The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Post by daneldorado »

To all my (unseen, yet loved) friends here at the Chicago Spanking Review:

For the past five (5) years I have enjoyed visiting with you here and swapping spanking photos and cartoons. I have posted several of my own drawings, and recently I have begun to colorize and re-post my old B&W toons.

I believe that, at ALL TIMES, I have been candid about the "costs" of my work. You probably all remember my saying that I used to get paid for my cartoons, by print publications; but the Internet has effectively killed specialty mags, so if I want my cartoons to be seen, I must offer them FOR FREE to this, my favorite spanking website. Most of my spanking cartoons have been reprinted here, and I have told you -- repeatedly, I believe -- that all I ask is that you occasionally post a comment for me, letting me know what you think of my latest work. Some of you -- a few -- have been faithful correspondents.

But not lately.

On Friday, June 27, I posted here some of my newest toons, and they are in "livin', spankin' COLOR!" I thought they looked pretty good, but still I wondered what YOU all thought of them. I awaited your responses. And waited. And waited.

Only TWO of you -- Overbarrel and Web-ed -- bothered to send me comments. I think that's a first. It's the first time NINE DAYS have gone by with only two people responding to my work. Usually I hear from several of you, and you may not want to believe this, but because I treasure your comments so much, I have doubled my efforts to bring you improved work. But you (most of you) have not responded.

I like your company, but I suspect you guys are simply tired of my cartoons, and so I now bid you adieu.

Web-ed: Do me the favor of deleting the symbol on your site that directs readers to the "Dan Rivera Gallery."

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Post by sunflower309 »

well Dan,

you probably won't even see this but i'll post anyway. I did not see your latest posting. I was on vacation and believe it or not, we did not take a computer with us. my smart phone has internet capabilities but I didn't even check e-mail. it makes me sad that you think you aren't appreciated. and it also makes me real sad that I will not get to see any more of your work that I have never had the opportunity to see before. and worse yet, because I took a long overdue and much deserved vacation I missed your last one. well, i'll miss you, but good luck to you! I think you're wrong about people being tired of your works, and I feel largely responsible in your decision. i'm sorry.

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Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

i have to say that i think you're over reacting here. you and i both know that there are lots of lurkers who never comment on our work and other people come and go depending on a lot of things. what i am sure of is this, pretty much everyone who looks at Spanky Sal or Captain Woodshed or Sam Swat or Tommy and Miss Johnson, appreciates and even loves them............myself included. i didn't set up a separate "Dan" folder in my storage drive 12 years ago just for the hell of it. i set it up because i recognized the quality of your work and i wanted to make sure i could find your toons quickly when i wanted to revisit them. i hope you will reconsider your decision. i think all your toons are much more beloved that you imagine. i never totally understood why folks lurk and look without commenting but i have come to accept that this is the way it is. you have made lots of contributions to CSR over the years including your drawings and many other things and it's obvious that you are a valuable member of the family here. i don't know of anyone who wants to see you leave...............again, myself included. please reconsider. phil
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Post by jesseray »

I agree with the previous posts... It is very EASY to get spoiled on the NET, pretty much all the spank stuff one had to pay for in OUR time can now be found for free. And like an all you can eat buffet-it's easy to fill up without stopping to consider what you are doing.
Unfortunately I can only drop in every now and then, so I go thru a quick load up of all I can wthin the shortest amount of time...
Since most of the work has been on for quite some time...it would seem that my comments would be way after the fact.
My fault! Always loved your work as much as I love you.... Be a shame if the new folks would be deprived of it cause the rest of us
take our pleasures for granted..

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Post by web-ed »

Dan - I just saw this after doing the weekly updates :o . I understand you're upset but I hope you'll reconsider, although I see you've deleted all the other topics and even I can't recover them at this point, although I may still have them in comma-delimited text files in my older backups. This issue has come up in the past. I have noted many times that there is a definite interest in your cartoons, because my site logs show that people come to CSR every month after entering things like "Spanky Sal", "Sam Swatt", "Captain Woodshed", and yes, even "Dan Rivera" :) into the various search engines. I wish I could provide statistics as to how many visitors come to your gallery each week, but the logs don't contain that information.

I know that lack of comments has long been a sore point with you. I can only repeat what I've said before - for a variety of reasons, many more people will look at something than will comment on it. Some people are very shy, some don't feel they have anything to say, and a lot of people may simply be too busy. I myself visit only a few other spanking sites each week, and I certainly don't always leave comments although I have on Spanking Minnesota, Richard Windsor, Cranky Spanker, and Chross, and maybe one or two others. The reason? Lack of time! I simply can't comment on everything I see, and in fact I can't even spend much time looking at other spanking sites. Yes, I have to spend more time searching out spanking material than just about anyone else, but even if I didn't I don't know that I'd be writing more comments on other people's sites.

