Reality TV Spankings

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Reality TV Spankings

Post by web-ed »

Valdor posted this recently on The Spank Statement (one of the very few blogs I follow, by the way). It's a British reality TV show called Made in Chelsea, and there's a brief F/F spanking in it. I feel about these kinds of scenes the way I do about A Progressive Paddling - they're produced by people who neither know nor care about spanking, they just want to seem outre. I also despise reality TV generally and never watch it. Here is the comment I left over on Spank Statement:
While this is an interesting find, to me it savors of decadence. I loathe “reality” TV, even it it includes the occasional rather sterile spanking scene, because it’s geared to an audience of such low intelligence and brief attention spans that they can’t even be troubled to follow a melodrama any more, much less good or great drama.

The “actors” look like they’re bored, so they’ve decided to try spanking:
“Nothing good on the telly right now, mate – what should we do with our lives?”
“I dunno. Maybe try a bit of spanking.”

So while it’s momentarily interesting, in the end we”re better off with the many spanking videos produced by our fellow spankos.
Anyone else have any thoughts about these modern spankings on TV, whether from the "reality" genre or from what passes for drama these days?
-- Web-Ed

Re: Reality TV Spankings

Post by samantha »

Other than the Weeds scene, and then the one link I found re: Bored to Death (a show I haven't followed), I don't really know of any other spanking scenes. I refuse to watch reality TV, so I wouldn't know if there were any spankings in that genre. I tend to watch a lot of cable shows after they've aired on netflix since I can barely manage to keep my life managed as it is....trying to make sure I am home and I know what day of the week it is to watch a recurring show is a little more than I can juggle lately.

I would love to know what outre means.
It isn't a show with spanking, but seriously, the cable series The Wire, is the best damn thing ever produced, imo. Its about the "system" and how it plays out in Baltimore in politics, journalism, the drug culture, cops and the school system (and imo, the most realistic portrayal of urban education I've ever seen...reminded me of the first school I taught in. There were bullet holes in the windows, the principal flushed cocaine down the toilet that my 10 year old student brought in rather than write a report on it and that same student had his banger brother threaten me at gun point while walking to the bus stop after school one day. Ah, the memories.)
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