Turn of Events

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Re: Turn of Events #31

Post by web-ed »

I got what I was looking for in this latest installment - Raquel subjected to the humiliation of doing her "spank dance" in front of everyone :D . Interestingly, Penny is unconsciously rubbing her own bottom while she watches Raquel dance around, yet she isn't all that sympathetic! As for the men, they're both having a jolly good time - they'd probably make natural readers of CSR! I'm guessing our story will wind up in another panel or two.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Turn of Events

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I got what I was looking for in this latest installment - Raquel subjected to the humiliation of doing her "spank dance" in front of everyone :D . Interestingly, Penny is unconsciously rubbing her own bottom while she watches Raquel dance around, yet she isn't all that sympathetic! As for the men, they're both having a jolly good time - they'd probably make natural readers of CSR! I'm guessing our story will wind up in another panel or two.
hi web-ed,

yeah, it's gonna be humiliating for her to be dancing in front of everyone but at this point i think she's more concerned with trying to rub and dance that sting away :lol: . i think Penny rubbing her bottom is just instinct :lol: . and no,she isn't giving Raquel much sympathy at this point. in fact, she seems to be feeling a bit of satisfaction that her friend has been punished for her betrayal :D i've had a theory for a long time that many women who are close with each other.............sisters, best friends, mom and daugher...............probably know each other so well that they would get a giggle from the other one getting a spanking just because they know good and well that the other is a naughty girl who needs a spanking. perhaps this has something to do with it too ;) . yeah, the men are taking advantage of the situation to have some fun :lol: . no doubt they'd like CSR :D.........they certainly get horny enough during a spanking :lol: . this toon will indeed be coming to an end here in a couple more pics. then i have to try to get another one going. thanks, phil
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Re: Turn of Events

Post by willjohn »

I wonder if Penny will be in trouble for recovering her knickers from the bedroom?
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Re: Turn of Events

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:I wonder if Penny will be in trouble for recovering her knickers from the bedroom?
hi Willjohn,

i really hadn't thought about that but you could be right because, looking at Oliver's condition, she probably won't be needing any panties for a while :lol: . in any case, our story will be ending before we get that far along so you are free to imagine any ending for this story you like :D i'm glad you've been enjoying it :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Turn of Events

Post by overbarrel49 »

there...............all settled!
there...............all settled!
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hi everyone,

I have posted the last 2 pics in our toon this morning and we'll be starting a new one next week :D . Penny and Raquel have now been thoroughly spanked for their naughty behavior and both seem really glad that their spankings are over :D . However, it does seem like Oliver and Quinton both know a good idea when they see one which makes me wonder............are the girl's spankings really over :shock: ??............... :lol: ! I hope you've enjoyed this toon. phil
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Re: Turn of Events

Post by overbarrel49 »

yep, it's settled all right................LOL
yep, it's settled all right................LOL
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Re: Turn of Events

Post by hugob00m »

What a great way to end this story! In the next-to-last panel, the two ladies are both standing there, rubbing their freshly-spanked bottoms, both of them relieved that the punishment is over... only to learn in the final panel, that both men have decided to make spankings a permanent part of their marital life! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And that shopping trip they had planned... Well, I'm not surprised to see it get postponed. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But maybe Oluver should think twice about making Penny take that dress back to the store! She sure looks good in it... the way it hugs her feminine curves... AND, I bet everytime she wears it, she'll think back to the first time she wore it, and reminisce about the spanking her husband gave her for buying it behind his back! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: If things afterwards go the way they should, she'll actually have fond memories of that day! ;) ;) ;) ;)

And... from now on there might be a little running joke between the two men... "Hey, Oliver! remenber the time I borrowed Penny's hairbrush? Well, I might need it again tonight!"

