A Happy New Year

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A Happy New Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

nothing like starting the new year with a good lesson
nothing like starting the new year with a good lesson
A Happy New Year.jpg (314.92 KiB) Viewed 11185 times
hi everyone,

many of you may remember Jennifer from my toon "One Good Turn". i regularly e-mail with her and she had told me a story which gave me an idea so i thought we'd go back to Ohio and check in with her for new years this time :D . it seems that since i posted "One Good Turn", Jennifer has gotten a new boy friend whose name is Luke :D . things had been going very well with them but our naughty Jennifer decided to jump to some conclusions without enough information even though all she had to do was ask Luke to clear it all up. btw, that just happens to be one of my pet peeves :x . for a brief time, Jennifer thought they would break up but fortunately Luke had a better plan ;) . after letting her stew for a few days, Luke showed up at her house, turned her over his lap, bared her bottom and spanked the daylights out of her :lol: . it was about this time that i thought what a good new years toon this would make. after all, what better way to start the new year than to "resolve" this matter by resolving not to put up with this crap next year :D . in any case, i decided to turn the story into a new years toon even though the actual story wasn't on new years.

in the mean time, i was posting Christmas toons and when i posted "Christmas Cookies" i got a note from Jennifer saying, " i seriously hope this is me on Christmas". as it turned out, Luke must have read her mind ;) . i got a note from her and it seems at Christmas Luke presented her with an engagement ring :D . she went on to say, "He actually got down on 1 knee and gave the ring and then took me by the hand and put me over his knee and tanned me good. He definitely showed me who is boss". :lol: now THERE'S a man who knows how to get an engagement started out right :D . now, none of this happened on new years as i depict here but all in all i think my toons have captured the action pretty well ;) . of course, we have yet to get to new years eve so who knows what might happen. Jennifer tells me they are going to a party at the same club where " One Good Turn" took place so there's a chance my toon might yet come true..........especially if Luke gets a look at this toon and this post :lol: .

CONGRATULATIONS JENNIFER! I'm very happy for you :D :D

i hope all of you have A Happy New Year :D . phil
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Re: A Happy New Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

A Happy New Year pl.jpg
A Happy New Year pl.jpg (256.79 KiB) Viewed 11184 times
hi everyone,

because of all the people in the new years scene and all the words, i thought it was so crowded that it actually took away from the art work so i am posting the plain version of this pic......no words...........so you can have a chance to appreciate the pic. phil

Re: A Happy New Year

Post by daneldorado »

Great new work from you, Phil! You really know how to celebrate New Year's! :lol:

Yes, I can see that Jennifer's new year's swats are being delivered in the same club where your masterwork, "One Good Turn," took place... with those high-back orange chairs. And, aside from Jennifer, do I recognize the same dude from that earlier work who could only say "Holy Shit!" throughout the episode? Yeah, he's raising his beer glass and saying, "I'll drink to that!"

Come to think of it, isn't that Sara Ann, Jennifer's mom, who is in the background cheering on Luke, urging him to "Blister her bare bottom good, Luke!" Seems like almost your whole Resident Acting Company is in this toon. :)

And ya know, people like us who are spankos, we are fond of making statements such as "you won't sit for a week!" or "I'll make your bottom as red as a tomato!" but in RL, that stuff never really happens. But here, in Overarrel's Art Gallery, we can see that you have taken that second idea and you've actually made poor little Jennifer's bottom EXACTLY as red as a ripe tomato! :lol:

Please note that Jennifer's left foot is too small here. Should be shown at least twice this size. For the perspective, you know?

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Re: A Happy New Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Great new work from you, Phil! You really know how to celebrate New Year's! :lol:
hi Dan,

i like to think so and i never even leave the house to do so :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:Yes, I can see that Jennifer's new year's swats are being delivered in the same club where your masterwork, "One Good Turn," took place... with those high-back orange chairs. And, aside from Jennifer, do I recognize the same dude from that earlier work who could only say "Holy Shit!" throughout the episode? Yeah, he's raising his beer glass and saying, "I'll drink to that!"
i decided to use the same setting because Jennifer told me that she would be attending a new years eve party there this year and it seemed to me it would make a great setting for our new years spanking :D . the old man you are referring to is actually her Grand Dad who administered the spankings in "One Good Turn". he is the one "drinking" to her mom's suggestion that Luke blister her bottom good :D .
daneldorado wrote:Come to think of it, isn't that Sara Ann, Jennifer's mom, who is in the background cheering on Luke, urging him to "Blister her bare bottom good, Luke!" Seems like almost your whole Resident Acting Company is in this toon. :)
that is indeed Sara Ann who got paddled in "One Good turn". she, Grand Dad and Jennifer have all returned from that first toon. the rest are new to this toon. the spanker is of course, Luke, Jennifer's fiance and the others were intended to be 2 young couples who are friends of Luke and jenniefer.
daneldorado wrote:And ya know, people like us who are spankos, we are fond of making statements such as "you won't sit for a week!" or "I'll make your bottom as red as a tomato!" but in RL, that stuff never really happens. But here, in Overarrel's Art Gallery, we can see that you have taken that second idea and you've actually made poor little Jennifer's bottom EXACTLY as red as a ripe tomato! :lol:
i would agree with your statement and i do have a tendency to exaggerate the color of the spankee's bottom most of the time. it just seems to me that such exaggeration serves to help to portray a good sound spanking in a single pic along with the facial expressions. tears and the position of the spankee ;) . i have learned over time that my viewers seem to like these overly red bottoms..............or perhaps just the overall effect they give. :lol:
daneldorado wrote:Please note that Jennifer's left foot is too small here. Should be shown at least twice this size. For the perspective, you know?
interesting observation. the only reason i can think of for that is that she has her foot bent at the ankle so that it is partially pointing at the viewer. i'll have to check this kind of thing out more carefully in future. thanks, phil
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Re: A Happy New Year

