Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!! GLAD TO BE BACK FROM SOME TIME OFF!! :lol: First off what really make me mad is movies or tv and comic that builds up to be a spanking and all of a sudden the guy wimp out and do something else like in the video clip you have from The big Valley :x :x This could have been a great spanking scene but for some dumb reason the writer decided to let Jarrod chicken out after threating to give this pretty woman what she really needed and toss her in a troth full of water :x not only was this stupid the poor woman almost hit her head when toss in that thing :x i believe this scene would have been better if the woman was trying to escape her punishment and fell in the water soaking her tight jeans only to be pulled out by Jarrod who then turns her over his knees and spanks her wet bottom! :lol: Spanking threat are nice but they also frustrating :x remember an episode of Daniel Boone where a beautiful woman who was fighting to save her father`s land from a greedy buyer who turns out to be her husband not only threating to give her a spanking he put her over his shoulder carrying almost into the house to do what he said only to be stop by Daniel Boone :x This was indeed a shame! I rather see a spanking take place off scene than a threat anytime!!! The one swat of Melissa was nice :D wish her bottom was smack more! As always Doctor Cylon do a great job adding his magic touch to other people art 8-) This time Endart Detective spanking interrogation. Love the way the woman is bent over with her dress hike up and panties roll down :lol: this is also great being that she looks like a classy lady out of a 40s or 50s Detetive movie big hat and all :D What I do :lol: wish is that Doctor Cylon had used a paddle to get her to confess ! I bet she would have sung louder once that piece of wood landed on her pamper backside :lol: anyway nice color and great job :lol: Was this a real spanking in a comic Book? I`am speaking of the spanking of Pariaha in Lady Death :?: I do hope to see the whole panel leading up to the spanking some day! Anyway as much as I want to love this spanking i can`t get over how pose and stiff this drawing is :| The otk position is good wish the artist gave Pariaha a much rounder bottom push up high on Lady Death knees! Also I wish to have seen the spankee struggling and fighting her spanker for shaming and humiliating her like this plus it would have been nice to see some stars or line of flame coming from Pariaha`s tush :lol: EVEN the ending seem so weak with the spankee vowing for revenge it looks like she enjoyed the spanking being she didn`t but up much of a fight to stop it :oops: Love the gag from the Eye doctor who made the woman bend over to read the last line on the eye chart!Great humor from Kirk Stiles also a good drawing :lol: Like how the woman is wearing a long tight skirt showing off her plump bottom plus I love how the Eye Doctor can`t wait to smack her bottom :lol: I would to with such a large thing like that bent over a tempting :lol: Dan Decarlo`s Spanking of Nurse Smiley is good llike the old fashion nurse`s uniform she is wearing . Too bad nurses today don`t dress like this no more :( Good otk position and the spanker is spanking with the right hand :D Nurse Smiley don`t have to worry about the Doctor`s hand being cold for to long :lol: The drawing of Bane spanks Scandal is ok nice that he spanking her bare bottom but he is so big with small hands :lol: Wish to have seen him spank Batgirl instead! :lol: ;)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

nice drawing by Endart as usual. not only do i like the position but also the spankee's expression..........complete with a tear :D . Doc Cylon has a good eye for a spankable bottom as always. he does a nice job coloring her bottom but i didn't think it was "as good" as some of his other works. many of the Doc Cylon colored pics you have posted recently seemed to me to have just the right coloring to indicate that her bottom is stinging and sizzling. this one just seemed less so to me. anyone else have a comment about that? nice, clear copy of the nurse smiley cartoon :D . i'm with you all the way about her panties, garter belt and hose. it just gives the drawing a classier, sexier look ;) . i think you've hit the nail right on the head about a nurse spanking being a great fantasy too :D . i thought your line of reasoning about the captions was interesting too. it would be really interesting to see what the original caption was and i hope we run across it someday. i never did understand why someone would use a cartoon done by someone else and remove his signature from it...............sigh. i like the Stiles optometrist spanking too although i would have liked it better if she had been wearing a short skirt that would have ridden up in the back exposing the seat of her panties. i guess this drawing is too old for skirts to be that short though. that's one of the reasons i miss the late 60s and early 70s :lol: . i liked the Lady Death spanks Pariah drawing. even though it is F/F, i think it is well done over all. i have to agree with Butch that it would have been nice if Pariah had been struggling more but still, the otk position is good. i thought the tears were a nice touch too. i liked the follow up pic too and i'd have to agree that such pics are pretty scarce in comics. good find. i certainly have to agree with you that Bane is big enough to give Scandal a spanking. he'd have to be careful though in order to avoid breaking her in half :lol: . i've seen quite a few stories on tv that had a big build up to what should have been a spanking and then................nothing. it's a pisser :x . Melissa did indeed take her swat gracefully and with a big smile afterward as she rubbed her spank spot :D i have to wonder just how long that smile would have lasted if there had been 20 swats instead :lol: . another great batch of updates :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Wolfie138 »

