In The Family

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: In The Family

Post by daneldorado »

Yay! It looks as if Carl is starting to spank Dianne with only his bare hand... (excellent for that personal, intimate, tactile sense of enjoyment) and is waiting before he applies the slipper. Now, THIS I can relate to!

Did we ever establish ages? In McLintock! Maureen O'Hara was 43 when she got spanked, and Stefanie Powers was 21. Now, if a pretty woman of today takes good care of her body, exercises, and does not overeat, she can still be in excellent milfy shape at age 43. Come to think of it, Mary-Louise Parker was 44 when she took that over-the-knee spanking in 2008, in Showtime's "Weeds" and 47 when she took one solid ass smack last year, from Pablo Schreiber. As long as women keep looking that good at that age, probably there is no limit to how old they can be spanked.

I am further reminded that you, Phil, once created a great story of a daughter and her mother both getting spanked, in front of witnesses, called "One Good Turn." This new story of yours, which I guess is called "In the Family," is close on the heels of that great earlier story... except that here, there are apparently no witnesses to Dianne's spanking. Perhaps it was an oversight, but I tend to think you are simply conserving energy. It must be difficult to draw all of those witnesses in every panel!

Keep 'em comin', Phil.

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Re: In The Family

Post by hugob00m »

I love the way your story is going just now! The lovely Dianne, turned over her husband's knee, with her shapely bottom bared, awaiting the inevitable spanking... Wow! :D :D :D
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Yay! It looks as if Carl is starting to spank Dianne with only his bare hand... (excellent for that personal, intimate, tactile sense of enjoyment) and is waiting before he applies the slipper. Now, THIS I can relate to!
hi Dan,

i have to agree with you that spanking by hand is indeed excellent for the personal, intimate, tactile sense of enjoyment :D . however, that isn't exactly what he's doing right now. he is just patting her bare bottom to bring home to her just how totally exposed she is.
daneldorado wrote:Did we ever establish ages? In McLintock! Maureen O'Hara was 43 when she got spanked, and Stefanie Powers was 21. Now, if a pretty woman of today takes good care of her body, exercises, and does not overeat, she can still be in excellent milfy shape at age 43. Come to think of it, Mary-Louise Parker was 44 when she took that over-the-knee spanking in 2008, in Showtime's "Weeds" and 47 when she took one solid ass smack last year, from Pablo Schreiber. As long as women keep looking that good at that age, probably there is no limit to how old they can be spanked.
i never established the ages exactly but rather allowed the situation to establish it for us. since it's been about 25 years since Dianne ran home to mother from college she must be in her mid 40s as is Carl. She does still look good in her mid 40s and i think you're right that Carl can still spank her for years to come...............brides are never too old to need a spanking :D .
daneldorado wrote:I am further reminded that you, Phil, once created a great story of a daughter and her mother both getting spanked, in front of witnesses, called "One Good Turn." This new story of yours, which I guess is called "In the Family," is close on the heels of that great earlier story... except that here, there are apparently no witnesses to Dianne's spanking. Perhaps it was an oversight, but I tend to think you are simply conserving energy. It must be difficult to draw all of those witnesses in every panel!

Keep 'em comin', Phil.

well, i probably am conserving energy.............and time. also, the story kind of dictated that this spanking take place with no witnesses since Al was wanting to get back to school as soon as possible. also, i think the scenes depicted in these last 2 pics where Carl is calling forth all the emotional aspects of the spanking Dianne is about to get, are really more suited to a private spanking ;) . i'm glad you enjoyed the pics and i will keep'em coming :D . thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:I love the way your story is going just now! The lovely Dianne, turned over her husband's knee, with her shapely bottom bared, awaiting the inevitable spanking... Wow! :D :D :D
hi Boom,
nothing wrong with taking a short pause to savor what is about to well as allowing her to feel that flood of emotions :D . i'm glad you're enjoying the story. thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by solsunbeach »

A man after my own heart! I love the look of trepidation on her face!
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

solsunbeach wrote:A man after my own heart! I love the look of trepidation on her face!
hi Solsunbeach,

as i was saying, there's something to be said for being an "experienced" spanker :D . i agree with you about the look on her face.............not only do i love that look but also the fact that Carl is causing that look :D . thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family #21 & 22

Post by web-ed »

Oh yeah - the magic moment when the panties come down, and the spankee knows her number is up, along with her bottom! Love it, love it, love it, especially the way you've drawn Dianne's expression (and one other feature!) :D What an astonishingly lovely, tempting target - I want to change places with Carl - he can edit CSR this week, and I can spank Dianne! :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Oh yeah - the magic moment when the panties come down, and the spankee knows her number is up, along with her bottom! Love it, love it, love it, especially the way you've drawn Dianne's expression (and one other feature!) :D What an astonishingly lovely, tempting target - I want to change places with Carl - he can edit CSR this week, and I can spank Dianne! :lol:
hi web-ed,

i was getting ready to comment that pretty much all the male viewers love that moment when the panties..............yours truly included.............that's why i try to include such a pic in most of my toons :D . after a little thought though, i'd have to say that most of the female viewers love those pics too ;) . thanks for noticing her expression too. she does seem to be having a different reaction to those panties going down than Carl does :lol: . i have no problem if you want to swap with Carl.........................IF you can get him to trade with you :D . glad you enjoyed these. thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

