is that she is such an accomplished artist that i just have to save it all. her drawings of the female body and the expressions she does are all world class in my opinion.
daneldorado wrote:On the few occasions that I have broached the subject on an Internet site, I always receive curt replies to the effect that I should enjoy BOTH, or else there is something "wrong" with me.

i don't understand why other folks think they should get to tell you what you should or shouldn't like :x . Geez! you know what you like best and i'm betting those folks wouldn't like you telling them what they should like!

anyway, i'll be sticking with doing M/F spankings because that's what feels most natural to me and that's what i like the most. the main reason i started doing pics at all is because i couldn't find a lot of the kind of drawings that i like. if i didn't care i could just have looked at what everyone else was doing. basically, i just do what i like best and if some other folks like them too then that's great :D . thanks, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

it looks like Sara Ann is well known in the town. everyone seems to have comments.................except for Jennifer who has other things on her mind
it looks like Sara Ann is well known in the town. everyone seems to have comments.................except for Jennifer who has other things on her mind
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hi everyone,

don't you just hate it when you're already in trouble and people you know are making fun of you? in this case i'm betting mom is wishing that she had just kept her mouth shut................especially since the full extent of her problems is dawning on her. anyway, i hope you enjoy the new pics. phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

there's the moment of full realization again
there's the moment of full realization again
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by daneldorado »

Phil, again you are to be commended!

Your new pair o' pics continue to be marvels of the poser art. Now that Sara Ann has taken Jennifer's place over Harley's knee, I know we can expect more fireworks, but this time exploding on the bottom of poor Sara. Good show!

I really admire your fealty to real life. Sara Ann is obviously older than Jennifer, though just as beautiful. But you have not simply put an older face on Jennifer's body... no, you have respected the natural changes that life imposes on people. Sara's boobs are slightly larger than Jen's, and lower; her waist is a bit thicker; and so are her thighs, though they are still very attractive.

These are the things that life does to a person's body, and I so admire that you have put these changes into your magnificent picture story.

Jennifer is now standing to the side, still crying and rubbing her bottom. And may I say, her thighs are truly great, as befits a beautiful girl of 24. I should have remarked on that earlier; indeed, I consider your picture no. 10 to be the best spanking pic of all time, with the single exception that, as Web-ed has pointed out, her left forearm is a tad too long. But her legs in that picture are gorgeous, and so is your positioning of the principal characters.

Now we have a spanking of Sara Ann to look forward to, and oh what glories await us!

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Re: One Good Turn

Post by solsunbeach »

More of the same please - OTK is bliss! :D

Re: One Good Turn

Post by daneldorado »

Shouldn't this story now be called "TWO Good Turns?"

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Re: One Good Turn

Post by willjohn »

Bet that dress goes to a local charity. Too many painful memories for both of them.
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Phil, again you are to be commended!

Your new pair o' pics continue to be marvels of the poser art. Now that Sara Ann has taken Jennifer's place over Harley's knee, I know we can expect more fireworks, but this time exploding on the bottom of poor Sara. Good show!
hi Dan,

thanks for the kind words. it's nice to know you're enjoying the toon :D
daneldorado wrote: I really admire your fealty to real life. Sara Ann is obviously older than Jennifer, though just as beautiful. But you have not simply put an older face on Jennifer's body... no, you have respected the natural changes that life imposes on people. Sara's boobs are slightly larger than Jen's, and lower; her waist is a bit thicker; and so are her thighs, though they are still very attractive.

These are the things that life does to a person's body, and I so admire that you have put these changes into your magnificent picture story.
thanks for noticing this :D . i thought the changes were subtle indicating that Sara was still in good shape but she is older than Jennifer. it all seemed reasonable to me.
daneldorado wrote: Jennifer is now standing to the side, still crying and rubbing her bottom. And may I say, her thighs are truly great, as befits a beautiful girl of 24. I should have remarked on that earlier; indeed, I consider your picture no. 10 to be the best spanking pic of all time, with the single exception that, as Web-ed has pointed out, her left forearm is a tad too long. But her legs in that picture are gorgeous, and so is your positioning of the principal characters.
that's interesting. while i liked #10 a lot, i really thought that #11 was my favorite of the toon :lol: . just goes to show you that everyone's taste in these matters is a little different even though we may basically like the same kinds of things. now the trick is to get Sara well paddled without getting too much repetition so it doesn't get boring. i'll do my best though. thanks, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

solsunbeach wrote:More of the same please - OTK is bliss! :D
hi solsunbeach,

coming right up. glad you're enjoying it :D . thanks, phil
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Re: One Good Turn

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Shouldn't this story now be called "TWO Good Turns?"
hi again,

when i was starting this story i knew i was gonna have Jennifer's mom getting spanked too so i figured "one good turn deserves another". Jennifer's was one good turn and Sara's is least that's the way i had it figured :lol:
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