Re last week's mystery other Wolf artist : i'm pretty sure "morpheus" was a psuedonym at some point, or a project he was attached to. i can't honestly recall, but the two names are linked for me too.

lady death is indeed from a one-off issue called The Wicked. it's garbage, compared to the early LD comics that came from Chaos, smacking of a lame attempt to try and titillate readers. LD used to be a girl who would ruthlessly destroy any enemy and now she give a lame (panties still up?!) spanking that barely raises a glow.
if you particularly want to read it, a few of the download/share sites have it, or ebay will probably have copies. other than that, when it comes to LD and spanking, i'll stick w/ this aspect
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Re: Weekly Updates for 06/08/2012

Post by web-ed »

A nice flurry of comments from all of you as Butch returns to the scene!

On the two videos:
Butch wrote:First off what really make me mad is movies or tv and comic that builds up to be a spanking and all of a sudden the guy wimp out and do something else like in the video clip you have from The big Valley :x :x This could have been a great spanking scene but for some dumb reason the writer decided to let Jarrod chicken out after threatening to give this pretty woman what she really needed
Yes, this was a huge disappointment to all of us, including (I'm sure) Robin, who put me wise to it in the first place. I've done some of these before, including that one from The Man from UNCLE, which would have been excellent if David McCallum had not been interrupted, and at least in that one, he didn't wimp out like Jarrod did - if not for that call on his communicator, he'd have gone ahead with the spanking. Maybe I shouldn't do these non-spankings any more - good spanking scenes from television (and even real life videos) are hard to find, but worth seeing; more disappointments in life are probably the last thing any of us needs now.

A word on format: I continue to edit any videos I decide to post, removing what I see as extraneous material (and plastering "Chicago Spanking Review" all over them, of course). I also change them from whatever format they're in (typically FLV, or "flash") into WMV (Windows Media). It's not that I'm a Microsoft partisan (in fact, this format doesn't work with my own preferred browser, Firefox), but I know that this format will work for the 60% or so of CSR readers who browse with Internet Explorer, and that all Windows users can download the videos to their home computers and play them there. I use WMV because RealPlayer is on the way out, I dislike MP4 and QuickTime (and not everyone has the QuickTime player installed) AVI is too large, FLV itself requires that you have your own flash player which not everyone does, and MPEG-2 is difficult to convert to (from FLV), although it would allow any standard DVD Player installed on your computer to play it. I've also had Codec (encode/decode) problems when trying to convert to AVI, which everyone could play (but it's too large, and it makes little sense to go from a compressed format into the full-sized AVI).

I'm hoping MAC users are managing somehow, but if anyone is having real trouble with the WMV format, I'd be happy to listen to alternatives. As long as you're using Windows IE, the embedded player should work if you have ActiveX controls enabled, which you can control yourself (ActiveX controls are used by IE for players and some other embedded objects).

On the Endart/Cylon "Nice Interrogation, Detective":
Butch wrote:Love the way the woman is bent over with her dress hike up and panties roll down :lol: this is also great being that she looks like a classy lady out of a 40s or 50s Detetive movie big hat and all :D
daneldorado wrote:Doc Cylon has added a background by way of Layers in the Photoshop system, but in my oh so humble opinion the pic is better off without all that ornate nonsense on the back wall. Better yet is the unadorned pic of milady in the bent-over position, obediently taking her swats. Good coloring by the Doc.
overbarrel49 wrote:many of the Doc Cylon colored pics you have posted recently seemed to me to have just the right coloring to indicate that her bottom is stinging and sizzling. this one just seemed less so to me.
All of you made valid observations, especially considering you didn't see the original version (normally if I have it, I post it, but in this case I held it back). This was indeed supposed to represent a classy lady out of a 40s or 50s Detective movie, taken down a peg with some bare-bottom chastisement. Dan covered the technique used, while Phil opined that he didn't think the bottom-coloring was quite as good as some of Doc Cylon's other efforts. As a matter of fact, Doc usually colors black & white material, but this time, since Endart did the piece in color (his usual format), Doc had the more difficult task of re-coloring it completely, and I think that's the difference here.

