Why the Focus on Comics?

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Why the Focus on Comics?

Post by samantha »

I have to ask. I think the focus on comics is admittedly pretty cool, but how did that come about?
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Why the Focus on Comics?

Post by web-ed »

samantha wrote:I have to ask. I think the focus on comics is admittedly pretty cool, but how did that come about?
Thanks for the opportunity to blow my own horn, Samantha, something I'd never do without an inducement :) . Let's go back in time about nine years, to late 2003. There were quite a few spanking websites around already (not blogs, though, as I remember it), but most of them were commercial sites - nothing wrong with that, but it gave them a limited perspective. They typically sold spanking-themed products such as pictures, videos, or fiction, and usually concentrated on one or two classes of items. None of them concentrated on comics or cartoons. It seemed to me the time was ripe for not just another spanking website, but one that would be both comprehensive in scope and truly unique in tone and design (and free!). And I thought I was the logical guy to pull it off because:
  • I knew I could learn how to design and code it myself, which most people couldn't.
  • I already had most of the answers to the basic questions of spanking psychology and technique.
  • I had a few Humorama spanking cartoons (about 3!) and a modest-sized collection of comic books (about 3000), as well as a strong interest in comics (by then on the wane, ironically enough), a thorough knowledge of comics history and some good reference texts. If nothing else, I knew I had a few comic spankings in my private collection that no one had yet posted on the 'net.
I actually intended CSR to be somewhat more balanced and comprehensive than it has since turned out to be; for example, I thought there would be more articles once I found the time to write them ( :P ). I also thought there would be a rough balance between the Comics, Pictures, and Humor galleries. I was wrong on both counts! The shortage of articles (I hope everyone agrees we haven't had enough, and no one is out there thinking "We could do with less of Web-Ed's yakking and more of his spanking cartoons" :lol: ) has been the consequence of the time it takes me to search out, research, write about, code, and finally upload each item. That, plus doing the technical maintenance on this board, takes quite a few hours each week, much more than doing a spanking blog would.

As to the imbalance in favor of comics, I think what happened was this: I was always most interested in comic-book spankings, so I tried to put my best foot forward with them right from the start. Like-minded spankos discovered CSR, and then began contributing to my efforts. Some sent me actual comics (Robin) or their own art (Lyndal), others pointed me to obscure resources which I was better able to exploit than they were (JimC), still others helped out with historical info (JS666 et al), and a few provided me with recollections which ultimately led me to the discovery of a spanking panel (Dan). And the more help I got, the more interested I became in doing even more research! And all the time, the number of pages was increasing, until you couldn't do a search on "Batgirl spanking" without the search engines pointing you in CSR's direction. So more and more people interested in comic spankings were finding CSR every year, and this "snowball effect" led to my doing more and more pages.

So there's the story - and I thought I could keep it short! :roll:
-- Web-Ed
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