Weekly Updates

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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by web-ed »

butch46163@yahoo.com wrote:HI WEB-ED CSR!! Do you think a strong dominate female such as Wonder Woman or Xena would submitt to a spanking ? It would have made a good story line of Diana aka Wonder woman trying to fit in as a normal woman of the time and humble herself as a weak female to Steve Trevor 8-) that would have made for great reading throw in a spanking :lol:
Yes, I do - even the strongest woman needs to submit to a man. While I've never spanked a superheroine, I have spanked some powerful women (that is, important in the business world) and barely missed spanking a few others, sometimes when they make a visit to Chicago. They are looking for a "power exchange" type of scene in which they must give up control (i.e. submit). It would indeed make a great story for Wonder Woman to willingly submit to a spanking from the man in her life, but we won't be seeing it from DC, that's for sure!

In fact, that was the problem with the bondage and spanking in William Moulton Marston's Wonder Woman stories - they were his fantasies, not hers. Which reminds me of something: my ears have picked up a rumor that a Wonder Woman-like superheroine has been created by an independent publisher, and this one's BDSM desires are all her own :lol: ! No publication date has been officially announced yet, but I'll follow up and let everyone here know if it comes to pass and there's an honest-to-goodness spanking to be found.

And speaking of power-exchange spankings for superheroines: I just coded a webpage with Kim Possible getting such a spanking from Ron Stoppable! This is another Bawdy Bard/Kevin Karstens effort that BB sent me some time ago. Look for it on August 29! :)
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Weekly Updates for 8/15/2014

Post by web-ed »

Since Joe Gravel did one of this week's updates (Green Lantern spanks Star Sapphire), I posted four more of his cartoons over on the Superhero Forum.

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page.

Super-Spanking Summer 4 Continues!
  • Kim Possible Series: Kim's father James Possible administers some parental discipline. First, he turns Kim over his knee for an unknown reason.
  • Then James spanks Kim for getting a bad report card.
  • A strange female version of Green Lantern spanks Star Sapphire. And don't worry if you don't know who these characters are - we'll clue you in as we go along (don't we always?).
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Add link to Gravel cartoons
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

what ever Kim is getting spanked for in the first pic, she isn't at all happy about it judging from her expression. i see she's been a bad girl during the spanking too and dad has had to restrain her arm :lol: . this one is more cartoony than some of them and her breasts are drawn a bit too pointy as is her bottom :lol: . still, it gets the point across and it appears that he is giving her a good, sound spanking :D . i like the style of the drawing of James spanking Kim done by bivouac. as you mentioned, she needs to be farther over his lap but still he draws a shapely, rounded bottom on Kim and gives us a good view of it :D . also, he has nicely depicted her lowered pants and panties and the beginnings of some color coming to her naughty bottom cheeks :D . i really like the distressed and surprised look on her face :lol: . from the irritation on his face, i'd venture to say that her expression will be changing to one of more pain and regret very soon :D . i thought bivouac did a good job of telling us a whole story in just one pic ;) . i remember Green Lantern from my comic book reading days. i liked your brief history of him and Star Sapphire and it does indeed remind me of the relationship between Lois Lane and Superman. i like your scenario for the male GL spanking his villainess /boss :D . i don't know why Gravel chose to change GL's gender but i don't like the idea at all :( . good updates :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Many thanks, Web-ed, for posting some M/F toons this week. I've really missed the traditional male-spanks-female pics lately, so it is great that you have given us these two.

Like others have said, I don't much care for Joe Gravel's decision to transform Green Lantern into a female, in the third pic. Anyway, from the look on the spankee's face, it seems that this is a "fun" spanking, and very much a consensual one.

This may (or may not) be a good time to ask some questions about Green Lantern. Aside from the matter of his gender, I seem to recall that the original GL character was depicted as a guy wearing a suit and a fedora. I'm not a big fan of superhero comics, so I could be wrong. But didn't Green Lantern go through a period where he was shown in a more traditional superhero costume, tight-fitting latex and wearing a mask? I always wondered why the artist(s) did that... or maybe I remember it wrong. :|

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR 8-) Joe Gravel did a good job on The Green Lantern spanking Star Sapphire drawing :twisted: only I`m really let down that it wasn`t the male Green Lantern doing the spanking :x nice work of telling us who Star Sapphire is and judging from the old comic Green Lantern should have turn her over his knees and spanked her :lol: the Female Green Lantern and Star Sapphire do have giant breasts :D also this is a pleasure spanking not a punishment one :x anyway nice drawing! of all the Kim Possible spanking drawing I have seen in the pass week this one of Kim being spanked otk by her father is the best 8-) James Possible is no wimpy cartoon Dad and is showing his daughter who rules the nest 8-) too bad his Wife wasn`t there watching and fearing she next :lol: the over the knees is super hot with Kim`s jeans pull down half mast revailing her shapely bare bottom 8-) also the look of shame and anger on her face make this drawing GREAT!! love real hard punishment spanking :D SUPER HOT DRAWING!!The second Drawing of KIm being spanked by her Father cause of a bad report card is GOOD!! but I didn`t like the way she s over the knee! good angle though but the drawing of her shape is off! THANKS!!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:Many thanks, Web-ed, for posting some M/F toons this week. I've really missed the traditional male-spanks-female pics lately, so it is great that you have given us these two.