Dianne needs to be careful how she phrases things
Dianne needs to be careful how she phrases things
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hi everyone,

it looks like Carl and Dianne have reached that moment when the "impact" of the spanking changes from emotional to physical :D . it's an intense moment for both spanker and spankee when the patting stops and the spanking starts with that first, good swat! i hope you enjoy the new pics. phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

as promised
as promised
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Re: In The Family

Post by daneldorado »

Zowie! Thanks, Phil. Your latest panel, no. 24, is one of the BEST over-the-knee poses I have ever seen. Kudos to you for that!

Dianne's legs are displayed brilliantly, and we can see that no matter her age, she is splendid condition. She also keeps her fanny elevated properly to receive her husband's swats. Obviously, they have done this before. :D

My main complaint about this toon is that Carl is using the bottom of a slipper to spank his wife, when actually the proper instrument of punishment should be HIS BARE HAND!! Ah well, that's just my personal choice. I like to spank with the palm of my hand, because that way you can feel milady's bottom each time your flesh meets her flesh.

One thing I don't understand: Carl says to his wife, "And since you said please, I'm gonna pick up the pace and keep stinging your bottom til your behavior improves!" That's a non-sequitur. WHY does her saying "PLEASE" compel him to "pick up the pace?" From the speech balloons, it would seem that she is pleading for him to STOP spanking her, not to "pick up the pace!" :roll:

Whatever, Phil, this is a wonderful cartoon. One of your best. Now, if you could just have Carl land a few with his bare hand, all would be well. Dianne's globes are gorgeous.

And getting as red as Carl's shirt.

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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Zowie! Thanks, Phil. Your latest panel, no. 24, is one of the BEST over-the-knee poses I have ever seen. Kudos to you for that!
hi Dan,

i appreciate the praise :D . when i read your comment i found myself wondering how much different the process for composing such a scene is for me than for an artist such as yourself or Boom who actually draw the scene? i started by getting the basic pose for my spanker and spankee set up. then i moved the camera around until i found the angle i thought best showed off Dianne's bottom and legs. then i adjusted her legs to positions that i thought best conveyed her struggles. i have a hunch that you, Boom or Dave Wolfe would probably have to have a much clearer mental image of the scene you want before you start on the pic.
daneldorado wrote:Dianne's legs are displayed brilliantly, and we can see that no matter her age, she is splendid condition. She also keeps her fanny elevated properly to receive her husband's swats. Obviously, they have done this before. :D
yes, it is obvious that they've done this before.............there's something to be said for experience ;) . in any case, i'm glad you enjoyed the pose :D .
daneldorado wrote: My main complaint about this toon is that Carl is using the bottom of a slipper to spank his wife, when actually the proper instrument of punishment should be HIS BARE HAND!! Ah well, that's just my personal choice. I like to spank with the palm of my hand, because that way you can feel milady's bottom each time your flesh meets her flesh.
i also like to spank with my hand although, i don't mind a light implement such as a small paddle, a ruler or, as in this case, a slipper. most of my earlier work was hand spanking only but folks started asking for implements and some variety does seem a reasonable request to me.
daneldorado wrote:One thing I don't understand: Carl says to his wife, "And since you said please, I'm gonna pick up the pace and keep stinging your bottom til your behavior improves!" That's a non-sequitur. WHY does her saying "PLEASE" compel him to "pick up the pace?" From the speech balloons, it would seem that she is pleading for him to STOP spanking her, not to "pick up the pace!" :roll:
sorry about the confusion here. Carl clearly understands that she wants him to stop. he's just pretending not to understand to keep her stirred up. you know what smart asses spankers can be :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:Whatever, Phil, this is a wonderful cartoon. One of your best. Now, if you could just have Carl land a few with his bare hand, all would be well. Dianne's globes are gorgeous.

And getting as red as Carl's shirt.

again, thanks for the compliments :D i have to agree with you about Dianne's lovely bottom. Dave Wolfe has already cautioned me about composing my later scenes so that her reddening bottom is doesn't line up with his red shirt :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family #23 & 24

Post by web-ed »

I agree with Dan about the OTK positioning in #24, although I think I prefer the viewing angle in #23 (where the first swat lands) even though Dianne's bottom isn't red yet. I really like the way Dianne is reacting to the spanking! I don't think it will be too long before Carl's point is made. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I agree with Dan about the OTK positioning in #24, although I think I prefer the viewing angle in #23 (where the first swat lands) even though Dianne's bottom isn't red yet. I really like the way Dianne is reacting to the spanking! I don't think it will be too long before Carl's point is made. :)
hi web-ed,

i've always found it interesting just which positions and which camera angles. like most all other aspects of spanking, everyone seems to have their own preferences................just as it should be :D . sometimes i get a new pic done and i just love it and can' t wait to post it. then when i do post it, it gets a couple of luke warm comments but another pic i wasn't that fond of might get raves. we all have our own favorites ;) . i'm glad you like the way Dianne is reacting and i have a hunch you are exactly right about Carl making his point :D thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

