Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

My favorite this week is the Kirk Stiles park bench spanking. I've only ever seen it one other place: the photo collection you mentioned. And the scan you posted is a better resolution. The man's reason for spanking her is a bit unclear... She needs airing? What does he mean by that? Have her clothes not been washed in a while? Maybe she just farted? Oh well! Regardless of his vague, (and probably spurious) reason, she's an attractive young lady who looks good turned over a man's knee with her skirt raised!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 06/22/2012

Post by web-ed »

Once again everyone seemed to like this week's offerings, I'm happy to say. Don't know how everyone will feel once there aren't any more Humorama "spankers" after this year and I've run out of superhero spankings (probably September), but I do have a lot of other stuff and I guess we'll just take it one week at a time.
butch wrote:didn`t get the humor much what do he mean by airring?
On this week's walk in the park with Kirk Stiles, no one could figure out what that "airing" was supposed to refer to, and I can't either. I suppose "getting some fresh air" was the idea, but how that connects to the spanking is anyone's guess.
overbarrel49 wrote:in this one i have to wonder if we are looking at the usual cami-knickers or if that is actually a slip. unless my eyes deceive me, it appears to me that i can see the outline of her panties underneath it :?: .
One of Stiles' idiosyncrasies is the way he draws women's lingerie - in fact, I did a whole special on this question a couple of months back. Sometimes he draws a garment that seems to be something between a slip and cami-knickers, and I think that's the case here.
tanner wrote:My general impression is that Playboy never had much spanked material, unlike Penthouse which featured quite a bit, especially letters.
That's my impression too (and welcome back, Tanner). The reason for that is probably the same as there being no substantial spanking going on in the Playboy Mansion (as Butch and I were discussing last week): Hefner just wasn't into spanking. It's a pity, because he could have afforded to commission a lot of full-color spanking cartoons!
tanner wrote:Question about Batman and Catwoman. There is #1 and then #3. What happened to #2?
I'm not sure - it's just barely possible that you were trying to find #2 by using the "Previous" button in #3, which I could have miscoded. I normally test these buttons before loading the pages, but sometimes errors slip through that I don't discover until the page has gone live, in which case I re-code and re-load it. I just can't remember if that happened last Thursday or not. They're working now, except it looks like I never coded a "Next" button for #1 (not all pages have these buttons, for various reasons such as me not wanting them or forgetting to put them in). Here's a screen print showing that #2 is in its correct place in the Comics Gallery #1 index page:
Comics Gallery #1 index page
Comics Gallery #1 index page
comicspage1_screenprint1.gif (70.57 KiB) Viewed 15645 times
Batman/Catwoman #4 is coming next week by the way, but its thumbnail will be in the top row.
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Weekly Updates for 06/29/2012

Post by web-ed »

