Another Level

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

looks like the talking is all over
looks like the talking is all over
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hi everyone,

there comes a time in a spanking when everything has been said and the talking is over. however, to make sure that the lesson is remembered, you never want to end a spanking too soon. it seems Kevin already knows that :D . i hope you enjoy it. phil

Re: Another Level

Post by daneldorado »

Wow, that elegant bottom of Chris' is now candy apple red!

Phil, I really appreciate how you have orchestrated the expanding glow of Chris' backside steadily, slowly, like a Rossini crescendo, to bring it to the ardent glow it displays today. That tush is now a fiery sphere on the verge of turning purple, and I love it!

Once again, your artistry saves the day.

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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: Phil, I really appreciate how you have orchestrated the expanding glow of Chris' backside steadily, slowly, like a Rossini crescendo, to bring it to the ardent glow it displays today. That tush is now a fiery sphere on the verge of turning purple, and I love it!
hi Dan,

i'm glad you liked the crescendo :D did seem like the proper way it would have taken place. i'm also glad to hear that i'm not the only one who likes Rossini. thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by willjohn »

I wonder if "The Barber of Seville" is one of her favorite operas, or if she may not wish a close shave? :roll:
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Re: Another Level

Post by hugob00m »

i'll be sad to see this one over... but maybe you should do one more panel before you bring it to a close. To me, a story like this needs to end with him holding her in his arms, comforting her, telling her he still loves her, will always love her, even when she's so naughty that she has to be spanked.
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:I wonder if "The Barber of Seville" is one of her favorite operas, or if she may not wish a close shave? :roll:
hi Willjohn,

:lol: . i see we have another member who likes good music :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:i'll be sad to see this one over... but maybe you should do one more panel before you bring it to a close. To me, a story like this needs to end with him holding her in his arms, comforting her, telling her he still loves her, will always love her, even when she's so naughty that she has to be spanked.
hi Boom,

i already have one more pic done and I'm planning a second one. I'll post them on Friday and that should wrap this toon up. this one was the last one with any spanking in it but i think the last 2 should have other things "of interest" in them :D . i'm glad you've been enjoying this one :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by web-ed »

As we approach the end of this series, it's apparent now that the overall contour of the story (not to mention Christine's bottom :) ) is most satisfying. If it were a work of art hanging in a museum, it could be called "Anatomy of a Lovers' Spanking", because it does trace the course of a spanking from beginning through middle to end (or at least it will do so, come Friday). I really like the arch of Christine's back, hard to achieve in the OTK position, that turns her bottom up and out. Speaking of which, I think the radiated heat from her seat could just about melt the snow we had in Chicago today! Go, Phil!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:As we approach the end of this series, it's apparent now that the overall contour of the story (not to mention Christine's bottom :) ) is most satisfying. If it were a work of art hanging in a museum, it could be called "Anatomy of a Lovers' Spanking", because it does trace the course of a spanking from beginning through middle to end (or at least it will do so, come Friday).
hi web-ed,

your comment pleases me very much :D . makes me think i was able to actually convey what i was intending to with this toon :D . it will indeed be ending on Friday. i have 2 more pics which i will be posting then. now i have to think up another toon :lol: .
web-ed wrote:I really like the arch of Christine's back, hard to achieve in the OTK position, that turns her bottom up and out. Speaking of which, I think the radiated heat from her seat could just about melt the snow we had in Chicago today! Go, Phil!
it does appear that her bottom is a bit red :lol: . we had a bit of snow in southern Indiana today too but nothing to serious. i'm sure she could have melted ours :lol: . i'm glad you enjoyed the pic :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

not allowed to touch that freshly spanked bottom
not allowed to touch that freshly spanked bottom
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hi everyone,

here are the last 2 pics in our toon. i think i'll just let everyone draw their own conclusions about the end of this toon and i'll be interested to hear what you all have to say about it. i'm hoping to start another toon next week but things haven't been going as smooth as i would have liked and so far i haven't gotten started on it yet so there could be a delay getting a new one going. i hope you enjoy them. phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

could be interesting developments
could be interesting developments
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Re: Another Level

Post by willjohn »

i hope she is not too good, I would like to see more of her juicy red arse. :P

Re: Another Level

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Phil...

An excellent ending for your latest saga. And I think that, with "Another Level," you have greatly improved on your already awesome skills as a poser artist. Good show!

My one... and ONLY... cavil is that you never did tell us, just WHAT Chris did, in the first place, to merit such a hard spanking? You have Kevin saying: "I had to make sure you wouldn't repeat this...." Repeat WHAT? You never let us know. Obviously, the lady has done something (or forgotten to do something) and has misbehaved in some way or other. I will always wonder what the hell it was.

Nevertheless, a fine story, and brilliant artwork to go with it.