Finally, we come to Lady Death spanks Pariah, which caused widely differing reactions among you:
overbarrel49 wrote:i liked the Lady Death spanks Pariah drawing. even though it is F/F, i think it is well done over all.
butch wrote:Was this a real spanking in a comic Book? I`am speaking of the spanking of Pariaha in Lady Death :?: I do hope to see the whole panel leading up to the spanking some day! Anyway as much as I want to love this spanking i can`t get over how pose and stiff this drawing is :|
daneldorado wrote:I would love to see the original comic -- in its entirety -- but I guess that it isn't in your files.
wolfie138 wrote:lady death is indeed from a one-off issue called The Wicked. it's garbage, compared to the early LD comics that came from Chaos, smacking of a lame attempt to try and titillate readers. LD used to be a girl who would ruthlessly destroy any enemy and now she give a lame (panties still up?!) spanking that barely raises a glow.
I try to create new pages for CSR in a smooth, efficient manner, at least to the extent possible given that I'm often forced to work on them with very little sleep. I have occasional trouble, but rarely have things gone so far awry as they did with Lady Death / Pariah. The main problem was that my background research took a long time. I don't mind spending time on these things - that's one of the things that sets CSR apart, when you come down to it - but I ended up being kind of rushed this time. My own fault, of course - no one's forcing me to do this many updates per week, and it would be better to cut down on the number than compromise the quality - but I really thought I could pull this one off and decided not to delay it for what would have been the third time. Being short on time then led to other problems:

1. I was able to locate a copy of the book, as Wolfie suggested, in a comics shop and ordered it. But it didn't arrive in time for the update, and I'm still waiting for it...
2. Without a copy, I couldn't give more context for the spanking. (I wanted to show more and will once I finally get the book, and yes, Butch, this was from an actual comic book. Remember, though, I can't bring it to you in its entirety because it is still under copyright, unlike, say, those old romance comic spankings).
3. In the back of my mind, I thought I remembered that Wolfie had done some Lady Death spankings, but looked for them in the wrong place and couldn't include links to them on the page, when they were here on this Forum all along (see "More Super-Spanking Notions" on the Comic Book forum) - yeesh! Sorry about that, Wolfie. Here now are where you can find them:
Lady Death Spanked #1 by Wolfie
Lady Death Spanked #2 by Wolfie

It must be said that both of these spankings are far more imaginative in their composition than the one in the comic, and they have the additional advantage of having Lady Death on the receiving end - and with her panties down! The one you attached to your post is excellent too, Wolfie - I loved the contrast of Lady Death's white complexion and her glowing buttocks! :)

Wolfie and Butch are more critical of this work than Dan and I, but I'm not going to wade any deeper into that question because Lady Death seems to be bad luck for me! I will, however, update the page with more excerpts when I finally get my hands on them.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Wolfie138 »

bud, i wasn't intending to dis your efforts at all, if it came out that way. my comments on LD were taken as a past fan of about 15 years : i'm coloured by the fall of a character i liked by an artist i hold as one of the best ever (Steven Hughes) to one who's a lame parody of herself using the crassest "sex sells" attempts to boost sales.
i can see a non-fan would be taken by an OTK shot in a modern comic for the novelty factor, even though it's very badly done (panties still up? no action to the pose at all to suggest struggling or kicking that would warrant the "hold still" comment? what's LD's hand doing way up there?!). to me, it's just a lame attempt to titillate, as w/ their "crotch in your face" covers and the like. it's totally out of character for LD, where as it would be totally fitting for Purgatori (you might've noticed her distinct Bettie-Page look, eg, and the fact her favoured weapon is a whip).

anyhow, thanks for the comments on my own efforts (and signing the guest book!). i'm certainly not knocking the site or your work, i'm just speaking as an angry fan. if you ever flick through some of the earlier Chaos! Comics LD stuff like The Crucible etc you might realise why this avatar version annoys me. and that's not even going into all the back history of how she ended up there, either....
BTW, there's a few more of those tanned LD pics on Spanking Panels
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Re: Lady Death

Post by web-ed »

No problem, Wolfie - I didn't think you were criticizing my efforts at all. I was sort of criticizing myself for not having done a more thorough job on this one, but it was really more a case of a series of mishaps and an approaching deadline than editorial negligence on my part. I finally got a copy of The Wicked today, by the way, and after reading the whole thing, I have to agree with you - it is garbage! You have obviously followed Lady Death more closely and more seriously than any of the rest of us here (I barely knew who she was and I'll bet many others had never even heard of her), so I welcome your interest, enthusiasm, knowledge, and disapproval of how Avatar has handled the character. I may take a look at a few of the earlier Chaos Comics issues sometime.