For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.
  • Humorama update: New scan of this Kirk Stiles cartoon in which a secretary complains about not getting spanked like the other girls!
  • Humorama Series #95 - A woman complains about never being able to win a discussion as a man spanks her.
Super-Spanking Summer II continues with
  • Batman spanks Catwoman #4 by Nik Zula.
  • Doctor Cylon gives us some more X-spanking with Jean Grey.
  • The second in a series of three Teen Titans scenes as Kid Flash gives a speed spanking to Jinx.
I also uploaded about 40 more covers to the Humorama Cover Gallery, and over on the "Spanking in Media" Forum I posted pictures of three Humorama models I'd have liked to see more of. Of course, we saw a few such models in Humorama Spanking Positions, but I wanted these girls to get their due, also. And I began work this week on an article comparing the work of the Humorama Big Five Plus One (Ward, Wenzel, Stiles, DeCarlo, Homer, and George Morrice). It might be ready before the end of July.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i like the idea Stiles puts forth in his complaining secretary drawing and i certainly think the young lady has a valid complaint :D . i also found your comparison of the drawing styles of the humorama artists very interesting. personally i think that a young lady should have more curves and fewer angles so i liked the way this young lady was drawn. i agree with you about his expression................i have a hunch he's daydreaming about it right now and it wouldn't be hard to turn that into a reality considering her stance ;) . i like the way Stiles had drawn a nice, sharp line down her right thigh indicating just how tightly that dress is stretched and perhaps that the material isn't all that heavy :D . the young lady complaining that she can't win an argument seems to be accepting of this spanking if not resigned to it. perhaps the lady doth protest too much ;) . i like the gag in the Batman spanks Catwoman by Nik Zula :lol: . our spankee does indeed seem a lot more subdued. i see Doc Cylon still has the good eye for a bottom that needed some color :D . i like the idea of the super speed spanking in the kid flash drawing. i think a couple of tears on our spankee might have made the point better. good updates again :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Hi WEB-ED CSR!! Nice drawing of Kid Flash spanking Jinx :lol: If I was Kid Flash I wouldn`t want to rush spanking a behind like her`s slow down enjoy :) the over the knees position is nice like that she is bare bottom . Really think last week drawing was better! Can`t wait to see Superboy spank Supergirl or Raven drawing from Teen Titan :D Good after spanking of Jean Grey from Doctor Cylon 8-) Would have love to see her in the otk position or bending over feeling the paddle :D This would have been more better to see Phoenix spanked also :twisted: I think Nix Zula said it right In the Batman spanks Catwoman drawing when he said I`am not the Adam West Batman :lol: Cause how many times did we see Tv Batman let Catwoman slip Away :evil: Man this was the 60`s when spanking was still in style on tv :D What was the writers thinking :roll: :roll: :( This is a nice Drawing and the humor is funny! Batman is way to big the spanking position is ok .Like that the spanking barebottom! want to see more of a shock and pain expression on Catwoman face :lol: The two drawing from Kirk Stiles is great But I love The secretary complaining about not getting spanked like her co-workers are :lol: Did this boss want her to beg for a spanking a first! Really like the sexy curve on the secretary and the tight dress she is wearing showing off her body :D also like her expression something I wish Stiles would have put in his other drawing about the woman complaining about not winning a discussion! Love the way the woman is bent over a chair having her round bottom slap would love to have seen some kicking of the legs by the spankee :lol: also think this drawing could be much better if she shown so displeasure from being spanked instead of that relax look on her face :evil: :twisted: great drawing though from Stiles!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

My favorite this week is the Kirk Stiles cartoon with the woman who's asking why the boss only wants to reason with her when he's willing to spank at least three of the other ladies who work for him. (Why he hasn't spanked that one is a mystery to me... Both her attitude and her curves would seem to make her the FIRST one in the office I'd want to spank!) I had seen a really bad copy of that cartoon somewhere else, and I'm glad you were able to post a high-resolution one. The other Kirk Stiles cartoon is one that I had never seen at all before, and although the woman isn't quite as curvy as the one in the other cartoon, I still like the man's way of winning arguments! (I think maybe that might be the ONLY way a man can win an argument with a woman!)
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Weekly Updates for 07/06/2012

Post by web-ed »

Hope everyone had a good 4th of July celebration (American Independence Day, for our international readers). Having perhaps barbecued up a storm yesterday, I hope you're in the mood today for a different kind of fireworks, namely the kind we apply to bad girl bottoms, because we've got plenty! :)

First, let me remind everyone to visit our Resident Artists Forum if you haven't recently - both B00m and Phil are up to their old tricks, and you won't want to miss what they've got for you. And speaking of things you won't want to miss (if you have cable television), Dan found a new television spanking - see all the details in the Spankings in Movies & Television forum.

On the subject of that forum (technically subforum), something about Dan's post made me realize how disorganized the Spanking In Media forum had become, so I sub-divided it into five sub-forums and moved all the posts into them. You might want to check out the new organization.

Next, it's time for the monthly spanking search reports:
June comic pages: 2918
Total: 374086
Comic Spankings: 0

I did find 3 new Humorama cartoons, but whether they're true spankings is questionable. One could be interpreted as pinching although I think it's a genuine butt-slap, one is an off-screen slap (but it has some rubbing), and one is a fish-spank - not a man spanking with a fish, but a fish using his tail to slap a woman's tail! I'll give them some more thought, but right now, I'm inclined to present all three as part of the Humorama Series, and we'll certainly see them in one context or another later this year.

Now it's time for the weekly updates. For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.
  • Humorama update: It may be her birthday tomorrow, but this young lady gets her spanking today in a new scan of a cartoon by Homer Provence.
  • Humorama Series #96 - A spankee-to-be believes the spanking will hurt her more than the spanker, and she's probably right!