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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:i hope she is not too good, I would like to see more of her juicy red arse. :P
hi Willjohn,

i see you have your own agenda concerning this matter :lol: . i have a hunch that Kevin is probably hoping the same thing. i know i wish my wife would be more naughty sometimes :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:An excellent ending for your latest saga. And I think that, with "Another Level," you have greatly improved on your already awesome skills as a poser artist. Good show!
hi Dan,

thanks for this comment. i think every artist strives to keep improving over time and i am no exception so i got a great deal of satisfaction from your comments :D .
daneldorado wrote:Nevertheless, a fine story, and brilliant artwork to go with it.
thanks again. it always pleases me when other folks enjoy my toons :D . as far as what she did wrong...............i really never had anything in mind other than she sneaked around behind his back rather than telling him the truth. i figured that deception rather than honesty was sufficient reason for a good spanking. since i never really had anything in mind perhaps you can conjure up a scenario on your own this time. i will, however, remember this in the future and try to provide a satisfactory reason for the spankings. thanks, phil
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Another Level - The Conclusion

Post by web-ed »

With #17 and 18, we have at last reached a satisfying ending to "Another Level." I liked the way Christine was dancing up and down in panel 17 due to the sting in her bottom, while the hug in panel 18 is the very best way to conclude a spanking (I'm a great believer in post-spanking hugs). Of course, since they're lovers, things are probably going to go beyond the hugging stage in the next few minutes ...

The important thing is that Kevin has demanded total submission from Christine, and gotten it - because he wasn't afraid to use spanking as the means to compel her submission. This is the central point of the work, and it has been made very effectively. I'm not sure how many women there are in Phil's group, where his art can also be seen, but they should like this aspect of the story as much as the men do.

I don't think I have a single favorite panel, but if I did, it would be #8 in which Christine is bare-bottomed over Kevin's knee and feeling very, very vulnerable, because this is probably the moment of greatest erotic anticipation. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:With #17 and 18, we have at last reached a satisfying ending to "Another Level." I liked the way Christine was dancing up and down in panel 17 due to the sting in her bottom, while the hug in panel 18 is the very best way to conclude a spanking (I'm a great believer in post-spanking hugs). Of course, since they're lovers, things are probably going to go beyond the hugging stage in the next few minutes ...
hi web-ed,

i'm glad you found the ending to be satisfying. i figure that if this was an actual couple, it would have been satisfying for them too ;) . i think you can count on things going beyond the hugging stage immediately if not sooner :D . there must be lots of dancing enthusiasts in the spanko community............just about every one commented on pic #17 :lol: .
web-ed wrote:The important thing is that Kevin has demanded total submission from Christine, and gotten it - because he wasn't afraid to use spanking as the means to compel her submission. This is the central point of the work, and it has been made very effectively. I'm not sure how many women there are in Phil's group, where his art can also be seen, but they should like this aspect of the story as much as the men do.
i'm glad i was able to convey that :D . some folks don't understand just how powerful all the emotions and sensations of a spanking can be and just how much they can bring a couple together. i have many women in my groups. of course, everyone seems to identify with different things so i get only a fraction of them commenting on any particular pic or toon. the comments i have had from the ladies have been favorable and while most of them don't always say exactly what they made a connection with, i would draw that conclusion from the fact that they liked this toon ;) .
web-ed wrote:I don't think I have a single favorite panel, but if I did, it would be #8 in which Christine is bare-bottomed over Kevin's knee and feeling very, very vulnerable, because this is probably the moment of greatest erotic anticipation. :)

interesting choice. you picked one of the pics which is less physical and more emotional :D . i'm glad you enjoyed the toon and the conclusion :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by hugob00m »

Oh yes! I had suggested that you do a post-spank hug for your two lovers... not knowing that you were already going to do just that! Like the newspaper ads for McLintock! said: "Such a tender love story!" ;)

I, for one, enjoy a romantic spanking much more than a parental one. If it's a husband spanking his wife, the erotic aspects of their relationship can be fully explored without any limits. Or if it's a couple who are destined to be lovers, but don't know it yet, a spanking can be the catalyst that makes them realise, or admit for the first time how much they desire each other. Those are the kind of stories that you always do so well.
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Re: Another Level

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Oh yes! I had suggested that you do a post-spank hug for your two lovers... not knowing that you were already going to do just that! Like the newspaper ads for McLintock! said: "Such a tender love story!" ;)
hi Boom,

thanks for this comment. this story was always intended to be a love story :D .....................and i'm betting her bottom is pretty tender :lol: .
hugob00m wrote:I, for one, enjoy a romantic spanking much more than a parental one. If it's a husband spanking his wife, the erotic aspects of their relationship can be fully explored without any limits. Or if it's a couple who are destined to be lovers, but don't know it yet, a spanking can be the catalyst that makes them realise, or admit for the first time how much they desire each other. Those are the kind of stories that you always do so well.
actually, i too enjoy the stories of spankings between lovers. i mean spanking is a sexual activity................just look at the area being focused on ;) . so when a spanking is between lovers or even future lovers, as you mentioned, that sexual aspect can be included along with the rest of the intense sensations of a spanking. the next toon, which i am working on now, is also between a man and wife although this one will have a little different tone to it. this time it will be a little older couple who have been married a while too. i'm glad you think i do this kind of story well :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Another Level

Post by willjohn »

hugob00m wrote:Oh yes! I had suggested that you do a post-spank hug for your two lovers... not knowing that you were already going to do just that! Like the newspaper ads for McLintock! said: "Such a tender love story!" ;)

I, for one, enjoy a romantic spanking much more than a parental one. If it's a husband spanking his wife, the erotic aspects of their relationship can be fully explored without any limits. Or if it's a couple who are destined to be lovers, but don't know it yet, a spanking can be the catalyst that makes them realise, or admit for the first time how much they desire each other. Those are the kind of stories that you always do so well.
Is that like the old gag about the spanked girl being like a steam engine, she has a tender behind?
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