Now, I'm a writer and not an artist, and maybe that makes a difference. A writer has to expect to be lonely and neglected - it's the way of the world. The most important guy in Hollywood is the writer, but you'd never know it they way you get treated out there. And just try selling your novel or short story these days and see how far you get. Even category fiction is a tough sell. I've been speaking of fiction, but even much non-fiction gets ignored. Right now, I'm in the middle of doing a series of 6 articles on the psychology of adult spanking. It's a comprehensive series, explaining all of the essentials, and nothing even remotely as extensive has ever been attempted on any spanking website that I know of, or in any non-internet spanking publication. Phil and Butch have commented on it, but I don't think anyone else has (I'm sure Sunflower is reading it, or will). Am I discouraged? Not really, although of course I wonder how many people are reading it. I believe it's being read, and I have no doubt as to its value. The fact is it needs to be done and I'm the guy who can do it, so I will whether anyone comments or not.

Now as I say, maybe it's different for the visual artist, but it seems to me that if you believe in what you're doing, you just do it and hope for the best. Yes, it hurts when no one seems to be paying attention, or when you can't get an editor to look at your stuff. But the fact is, people were looking at your cartoons here and enjoying them even if they didn't comment. In that respect you were way ahead of aspiring artists (and writers - let's never forget the writers!) who can't even get their work seen, or couldn't before the blogging era. Knowing that your work is being enjoyed by someone out there, someone whose face you'll never see and whose name you'll never know, is either enough satisfaction for the artist or it isn't. Only you can decide.
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: minor stylistic edits
-- Web-Ed
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Post by sunflower309 »

web-ed wrote:Now, I'm a writer and not an artist, and maybe that makes a difference. A writer has to expect to be lonely and neglected - it's the way of the world. The most important guy in Hollywood is the writer, but you'd never know it they way you get treated out there. And just try selling your novel or short story these days and see how far you get. Even category fiction is a tough sell. I've been speaking of fiction, but even much non-fiction gets ignored. Right now, I'm in the middle of doing a series of 6 articles on the psychology of adult spanking. It's a comprehensive series, explaining all of the essentials, and nothing even remotely as extensive has ever been attempted on any spanking website that I know of, or in any non-internet spanking publication. Phil and Butch have commented on it, but I don't think anyone else has (I'm sure Sunflower is reading it, or will). Am I discouraged? Not really, although of course I wonder how many people are reading it. I believe it's being read, and I have no doubt as to its value. The fact is it needs to be done and I'm the guy who can do it, so I will whether anyone comments or not.
I am indeed, web-ed, reading your articles, in fact I look forward to them. not only am I entertained here but I am learning a lot about spanking! I thought a spanking is a spanking. a woman gets smacked on the backside and everyone goes home happy. not so! i'm learning a lot and feel more comfortable with my desire and need to be spanked. I don't comment a lot because I am not as eloquent a writer as Phil or you or b00m. I don't know a lot of the background of some of what you share like everyone else either. I love b00ms Katie but cannot comment like Phil does, but I think b00m knows that if he has any questions all he has to do is ask me and I will answer best I can. so just know everyone, all this is new to me and just because I don't comment, doesn't mean I don't care!

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Post by willjohn »

I have not posted frequently lately because of difficulty in logging on. Hopefully you will stick around.
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Post by bobj7188 »

Does anyone know if Dan can read these? Or is there any other way to contact him?

Dan has been one of my favorite artists, and I hate to see him go. My schedule does not allow me much time to pursue this interest, or browse the forum, but whenever I have, I have truly enjoyed his work. I'd love to let him know that.

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Post by hugob00m »