Super-Spanking Summer II continues with
  • Batman spanks Catwoman #5.
  • Doctor Cylon lives up to his motto, "Spank a superheroine today!" as Wonder Woman will attest.
  • The last in a series of three Teen Titans scenes as Raven and Ravager give Duela Dent a good paddling!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:Hope everyone had a good 4th of July celebration (American Independence Day, for our international readers).
I had a good Independence Day, even though I work for a large retailer that stayed open and therefore, I had to work. (I consider myself fortunate that, in our current economy I still have a job!) Today is my day off.
web-ed wrote:Humorama update: It may be her birthday tomorrow, but this young lady gets her spanking today in a new scan of a cartoon by Homer Provence.
I like the lady's smile in this one! It seems that, even though she's the one getting spanked, she thinks she's putting one over on the man.
web-ed wrote:Humorama Series #96 - A spankee-to-be believes the spanking will hurt her more than the spanker, and she's probably right!
You've commented before, and again this time about Kirk Stiles and the ambiguous underwear he has his women wearing. I'm thinking he had "cami-knickers" in mind, but it's hard to tell for sure. And, even though the lady's about-to-be-spanked backside is the center of attention, I sort of wonder about the man's right arm? Does he have to support his spanking arm (in this case the left) while he has it raised up high? Is he rolling up his sleeve? (That seems like the most likely possibility, but then, that raises the question, If he's rolling up his sleeve, why doesn't he take his jacket off first?) One other little thing I'll nitpick is her position. I suppose that for paddling or caning it might be preferable to have the lady kneeling on the seat of a chair bent over the back, but for a hand-spanking, nothing is better than the good-ol' OTK position! Well. I'm done nitpicking, and I'll say this, A pretty woman bent over for a spanking, no matter what the other circumstances are, is always a good thing to see!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i like the Homer birthday spanking. it appears that a good time is being had by all :D . do you have any idea what the little thing that looks like a camera drawn with white lines is that appears in the bottom right corner of the first version you have posted but not in the other 2? thanks for the history on this one. i agree with you about the half slip/cami knickers in the Stiles drawing. Boom has an interesting point about the spankers arm too. i also assume he is pulling his sleeve up but it looks kinda weird if you ask me. the spanker has a smug smile on his face but his eyes appear to be closed. if i was looking at that, mine would be wide open :lol: . i think the caption goes well with her expression. there is a certain amount of resignation on her face and i think she's done this before :D . very nice drawing of Batman spanking Catwoman. it looks like the caped crusader is determined to teach her a much needed lesson and it appears he's really giving her a case of shiny hiney :D . Alex Miranda did a fine job of drawing a very shapely Wonder Woman and as usual, Doc Cylon made her bottom sizzle :D . the drawing by Arnie it foreign to me but i will say that both spanker and spankee seem pretty happy about it. more good updates. thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI-WEB- ED CSR!! Hats off to Doctor Cylon Spank a Superheroine Today drawing :lol: This is by far a great drawing of Wonder Woman love the pinup style a the beautiful pink color of WW curvy bottom :lol: Wonder Woman is a much easy Superheroine to spank because if you bind her hand with her lasson she is at your mercy! Steve Trevor should have done this plenty of time :lol: Now this is how I could see a drawing of Batman sanking Catwoman although I perfer to see her in her black cat suit instead of the one she is wearing in this drawing :D love the way her bare rounded bottom is position nicely over Batman`s knees. Also notices a few redhand prints on her tush meaning this is a hard spanking :lol: The drawing of Batman is great! Only wish that Catwoman was struggling and calling Batman a few names for doing something like this to her :lol: :twisted: The Teen Titan paddling of Duela Dent is good only the spankee facial expression should have been more pain than smile! Love the way Ravager is swinging that paddle! and a like how Miss Dent bottom is trusts up high on the spanking horse! what a big rump she have :lol: Ravageris also shaply to bad her bottom isn`t spanked maybe by Cybor :twisted: anyway nice drawing! Kirk Stiles have a way of drawing spanking and the way he drawed the spnkee kneeling on a chair with her elbow leaning on a desk bottom out is great :lol: i don`t believe this is gonig to hurt the spanker more than the spankee at all :lol: juding by the look on his face and the way he is cocking his hand make like he is going to enjoy giving this spanking to his sexy woman :lol: great art great humor! Homer Provence also done a great job on a Birthday spanking :love the otk position on the spankee look like she is pushing her bottom up high for the spanks :lol: also like that the spanker is using the right hand to spank with! what spanko will do to spank a pretty woman ;) nice drawing!!

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed... those are some nice, tasty Updates this week.