Dianne seems to be starting to lose control
Dianne seems to be starting to lose control
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hi everyone,

it appears that Dianne is trying to hold out against the sting of her spanking but it seems the way her struggling and squirming is escalating that she's not gonna make it :D funny but you'd think as experienced as she is at getting her bottom spanked, she'd know better by this time :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pics. phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

now Carl's getting his point across
now Carl's getting his point across
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Re: In The Family

Post by daneldorado »

Sensational stuff, Phil. Against all odds, it looks as if Dianne -- the forty-ish mother -- is getting an even harder spanking than her daughter Barbara just did. She sure squirms a lot. As you said, Dianne is so experienced at getting her bottom burned, you would think she would be more resigned to this experience than she seems to be :D

Of course, as I said before, it would mean even more to me if the spanker were using the palm of his hand as the instrument of punishment... but I'll take what I can get, thank you very much.

I'm enjoying the hell out of this story, Phil. I think it would be even better if Al and Barbara were still in the room, witnessing this humiliating spanking of the materfamilias. Witnesses watching a deserving lady getting a spanking have always seemed a "plus," in scenes like this. Consider the outdoor spanking in McLintock! (1963), and also your own earlier magnum opus, "One Good Turn," in which a daughter and her mother BOTH receive spankings in front of a group of men... man, that was magic! Nice touch on that last panel, too, where the severely chastised mother gets her sore bottom pinched by a horny guy! :lol:

The latest panels of "In the Family" are high-quality spanking art, Phil. Hope you keep 'em coming!

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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Sensational stuff, Phil. Against all odds, it looks as if Dianne -- the forty-ish mother -- is getting an even harder spanking than her daughter Barbara just did. She sure squirms a lot. As you said, Dianne is so experienced at getting her bottom burned, you would think she would be more resigned to this experience than she seems to be :D
hi Dan,

it does indeed look as if Dianne is really getting it. of course, that might be because Carl is disappointed with her behavior. after all, she's old enough to know better ;) . thanks for the comment about her squirming. as you no doubt already know, it's not that easy to convey such struggles in a single pic and having you point it up brought a smile to my face :D .
daneldorado wrote:I'm enjoying the hell out of this story, Phil. I think it would be even better if Al and Barbara were still in the room, witnessing this humiliating spanking of the materfamilias. Witnesses watching a deserving lady getting a spanking have always seemed a "plus," in scenes like this. Consider the outdoor spanking in McLintock! (1963), and also your own earlier magnum opus, "One Good Turn," in which a daughter and her mother BOTH receive spankings in front of a group of men... man, that was magic! Nice touch on that last panel, too, where the severely chastised mother gets her sore bottom pinched by a horny guy! :lol:
i'm glad you're enjoying this one :D . i'd say the majority of my viewers would agree with you that it would have been better if Al and Barbara were still there watching while mom gets hers. one viewer even suggested that i could have them come back after something they forgot :lol: . that's not a bad idea and while i felt it was too late for this toon, i'm gonna tuck that suggestion away for use in a future toon ;) .
daneldorado wrote: The latest panels of "In the Family" are high-quality spanking art, Phil. Hope you keep 'em coming!
those are some very kind words and i'll do my best to keep 'em coming :D . thanks, phil
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Re: In The Family

Post by hugob00m »

Before commenting on the last two additions to In The Family, I went back and re-read the beginning. Wow! Great story! And I think you're right to make the second spanking a private one this time. It's an intimate moment between an older married couple, and if the spanking leads to sex, they've got the privacy for it.

I would like to see you use these characters again sometime... Maybe you could have Barbara turn into a "bridezilla" at her wedding, ranting and screaming over some trivial little detail that the florist or the caterer got wrong. Then Dianne takes her daughter's side, and it's up to the two men to straighten their women out.
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Re: In The Family

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Before commenting on the last two additions to In The Family, I went back and re-read the beginning. Wow! Great story! And I think you're right to make the second spanking a private one this time. It's an intimate moment between an older married couple, and if the spanking leads to sex, they've got the privacy for it.
hi Boom,

i'm glad you like this story :D . you just might be right about where this spanking may lead after it's over. i know i've always liked to have sex to finish the reconnection after a good spanking ;) .
hugob00m wrote: I would like to see you use these characters again sometime... Maybe you could have Barbara turn into a "bridezilla" at her wedding, ranting and screaming over some trivial little detail that the florist or the caterer got wrong. Then Dianne takes her daughter's side, and it's up to the two men to straighten their women out.
this sounds like a great idea. i guess i may have to consider doing some sequels. i have had requests for a sequel with Jennifer and Sara Ann and another toon called "Takin Charge" that i did right before joining CSR and now you mentioned this one. of course, most of those requests came with ideas for a story too :D . thanks for your comments and ideas. phil
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