As to the spanking itself, I was so taken by actually having a scene like this in a recent comic, and with pretty good OTK positioning, that I overlooked its shortcomings, including LD not taking Eva's (Pariah's) panties down, which she certainly should have. Considering that she runs around bare-bottomed herself throughout this issue, there was certainly no reason for her (or Avatar) to be concerned about Eva's modesty! If you don't know anything about the characters and only have the spanking panel to go by, I think it does look pretty good.

And now that I have the complete issue, we'll see a few more panels that preceded the spanking in a few weeks when I hope to get around to updating the page.
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Weekly Updates for 06/15/2012

Post by web-ed »

For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.
  • Ariel experiences school corporal punishment thanks to Superintendant Doctor Cylon.
  • Humorama update: New version of "Hef Spanks" by Kirk Stiles. I've nailed the date of this one down too.
  • Humorama Series #93 - The Kirk Stiles mini-series continues with "Don't Spare the Rod" as a husband learns this is good advice when dealing with his wife.
  • Super-Spanking Summer II continues with Batman spanks Catwoman by Adam Hughes, and
  • Two Endart Xena spankings: one in which she gives, and yes, one in which she receives the spanking! I had slated this one for Comics Gallery 1 when I realized it should probably go in the Picture Gallery instead, causing me to do some last-second recoding a few minutes ago. The Home Page link does seem to work, I'm glad to say, since I can barely keep my eyes open as I write this and I'm in no mood to troubleshoot HTML just now. Whatever gallery it goes in, I'm really glad to see Xena finally get the hairbrush!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

The woman in the Endart sketch that you identified as Pamela Lee bore a resemblance to Endart's well spanked heroine Pamalee Henderson, who in turn had been modeled on "actress" Pamela Anderson.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

the Guernica drawing that is the subject Doc Cylon chose this time is certainly a fun concept :D . as you noted, the otk position is somewhere between peculiar and impossible. i do love her expression of dismay and disbelief though...............as you mentioned, she didn't have a clue what was about to happen :D . the couple in the "Hef spanks" drawing do indeed look relaxed and comfortable. i agree that his crossed leg position would probably have been uncomfortable but it certainly helps convey the relaxed atmosphere of this drawing and i have a hunch it was probably drawn this way intentionally just for that purpose. this one just makes you feel that a good time will be had by all :D . thanks for getting us the date on this one as well as the Hef history. the Stiles, "spare the rod" cartoon is very interesting and i thought pretty arousing too. you mentioned that her arm being pinned behind her back indicated the struggle and it seemed to me that her hair was flying around a little bit too and i was wondering of the bra straps might not be an indication of this too. he might have intensified this effect by having her legs kicking although the way he has drawn it does show the outline of her bottom pretty well. he seems to be well satisfied with the whole proceeding. her expression seems less clear to me. perhaps she is gritting her teeth? anyway, i find both the idea of this one and the drawing to be pretty exciting :D . i like the camera angle of the Hughes Catwoman spanking. the curves of her bottom outlined by the contrast with the background make this really suggestive although i would have preferred more meat on the aforementioned bottom :lol: . again, i am not sure about the expression on her face but along with the fact that she has done this before, makes me wonder if she's not having a strong sexual reaction to this spanking ;) . i've always enjoyed drawings by Endart. in the first one you have posted i think your analysis is right on the money. the only thing i would add is that i love Gabrielle's expression................not only does it hurt but also that look of dread makes it clear that she knows it's gonna hurt even more :D . i love the change in the expression on Xena's face as her role changes from spanker to spankee :lol: . more great updates :D . thanks, phil

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed:

Nifty toon with Ariel, as a human and with very human legs, gets spanked in a classroom by... well, you don't really say. Is it her teacher, is it her principal, or is it just a horny guy who works around the school? From the casual clothes he wears, I'd venture to say he's not a school official. But really... does it matter? Not one whit. A girl as pretty as Ariel is always fair game for a good, OTK spanking!

The "Hef Spanks" toon is just delicious. Though I've seen it before, I never realized that the artist was trying to simulate the "real" Hugh Hefner. But I guess it's obvious. As you say, the spanker's crossed legs are atypical of this pose, but both spanker and spankee seem very confident in what they are doing, and if anything, I'd say the girl wants "MORE!"

