A Walk in the Park

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Laura wont be sitting comfortably for quite a while and the jogging lady may soon be wishing she was faster. :roll:
hi Willjohn,

you always have an interesting viewpoint on these pics.............or jogger may INDEED be wishing she was faster :lol: . glad you enjoyed it :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Holy (gulp) Toledo! Will you take a look at Laura's bottom, now? Those twin spheres are now redder than red, they are almost purple! Her attitude has done a 180, too. Instead of trying to force the issue, she now seems downright rueful, like a naughty 5-year-old who has just received her first spanking.

"Sob! Gasp! Sniff! Yes Sir! I'll be good! P-p-please let me up! Sob!"
hi Dan,

i think you're right..............it looks to me like Ken really got his point across :D not only has he made her bottom red and shining but also he kept right on going when there were onlookers checking out her bare bottom waving around 8-) .
daneldorado wrote:And now, how does this new couple fit in? Is the woman the same gal who came jogging by, a few panels back? What's HER story?
that is indeed the same girl who came by earlier..........looks like she was running away from a spanking of her own 8-) ..............no wonder she didn't stop to watch..............and here we thought she was just out jogging :lol: .
daneldorado wrote: In the off chance that we are about to see a second couple performing a spanking... Will this be one of those lovely double spankings, with both girls being spanked simultaneously? Your compadre in the spanking art business, "b00m," has frequently drawn pics with both Katie and Clorene getting it at the same time, but I don't believe you've ever gone there.

Time will tell. Oh, and no pressure Phil. You have already favored this website with wonderful spanking pictures, and for that alone we are grateful.

actually, Laura's spanking is over now and they are relinquishing the bench............just in case any one else wants to use it :lol: . i think Ken may have something else in mind at this time :D . as for our jogger and her irate boy friend................i mostly just brought them back to tie up some loose "ends" :lol: . i'm glad you enjoyed this one :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I think Laura's bottom couldn't take a second spanking just now, so I'd guess that she and Kenny will vacate the bench (which, as we observed early on, just happens to be perfectly designed for spanking ;) ) to make room for the other couple (we saw both of them before, but didn't realize the guy was pursuing the girl or that she was trying to evade her own well-deserved punishment). By sheer coincidence :) Laura's attitude has gotten better and better as her bottom has gotten redder and redder! She's learned a good lesson, but only time will tell if she remembers it.
hi web-ed,

i'f you'll check out my reply to Dan, you'll see that you've hit the nail right on the head here :D . i liked your speculation about whether or not Laura will remember this lesson :lol: . you probably have a good point here. first off, i have to question the sincerity of those "bare bottom promises" and secondly, as Laura was thinking in the first pic, "once a brat, always a brat" :lol: . perhaps it will help for a short time though 8-) .
web-ed wrote:As for the jogger, I really like knowing the trepidation she feels right now - yes my dear, I'm afraid you did overdo the bratting a bit, and your bottom will soon be as red as Laura's, or nearly so! :)
i think your comment above here illustrates nicely one of my favorite parts about doing these stories....................that is, as we go through the toon each viewer seems to extrapolate using their own fantasies to fill in what might happen next :D . our jogger does seem a lot like Laura, doesn't she? :lol: i'll also take this opportunity to mention that your habit of analyzing the drawings you post here not only gives all of us some great insight into the drawings and the artists but also it seems to have given you a good insight into how my toons are likely to go............of course, no one has accused me of being unpredictable :lol: thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

i need a bench like this one for my back yard
i need a bench like this one for my back yard
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hi everyone,

if any of this seems like deja vu, don't worry. it's just my way of tying up some loose "ends" :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pic :D . phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by willjohn »

Is every woman in that town eating off the mantelpiece tonight?
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Is every woman in that town eating off the mantelpiece tonight?
hi Willjohn,

i don't know about that but Laura certainly will be and there's one more who certainly has a good chance :lol: . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park #18

Post by web-ed »

Ahh! - the after-spanking rubbing, so satisfying to us, so unavailing to the spankee :) ! With both sets of cheeks glowing red (although we can only see one in this shot), Laura is finally in a completely cooperative frame of mind. Meanwhile, the jogging-brat is about to get hers - and so the cycle of life continues.