Post by willjohn »

Nothing like some fireworks in the back yard to see in the New Year! :twisted:
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Re: A Happy New Year

Post by web-ed »

Yes, this is certainly getting the New Year off to a good start, for Jennifer & Luke, and of course for us as well :) ! The viewing angle is very good, allowing us to appreciate both Jennifer's facial expression and her well-proportioned thighs and buttocks. She must be feeling it since her shoe has gone flying. I can't be quite sure without checking, but the only scene I remember with the spankee kicking off her shoe this way was Torchy Finnegan in Combat Casey #7.

It's also very interesting to hear about real-life spankings with couples like Jennifer & Luke. It must sound quite unbelievable to those outside the scene - in fact there was a time I would have had a hard time believing it myself - but there are indeed real-life relationships that are helped or even saved by spanking! I know of one couple who aren't spankos at all the way we here on this forum are, and yet spanking helped the woman overcome some serious personal difficulties and allowed the couple to get married, which is what she had wanted all along. That doesn't mean all of life's problems can be solved by spanking (too bad!), but it does mean that the old-fashioned approach still does work in some cases, and it always will because the nature of man (and particularly the nature of woman) does not change the way styles and fashions do.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Happy New Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Nothing like some fireworks in the back yard to see in the New Year! :twisted:
well said Willjohn :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: A Happy New Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Yes, this is certainly getting the New Year off to a good start, for Jennifer & Luke, and of course for us as well :) ! The viewing angle is very good, allowing us to appreciate both Jennifer's facial expression and her well-proportioned thighs and buttocks. She must be feeling it since her shoe has gone flying. I can't be quite sure without checking, but the only scene I remember with the spankee kicking off her shoe this way was Torchy Finnegan in Combat Casey #7.
hi web-ed,

personally, it sure seems like a good way to start the new year to me :D . i haven't herd from Jennifer since i posted this but it sure sounded like she got the Christmas presents she wanted most ;) . since this was a single pic, i had to chose a camera angle that would show her face as well as the "business" end of this spanking at the same time:lol: . the flying shoe was a suggestion by one of my female viewers...........well, actually more than one. basically what this one particular lady had to say was that she didn't understand how my spankees could keep their shoes on while they were getting the daylights spanked out of them because in her real life spankings she usually kicked both of them off pretty quickly. of course, she also mentioned that she was not one to passively take a spanking and that she felt free to kick, struggle and yell as strenuously as she wanted :lol: . as i recall, most of her spankings were to get her back on an even keel when she was getting too snippy or bitchy. her husband provided the spanking and i think all the kicking, struggling and yelling she provided herself as part of the "therapy" ;) . i thought this was interesting because she was obviously smart enough to know that she needed a spanking to get lined out again and was actively trying to get the most benefit from it :D .
web-ed wrote:It's also very interesting to hear about real-life spankings with couples like Jennifer & Luke. It must sound quite unbelievable to those outside the scene - in fact there was a time I would have had a hard time believing it myself - but there are indeed real-life relationships that are helped or even saved by spanking! I know of one couple who aren't spankos at all the way we here on this forum are, and yet spanking helped the woman overcome some serious personal difficulties and allowed the couple to get married, which is what she had wanted all along. That doesn't mean all of life's problems can be solved by spanking (too bad!), but it does mean that the old-fashioned approach still does work in some cases, and it always will because the nature of man (and particularly the nature of woman) does not change the way styles and fashions do.
good observations and i think Jennifer and the other lady i was talking about prove your point. Jennifer and Luke are a young couple who are obviously just starting their relationship and are benefiting from having spanking as part of that relationship. the other lady and her husband started their relationship, spanking included, while still in high school and are still benefiting from spanking close to 40 years later ;) . the generations are widely separated and while many ideas might be way different, the benefits from spanking and submission and the needs they fulfill are pretty much the same :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Happy New Year

Post by cholo »

[quotLove the shoe flying off & those red cheeks your the best[/quote]
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Re: A Happy New Year

Post by overbarrel49 »

cholo wrote:Love the shoe flying off & those red cheeks your the best
hi Cholo,

i'm glad you enjoyed the view 8-) . the flying shoe was suggested to me by a spankee friend who claims she can never keep her shoes on during a spanking :lol: . of course, the red bottom is what's causing the shoe to go flying :lol: . thanks, phil
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