Like others have said, I don't much care for Joe Gravel's decision to transform Green Lantern into a female, in the third pic. Anyway, from the look on the spankee's face, it seems that this is a "fun" spanking, and very much a consensual one.

This may (or may not) be a good time to ask some questions about Green Lantern. Aside from the matter of his gender, I seem to recall that the original GL character was depicted as a guy wearing a suit and a fedora. I'm not a big fan of superhero comics, so I could be wrong. But didn't Green Lantern go through a period where he was shown in a more traditional superhero costume, tight-fitting latex and wearing a mask? I always wondered why the artist(s) did that... or maybe I remember it wrong. :|

1. Getting as much M/F independent superheroine spanking art as I'd like to is always a problem, Dan, because as I've mentioned before, F/F seems to be most artists' preferred orientation for reasons unknown. What I can do is try to save the M/F for last, and for the rest of the remaining Kim Possible Series this year, that's what we'll have - Kim getting spanked by her Dad and her friend Ron Stoppable. I have one more KP F/F spanking scene, with Ann spanking both Kim and Shego, but I only found it very recently and it will have to wait for next year along with (we may hope) some more M/F stuff.

2. Nobody liked Joe Gravel turning Green Lantern into a woman, and I have no idea why he did it. Adam Walters, who did a lot of straight-up F/F spankings around 2000 - 2002 (that is, they were two recognized female characters such as Mary Marvel and Supergirl) did a lot of this transgendered junk also. I can only imagine that someone must have commissioned it, and maybe that's why Gravel did this as well. The only Walters "transgendered" piece I plan to post is of The Falcon spanking Nightshade, who is a recognized villainess even though Falc is pretending she's a trangendered Captain America, which makes no sense at all. :?

3. This is a great time to ask about earlier versions of Green Lantern, Dan! Yes, there was a Golden Age Green Lantern named Alan Scott whom you seem to remember. Let's take a quick look at him and Hal Jordan below:

Silver Age GL Hal Jordan

Golden Age GL Alan Scott

Scott's GL uniform is perhaps the more striking with tights and a cape (the masks are very similar). But the Alan Scott GL was never that successful as a solo feature (he was also a founding member of the Justice Society and appeared in their adventures) - neither was the Hal Jordan version for that matter, at least back in the '60's. Part of the problem may have been that someone decided to try to play the Alan Scott GL as if he were Plastic Man - they gave him a sidekick, Doiby Dickles, who was obviously copied from Plastic Man's Woozy Winks - and it didn't work too well. Doiby was involved in the only GL-spanking I know about, but as the spankee (for alleged comic relief - yuchh! :x ). Anyone who wants to see Doiby getting spanked by a tree (on the cover yet) can find it under the Weird Spankings series over in Comics Gallery 2. :)
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Weekly Updates for 8/22/2014

Post by web-ed »

No time for any extras as I'm on the road this week, but with modern technology not even that stops me from updating CSR any more as Super-Spanking Summer 4 Continues :D !

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page.
  • We haven't had much time this summer for either Wonder Woman or Supergirl, so let's fix that now as for the sixth time, Wonder Woman spanks Supergirl!
  • Kim Possible Series: Kim's father James Possible administers more parental discipline.
Next Week: It's Ron Stoppable's turn to spank Kim Possible, and he does so twice! And Superman & Supergirl team up to deliver some odd juggling spankings - special contribution from David Sherwood!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

Supergirl does indeed look innocent, as well as surprised and very cute while getting a spanking :lol: . I also like the evil grin on WW's face. looking at that makes me wonder if she doesn't have something in mind for Supergirl after the spanking 8-) . i wish the girls had been rotated a bit to give us a better look at Supergirl's bare bottom but it's a nice drawing in any case :D . I too like the OTK position in the Kim spanked by dad drawing.......nice high bottom making a good target :D it looks like her dad is taking advantage of that too as her bottom is getting quite red which is another indicator that she's really feeling the spanking, her grabbing the bedspread being the first as you noted :D . i like her expression too............as if she's coming to the end of her "comfort zone" and tears will soon be falling and kicking and squirming will soon start if the spanking goes on much longer 8-) . as for the sly grin on her dad's face you were wondering about, i'm choosing to believe that it's because he can see that the spanking he's giving her is having the desired effect.............or maybe he's thinking about what he's gonna do to her mom when he gets done with Kim :lol: . good updates! travel safely! thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Thanks for the updates, Web-ed.

You wrote:

Getting as much M/F independent superheroine spanking art as I'd like to is always a problem, Dan, because as I've mentioned before, F/F seems to be most artists' preferred orientation for reasons unknown.