I think you've really done a good job picturing the way the jogging-brat is literally digging in her heels to avoid getting taken OTK. Not that it will help her much, as she's going over her boyfriend's knee one way or the other. Brats do this sometimes, and in fact it's a very bad habit, because not only are they resisting what deep down they know they need, they're making it very hard for the Top, who needs to subdue them but doesn't want to injure them. I've only had to deal with a few brats who basically wanted to be subdued after a real struggle, and I always hated it because they didn't seem to realize how easily they could be hurt that way.

Of course the fantasy of being physically subdued is not uncommon in women, but in practice most don't offer much physical resistance because it isn't necessary for them to feel that they've been overpowered during a realistic struggle.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Ahh! - the after-spanking rubbing, so satisfying to us, so unavailing to the spankee :) ! With both sets of cheeks glowing red (although we can only see one in this shot), Laura is finally in a completely cooperative frame of mind. Meanwhile, the jogging-brat is about to get hers - and so the cycle of life continues.
hi web-ed,

first off, i'm glad that you've been enjoying the activities taking place :D . the cycle does indeed continue which is really one of the points about this park style spanking 8-) . as i have mentioned before, i have given a few spankings in parks along the way and it seems really unlikely to me that i was the first to think to do this or that i would be the last ;) .
web-ed wrote:I think you've really done a good job picturing the way the jogging-brat is literally digging in her heels to avoid getting taken OTK. Not that it will help her much, as she's going over her boyfriend's knee one way or the other. Brats do this sometimes, and in fact it's a very bad habit, because not only are they resisting what deep down they know they need, they're making it very hard for the Top, who needs to subdue them but doesn't want to injure them. I've only had to deal with a few brats who basically wanted to be subdued after a real struggle, and I always hated it because they didn't seem to realize how easily they could be hurt that way.
i'm glad that you liked my depiction of the struggling young lady trying to avoid getting turned over :D . i've had much the same experiences as you have on this front. in the vast majority of cases my spankees didn't put up much of a struggle physically even though they could have as they were turned over. they probably did protest up a storm but usually do so while actually going over my lap quite submissively 8-) . i agree with you that this is probably due in part to their basic understanding that they need the spanking and i think it also has to do with their understanding of their basic need to be submissive to the man they love. i also agree that it is always a problem if they do struggle physically. it sure makes it difficult for the spanker to balance the need to continue with the spanking with the need to keep them safe.
web-ed wrote:Of course the fantasy of being physically subdued is not uncommon in women, but in practice most don't offer much physical resistance because it isn't necessary for them to feel that they've been overpowered during a realistic struggle.
i agree. i think in most cases, just the strength of will exhibited by her man is enough to fulfill the fantasy of being overpowered 8-) . as a matter of fact, i think this strength of will is much more important than his physical strength and serves the same purpose from the spankee's perspective. i can remember a few occasions when a girl friend has genuinely been mad about a spanking i was about to give her but who went submissively over my lap and offered little physical resistance even while i was blistering her bare bottom. thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

our jogger seems to be fresh out of advice at this point
our jogger seems to be fresh out of advice at this point
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hi everyone,

Laura seems to be worried about her panties being twisted but i figure that our jogger would love to have that problem at this point :lol: . no problem though, i think they'll be twisting up soon 8-) . i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil

Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by daneldorado »

Zowie! Just as we were sitting here, fanning ourselves after enjoying the sight of little Laura getting spanked in public, and thinking the "Walk in the Park" saga was over, here comes a new couple, and a new spanking! Gloryosky, Phil! When are you going to take mercy on us? :lol:

Guess I was thrown by your comment about "tying up some loose ends" -- with the accent on "ends." I seriously thought pic 18 was the finale to the story.

But this new couple, with the lady positioned in perfect OTK mode, looks to be starting a new movement in this toon concerto. As I say, with the "jogger" comfortably (?) arrayed across her S.O.'s lap, maybe we are in for yet another classic spanking scene. :D

At this moment, though, I am in the dark about the reason for the jogger's punishment. We were told earlier that little Laura annoyed her sweetie by being a "brat" and being "deliberately naughty." Maybe the jogging lady (still to be named) did something similar to offend her boyfriend...?