The first one, a Homer Provence toon showing a girl getting a birthday spanking from her man, shows us the spankee with a big, bright smile. As you have noted in the past, most Homer spank toons do show the spankee smiling, and here you can see she is really enjoying it!

In my view, this kind of toon brings us the best of both worlds. Yes, I like to look at, and to draw, punitive spankings. But my pleasure is doubled when I can see that the girl on the receiving end is enjoying herself as much as her spanker, if that's possible. :D

In my younger years, I actually did meet girls who enjoyed this sort of treatment. Once, I spanked a girl for about 30 minutes, then said "okay, your punishment is over," just to stay in character. And you know what? She would not let me leave. She wanted MORE! So yes, I did stay with her for another 10 minutes or so, and warmed her bottom thoroughly. She was still smiling, at the end.

The Kirk Stiles toon is one I had seen before, but this scan is much better. Thanks!

There has been some discussion on this thread about the man and what he is doing with his right hand, shoring up his left (spanking) arm. I think the reason Stiles did that is to show us that the spanking has not yet begun. You know, in most cases when you see a one-panel spanking toon, the man's hand is up in the air and we get the idea that the spanking is already in progress. But in this toon, Stiles lets us see that it is still coming. The caption adds to that understanding.

The Batman/Catwoman spanking toon is the best Update this week. Dunno who drew this, but this dude is a real artist. The over-the-knee pose is letter perfect, and CW's fanny is nice and high. We can see Batman's handprints on her behind already, and the spanking is still ongoing! Everything about this drawing is wonderful. Seeing the Bat-signal in the sky is an added treat.

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Re: Weekly Updates for 07/06/2012

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote: You've commented before, and again this time about Kirk Stiles and the ambiguous underwear he has his women wearing. I'm thinking he had "cami-knickers" in mind, but it's hard to tell for sure. And, even though the lady's about-to-be-spanked backside is the center of attention, I sort of wonder about the man's right arm? Does he have to support his spanking arm (in this case the left) while he has it raised up high? Is he rolling up his sleeve? (That seems like the most likely possibility, but then, that raises the question, If he's rolling up his sleeve, why doesn't he take his jacket off first?) One other little thing I'll nitpick is her position. I suppose that for paddling or caning it might be preferable to have the lady kneeling on the seat of a chair bent over the back, but for a hand-spanking, nothing is better than the good-ol' OTK position!
I think the spanker is rolling up his sleeve, but as you point out, Stiles should have drawn him with his jacket removed. Stiles never fixes little mistakes like this, which I always attributed to lack of time, although fixing an ink-wash wouldn't have been easy. On the position, while OTK is the King of Positions among spankos, Stiles varied his positions quite a bit more than the other members of the "Big Five" (Ward sometimes uses a bending-over position also). I think both men in these cases were aiming for compositional variety rather than spanking excellence. I agree with you that the position he drew here would have worked better with the paddle or cane, which is true of the bending-over positions generally.

Another factor may have been the early history of the spanking cartoon, a subject upon which I'm sure to write an essay one of these days. In going over old humor material before the first true (OTK) spanking cartoon, I find that the gag revolves around a woman bending over and a man taking advantage of the target being proffered, with hand, paddle, umbrella, or dentures! Perhaps OTK was considered too suggestive of a blatantly erotic experience in these early days, and Stiles must have been familiar with these older cartoons.
overbarrel49 wrote:i like the Homer birthday spanking. it appears that a good time is being had by all :D . do you have any idea what the little thing that looks like a camera drawn with white lines is that appears in the bottom right corner of the first version you have posted but not in the other 2?
The camera is an indication that we're looking at some original art that was photographed for auction. I've forgotten now which auction house it was, although it may have been Heritage or Worthpoint. Since the other two versions were taken by me from actual Humorama digests, the camera-symbol of course was lacking.
Butch wrote:The Teen Titan paddling of Duela Dent is good only the spankee facial expression should have been more pain than smile! Love the way Ravager is swinging that paddle! and a like how Miss Dent bottom is trusts up high on the spanking horse! what a big rump she have :lol: Ravager is also shapely to bad her bottom isn`t spanked maybe by Cyborg :twisted: anyway nice drawing!
With Duela's facial expression, I should have explained that Raven and Ravager have given her a dose of her own laughing formula - I forget what it's called exactly - and that's why she can't help smiling. So we may rest assured that while Duela may be smiling on the outside, she's crying out "Yee-Ouch!" on the inside! Maybe I'll add a note to the page.
daneldorado wrote:There has been some discussion on this thread about the man and what he is doing with his right hand, shoring up his left (spanking) arm. I think the reason Stiles did that is to show us that the spanking has not yet begun. You know, in most cases when you see a one-panel spanking toon, the man's hand is up in the air and we get the idea that the spanking is already in progress. But in this toon, Stiles lets us see that it is still coming. The caption adds to that understanding.
Dan makes another point I had forgotten to bring up myself: Stiles alone among the "Big Five" sometimes composes his cartoons to depict the time before the spanking has begun, especially when he's using a bending-over position. We'll see one shortly in which the boss is beckoning the secretary to turn over his knee, and another in which the boss orders the secretary to fetch the paddle! I'll touch upon this point again in my "Big Five" essay, currently being written.

