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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Post by jimc »

Well done on all of your new finds. The Scooby-doo ones were great. I have to admit i thought the karstens was the best as it did look more like the charactors. Your latest Homer entry (birthday spanking) is actually the same one that is my favorite although it is older. The caption reads something like " i know morse code, darling and i love you too!" What made Homer my favorite was many things (OTK positioning; drape of the dress; smiles by the spankee (she enjoyed getting spanked); hairstyle; the legs swaying; the panties being shown and the spanker looking like he was enjoying giving her a spanking.) were what made my memories of this artist (i also found it 16 and it was one of the first adult cartoons that i found (the others being WARD, DSD and Stiles in 2 different magazines). I have not seen mention of the Winnie Winkle one yet and wondered if that is still in your plans to show. Thanks again web-ed for all your dilligence and great finds and sharing them with us.
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Re: Homer, Scooby-Spanking, and Winnie Winkle

Post by web-ed »

Glad you liked the Scooby-series, Jim, and I knew you'd like the one on Homer, which will continue for three more episodes. Homer's spanking cartoons are definitely among the best, and of the Humorama Spanking Big Five (Homer, Ward, Wenzel, Stiles, and DeCarlo) only Homer and (sometimes) Stiles give us scenes where both participants seem to be enjoying themselves. I'll probably do another comparison essay on these five when I do a Kirk Stiles series (date to be determined).

On Winnie Winkle: since I often don't have the exact dates of the strip spankings, I can't do them in chronological order, so I decided arbitrarily and without announcing this fact to do them in mainly alphabetical order. That's why I started with "Abbie and Slats" and have worked my way through "Mary Worth". The pattern would probably have been obvious to everyone if I hadn't been running other series at the same time (I do try to put things in groups of four or multiples of four to make the gallery thumbnails look neater, and you can see this clearly with the strips). There have been a few exceptions (and there's about to be another because of a Li'l Abner spanking I had forgotten I had), but basically, it's been alphabetical with the strips (obviously not with other stuff like the superheroes). Of course, that means Winnie Winkle would come very near the end.

However, in reviewing it recently when I was trying to figure out how many more weeks the strip spankings would go on, I was reminded that Wendy, who is trying to decide how she will be punished, pictures herself getting taken over her mother's knee wearing child's clothing. This puts me in a bit of a bind - if Wendy is imagining herself as a child, this could run afoul of my "no children" policy. On the other hand, Wendy is actually grown up or nearly so, and if she's imagining herself at her current age, merely dressed as a young girl to receive her "childish" punishment, that would be a different matter. This latter interpretation is defensible, so I'll probably go ahead an post it.

Oh, yes - as usual I ran on for hundreds of words without getting anywhere! You wanted to know when Winnie Winkle might appear - it looks like about 16 weeks, unless I decide to start doubling up on these and posting two per week.
-- Web-Ed
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Two More From Homer

Post by web-ed »

I'm going to include this in my post on plans for next year, but I thought I'd mention here as well that I have two new Homer cartoons, one of which I remember seeing a hard copy of years ago (but never on the web) and the other of which I had never seen at all. I also have new hard copies of the Ping-Pong and Lake Paddling cartoons which I have made good-quality scans of and which will be posted on the existing pages.

I wonder if there are any more Homer "spankers" out there we don't know about?
-- Web-Ed
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