Now then. As I said, the OTK positioning here is perfect, as good as any I've seen from Web-ed's "Big Five"... or is that "The Big Five plus One?" :geek: And yet, instead of swatting his jogging sweetie with the open palm of his hand as per canon, this galoot has opted for... a switch! Come on now, Phil... Hitting her fanny with a switch -- from that position -- is nowhere near as effective as smacking her tender nates with his strong right hand. A switch, I think, is for when the spankee is standing up, bent over, so that the point of impact would cover more "territory."

Sigh. Guess I should admit, I am immutably partial to hand spanking. There is something about the tactile feel of skin upon skin that excites me in a way that no implement -- not a switch, a cane, or a hairbrush -- can match.

Anyway, Phil, thanks again for your excellent artwork, and for "Keeping the Faith" like nobody else can!


Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by daneldorado »

Oops, I forgot to add this.

Phil, I meant to compliment you over the way you have depicted the jogging lady's thighs. Your latest pic is the first to show that feature, since up to now she has only been seen wearing sweatpants.

But you have now given us a panel (pic no. 19) that shows us both Laura's legs and those of the jogger. And sure enough, you have shown us the jogger's thighs as more well-developed and muscular than the same stems on Laura. I guess being a runner, especially a daily runner, will build up the thigh muscles. You have honored reality by deliberately showing the new girl's legs as better developed than those of Laura. Not that there's anything wrong with Laura... she is equally beautiful... but in a different way. :D

Cheers again,
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Zowie! Just as we were sitting here, fanning ourselves after enjoying the sight of little Laura getting spanked in public, and thinking the "Walk in the Park" saga was over, here comes a new couple, and a new spanking! Gloryosky, Phil! When are you going to take mercy on us? :lol:

Guess I was thrown by your comment about "tying up some loose ends" -- with the accent on "ends." I seriously thought pic 18 was the finale to the story.

But this new couple, with the lady positioned in perfect OTK mode, looks to be starting a new movement in this toon concerto. As I say, with the "jogger" comfortably (?) arrayed across her S.O.'s lap, maybe we are in for yet another classic spanking scene. :D

hi Dan,

we do indeed have a new couple spanking in the park and i did give some thought to showing the entire spanking. however, as i mentioned, i decided to just tie up some loose ends so instead of watching the new couple spanking, we'll be following Ken and Laura to see where they're going :D . i am happy that you enjoyed the OTK position of the jogger too :D .
daneldorado wrote:At this moment, though, I am in the dark about the reason for the jogger's punishment. We were told earlier that little Laura annoyed her sweetie by being a "brat" and being "deliberately naughty." Maybe the jogging lady (still to be named) did something similar to offend her boyfriend...?
if you will re check pic #017 you'll see that the jogger was misbehaving and then ran away to avoid punishment. i didn't make her behavior problems any more specific than that though.
daneldorado wrote:Now then. As I said, the OTK positioning here is perfect, as good as any I've seen from Web-ed's "Big Five"... or is that "The Big Five plus One?" :geek: And yet, instead of swatting his jogging sweetie with the open palm of his hand as per canon, this galoot has opted for... a switch! Come on now, Phil... Hitting her fanny with a switch -- from that position -- is nowhere near as effective as smacking her tender nates with his strong right hand. A switch, I think, is for when the spankee is standing up, bent over, so that the point of impact would cover more "territory."
i would say you are probably right about him using a switch from the OTK position. it would probably have been more effective if he had bent her over a picnic table or something. i just thought the switch was a little different than the usual hand spanking and there would certainly be plenty of raw materials for a switch there in the park :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:Sigh. Guess I should admit, I am immutably partial to hand spanking. There is something about the tactile feel of skin upon skin that excites me in a way that no implement -- not a switch, a cane, or a hairbrush -- can match.

Anyway, Phil, thanks again for your excellent artwork, and for "Keeping the Faith" like nobody else can!

well, actually, i am pretty much a hand spanking fan myself but i do like to change it up once in a while. i do enjoy bringing the artwork to you and i'm always happy when folks enjoy my work :D .
daneldorado wrote:Oops, I forgot to add this.

Phil, I meant to compliment you over the way you have depicted the jogging lady's thighs. Your latest pic is the first to show that feature, since up to now she has only been seen wearing sweatpants.