It's unfortunate that Dan has chosen to leave this forum. I've always enjoyed his posts... whenever I was actually able to see them. Unfortunately, he's had a 48 hour rule regarding comments. If he doesn't get as many comments as he thinks he should within 48 hours after posting, he deletes the post, which means I've probably seen less than half of the stuff he's posted, since I don't log on every day.
daneldorado wrote:Web-ed: Do me the favor of deleting the symbol on your site that directs readers to the "Dan Rivera Gallery."
I see you haven't done this yet. I suppose you must be waiting to see if he changes his mind. I hope he does.
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Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:I have not posted frequently lately because of difficulty in logging on. Hopefully you will stick around.
For Dan - willjohn was locked out of the site for a while, and couldn't comment until some time went by and I reset his password, otherwise he might well have commented on your latest art when you posted it. And this reminds me of something I forgot to put in my long post: pesky spambots were such a nuisance here that I had to restrict posting to members only, and I had to insist on manual activation of each user account because the spambots were able to solve the captchas! (As I remarked privately to willjohn, I find it embarrassing that the spambots are better at the captchas than he and I are!) The point I'm trying to make is that it's more difficult to comment on this forum than it should be or than I'd like it to be, but because I'm not willing to extensively modify phpBB's supplied code for this board (too much work that has to be repeated each time they upgrade the code), we're stuck with it, at least for now. This means that if I didn't make it so difficult to join this board, more people might have commented on your art - I guess we'll never know for sure how many.
bob wrote:Does anyone know if Dan can read these? Or is there any other way to contact him?

Dan has been one of my favorite artists, and I hate to see him go. My schedule does not allow me much time to pursue this interest, or browse the forum, but whenever I have, I have truly enjoyed his work. I'd love to let him know that.

Dan is still an active member on this board, and can certainly read these comments. There are two ways you can contact him, by PM (Personal Message) and by email since Dan allows this (it's controlled from your User Control Panel, by the way). Go to his post "I'm Outta Here" and click on either the envelope symbol (for email) or the little "PM" (for a personal message that goes to his inbox on this board - everyone is allowed up to 50 PM's here). Please do contact Dan, Bob, and let him know how you feel.
hugob00m wrote:t's unfortunate that Dan has chosen to leave this forum. I've always enjoyed his posts... whenever I was actually able to see them. Unfortunately, he's had a 48 hour rule regarding comments. If he doesn't get as many comments as he thinks he should within 48 hours after posting, he deletes the post, which means I've probably seen less than half of the stuff he's posted, since I don't log on every day.

daneldorado wrote:Web-ed: Do me the favor of deleting the symbol on your site that directs readers to the "Dan Rivera Gallery."

I see you haven't done this yet. I suppose you must be waiting to see if he changes his mind. I hope he does.
The 48-hour rule was always problematical, b00m - I think Dan figured that people subscribed to the particular topics on the board and read the automated emails that were sent out every day. (This board has "subscribe" and "bookmark" features at the bottom of each page, but I've never used them myself so I can't tell anyone how they work). The truth is that I've never even tried to subscribe to any of the topics here, even the ones I start myself, because I wouldn't have time to follow up on the emails or even read them anyway! Due to time constraints, I generally visit the board only two or sometimes three times per week, and I rely on the signal system (unread topics display in red ink) to guide me as to where I should go to find unread posts. Personally, I'm gratified if anyone stops by here even once a week, and clearly some of our long-time readers are not able to do even that (see Ray's post above, for instance, the first he's made on this board in a long time).

Now as to why I haven't deleted this entire sub-forum yet: as you surmised, I'm in no hurry to do that in case Dan changes his mind, and the more people who post here, the greater the chance of that happening. If not, I suppose I'll eventually have to either delete it or lock it up to prevent further posting. This has been a demanding couple of weeks for me - more so than usual, I mean - and I've had no time to talk to Dan about this (honestly, if this week's updates hadn't been done ahead of time, we might not have had any). I'm hoping Dan will either relent and repost his art here, or else allow me to create a special gallery for him on the main site just like Dr. Cylon has. (By the way, I hope everyone knows that any of our esteemed Resident Artists Dan, b00m, and Phil can have their own gallery on the main site any time they wish. It's just that all three of these stalwarts seem to prefer being able to control the posting of their own work, which is basically only possible here, although it's possible I could work out some special ID's that would allow them to post on the main site. There are a number of technical problems involved in doing that, from security to HTML coding they'd have to do to knowing how to use File Transfer Protocol (FTP). As things stand, I'm the only one who can update the main site, and it would be many months before I could build and populate a new Dan Rivera gallery over there).
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Post by daneldorado »

Some recent posts have suggested that I am guilty of "dirty pool," for ending my forum right in the middle of a story that, apparently, they wanted to see go on a bit longer. Okay, to let you know that I'm not a beast, here are the remaining panels to my "Captain Woodshed" toon.



There is still more....
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Post by daneldorado »

...And these will wrap up the story. Captain Woodshed deals with a secret agent, though not so "secretly."


Looks like Olga's "mission" is more like "mission impossible."


Now that THAT's out of the way, how about a few comments, okay? Drawing and colorizing these stories is a lot a lot a lot of hard work, so I hope you will respond with some nice comments.