I'm glad that everyone liked these updates. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 07/13/2012

Post by web-ed »

For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.

A couple of minor notes: (1) I've removed the "Next Week" blurb from the Home Page because I don't think it was too useful, and it was one more chore for me every week when I update the page. Most people will not even notice its absence. (2) Over the past few weeks I've been quietly renovating the Doc Cylon Gallery page, increasing the size of its thumbnails and adding descriptions to the early ones. This is now complete in case you want to take a look.

Now for the updates:
  • Doctor Cylon update, as he adds even more versions to "Penelope's Paddlings". I didn't mark them, but they're the last two at the bottom of the page.
  • Humorama update: New scan of Kirk Stiles' "Secretary Pilloried and Paddled for Lateness".
  • Humorama Series #97 - A spanking is given to help the spankee be good - an unusual (for Humorama) maintenance spanking.
Super-Spanking Summer II continues with
  • Batman spanks Batgirl by Nik Zula. A nice blend of sexiness and humor that many of you have probably seen before from this well-known modern spanking cartoonist, but certainly worth revisiting.
  • Cheetah spanks Wonder Woman. This is a very stylish version of a scene we've probably seen dozens of times (WW over someone's knee) by Frank Fly. We don't have any other of his spanking art, alas.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

Great updates as usual!
web-ed wrote:Humorama update: New scan of Kirk Stiles' "Secretary Pilloried and Paddled for Lateness".
This is my favorite this week, even though I usually don't like "bondage", even in humorous drawings. The idea of a pillory in an office is so ludricous that it makes me laugh, and the girl's question is too! Is she really that naive... or is she being sarcastic about him wanting to brush her hair? (The look on her face suggests that she might really be that naive!)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

Doc Cylon seems to have 2 special skills if you ask me. one, for making a bottom look like it's been freshly and thoroughly spanked and two, having a great eye for which bottoms are the nicest bottoms to do that to. good eye Doc :D . i don't remember seeing the Stiles pillory spanking before. it certainly seems unusual for a humorama spanking but what the hell. everyone is smiling and the gag's not too bad. the maintenance spanking is also unusual but i have to agree with your comments about it. we have a nice looking spankee, otk and accepting her spanking so what's not to like :D . i got a kick out of the batman spanks batgirl drawing :lol: . i think the expression on batgirl's face is perfect for the situation but you don't often see the spanker look that surprised :lol: . i have to agree with you about the expressions of the women in the wonder woman spanking. something is going on there...................hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. good updates this week. thanks, phil

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Web-ed:

This week I very much enjoyed seeing and downloading the Kirk Stiles toons about the pilloried secretary, and I really had to laugh at the caption. Oh Lord, how can that poor secretary NOT know why her boss is now brandishing his hairbrush? I wonder, too, if he is going to raise her skirt for the spanking (as is usual in spank toons), or allow it to stay down, considering the position she is in. Don't mind me, that's just my feverish brain thinking out loud.

And here again, as we saw last week in another Kirk toon, the boss is steadying his spanking hand with his other hand. Anticipatory much? :lol:

You say in your commentary: "We could find no record of corporal punishment being used in conjunction with the pillory..." Did you ever see the 1968 soft-porn flick, "Starlet?" In that one, a dude named David Friedman gets to whip the bare bottom of an actress called Shari Mann while she is confined in a pillory.