The Kirk Stiles "don't spare the rod" cartoon is new to me. Here, the OTK positioning is perfect, and the lady seems to be enjoying her "ordeal." You say the spankee's arm is being pinned behind her back to indicate her struggles... but WHAT struggles? This is the OTK drawing of my fantasies. A pretty girl is put over the knee of a handsome man, gets spanked soundly, and doesn't seem to mind one bit. I always loved this scenario in real life. Here, she has lost one bra strap and is in the process of losing the other... but that's just Kirk Stiles, dealing with bosoms in his own way. A winner, to be sure.

Not so the following toon, showing Batman spanking Catwoman. Here, the artist (Adam Hughes?) could have used a more standard OTK positioning, but instead chose to display the "spanking" with CW's face in the foreground, and only a suggestion of what comes next. WHERE, for example, are her FEET? You suggest this artwork could have been done by commission, and if so, I sure hope the buyer liked it.

As for the wrapup drawings in your excellent new update, I stand second to none in my admiration for endart and his artwork. But the two "Xena" spankings are both F/F, so they are automatically disqualified as downloads for my files. Good art, though. I already have several of endart's M/F drawings, so I can't complain too much.

Neat updates, Web-ed.

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Re: Weekly Updates - Pamalee Henderson

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:The woman in the Endart sketch that you identified as Pamela Lee bore a resemblance to Endart's well spanked heroine Pamalee Henderson, who in turn had been modeled on "actress" Pamela Anderson.
You're right, willjohn - it is "Pamalee", not "Pamela Lee". I simply misremembered the name, not having visited Endart's now-defunct web site in so long. I'll have to go change the page. :oops:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB- ED CSR!! First off as much as I wanted to see Xena spanked the though of Pam Anderson spanking her just wasn`t right! Sure Endart did a great job fulfilling my spanking fantasy of giving Xena her long over due comeuppance great otk position and the hairbrush was the perfect choice to spank her behind with :lol: But Pammy Anderson :?: :roll: A lady who needs her behind spanked also think Bay Watch Stripperella :lol: Was a poor choice as spanker :shock: It should have been her mother or a strong man maybe even Gabby as the spanker :lol: Any both drawing or good and I like seeing Xena getting spanked :lol: 8-) Really love Doctor Cylon spanking of Disney females wish to see Tinkerbell over a knees also :) And I like this drawing of The Little Mermaid Ariel being spanked in School :lol: nice work and humor making this look like a real comic book! also like that she is being spanked barebottom Ariel have a nice big bottom anyway :D This would also been great if there were other students watching :lol: Would love to see her spanked as a Mermaid tail swaying as a hard palm slaps it plenty of times :lol: How many times I used to wish to see Batman spank Catwoman especialy on the old tv show and comic books but for some reason he chicken out :( The MM spanking couldn`t compare if he had spanked Catwoman this lady was indeed in need of a bottom fanning :lol: Great position the spankee is in with bottom up high ! also love the leather cat suit she is wearing 8-) I do think that Batman is in a bad position as spanker and seem to be crunch up! don`t like how his hand is spanking her either! maybe this would have been better from a side view!Also feel that he should have say this is what you been needing for a long time! being this is the first time he spanked her :lol: Nice drawing! I think Batman should have spanked almost more females bottoms than The Phantom being all the bad villianesses a molls he came across plus Batgirl :lol: Kirk Stiles drawings reminds me of Bill Wards meaning the big breasts and bottoms on his females 8-Reaaly love the humor of wife spankings a thing the should by law today :lol: and this drawing is great only I wish to have seen the woman facial expression more of protest than smile :lol: good position of both spankee and spanker and the spanker using the right hand to spank with also love how her bra snaps from struggling 8-) Not sparing the rod when it comes to dealing with a wife is a good choice for a husband to think about Bruce Jenner ;) The second drawing of Hef spanking a woman make me wonder do he spanks his playmates :lol: I can think of plenty of women up there both pass and present that needed there bottom set on fire Kendra! Love this drawing but don`t undrestand why his legs are cross :? Good otk right hand for spanking and a pretty shaply bottom on the spankee if only she was protesting! great week of spanking drawings 8-) :lol: )
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Thanks for the updates this week! You found some interesting ones!
web-ed wrote:
  • Ariel experiences school corporal punishment thanks to Superintendant Doctor Cylon.

I've seen the drawing somewhere else once with dialog. Ariel says to the teacher that some boy (she calls him by name, but I forget what name she used) is actually at fault, and the teacher replies that he knows, but the boy isn't as much fun to spank. I think most of us would agree with that.
web-ed wrote:
  • Humorama update: New version of "Hef Spanks" by Kirk Stiles. I've nailed the date of this one down too.