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Re: Capt. Woodshed and the Spies

Post by web-ed »

One thing even your toughest critics would have to concede, Dan, is that you never cheat when it comes to the all-important OTK positioning :lol: ! Our femme fatale Olga finds herself perfectly positioned over the good Captain's lap to receive an old-fashioned spanking, which we may fairly assume she's been needing for a long while. And that spanking is already well in progress, judging by the color of the target area, which is now blushing like this --> :oops: It's good to see more of this classic tale in full color. :D

Good to see it, and I hope you'll conclude it here, although I wouldn't have said you were guilty of "dirty pool" had you chosen not to present it. It's your cartoon and this is your gallery and you can do with both of them as you please, although it is of course my fervent hope that you'll continue posting your 'toons here or at least allow me to build a gallery for them over on the main site like Dr. Cylon's.
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Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: Now that THAT's out of the way, how about a few comments, okay? Drawing and colorizing these stories is a lot a lot a lot of hard work, so I hope you will respond with some nice comments.
hi Dan,

in panel 450 of course the main focus is the great view of Olga's plump, upturned bottom to which CW is giving the attention it deserves :D i like the way you have depicted her pulled up dress which looks very realistic and i think the red color really makes that pop. i also love her expression and again the blush on her cheeks just adds to the effect so the coloring is well worth doing. in panel 5b there's your trademark look at her legs :D . also, the increased expression of pain and worry on her face on her face is the next step you would expect to see ;) . then there's the nice, high bottom placement which i would say is another of your trademarks :D . and i love the conversations of the onlookers :lol: . what a red bottom in panel 6151...........CW is really blistering her bottom good :D i like the way you have given us a good look both at her naughty bottom and her anguished face with the tears flying :D . in the last part, Olga's partner must not have been paying attention during the spanking since he asks her if she neutralized the stranger .............too bad too since he missed a good show:lol: . i love her wide eyed expression as she asks for a cushion for the chair :lol: . it's exactly what we would have expected. it's nice to see her rubbing her freshly spanked bottom too :D . one of the main reasons i like the colorized version of your drawings is that it seems to make all the details you work so hard to include, stand out even more. as i said, i think the coloring is well worth doing. thanks for sharing. phil
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Post by sunflower309 »

hi Dan,

I guess i'm about to take a stand that is opposite from everyone else's and so is not going to be popular. I know you work hard on your toons. as do B00m and Phil, and not least of all the web-ed works hard week after week after week to bring us updates. and they don't always get a lot of comments. yet they keep on because if they have at least 1 loyal fan they care about that person. you seem to be going for quantity rather than quality. I did not see the beginning of this Captain Woodshed as I was on vacation and had the nerve to not take my computer. there has been some of your stuff where I didn't see the end because you pulled it. I cannot log in every day to see if you are posting. I have a very demanding job in the medical field where I deal with Alzheimer and special need patients. it is very tiring physically and mentally. and I have a teenage son in high school, very involved in activities, which keep me busy. I think that the web-ed, phil and b00m know I view their hard works and really enjoy them. I can count on every Thursday there is an update from web ed. on Fridays is Phils update. b00m doesn't put his work under time constraints.

what i'm trying to say, with the upmost respect is I had never seen your stuff before. I was becoming a big fan and really enjoying them. but I guess you don't care if I see the beginnings or endings. or even whole toons. it's been my short experience that masses of people are not going to respond. I would have responded after my vacation but you deleted everything. and i'm told that you knew I was on vacation. I wouldn't have know you did post some more stuff if it wasn't for another board member. I did not view it. I missed the whole beginning. i'm like a little kid with you dangling candy in front of me and then snatching it back. so i'm glad your back for the people who know you well and missed you, but I will not be visiting your gallery or commenting on your work. I come here to relax and be entertained. I don't want to be the source of someones distress, which distresses me. so if you won't be looking for me that will relieve some of your anxiety.

and on another note, you never respond to anything that people post on your toons. don't know if you really read them, or even care what we have to say. so I hope this doesn't get me banished from CSR, and know my views aren't going to be popular, but to quote you "I'm outta here". good luck to you Dan.

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Post by jesseray »

Love ya!!
Have loved, enjoyed and have tried to collect all of your art for....hmmm about 30 years now. Thank you for the time and effort to satisfy so many of our fantasies.... And double thanks for the art you provided me for my old 'Spanking Central Magazine and website'.

I suspect it is hard for some folks to realize that art (be it pictures, stories, videos.) can be like opening up ones soul...(partiularly when it is a subject many of us have held secret a great deal of our lives.) You expect the passion put into it to have a likewise response.

When I produced 'Taking Care of Business' I absolutely thought I couldn't/wouldn't give a damn what people thought of it....boy was I wrong!!!