The "maintenance spanking" toon is one I had never seen before, so naturally I am glad to have it. We've seen a few of these in the past, for example that toon where the spanker is telling his lady that he's spanking her because he's mad at her for not giving him a good reason to spank her...! Ooh boy, can I relate. As a lifelong spanko, I can well remember days of my youth when I would spank my lady for no particular reason, except that I felt like doing it and I knew she wouldn't mind. Only once, out of maybe a dozen such examples, did I reckon incorrectly, and she yelled at me to stop. Of course I stopped immediately. Obviously that was our last date.

In your comments, you complained that: "Stiles does bulge the thighs out somewhat, but except for that this is an excellent cartoon...." Heck, Web-ed, I kinda LIKE generous thighs on a beautiful woman. We've seen so many pics -- both toons and photos -- in which the girl spankee has legs that look like toothpicks. Yecch.

And you are quite right, about the Batman/Batgirl toon. It IS superior to the same artist's previous opus, "Batman spanks Catwoman." I enjoy seeing Nik Zula's work, for he is obviously "one of us," a dedicated spanko. But for some reason that escapes me, Zula usually gives his spankees "pointed" buttcheeks. I dunno if "pointed" is the right word, but they do seem to taper to an acute angle. However, he doesn't do that with his Batgirl cartoon here. You say that hers is "a nice, round, spankable bottom," and you are correct.

Great stuff, Nick. Keep 'em coming.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!! It been a long time since I saw The Wacky Races on tv but I love the drawings of Penelope Pitstop getting her comeuppance! Don`t think The Ant Hill Mob could save her shaply large bottom from the wicket hands of Doctor Cylon and his spanking tools :lol: How bad a girl was she to get sent to her room maybe Doctor Cylon should have turned her over his knees for a long hairbrush spanking ! I bet Muttly the dog would be snickering at that :lol: Great drawings! Love the shock on Batman`s face as he discover that Batgirl is really Barbara Gordon :lol: It looks as though he afraid to continue spanking her. Wonder how he knew that was Barbara`s bottom ;) Like how Niki Zula Batgirl`s bottom is very curvy and round as it is sticking up high on Batman one knee. I think she should have been down over his lap :D Nice drawing 8-) Wonder Woman really have a plump tush and it`s no wonder :D Cheetah want to spank it ;) as much as I wanted to see WW get a real punishment spanking this is ok :D Love how she is position over Cheetah`s big powerful thighs this girl is very well built :D and how her lower bottom cheeks is a nice shape of red! Also can see Wonder Woman is enjoying the spanking maybe because she is glad someone finally took her in hand :lol: any way this is a very good spanking drawing :twisted: The boss in the Kirk Stile`s Secretary spanked for being late should have made her took off her high heels before putting that brush across her bottom unless he don`t mind getting kick in the you know where :lol: What makes this drawing so funny is the humor Do she think this guy is going to brush her hair :lol: Like how Stile has the secretary restrained in a pilloried . Only wish he made the boss hike up her long dress and spanked her pantied bottom :D really like a drawing that let you imagine what is going to happen :lol: 8-) The other Stiles drawing is also great love it because it is over the knees and on the panty :lol: Great position of the wife over her husband`s knees with panty bottom up high :lol: also like that the husband is spanking with the right hand ! maybe this spanking will keep her in line even though she haven`t done anything bad yet :lol: :twisted:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

Haven't been around much the past 2-3 weeks what with moving, power loss due to the storm that swept the mid-Atlantic states, a new computer set-up, etc. But you just keep the good stuff coming.
Never seem to run out of Humorama stuff. Those were the days when spankings could be seen in a mag at the local newstand.
And Doc Cylon always great. Loved his work on Penelope Pitstop and Wonder Woman. Now if he'd only give Xena the same redbottom, paddle-burn treatment. The mighty Warrior Princess standing, pain lines pouring from her red bottom, saying that she'll walk rather than ride her horse today.
Btw, there's a new Superman/Wonder Woman spanking over at Chross' blog page.
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Re: Weekly Updates for 07/13/2012

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote: This week I very much enjoyed seeing and downloading the Kirk Stiles toons about the pilloried secretary, and I really had to laugh at the caption. Oh Lord, how can that poor secretary NOT know why her boss is now brandishing his hairbrush? I wonder, too, if he is going to raise her skirt for the spanking (as is usual in spank toons), or allow it to stay down, considering the position she is in. Don't mind me, that's just my feverish brain thinking out loud.