But you have now given us a panel (pic no. 19) that shows us both Laura's legs and those of the jogger. And sure enough, you have shown us the jogger's thighs as more well-developed and muscular than the same stems on Laura. I guess being a runner, especially a daily runner, will build up the thigh muscles. You have honored reality by deliberately showing the new girl's legs as better developed than those of Laura. Not that there's anything wrong with Laura... she is equally beautiful... but in a different way. :D

Cheers again,
i'm glad you appreciated this. it did seem right to me that she would have strong thighs if she has a habit of jogging. i too thought that she was equally beautiful and i thought this position showed her off nicely 8-) . i'm glad you enjoyed the new pic :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park #19

Post by web-ed »

Phil, it's a miracle that you can keep this story going so long, but so far, you have! Maybe I'm just greedy - I should be satisfied after seeing Laura get it so thoroughly - but I find I'm eager to see our jogging-brat get hers as well :) ! My only problem is I don't know which to find more enticing in this latest episode - the use of the switch or her absolutely gorgeous bare bottom :D that I know will be well-striped shortly.

This park is likely to acquire a reputation for spanking! Pretty soon you may have spectators walking through who enjoy seeing pretty girls get spanked - there are some people like that, you know ;) .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Phil, it's a miracle that you can keep this story going so long, but so far, you have! Maybe I'm just greedy - I should be satisfied after seeing Laura get it so thoroughly - but I find I'm eager to see our jogging-brat get hers as well :) ! My only problem is I don't know which to find more enticing in this latest episode - the use of the switch or her absolutely gorgeous bare bottom :D that I know will be well-striped shortly.
hi web-ed,

i thought the use of a switch in a park full of raw material to make such a switch just seemed right to me. there have been a number of viewers expressing the same desire to see the the other brat getting it with the switch. i wish i had known that a few weeks because i'm not planning on showing that switching :( . i was just taking care of some loose ends as we follow Ken and Laura on their way to their next order of business 8-) . actually, i just have one more pic left in this toon and i will be posting that tomorrow. sorry about that.
web-ed wrote:This park is likely to acquire a reputation for spanking! Pretty soon you may have spectators walking through who enjoy seeing pretty girls get spanked - there are some people like that, you know ;) .
pretty much everyone agrees with you on this. folks have suggested benches especially for spanking, paths for spanking, designated spanking areas etc :lol: . i guess we all think alike on this one ;) . i have it on the best authority that you are absolutely correct when you say there are people like that. one young lady that has had a number of public spankings............some by invitation, tells me that the onlookers do INDEED enjoy seeing pretty girls getting spanked :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

i think Ken and Laura are finding out, courtesy of Carl and Dianne, that there are things that you do in your lives that are worth doing again 8-) . our story seems to have come full circle and all the loose ends are tied up so this is a good place to stop our story :D .

i hope you've enjoyed this story. it will be a few weeks before i have a new story started. my computer is old and having problems so i am getting a new one. this has been in the works for some time now and my computer man has studied out Poser and promises me that the new computer will operate Poser much better and faster than this one does :D . i am going to upgrade from Poser 7 to Poser 9. he is supposed to have the new computer ready on Wednesday but after i get it i will have to instal Poser and then transfer my content from Poser 7 into it so i don't lose anything. i will also have to transfer the contents of my storage drive to the new computer...........this includes all my live Poser files. anyway, it may be a few weeks before i actually get this all done, get a new story started and have pics ready to post so please be patient. thanks, phil
here's another reason for a spankee to be embarrassed
here's another reason for a spankee to be embarrassed
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Re: A Walk in the Park #20

Post by web-ed »

I think this is a fine conclusion to a long opus that no one can say didn't have enough spanking :) ! Good to see Dianne get it once again. As for our featured couple, Ken and Laura, they'll simply have to find another spot for their tryst. Liked the "SMOKEY THE overBAREel" joke, too. But now we come to an additional topic: not just public spanking, but public, er, lovemaking (I had to resist the temptation toward parallel structure by using an "s" word to describe the activity soon to take place). If public spanking is rare, this is even rarer, and in my long life of bizarre experiences :| I think I've only seen this once.

