Learning Curve

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: Learning Curve

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Phil... I've been eagerly viewing "Learning Curve" all along, but never had much to say, as this story is absolutely transfixing!

I expect I'll have a more cogent comment a little farther down the line, but for now, may I offer a suggestion, as one artist to another? :|

In your pic no. 012, her right foot should be at least half again as big as it is. That's why, in normal 2D imagery, an object that is closer to the viewer is always shown as larger than a similar object farther in the distance. It's called perspective. Please note that the girl's left foot looks larger than her right foot, despite the fact that the left foot is slightly farther away from the viewer.

Perhaps your "Alias objects" (I think they are also called Maquettes) do not provide for that kind of perspective... but to truly mirror real life images, they should.

Anyway, this is the only objection I have to your latest story. As always, I mean this only as a helpful suggestion, not a criticism. I much admire your POV about spanking girls.

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Re: Learning Curve #11 and 12

Post by web-ed »

Like B00m, I noticed how red she was already just after the warm-up, and can't help but wonder just how red she'll be once Eddie really gets going on her bare bottom. And speaking of bare bottoms (a subject that seems to come up often in these pages for some reason ;) ), I think that most women are very aware that you're looking at them when you take their panties down. Women are very self-conscious, and having their bare bottoms on display, not to mention the incidental "exposure" as we have called it of their most intimate region, is extremely embarrassing for them, so much so that I imagine many women are deterred from getting their first spanking (at least from a man they don't have a sexual relationship with) by the fear of having him see her bare and exposed.

But there is a second emotion in play, a kind of excitement, for women into spanking simultaneously want to have their bottoms bared and yet are afraid of it. If you do it right, they will feel deeply embarrassed and yet thrilled at the same time. Contradictory yes, but human beings are often subject to conflicting feelings, and in women desire is often overcome by fear (with men, you'll note, it's the reverse, and any fear almost always gives way to desire).

I eagerly await this week's continuation.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Hiya Phil... I've been eagerly viewing "Learning Curve" all along, but never had much to say, as this story is absolutely transfixing!
hi Dan,

i'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the story :D .
daneldorado wrote: In your pic no. 012, her right foot should be at least half again as big as it is. That's why, in normal 2D imagery, an object that is closer to the viewer is always shown as larger than a similar object farther in the distance. It's called perspective. Please note that the girl's left foot looks larger than her right foot, despite the fact that the left foot is slightly farther away from the viewer.

Perhaps your "Alias objects" (I think they are also called Maquettes) do not provide for that kind of perspective... but to truly mirror real life images, they should.
this is an interesting observation and one that had escaped me. after reading your comments i re opened the live Poser file and checked everything out. both feet are the same size and left foot is indeed farther away so it should look smaller. i played with the controls but couldn't find a way to correct this without changing the camera angle slightly. this kind of "optical illusion" happens sometimes with Poser and i don't know if it's lighting and shadow that causes it or camera angle or something else. i usually see such things and find ways to correct it before i do the final renders but i missed this one...........perhaps because i was concentrating on other body parts :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Like B00m, I noticed how red she was already just after the warm-up, and can't help but wonder just how red she'll be once Eddie really gets going on her bare bottom. And speaking of bare bottoms (a subject that seems to come up often in these pages for some reason ;) ), I think that most women are very aware that you're looking at them when you take their panties down. Women are very self-conscious, and having their bare bottoms on display, not to mention the incidental "exposure" as we have called it of their most intimate region, is extremely embarrassing for them, so much so that I imagine many women are deterred from getting their first spanking (at least from a man they don't have a sexual relationship with) by the fear of having him see her bare and exposed.
hi web-ed,

i would agree with your assessment that women are self conscious about having their bare bottoms on display and are aware that we are looking at them. i would also add that i think even if it is her Husband/boyfriend/lover giving the spanking, she would still find such exposure to be extremely embarrassing because of the position and purpose of such exposure.............perhaps because of the power exchange in such situations.
web-ed wrote:But there is a second emotion in play, a kind of excitement, for women into spanking simultaneously want to have their bottoms bared and yet are afraid of it. If you do it right, they will feel deeply embarrassed and yet thrilled at the same time. Contradictory yes, but human beings are often subject to conflicting feelings, and in women desire is often overcome by fear (with men, you'll note, it's the reverse, and any fear almost always gives way to desire).

I eagerly await this week's continuation.
again, i agree with you and i think many women would agree also even if few of them would admit to it :D . i have a female viewer..............a spankee..........who comments on my pics regularly. she described knowing that her spanker is watching her bare bottom as he spanks her as "exquisitely embarrassing" ;) . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

giving orders didn't help
giving orders didn't help
013.jpg (302.63 KiB) Viewed 5394 times
hi everyone,

it looks like Frances is thinking that the embarrassment of having her panties pulled down is the worst part of getting a spanking. of course, she may change her mind about that once spanks start landing on her bare bottom :lol: . any case, she still has rules to learn :D .

i've been really busy with my aunt who has fallen a second time and is back in the hospital just as we were ready to take her home..................sigh. anyway, i just have one pic again this week but maybe you'll enjoy it anyway. phil

Re: Learning Curve

Post by daneldorado »

Hi Phil... Sorry to hear about your aunt's continuing string of bad luck. But you are a good nephew, to be taking good care of her. God bless.