You say in your commentary: "We could find no record of corporal punishment being used in conjunction with the pillory..." Did you ever see the 1968 soft-porn flick, "Starlet?" In that one, a dude named David Friedman gets to whip the bare bottom of an actress called Shari Mann while she is confined in a pillory.

In your comments, you complained that: "Stiles does bulge the thighs out somewhat, but except for that this is an excellent cartoon...." Heck, Web-ed, I kinda LIKE generous thighs on a beautiful woman. We've seen so many pics -- both toons and photos -- in which the girl spankee has legs that look like toothpicks. Yecch.

And you are quite right, about the Batman/Batgirl toon. It IS superior to the same artist's previous opus, "Batman spanks Catwoman." I enjoy seeing Nik Zula's work, for he is obviously "one of us," a dedicated spanko. But for some reason that escapes me, Zula usually gives his spankees "pointed" buttcheeks. I dunno if "pointed" is the right word, but they do seem to taper to an acute angle. However, he doesn't do that with his Batgirl cartoon here. You say that hers is "a nice, round, spankable bottom," and you are correct.

Great stuff, Nick. Keep 'em coming.
Thanks, Dan! You know, I always wondered whether the boss was going to pull the secretary's dress up in that "pillory spanking" too - I guess great minds think (or at least wonder) alike. My guess was that the nearly-vertical position wouldn't allow her dress to be raised. I missed the pillory-whipping in Starlet? - in fact, I missed Starlet? entirely. Thanks for giving CSR readers something to look into should they be so inclined. Historically, I don't believe whipping accompanied he pillory, although I seem to remember something close to a spanking threat in The Scarlet Letter. I'll have to look it up for the "Spanking in Prose" subforum.

On the "bulging thighs" question: I agree with you about having shapely, full thighs - I like 'em too, mainly because genetically they're often matched with a shapely, full rear end! :) Stiles' occasional problem is that he bulges the thighs out backwards, behind the behind, which is anatomically incorrect:
Above, you can see the "bulging thighs"; below, they're not as bad, but Stiles is pushing his luck a little.

On Nik Zula's cartoon: I may have coined "bulging thighs" but you're right about the "pointed butt" that Zula sometimes uses. Batgirl's butt in this cartoon didn't have that flaw, and was "measurably" better! Butch commented on this "point" also. :)
tanner wrote:Haven't been around much the past 2-3 weeks what with moving, power loss due to the storm that swept the mid-Atlantic states, a new computer set-up, etc. But you just keep the good stuff coming.
Never seem to run out of Humorama stuff. Those were the days when spankings could be seen in a mag at the local newstand.
And Doc Cylon always great. Loved his work on Penelope Pitstop and Wonder Woman. Now if he'd only give Xena the same redbottom, paddle-burn treatment. The mighty Warrior Princess standing, pain lines pouring from her red bottom, saying that she'll walk rather than ride her horse today.
Btw, there's a new Superman/Wonder Woman spanking over at Chross' blog page.
Hope your A/C and computer are both doing o.k. by now, Tanner! I'm doing my best to keep the good stuff, including the Humorama material, coming - I'm not sure how long we'll carry on Super-Spanking Summer II, but it will certainly be well into September, while with Humorama, we're at #97 in the series (with 148 Humorama spankers now posted here!), and I have enough remaining cartoons to last most of the rest of this year. I also have two or three non-Humorama spanking cartoons from other men's magazines in the 50's, and we'll be seeing those sometime next year.

I had already nabbed that Superman/Wonder Woman spanking over at Chross' blog and will probably incorporate it into a WW special week here, but thanks for the heads-up anyway.

I don't have too much more from Doctor Cylon - just some updates to existing pages - but he may always send me some more stuff. Let's hope he does.
-- Web-Ed
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Location: Chicago, Illinois USA

Weekly Updates for 07/20/2012

Post by web-ed »

For links to the updates please visit the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other forum page.
  • Doctor Cylon update - he adds two more versions to "Ariel Gets Paddled".
  • Humorama update: New scan of Kirk Stiles' "Secretary Spanked by Female Boss".
  • Humorama Series #98 - High-Handed Secretary Spanking. We don't think this one has ever been seen on the 'net before.
Super-Spanking Summer II continues with
  • A Generic Superhero Spanking Scene by Tim. Tim made up these super-hereoes, so you won't recognize them, but you will recognize the OTK action!
  • Robin spanks Batgirl by David Marshall. An extended spanking scene in which Robin has finally had enough!
-- Web-Ed
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