I've seen this one before, but not at such good resolution. Great find! Does the caption make any sense to anyone? Did he bribe her analyst to tell him about some naughty things that she wouldn't have confessed to anyone else... or did he find out from the analyst that she has a secret desire to be spanked... or what? Regardless of the ambiguous caption, it's a great cartoon.
web-ed wrote:
  • Humorama Series #93 - The Kirk Stiles mini-series continues with "Don't Spare the Rod" as a husband learns this is good advice when dealing with his wife.

I've never seen this one anywhere else! And I'm glad that the husband didn't take the word "rod" literally! A wife like that needs to be spanked with the palm of his hand (whether she deserves it or not!)
web-ed wrote:
  • Super-Spanking Summer II continues with Batman spanks Catwoman by Adam Hughes,

I'm not entirely enthusiastic about Adam Hughes, but in this drawing Catwoman does have a nice spankable curve to her backside
web-ed wrote:
  • Two Endart Xena spankings: one in which she gives, and yes, one in which she receives the spanking! I had slated this one for Comics Gallery 1 when I realized it should probably go in the Picture Gallery instead, causing me to do some last-second recoding a few minutes ago. The Home Page link does seem to work, I'm glad to say, since I can barely keep my eyes open as I write this and I'm in no mood to troubleshoot HTML just now. Whatever gallery it goes in, I'm really glad to see Xena finally get the hairbrush!

I like Endart's drawing style, but I wish he'd stick to M/F pictures. I certailny agree that Xena could've used a good tail-warming, but I could think of some male characters from the show... (Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I used to watch it!) ...who should be spanking Xena instead of a woman. Either Hercules or his friend, Iolaus, since the Xena character was first introduced as a one-time villain of the week on the Hercules show. Or perhaps Aries, who had been her mentor before she turned good. Maybe even Joxer, who was Xena's and Gabrielle's buffoon. I always thought the poor guy deserved a break... and maybe a but of revenge for the way the two women always made a fool of him!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 06/15/2012

Post by web-ed »

On the Stiles "Don't spare the rod" -
overbarrel49 wrote:the Stiles, "spare the rod" cartoon is very interesting and i thought pretty arousing too. you mentioned that her arm being pinned behind her back indicated the struggle and it seemed to me that her hair was flying around a little bit too and i was wondering of the bra straps might not be an indication of this too. he might have intensified this effect by having her legs kicking although the way he has drawn it does show the outline of her bottom pretty well. he seems to be well satisfied with the whole proceeding. her expression seems less clear to me. perhaps she is gritting her teeth? anyway, i find both the idea of this one and the drawing to be pretty exciting :D .
daneldorado wrote:The Kirk Stiles "don't spare the rod" cartoon is new to me. Here, the OTK positioning is perfect, and the lady seems to be enjoying her "ordeal." You say the spankee's arm is being pinned behind her back to indicate her struggles... but WHAT struggles? This is the OTK drawing of my fantasies. A pretty girl is put over the knee of a handsome man, gets spanked soundly, and doesn't seem to mind one bit. I always loved this scenario in real life. Here, she has lost one bra strap and is in the process of losing the other... but that's just Kirk Stiles, dealing with bosoms in his own way. A winner, to be sure.
butch wrote:Kirk Stiles drawings reminds me of Bill Wards meaning the big breasts and bottoms on his females 8-Reaaly love the humor of wife spankings a thing the should by law today :lol: and this drawing is great only I wish to have seen the woman facial expression more of protest than smile :lol: good position of both spankee and spanker and the spanker using the right hand to spank with also love how her bra snaps from struggling
hugob00m wrote:I've never seen this one anywhere else! And I'm glad that the husband didn't take the word "rod" literally! A wife like that needs to be spanked with the palm of his hand (whether she deserves it or not!)
Everyone seemed to like this, and it was new to everyone also. Stiles at his best was excellent, and you all mentioned the eroticism of this particular cartoon. I believe that (again at his best) he packed more eroticism into his "spankers" than the other members of the "Big Five". I have seven more of his cartoons including 6 secretary spankings(!) at least some of which I hope will be new to everyone.

As to the new version of the "Hef spanks" cartoon, it was well-received also. Butch asked,
butch wrote:The second drawing of Hef spanking a woman make me wonder do he spanks his playmates?
Hefner was always more of a swinger than a spanker, Butch. It's been a long time since he lived in the original Playboy Mansion here in Chicago, but his escapades were fairly well known (people talked) and they apparently didn't include spanking, although it's always possible that some mild OTK action took place, especially if one of his Playmates was into spanking (and a few of them must have been!). The Chicago Police broke into the mansion once and arrested him, but I don't remember any mention of spanking or BDSM equipment in the newspaper reports.

