magazine spanking

Spanking Art not from Humorama or other Men's Magazines, and not from Comics
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magazine spanking

Post by jimc »

anybody remember the great cover from National Lampoon of the Professor spanking the pretty co-ed?
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Re: magazine spanking

Post by web-ed »

jimc wrote:anybody remember the great cover from National Lampoon of the Professor spanking the pretty co-ed?
Ah yes, the Sept. 1975 "Back to School" issue - that was indeed a classic! Luckily, we do have a copy of it here, which was one of our first posts in the "Humor" section years ago. Also, Doctor Cylon has done a clever pastiche that combines it with the famous Spirit spanking of Ellen Dolan, which I hope to be posting in the "Doc Cylon Gallery" soon.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: magazine spanking

Post by jimc »

Anybody remember a spanking panel in Mad Magazine? (it was one of those folded ones and i think it had some clowns spanking some women)
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Re: magazine spanking

Post by web-ed »

I don't remember a MAD fold-in that featured a spanking, which of course doesn't mean there wasn't one since MAD was around before I was old enough to read it. I do remember two other MAD spankings, neither of which was particularly satisfying from the Spanko's point of view. One was a feature on sexual harassment, which I have seen on the web and may have in my personal collection as well. Its theme was basically "you know you've got a sexual harassment suit when..." you get a spanking at work, or some such. The second was an Al Jaffee feature on promises politicians should make, the relevant one being "to publicly flog anyone who writes a check for under $3.00 and holds up the express lane at the supermarket." Jaffee drew a housewife jammed headfirst into a shopping cart, bottom sticking up, while a shirtless medieval executioner-type prepares to flog her with a leather cat. This one I've got in my collection somewhere.

[Jan. 17 addition: found the first MAD spanking, which is now attached.]
The MAD sexual harassment feature.
The MAD sexual harassment feature.
MAD_Spanking-b.jpg (98.15 KiB) Viewed 10035 times
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MAD Magazine Clown Spanking

Post by web-ed »

I found this a few weeks ago, and it has also turned up recently in Chross' Comics Gallery. This is a GIF version; the JPG version will be posted in the Comics 2 gallery in a few months, probably.
MAD Clown spanking - probably of recent vintage.
MAD Clown spanking - probably of recent vintage.
madmagazine2.gif (125.38 KiB) Viewed 9770 times
It's hard to figure out what that football or Alfred E. Neuman are doing there.
-- Web-Ed
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