I really liked the story, and the way you fleshed out the characters, to the point that I can imagine their lives going on past the spot where you've chosen to put an ending.
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Re: Turn of Events

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:What a great way to end this story! In the next-to-last panel, the two ladies are both standing there, rubbing their freshly-spanked bottoms, both of them relieved that the punishment is over... only to learn in the final panel, that both men have decided to make spankings a permanent part of their marital life! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hi Boom,

i'm glad you liked the ending :D . it sure seemed to me that it could happen this way :lol: .
hugob00m wrote:And that shopping trip they had planned... Well, I'm not surprised to see it get postponed. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
actually, it was your previous comments that gave me the idea for that..........i had to put that in just for you ;) .
hugob00m wrote:But maybe Oluver should think twice about making Penny take that dress back to the store! She sure looks good in it... the way it hugs her feminine curves... AND, I bet everytime she wears it, she'll think back to the first time she wore it, and reminisce about the spanking her husband gave her for buying it behind his back! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: If things afterwards go the way they should, she'll actually have fond memories of that day! ;) ;) ;) ;)
she may indeed have fond memories of that day and Oliver may not allow her to take it back as you speculate. the good part is that she is willing to take it back at this point 8-) .
hugob00m wrote:And... from now on there might be a little running joke between the two men... "Hey, Oliver! remenber the time I borrowed Penny's hairbrush? Well, I might need it again tonight!"
and a good joke it would be :lol: . in any case, i do think there will be discussions going on about this day.........between the men...........between the women...............between each couple :D i sure would like to be a fly on the wall during any of those 8-) .
hugob00m wrote:I really liked the story, and the way you fleshed out the characters, to the point that I can imagine their lives going on past the spot where you've chosen to put an ending.
that's a very nice comment and it brought a big smile to my face. i'm glad you enjoyed both the toon and the characters :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Turn of Events 32-33

Post by web-ed »

Our story has reached a very satisfying conclusion as we have two very contrite young ladies in #32, followed by two very alarmed young ladies in #33 when they realize these spankings are only the first of many to come :lol: ! I'd say they'll be better-behaved after this, and that both relationships will be healthier, too. Meanwhile, our two heroes, Oliver and Quinton, look quite satisfied with the way things have turned out, and deservedly so. Once again, spanking has set things right.

In panel 32, my favorite part is the contrite expressions on the girls; in panel #33 it's the composition of the two similar sets of two - both men looking determined and satisfied, both women looking very worried about the future :D .

This was a long, sustained effort, Phil, and I'm sure everyone appreciates it as much as I do. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Turn of Events

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Our story has reached a very satisfying conclusion as we have two very contrite young ladies in #32, followed by two very alarmed young ladies in #33 when they realize these spankings are only the first of many to come :lol: ! I'd say they'll be better-behaved after this, and that both relationships will be healthier, too. Meanwhile, our two heroes, Oliver and Quinton, look quite satisfied with the way things have turned out, and deservedly so. Once again, spanking has set things right.
hi web-ed,

i'm glad you thought the conclusion was satisfying.............so did i ;) . i think you're right that the girls will be better behaved now................at least until their bottoms aren't sore any more :lol: . my opinion is that spanking helps couples reconnect in a way that nothing else does so i agree that their relationships will be healthier from now on........especially with more spankings on the horizon :D . i have a hunch that when Quinton and Raquel have gone home and the couples are alone, both couples are going to finish that reconnection that the spankings started and get a good start on those healthier relationships 8-) .
web-ed wrote: In panel 32, my favorite part is the contrite expressions on the girls; in panel #33 it's the composition of the two similar sets of two - both men looking determined and satisfied, both women looking very worried about the future :D .
i'm glad you liked the expressions :D . in panel 33, i thought it was reasonable that the men would have similar feelings as would the girls which is why i did the similar sets of 2 ;) . it just seemed like these expressions might be how our players would look.
web-ed wrote:This was a long, sustained effort, Phil, and I'm sure everyone appreciates it as much as I do. :)
thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D . new toon starting Friday. phil
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