On Xena finally getting spanked:
daneldorado wrote:But the two "Xena" spankings are both F/F, so they are automatically disqualified as downloads for my files.
butch wrote:as much as I wanted to see Xena spanked the though of Pam Anderson spanking her just wasn`t right! Sure Endart did a great job fulfilling my spanking fantasy of giving Xena her long over due comeuppance great otk position and the hairbrush was the perfect choice to spank her behind with :lol: But Pammy Anderson :?: :roll: A lady who needs her behind spanked also think Bay Watch Stripperella :lol: Was a poor choice as spanker
hugob00m wrote:I like Endart's drawing style, but I wish he'd stick to M/F pictures. I certailny agree that Xena could've used a good tail-warming, but I could think of some male characters from the show... (Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I used to watch it!) ...who should be spanking Xena instead of a woman. Either Hercules or his friend, Iolaus, since the Xena character was first introduced as a one-time villain of the week on the Hercules show.
We are all pretty much in agreement here too: we loved seeing Xena get it, but why couldn't it have been a male spanker? I'll go with Hercules from b00m's list - obvious but fitting.

On Ariel's school corporal punishment:
hugob00m wrote:I've seen the drawing somewhere else once with dialog. Ariel says to the teacher that some boy (she calls him by name, but I forget what name she used) is actually at fault, and the teacher replies that he knows, but the boy isn't as much fun to spank. I think most of us would agree with that.
I've never seen the version you mention, but that gag is familiar. I think it was Groucho in one of the Marx brothers movies, maybe "Horse Feathers", telling a pretty girl she'd have to remain after class. "But it wasn't me - it was him!" she protests, indicating a male student. To which Groucho replied, "I know, but it's no fun keeping him after class!"

Pretty good gag, and worth recycling in a spanking context. :)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED!! You would think that an older man in a house with a bunch of young women there must have been some sort of discipline going on in there :lol: remember watching that show about the girls living in The Playboy Mansion on E buying a spanking machine!LOL!! Also remember seeing them trying it out'' I wonder was it Hef who order the machine :lol: 8-)
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Re: Weekly Updates for 06/15/2012

Post by web-ed »

butch wrote:You would think that an older man in a house with a bunch of young women there must have been some sort of discipline going on in there :lol: remember watching that show about the girls living in The Playboy Mansion on E buying a spanking machine!LOL!! Also remember seeing them trying it out'' I wonder was it Hef who order the machine
If any one of us here on the Forum were that "older man in a house with a bunch of young women" I'm sure there would have been a whole LOT of spanking going on :) ! I don't follow "E" at all so I missed the girls with their spanking machine. I'd guess it wasn't Hef because it's not really his style. It could have been some of the girls, but my best guess is that it was the show's producers, who were trying to do something risque in order to boost the show's ratings.

On the subject of the Stiles Hefner cartoon, I never did answer b00m's question:
hugob00m wrote:Does the caption make any sense to anyone? Did he bribe her analyst to tell him about some naughty things that she wouldn't have confessed to anyone else... or did he find out from the analyst that she has a secret desire to be spanked... or what?
I think "Hef" found out from the analyst that she had a secret desire to be spanked - I don't think she'd be smiling quite so much if she weren't really into it!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 06/22/2012

Post by web-ed »

We continue to roll along as we plan to all summer long with one update of an existing Humorama cartoon, one new Humorama cartoon, one "Batman Family" spanking, and one other Superhero Spanking per week. We may see some video material also depending on how much time we have.

For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.
  • Humorama update: We find out just why this boss wants his secretary to bend over the ledger files in this new version of Secretary Spanking #1. This was the second Humorama spanking cartoon I ever saw, more than 30 years ago!
  • Humorama Series #94 - most of these cartoons took place indoors, but this time I have a rare outdoor spanking on a park bench. This is a Kirk Stiles cartoon I can't claim as a CSR first, but I believe it's never been on a spanking site before, only having been displayed as part of a photo collection and there without its caption. It should be new to most of you.
Super-Spanking Summer II continues with
  • Batman spanks Catwoman #3 by Raf Marinetti. I think Marinetti doesn't do spanking art any more, which is a real shame as you'll see when you look at this one.
  • Doctor Cylon takes the hairbrush to The Black Cat. Luscious drawing by Fabio enhanced by the good Doctor.
  • The first in a series of three Teen Titans scenes as J'onn J'onzz spanks M'gann M'orzz! This is the only time we've ever seen these two characters paired up for a spanking panel - art by El Manto Negro.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