As for "Learning Curve": You know, I already knew that I was enjoying this story, but just this week I began to realize that it isn't only the exquisite artwork that grabs me. Do you know, you have an excellent way with dialog?

In this story, Eddie is certainly delivering a good spanking to his inamorata, Frances. But it isn't only the images that have power (although they DO). Your dialog is of high quality. And as I have said before, your mindset concerning the spanking of pretty ladies is superb. Put the feminists on notice: When it comes to a man spanking a naughty female, he holds all the cards. :D

Eddie says: "You're getting a spanking, young lady! You have no control because I've taken it away!" Sensational words, Phil, and I am not sure I have read those words in any other spanking story or cartoon. Then he asks her: "Are you feeling a little embarrassed, sweetheart?" He surely knows the answer will be yes... but he is "rubbing it in," making her feel even more helpless, although she knows he will never severely hurt her and she is safe in his arms.

Frances seems genuinely surprised when Eddie begins the delicious task of pulling up her skirt. "B-b-but Eddie... I never thought you'd pull my... GULP... dress up!" So that means that this is not only the first spanking she will have received from Eddie, but also her first spanking, ever. Because don't ALL spankers pull up the skirt? Hmm, maybe not.

When Eddie makes his first contact with Frances' gloriously red globes with her dress up and her panties down, she complains: "Eddie, pleeeease... this is really embarrassing!"

To which he replies, quite reasonably I thought, that embarrassment is part of the punishment of a good spanking. By now, the girl across his lap is suitably subdued and will probably continue to kick and complain, all the while knowing that Eddie has, indeed, taken away her control and will continue to spank her glorious globes until they are beet red.

But not to worry. All he is doing is giving her a spanking out of his sincere love for her. At least that's the implication.

Hope to see more, Phil, soon.

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Re: Learning Curve

Post by hugob00m »

First of all, sorry to read that your aunt is hurt again. Best wishes, thoughts, and prayers for her.

Your story with Eddie and Frances is progressing nicely, and I agree with Dan, that a big part of your appeal is the well-written dialog. And so, we await your next addition, while savoring Eddie's comment that Frances doesn't get to give the orders. (It does tend to undermine a woman's notion that she's the one in authority when her man has her turned over his knee with her dress raised up and her panties pulled down! :D :oops:)
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Hi Phil... Sorry to hear about your aunt's continuing string of bad luck. But you are a good nephew, to be taking good care of her. God bless.
hi Dan,

thanks for your good wishes. none of this has gone down the way i expected it so all i can do is support her the best i can and hope for the best.
daneldorado wrote:As for "Learning Curve": You know, I already knew that I was enjoying this story, but just this week I began to realize that it isn't only the exquisite artwork that grabs me. Do you know, you have an excellent way with dialog?
i appreciate this comment as i have spent a lot of time working on the dialog of this toon :D . as i have gotten several comments about the dialog i am feeling pretty pleased about it. trying to convey all the feelings going on with both the words and pictures is challenging and it's nice to know i am having some measure of success.
daneldorado wrote:In this story, Eddie is certainly delivering a good spanking to his inamorata, Frances. But it isn't only the images that have power (although they DO). Your dialog is of high quality. And as I have said before, your mindset concerning the spanking of pretty ladies is superb. Put the feminists on notice: When it comes to a man spanking a naughty female, he holds all the cards. :D
i had a hunch our group at CSR would appreciate such a mindset :D .
daneldorado wrote:But not to worry. All he is doing is giving her a spanking out of his sincere love for her. At least that's the implication.

Hope to see more, Phil, soon.
i think you have just the right idea about this spanking which will become even more apparent as we continue. i almost have the next one done so there will be at least one next week. thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:First of all, sorry to read that your aunt is hurt again. Best wishes, thoughts, and prayers for her.
hi Boom,

thanks for your good wishes. we can use all we can get.
hugob00m wrote:Your story with Eddie and Frances is progressing nicely, and I agree with Dan, that a big part of your appeal is the well-written dialog. And so, we await your next addition, while savoring Eddie's comment that Frances doesn't get to give the orders. (It does tend to undermine a woman's notion that she's the one in authority when her man has her turned over his knee with her dress raised up and her panties pulled down! :D :oops:)
and thanks to you too for your comment about the dialog. as i said, i have gotten several nice comments about that :D . isn't it interesting how the spankee thinks she can continue to give orders even when she's otk with her panties down :lol: ? sometimes they just fail to realize that they aren't in a position to give order as Ed pointed out :D . i'm glad you're enjoying the toon. thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve #13

Post by web-ed »

