Doc Cylon question and request

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Doc Cylon question and request

Post by Tanner »

Why are there so many red Xs in the Doc Cylon section? They do seem to open but was wondering why this is the case.
Have a request. Doc Cylon did Red Sonja, Shanna, and Vampirella. How about one of Xena? Love to see the great and mighty Warrior Princess displaying a very red bottom.
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Re: Doc Cylon question and request

Post by Wolfie138 »

how about this one from the always-delightful Fastner & Larson :-

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Re: Doc Cylon question and request

Post by Tanner »

Had forgotten this one. Had seen it in the book they did.
Also Endart did one with his Pamela Henderson character in a Xena costume which turned up on the Yahoo spanking comics group.
In an email he told me he had to remove it from his site because his billing company didnt want anything involving real people, if only a cartoon.
Which as we both agreed makes no sense with all the fakes of real people on the Internet thanks to Photoshop. Like our very own Mr Hyde.
Endart was good, too bad his site has been discontinued.
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Re: Doc Cylon question and request

Post by web-ed »

Wolfie - thanks for sharing the Fastner & Larson Xena one - it's cute!

Tanner - I've still got about 50 of Doc Cylon's efforts in my files waiting to be posted, including a couple each with Supergirl and Penelope Pitstop(!), but nothing with Xena. (I should probably do a "Doc Cylon Dust-up" to get these out there more quickly). I'll mention it the next time he sends me something, which will probably be soon as the good Doctor is quite prolific. And of course he might see this this post.

Now as to the "red X" problem you're having, I'm guessing you mean the Doc Cylon Gallery Page, that you're using Internet Explorer as your browser, and that the red X's you're referring to are appearing where the thumbnail images should be. I just checked the CSR server, and all the Doc Cylon thumbnails are out there. I used both Firefox and Internet Explorer, and all the thumbnails appear except on the Humor Page, where I've temporarily left a reserved spot (to be filled soon), and Comics Gallery 1, where all the Andy Price images used to be (the red X's are there to stay on that page, I'm afraid).

Therefore, if you're getting red X's on the Doc Cylon Gallery Page, I can think of only one possible explanation: the last time the browser sought the image files on the server, it could not get them (some temporary issue), and subsequently when you visited the page IE pulled the files out of the IE cache. Since the files were not in the cache, the red X's continued to be displayed (bad luck). The solution? Use your browser's "refresh" button - this will force it to go back out to the server and get fresh copies of all the files instead of hunting around in the cache for files that aren't there. Please let me know if this doesn't solve your problems since I want everyone's experience on CSR to be as frustration-free as possible.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Doc Cylon question and request

Post by web-ed »

Tanner wrote: Have a request. Doc Cylon did Red Sonja, Shanna, and Vampirella. How about one of Xena? Love to see the great and mighty Warrior Princess displaying a very red bottom.
I asked Doctor Cylon about Xena, and he reminded me that he needs something to work with. So if anyone has any drawings of Xena in a spankable position, please forward them to me and I'll send them along to him for that special treatment we'd all like to see.
-- Web-Ed
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