Friday the 13th

The cartoons of hugob00m. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Friday the 13th

Post by hugob00m »

About ten years ago, I drew a cartoon that took place on a Friday the 13th. It starred Katie, and had reversals of some popular superstitions. (For instance, a black cat walked in front of her and then stopped, but then someone showed up to offer her a reward for the retrieval of a beloved lost pet. The conclusion of the story had her finding a four-leaf clover, but when she walked over to pick it, a nearby cop pointed out the "Don't Step On The Grass" sign and spanked her for breaking the law!)

I no longer have this one saved, and I notice that tomorrow is another Friday the 13th. Do any of you have it? Phil maybe?
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Re: Friday the 13th

Post by overbarrel49 »

Katie's luck pt[1]. 1.jpg
Katie's luck pt[1]. 1.jpg (153.45 KiB) Viewed 6612 times
Katie's luck pt[1]. 2.jpg
Katie's luck pt[1]. 2.jpg (166.19 KiB) Viewed 6612 times
Katie's luck pt[2]. 3.jpg
Katie's luck pt[2]. 3.jpg (211.23 KiB) Viewed 6612 times
hi Boom,

i found the story you were talking about :D . it's called "Katie's Luck" although i don't see any reference to Friday the 13th. i have to say that it "does" seem like Katie's luck though.............fortunately for us :lol: .
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Re: Friday the 13th

Post by willjohn »

A well earned spanking. Stiletto heels can make a real mess of a lawn. Good work by the genie for not abetting her vandalism. :roll:

I wonder if anybody will tell Katie there are two more Friday the Thirteenths this year?
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Re: Friday the 13th

Post by web-ed »

Great fun, b00m, and doubly-appropriate since one of today's updates is Dan's fix of that Bill Wenzel cartoon with the scofflaw spanked for ignoring a "Keep Off The Grass" sign. Once again, you've shown great invention in contriving a situation that results in Katie going OTK - and we wouldn't have it any other way :) !

Thanks for digging this one up, Phil, because I don't think I had it.
willjohn wrote:I wonder if anybody will tell Katie there are two more Friday the Thirteenths this year?
Sounds like a suggestion for a trilogy, b00m, if you're so inclined. I think it would be interesting to have two additional "Friday the 13th" Katie plots and see just how much "bad" luck she can have (bad for her, good for us :lol: !).
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Friday the 13th

Post by hugob00m »

Thanks, Phil! I was hoping someone had kept that one. Maybe I should do another Friday the 13th themed cartoon. I've already used the broken mirror, the black cat, and the four-leaf clover, but there are some more popular superstitions that I haven't used yet. Hmmm... I'm going to have to think about that! And thanks to web-ed and willjohn for your comments.
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Re: Friday the 13th

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Boom,

you're welcome :) . i should have pretty much everything that you had posted at Arild's group and i'll be happy to post any of them that you want. i wanted to comment that i really like the sheer slip that Katie's wearing in the first panel :D . also, i notice that Katie doesn't seem particularly happy that the cop is having a lucky day :lol: . phil
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Re: Friday the 13th

Post by solsunbeach »

It might not be a lucky day for Katie, but it certainly was for us!
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Re: Friday the 13th

Post by solsunbeach »

Hi Boom, Is Katie on holiday? I do hope so. She must have lots of stories to tell us.
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Re: Friday the 13th

Post by willjohn »

..and she has another Friday the 13th this week. :D

Oh, joy!
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