Sorry to hear about your Aunt, Phil, so bearing that in mind we're lucky you were able to get even one more panel done. It's nice to see Frances getting the spanks on her bare bottom now. Judging from her kicking, I'd say the sting is getting through to her! The dialogue is designed to reinforce the psychological dynamic taking place, of Eddie taking control and Frances being made to give it up, and it works very well here. I think after it's over, Frances will be glad she had to surrender control, but right now, the process is painful enough she probably wishes it would end. There's still a ways to go, though. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Sorry to hear about your Aunt, Phil, so bearing that in mind we're lucky you were able to get even one more panel done.
hi web-ed,

i have been pretty busy and also kind of stressed out so working on these pics has become even more important since it takes my mind off other things. in this setting working on them is actually pretty therapeutic.
web-ed wrote:It's nice to see Frances getting the spanks on her bare bottom now. Judging from her kicking, I'd say the sting is getting through to her! The dialogue is designed to reinforce the psychological dynamic taking place, of Eddie taking control and Frances being made to give it up, and it works very well here. I think after it's over, Frances will be glad she had to surrender control, but right now, the process is painful enough she probably wishes it would end. There's still a ways to go, though. :)
the dialog is indeed designed to reinforce the emotional part of the spanking and enhance the effect of the spanking over all. i think you are right again in that Frances is too busy right now to see the end results of the spanking :lol: . however, she may just find out when it's over that there are some advantages to be had be surrendering control.............especially when Ed doesn't give her a choice :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

just when Frances thought she had it all figured out
just when Frances thought she had it all figured out
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hi everyone,

Frances seems to be getting a little frantic..................trying to find the right words to get Ed to stop spanking her :D . now she finds out that he needs "reasons" to stop. there's that steep learning curve again :lol: .i hope you enjoy it. phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by hugob00m »

overbarrel49 wrote:Frances seems to be getting a little frantic..................trying to find the right words to get Ed to stop spanking her. now she finds out that he needs "reasons" to stop. there's that steep learning curve again. i hope you enjoy it. phil
Yes! I'm enjoying it!

She's asked him nicely and now he wants her to tell him a reason to stop spanking her! Hmmm... perhaps he wants an apology for the behavior that landed her over his knee in the first place? Maybe a promise that, in the future, she'll behave? Of course, I'm hoping that , no matter what she says to make him stop for now, that sometime later he'll find othere reasons that she needs to be punished! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Learning Curve #14

Post by web-ed »

Good job on this last episode. I'd say Frances' attitude has been well-adjusted and she's now in a very cooperative frame of mind. Now all she needs to do is explain that she's learned her lesson and will be a good girl in the future. A few more reinforcing whacks after that and she'll be all set!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Yes! I'm enjoying it!

She's asked him nicely and now he wants her to tell him a reason to stop spanking her! Hmmm... perhaps he wants an apology for the behavior that landed her over his knee in the first place? Maybe a promise that, in the future, she'll behave? Of course, I'm hoping that , no matter what she says to make him stop for now, that sometime later he'll find othere reasons that she needs to be punished! :D :D :D :D
hi Boom,

i think it's all in the name of training. Ed just wants to make sure that he gets her properly trained for future spankings before he gets to the end of this one :D ;) . i'm glad you're enjoying the toon :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Good job on this last episode. I'd say Frances' attitude has been well-adjusted and she's now in a very cooperative frame of mind. Now all she needs to do is explain that she's learned her lesson and will be a good girl in the future. A few more reinforcing whacks after that and she'll be all set!
hi web-ed,

i think you've got it all figured out. as i was telling Boom, i think she'll be well trained for future spankings by the time this one's done :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

more bare bottom promises
more bare bottom promises
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hi everyone,

It looks like Ed was right............Frances did figure out how to apologize and promise to behave better :lol: . of course, being a good spanker, he's still not gonna stop spanking................just yet.............even though Frances is frantically trying to get him to :D .i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by hugob00m »

This is a great new addition to your story. Now that she's told him what he wants to hear, the spanking will soon be finished... but not right away! He has to make sure she really means it, doesn't he?
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Re: Learning Curve

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:This is a great new addition to your story. Now that she's told him what he wants to hear, the spanking will soon be finished... but not right away! He has to make sure she really means it, doesn't he?
hi Boom,

absolutely he has to make sure she really means it :D . besides that, he needs to make sure she is thoroughly trained in the art of taking a spanking so he needs to get this spanking right for sure. of course, there is an "some" chance that he wants to continue a while longer because he's really enjoying this too :lol: . i'm glad you're enjoying the toon :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Learning Curve #15

Post by web-ed »

Yes, it's time for those reinforcing whacks, or as I sometimes refer to it during a paddling, "the signature swat" that ensures the bad girl will really take the lesson to heart! One mainstream spanking advice guide recommended that the man administer five really good spanks to wind up the spanking session. Gotta love Al's amused attitude as he views her blazing buttocks and considers how to wind things up. :)
-- Web-Ed
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