It occurred more than 20 years ago one night in Seattle, which I was visiting. A group of about five of us, after a long evening of, ah, philosophizing, set out to explore a public park at about 2:00 A.M. :) . It was a fine summer night with plenty of moonlight, and near a pond or river (I don't remember which after all these years, nor the name of the park if I ever knew it) on a dock we came upon a young couple under a blanket. They had no warning of our approach, and from their positions there was no doubt as to what was going on under there. We had the sense not to hang around too long - I felt sorry for the girl, who had her romantic evening interrupted and who must have been quite frightened by this group of 5 guys who seemingly came out of nowhere. We could have been an armed and dangerous street gang for all she knew. In reality, we were five rather odd characters of a decidedly intellectual bent, armed with nothing more deadly than a few open containers of liquor (I myself was sober, in case anyone wondered), and we went on about our business exploring the park with scarcely a thought about the public fornication we had just witnessed, although we may have made one or two smart remarks.

Phil, I hope your new computer is a smash, and good luck with Poser 9. Of course all of us will be patient while still eagerly awaiting your next offering. I know how long it can take me just to code a page with art on it, and I'm not even drawing anything! So thanks for taking the time and trouble to do these for us.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by hugob00m »

I hadn't logged in for over a month, and so I'm way behind in making
coments on your story. I loved it! Kenny and Laura were a delightful couple, and I hope they show up again in future stories (the way Carl and Dianne showed up in this one!)

I'm not a big fan of switching either, but out in the woods with so many bushes and trees around, someone was bound to think of it! ;) But I'm not going to complain, since both Laura and Dianne were treated to their men's hands! (And of course, the two men got the benefit of being able to feel their ladies' lovely backsides!) :D :D :D :D

I hope the installation of your new computer goes smoothly and that the transition to the updated poser is an easy one.
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I think this is a fine conclusion to a long opus that no one can say didn't have enough spanking :) ! Good to see Dianne get it once again. As for our featured couple, Ken and Laura, they'll simply have to find another spot for their tryst. Liked the "SMOKEY THE overBAREel" joke, too
hi web-ed,

i'm glad you enjoyed the ending to our outdoor fantasy :D . i thought it was logical that Carl and Dianne, in all their long years of marriage had "visited" the park before. nothing wrong with revisiting some old haunts 8-) . glad you liked my little play on words too....after all, we have to protect our parks :lol: .
web-ed wrote:It occurred more than 20 years ago one night in Seattle, which I was visiting. A group of about five of us, after a long evening of, ah, philosophizing, set out to explore a public park at about 2:00 A.M. :) . It was a fine summer night with plenty of moonlight, and near a pond or river (I don't remember which after all these years, nor the name of the park if I ever knew it) on a dock we came upon a young couple under a blanket. They had no warning of our approach, and from their positions there was no doubt as to what was going on under there. We had the sense not to hang around too long - I felt sorry for the girl, who had her romantic evening interrupted and who must have been quite frightened by this group of 5 guys who seemingly came out of nowhere. We could have been an armed and dangerous street gang for all she knew. In reality, we were five rather odd characters of a decidedly intellectual bent, armed with nothing more deadly than a few open containers of liquor (I myself was sober, in case anyone wondered), and we went on about our business exploring the park with scarcely a thought about the public fornication we had just witnessed, although we may have made one or two smart remarks.
interesting story. after i graduated from Purdue in 1975 i took a job as the naturalist at Whitewater State Park near Liberty Indiana. since i was leading hikes i made sure i was familiar with all the trails in the park. i never actually came across anyone having sex myself but i do have a story anyway. the asst. park manager was kind of a prude and very religious. he happened on a couple doing it right in the middle of one of the paths :D . i've always maintained that being in the great outdoors makes folks really horny and apparently this couple just couldn't stand it any longer and just went for it right there :lol: . this was not one of the out of the way places but was actually on the main path from the camp grounds to the beach! our asst. manager came back huffing and puffing with his face red as a beet. "this couple was doing something that only married people should be doing", he sputtered :lol: :lol: . he was hilarious. as i said, i never personally happened on anyone although i will admit to having been among those who might have been caught doing that 8-) . fortunately, i knew the park well and was able to hide better than that :lol: .
web-ed wrote: Phil, I hope your new computer is a smash, and good luck with Poser 9. Of course all of us will be patient while still eagerly awaiting your next offering. I know how long it can take me just to code a page with art on it, and I'm not even drawing anything! So thanks for taking the time and trouble to do these for us.
i think both the computer and Poser will probably be fine. i think it's just a matter of how much time it will take me to get everything set up and get back in business again.i'll be thinking about a new story in the mean time :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:I hadn't logged in for over a month, and so I'm way behind in making
coments on your story. I loved it! Kenny and Laura were a delightful couple, and I hope they show up again in future stories (the way Carl and Dianne showed up in this one!)
hi Boom,

