who are you?

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who are you?

Post by samantha »

I hope this is an acceptable topic. It doesn't pertain exactly to spanking so if it doesn't work here, I'd understand.
I am very curious about who all of you regular posters are. Not your real names! I mean, who are you besides being interested in spanking?
Me? I am a dancer, a mother, a teacher and a wife. I love Ella Fitzgerald and Harry Connick Jr. I am completely obsessed with reading and writing instruction. I hate cooking and laundry and pretty much all things domestic (other than being a mama). I love dark drama/comedies (you haven't lived until you've seen The Wire) and anything related to Zombies. I've recently read: World War Z and Rise Again (both zombie books), The Center of Everything, 50 Shades of Grey, and a book about incorporating math centers into the early primary classroom. And in my next life I'd like to come back as a sultry lounge singer who could wear dresses with a slit up to there, singing all the best Jazz that's out there while holding a cocktail in one hand and my hair done up styled like it was 1940.
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Re: who are you?

Post by web-ed »

I think everyone already knows enough about me, so I won't say more. Perhaps the others will take the time to introduce themselves.

Dan has a profile available on Facebook; we know a few things about Phil (Overbarrel); less about Hugob00m.

JimC hasn't been around in a while (I think for reasons beyond his control) and although I know a few things about his life, he's usually pretty silent about it except for his memories of spankings in various popular media when he was growing up.

Tanner also hasn't put forth a lot of biographical information, but he also followed spankings in media when younger.

Willjohn is, I believe, Australian, but he follows the "brevity is the soul of wit" school and keeps his comments short, saying very little about himself.

Solsunbeach keeps an eye on things here, certainly on our Resident Artists Dan, Phil, and b00m, but I don't know anything about him.

Mysterio, DRD, and a few others haven't posted in a long time but I'd guess are at least still following the main site.

And then we've got a lot of lurkers! I wouldn't expect them to say too much, however. There are 90 users on this board, but not all of them post. I'm reluctant to trim the membership rolls, however, because there are some genuine members who might start posting any time mixed in with a few would-be spammers.
-- Web-Ed
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