Please keep satisfying us!

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Post by hugob00m »

sunflower309 wrote:I guess i'm about to take a stand that is opposite from everyone else's and so is not going to be popular.
Well, actually, I believe you're in the right here.
sunflower309 wrote:I know you work hard on your toons. as do B00m and Phil, and not least of all the web-ed works hard week after week after week to bring us updates. and they don't always get a lot of comments. yet they keep on because if they have at least 1 loyal fan they care about that person. you seem to be going for quantity rather than quality. I did not see the beginning of this Captain Woodshed as I was on vacation and had the nerve to not take my computer. there has been some of your stuff where I didn't see the end because you pulled it. I cannot log in every day to see if you are posting. I have a very demanding job in the medical field where I deal with Alzheimer and special need patients. it is very tiring physically and mentally. and I have a teenage son in high school, very involved in activities, which keep me busy. I think that the web-ed, phil and b00m know I view their hard works and really enjoy them. I can count on every Thursday there is an update from web ed. on Fridays is Phils update. b00m doesn't put his work under time constraints.
I understand. My job is not as demanding as yours, but I do put in a forty-hour week, most of it standing on concrete floors, and have the occasional stress of dissatisfied customers. I don't have the time to log in every day either.
sunflower309 wrote:what i'm trying to say, with the upmost respect is I had never seen your stuff before. I was becoming a big fan and really enjoying them. but I guess you don't care if I see the beginnings or endings. or even whole toons. it's been my short experience that masses of people are not going to respond. I would have responded after my vacation but you deleted everything. and i'm told that you knew I was on vacation. I wouldn't have know you did post some more stuff if it wasn't for another board member. I did not view it. I missed the whole beginning. i'm like a little kid with you dangling candy in front of me and then snatching it back. so i'm glad your back for the people who know you well and missed you, but I will not be visiting your gallery or commenting on your work. I come here to relax and be entertained. I don't want to be the source of someones distress, which distresses me. so if you won't be looking for me that will relieve some of your anxiety.
The same thing happens to me all the time. Most of Dan's cartoons have been deleted before I know they're there... or else, I might take a look at the forum without logging in, and therefore can't comment until I log in... but later, when I do log in, what I thought I saw is no longer there.

This seems to me like a big temper tantrum. IF C.S.R. was oriented toward F/M spankings, this would be the perfect set-up for one!
sunflower309 wrote:and on another note, you never respond to anything that people post on your toons.
I hope I haven't been guilty of the same thing. Whenever I post something and someone comments, I almost always try to respond as soon as possible to their comments. I like having conversations with other members of this forum.
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Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Ray! You wrote:

Love ya!!
Have loved, enjoyed and have tried to collect all of your art for....hmmm about 30 years now. Thank you for the time and effort to satisfy so many of our fantasies.... And double thanks for the art you provided me for my old 'Spanking Central Magazine and website'.

Your friendly message reminded me that you are the only person in CSR that I have met personally. I suppose it would be impossible to know everyone, and of course not every one of us is as deeply invested in the spanking scene as you and I are. But still I enjoy it when one of our "lurkers" does send comments on my artwork.

I will try to continue posting new cartoons on this website, though at a much reduced pace. You're right, it does take "time and effort" to produce these little pictures... and not everybody appreciates that.

You are quite right when you say that producing worthwhile art can be "like opening up one's soul." Thank you for all the work you put into this little hobby of ours. I wish everyone had the level of passion that you and I have for these little pictures, but of course everyone is different. Chacun à son goût, as they say in France.

Ray, why not use my personal email for messages? You remember it, right?

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Post by daneldorado »

Hi Phil... Thanks so much, for your kind words regarding my recent "Captain Woodshed" cartoon.

I especially like that you go out of your way to comment on specific details in my toons. You said: "i like the way you have depicted her pulled up dress which looks very realistic and i think the red color really makes that pop." Good eye, Phil. Little things like this may not attract a lot of comments, but you are an artist yourself and I'm sure you also are alert to the details in your work. It's the little things that count, as you well know.

Your "Turn of Events" story is one of the best you've ever published. I really like that here, we have two ladies, not one, receiving spankings. Your word balloons give us plenty of detail, and I like the way you have them neatly organized. It's like reading the story in a book, only in THIS book, the dialogue is accompanied by brilliant color illustrations. Shades of "One Good Turn," which as you know is my choice as the best story you've ever posted here.

Keep on keeping the Faith, Phil!

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Post by willjohn »

I remember Olga getting he come uppance (or come acrossance) in black & white. Nice to see that round red rump of hers in living & burning colour!
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