i had noticed your absence and it's good to see you back :D . i'm glad you enjoyed the story :D . bringing back couples who have appeared before seems to have been a popular idea so i may have to consider doing more of that. there are bound to be other times i need some "extras" in a toon so why not :D .
hugob00m wrote:I'm not a big fan of switching either, but out in the woods with so many bushes and trees around, someone was bound to think of it! ;) But I'm not going to complain, since both Laura and Dianne were treated to their men's hands! (And of course, the two men got the benefit of being able to feel their ladies' lovely backsides!) :D :D :D :D

i do love those hand spankings although not everyone would necessarily agree. i had one spankee friend of mine who commented that she would be doing more than the usual amount of kicking and struggling while a switch was being applied to her bare bottom :D . there are many spanking couples who prefer an implement to hand spanking. after i posted the last pic i got this comment from another spankee friend of mine and i thought i'd share it with all of you. she said, ""The hotter your bottom, the better the sex." So true! That's why I always say that the key to our happy and durable marriage (we celebrate our 30th anniversary on the 26th) is the fearsome wooden hairbrush my mom gave hubby as a wedding present -- she knew me as only a mom can!" 8-) i loved the comment that she knew me as only a mom can :lol: .
hugob00m wrote:I hope the installation of your new computer goes smoothly and that the transition to the updated poser is an easy one.
i'm going to do everything i can to help it along. thanks, phil
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Re: A Walk in the Park

Post by sunflower309 »

hi phil!

I am going to comment on this one a little at a time, as family interference occurs, and to make it easier to read. s here I go!

I like this one so far. a public spanking!! a good fantasy (one I've had any many times) NOT so good in reality. I would not want to be spanked in public. even if it was not bare bottom! I really love your park.....it is very pretty! I would love to take a stroll in it. and see a spanking in it, but not be the spankee! i'm sure glad I am not a brat! I manage to do enough to get spanked for. and receive penalty swats. my spanker does a good job all on his own, I do not need to goad him to spank me harder. he gets there on his own. of course some times I push the limits but it does not bode well for my bottom!

on page 5 of the comments Dan said that "seriously, a spankee does not have to have a bare bottom. it makes no difference to her. her panties offer little protection not a direct quote I kind of paraphrased but I think I got close to what he said.. as a spankee I have to disagree. protection has nothing to do with panties up or down. it does make a difference to me. I do NOT want a bare bottom spanking. I NEED a bare bottom spanking. I do all I can think of to keep panties in place. but the anticipation and dread of them coming down is delightful and terrible at the same time. it is almost a relief when they get lowered. of course that is the height of my embarrassment. but the sting in my bottom soon makes me forget that. a wise friend said that once you receive a bare bottom OTK spanking you will want it no other way and I must say he is right! I hate it, but need it to happen. thank goodness my spanker has brushed aside all my reasonings, pleadings etc to keep my panties up. he also does not lower them at the same time in the spanking so the dread and anticipation are more intense that way. keeping me off guard only add to my spankings and so the panties must go! and if I was worried about exposure (as my wise friend said yet again) I would not get myself spanked. my spanker is concentrating on my bottom, not what else he can see. so any spankee who consents to a spanking knows they are going to show some intimate parts. I myself, don't dwell on that.

I would like to be the jogger....the only problem is.....I don't jog! i'd probably blacken both my eyes once I got going! i'm sure the sound of lauras spanking attracted spectators. that's a sound you really can't disguise. I would probably be like the jogger and say she needs to have her bottom bared! but not out loud. I would definitely be thinking that. no womens lib for me. it would be more embarrassing to me to have a women cheer on my spanking. you expect that from men but not many women. if it was me I don't think I would make any kind of comment to further lauras embarrassment I would just enjoy the sight. I also believe in karma so I would be afraid to encourage further embarrassment! it could come back to bite me in the butt.....so to speak! more later. going shopping with my sister and niece.

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