nice looking young lady in the Stiles drawing. as you said, "cute" but not practical these days. in the park bench spanking i think you're right about the camera angle being the key to why her bottom looks so nice in this one. most of them are shot from a more forward angle that doesn't really show her bottom as well and i think this angle is much more appealing. makes me wonder why the artists didn't use a similar angle more often. in this one i have to wonder if we are looking at the usual cami-knickers or if that is actually a slip. unless my eyes deceive me, it appears to me that i can see the outline of her panties underneath it :?: . of course, that could just be the way the highlights are drawn but i kind of like my idea better :D . Marinetti does indeed seem to be an accomplished artist and i find myself wishing that this spanking had been bare bottom. Catwoman's struggles are well drawn here and it really appears as if she is wishing she could get those hands back to block that belt :D . i don't know what she did wrong but Batman looks as if he's gonna blister her skinny little bottom good. good thinking on his part to tie those hands :lol: . personally, i would liked to have seen a little more meat on her bones especially in the area of her rear end. you're quite right about Fabio drawing a gorgeous woman here ........downright voluptuous if you ask me..............especially that nicely rounded bottom :D . she may be calling Doc Cylon a pain in the ass but that expression on her face appears to me to be one of longing ;) . all the characters in the Manhunter cartoon are totally unknown to me so i found the history and explanation particularly interesting. more great updates :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Hi WEB-ED CSR !! Great week of spanking or super spanking :lol: Doctor Clyon really had his have full when spanking Black Cat :lol: This is a very stunning drawing ! what a beautiful buxom body this woman have no wonder SpiderMan have eyes for her :D Great choice in using a hairbrush to spank her with 8-) I believe this woman should have been spanked plenty of times too bad the writers at Marvel didn`t let Spidey do the honor :lol: nice drawing 8-) Speaking of catwomen the drawing by Rafacle Marinetti of Batman spanking catwoman is great! only problem I don`t think the Bat would use a belt to spank a woman with :twisted: also Batman is using restrains to hold her in place as he spanks her very round shaply large bottom :lol: Love the tight latex catsuit she wearing :lol: hugging her nice curves and showing some camel toe :lol: Batman seem to be very angry in this drawing :twisted: Like the spanking of Miss Martian by Martian Manhunter drawing from Teen Titans although this is a teenage girl being spanked :) What makes this drawing good is the over the knees position with the spanker using his legs to pin Miss Martian`s legs while he spanks her well pert bottom :lol: also love that she is not liking this spanking and how her bottom is red from the slaps :lol: A true punishment spanking of a bad girl! Like the there are witnesses watching and the look on Robin and Beastboy who are both drooling at what they are seeing is great! :lol: :lol: Martian ManHunter is a great spanker and should be rewarded with the job of spanking both Starfire and Raven maybe even Hawkgirl :lol: The two spanking drawing from Kirk Stiles is good and funny but the Secretary spanking is really a one smacker ! nice target she have ! too bad she wasn`t bent over :lol: The other drawing of the wife being spanked outdoors is nice good otk position nice panty covered large bottom and the spanker is spanking with the right hand :) notice all he men in Stiles drewing have large hands :lol: The only flaw is the wife should have been protesting this spanking outdoors with all to see :lol: didn`t get the humor much what do he mean by airring?
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

Have not been able to come here for awhile so a lot of catching up to do. Great stuff, as usual.
Will not attempt to comment on everything, but will hit a few.
Nice to see you are featuring some Endart, now that his site is gone.
Would like to make one point. While I agree that a character based on Pamela Anderson is hardly suitable for spanking Xena, must disagree about her Baywatch character. Pamela's character CJ was one of my favorite characters on the show(not that I would have minded seeing her getting spanked). The lifeguard I wanted to see spanked the most was Erika Eleniak who played the stereotypical spoiled blonde SoCal beach bunny Shauni.
Question about Batman and Catwoman. There is #1 and then #3. What happened to #2?
Mention of Hugh Hefner brings to mind a Playboy cartoon I saw many years ago. In it an older husband is spanking his younger wife barebottomed otk and telling her to repeat over and over while being spanked "I will not commit adultery. And we see the guy he caught her with slinking out of the room, pants in hand.
My general impression is that Playboy never had much spanked material, unlike Penthouse which featured quite a bit, especially letters.
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