Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Hi WEB-ED CSR!! Maybe some of those comic books artist and writers weren`t into spanking but used it as a way to deal with headstrong female character instead of punching them or in cases such as spoild Queens or princesses taking them down a peg! But what about artist like Dan Decarlo or Bill Ward do you think they drew spanking as a turn on? I think these two was into spanking by just looking at their drawing large shaply bottoms of their females and many fantasies Boss spank Secretary Doctors Nurses ect that was made to be humor but also a turn on same could be said about Bill Wenzel and Kirk Stiles who drew plenty of spankings. Do you think that When Decarlo and Ward drew mainstream comics such as Archie and Torchy they try to restrain themselves for having their female characters spanked so that it wouldn`t be seen as though they was doing this for their own pleasure?
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Were Ward, DeCarlo, etc. Into Spanking Themselves?

Post by web-ed »

This subject came up over on the "Spanking in Media" forum (see Clues That Tell Us an Artist Might Be Into Spanking). I don't want to repeat here what I wrote over there, so I'll just give a quick summary of my thoughts on the Humorama "Big Five" plus one.
  • Bill Ward - though I'm sure he drew more spanking cartoons than anyone else from his generation (perhaps Dave Wolfe, Nik Zula, or our own Dan Rivera have caught up to him or will do so since they're all still active), I'm not convinced he was a true spanko - he was simply too boob-crazy, although I doubt he had any objection to spanking in principle or practice.

    I don't think the reason there are no Torchy spankings and relatively few from Archie is that he and Dan DeCarlo were covering up their inclinations; these comics were done script-first, which means it would have been difficult for the artist to insert a spanking the writer hadn't called for and the editor hadn't approved, except perhaps for a "melee" spanking in the middle of a busy and crowded panel.
  • Bill Wenzel - the putative inventor of the Humorama "spanker," Wenzel's sometimes awkward positioning and use of the wrong hand for spanking make it unlikely he was into the scene. I think he was simply a good gag man who recognized the comedic potential for spankings and thought they would freshen up the mostly tired old gags that cartoonists had been doing for years.
  • Kirk Stiles - His output over the years was enormous, but while I've seen some of his early work from the 30's, the only "spankers" he did as far as I know were for Humorama after Bill Wenzel started the trend. And like Wenzel, his positioning is sometimes very awkward, so it's hard to believe he could have been a spanko. He did use the widest variety of spanking positions among these six artists, whatever that might indicate.
  • Dan DeCarlo - his work had a nudge-nudge, wink-wink, one-guy-to-another quality to it, for time and again the spankee gets taken OTK on a flimsy pretext simply because the spanker secretly wants to smack her shapely bottom. This proves DeCarlo well understood the erotic pleasure a man can take in spanking a woman, and that he knew how to craft a gag around this fact, but it doesn't prove he was a true spanko himself. Probably he would have enjoyed taking a young woman OTK if he had had the opportunity (I don't know if he ever did).
  • Homer Provence - almost unique among the six in routinely presenting spanking as a consensual activity (rarely Stiles did this also). I think Homer's view of spanking was to see it as foreplay between lovers, so he might very well have done it occasionally himself. But that wouldn't make him a dedicated spanko like we here are.
  • George Morrice - if I had known how many "spankers" he did when I first coined the term "The Big Five", I probably would have made it "The Big Six". All the spankings he drew (including one caning!) came after Wenzel's pioneering example, and I believe he was simply trying to please editor Abe Goodman. Still, Morrice could be considered a "possible".
Last edited by web-ed on Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Replace "smuttiest" with a longer description of DeCarlo's work.
-- Web-Ed

Re: Why Spanking Should Not Have Been Stopped in Comics

Post by daneldorado »

Good essay, Web-ed... and yes, I did enjoy its predecessor, "Clues That Tell Us...." Very scholarly, while at the same time coming down firmly in favor of spanking cartoons.

But wow, I wish you had not used the word "smutty" to describe Dan DeCarlo! The online Thesaurus tells us that "smutty" means obscene or vulgar. I never think of DeCarlo that way. His lines are clean, his jokes are clean, and I don't think I've ever seen a DeCarlo toon that debases women, as some of Ward's surely did. DeCarlo's spankers all seem to be spanking because it is fun, and for no real other reason. I realize that's essentially what you said, but I fail to see how that makes his cartoons "smutty."

DeCarlo's spanking toons always make me want to "BE" the guy he depicts, spanking the girl. There is no other artist I have viewed, who makes me feel that way. When "Mr. Woodrod" spanks the girl who's landed a job as his maid, it's pretty clear that he is not mean-spirited, he just likes spanking pretty girls. Even the office executive who spanks the girl who wandered into the wrong office after lunch, is not being malicious. He just saw an opportunity to spank a pretty girl, and took it.

Of course something like that could never happen in real life, and Mr. DeCarlo knows it. He simply takes our personal fantasies and puts them to work on his drawing board. Maybe this is why you wrote: "Probably he would have enjoyed taking a young woman OTK if he had had the opportunity...."

Personally, that thought sings to me. Yes, I was a spanker in my younger days. In my twenties I dated several girls, and always looked for the opportunity to spank their pretty bottoms. Whenever I found a willing candidate, you bet your life I took the initiative and whaled away! In a friendly way, of course.

Anyway, Web-ed, good essay.

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Time for a Rewrite

Post by web-ed »

I thought about it, Dan, and you're right - I shouldn't have used the word "smutty" to describe DeCarlo's work. I'm going to have to go back and change it now, although I'm still having trouble finding the right adjective - I don't think there is one word for the quality I'm trying to describe. Let this be a lesson to all young writers: if you can't find the right word, accept no substitutes - just keep looking, or rewrite the phrase entirely. Also, there are times when you have to ignore the normal writer's discipline that tells you to keep going no matter what, which is the only way you can produce a decent daily page total, and set aside the work for a time. As tired as I was when I wrote that, I shouldn't have been allowed near a word processor!
-- Web-Ed
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