Humorama Magazines You Might Not Be Aware Of

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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Humorama Magazines You Might Not Be Aware Of

Post by web-ed »

Humorama was never documented by scholars the way comic books and strips have been (and even with comics, there are a lot of unanswered questions). There was one cover gallery that I knew of before I created my own, and it was fairly complete, but recent information shows that there were some Humorama titles no one seems to have known about. Here is a list of these titles in case anyone cares to research them further:
  1. Quips - only one issue documented, from February 1955, but there may have been a few others.
  2. Whiz-Bang - again, only one issue known, from Feb. 1954. This may have been a revival of Captain Billy's Whiz-Bang, but it didn't last long.
  3. Wink - I mentioned this not too long ago. It is definitely a revival of the old Robert E. Harrison title, but in digest size. The one issue known, discovered by Steve W., is from 1972. There could not have been many others, as the digest size was discontinued in favor of full-sized magazines around this time.
  4. Coffee Break - this is not yet confirmed, but I think it's genuine. I ran across what I believe to be an ad for it just today, in the Nov. 1960 issue of Snappy. The ad is below. Was this an actual Humorama title as it appears to be? More importantly, did it have any spanking cartoons? Interesting questions.
-- Web-Ed
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