Yeah, I'll say they're "unknown!" In my youth, I saw numerous spanking panels in the funny papers, and they were mostly M/F! That was the preferred position, at least in the '50s and '60s. I think the recent "F/F preference" arrived alongside the feminist revolution.

Don't want to overthink this thing, but there's a chance that, during the '70s and '80s, when women libbers tried to take over the American zeitgeist, some of their leaders decided that, if we were to keep spanking toons around, they should be changed from M/F to F/F, to show that women can be just as dominant as men.

If any of that is true, then it is incumbent on us who think differently to do whatever it takes, to keep male dominant pictures in circulation. You, Web-ed, have done a beautiful job of that, despite your recent forays into F/F. Other webmasters, such as the guy that calls himself Richard Windsor, and that other guy who calls himself brushstrokes, are also due some applause. I'm thankful too, to guys like Phil overbarrel and to hugob00m, with their concentration on M/F toons.

Overbarrel wrote:

I too like the OTK position in the Kim spanked by dad drawing.......nice high bottom making a good target :D it looks like her dad is taking advantage of that too as her bottom is getting quite red which is another indicator that she's really feeling the spanking, her grabbing the bedspread being the first as you noted

Although I absolutely love M/F spankings, :D I tend to get nervous whenever I see a Father/Daughter spanking picture. That's probably because I have a beautiful daughter myself, and in her early teens there were a few occasions when I had to spank her for misbehaving. I still remember, one time she called me a "male chauvinist pig." She was 15, and I'm sure she picked up that comment from some of her school friends, and just decided to try it out on me. Of course she got a pretty good whacking after that... but that is one time when it was absolutely true that it hurt me more than it hurt her. Today, my daughter is a successful author with a career, a husband that loves her, and three wonderful children. I am so glad that after that last time, I never had occasion to spank her again.

Whew! Are you still reading? If so, thanks a bunch... for reading my messages, and also for your perseverance in this hobby of ours.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR !!!! Glad there was still some time for a Super Heroine spanking 8-) I believe if giving a chance Wonder Woman would be happy to give another female a spanking :D think she spanked a female in a comic before! too bad it wasn`t the Robot version of her 8-) that I saw her fight in a comic some years back :lol: anyway this spanking she giving Supergirl is good ! would have been better otk :D Like the surprise look on Supergirl`s face as WW whacks her bottom hard! maybe she forgot how strong Wonder Woman is and a great spanker also :lol: Both women are very pretty and shapely with nice size breasts good work by the artist :D good drawing!!! James Possible is indeed a very strict father and isn`t afraid to turn his headstrong super spy daughter over his knees 8-) like last week`s first drawing of Kim Possible is great the otk is good and James who have large hands sure knows how to use them to roast a naughty teenage bottom :lol: Wonder the reason Kim is being spanked this time is because she broke curfew again and was caught sneaking into through her bedroom window :lol: Pops Possible seem to be enjoying his role as disciplinaring judging by the smile on his face :D Kim have a look of Humiliation on her face :lol: GREAT DRAWING!! Can`t wait to see Super Spanking Summer Fantastic blow out Ending!!! 8-)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:Kim Possible Series: Kim's father James Possible administers more parental discipline.
daneldorado wrote:Although I absolutely love M/F spankings, I tend to get nervous whenever I see a Father/Daughter spanking picture.
Yeah. I agree with Dan on that one. Even though Father/Daughter spankings are sometimes neccessary, as in the case Dan described with his own daughter, I think it should be done in such a way that the father's motives cannot be questioned.
web-ed wrote:Next Week: It's Ron Stoppable's turn to spank Kim Possible, and he does so twice!
I'm looking forward to that one. I don't know anything about the Kim Possible cartoon series, but it looks to me like Kim and Ron are peers. If the motivation behind the spanking is anything other than strictly disciplinary, it would be more acceptable for a boy her own age to have those kind of feelings toward the girl.
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Re: Weekly Updates for 8/22/2014

Post by web-ed »

overbarrel49 wrote: good updates! travel safely! thanks, phil
Thanks, Phil - I'm back now and hard at work once more. :)
daneldorado wrote:Although I absolutely love M/F spankings, :D I tend to get nervous whenever I see a Father/Daughter spanking picture.
hugob00m wrote:Yeah. I agree with Dan on that one. Even though Father/Daughter spankings are sometimes necessary, as in the case Dan described with his own daughter, I think it should be done in such a way that the father's motives cannot be questioned.
The obvious problem with father/daughter spankings is that they generally lend themselves to humor, whereas most of us at CSR prefer our spanking drawings to be as erotic as possible - and eroticism is out of place in a father/daughter scene. That's why I saved the Ron Stoppable spankings for the end of the Kim Possible Series. Ron is her friend (with hints of a romantic interest in the early episodes, as I recall), so as b00m noted, this context is more appropriate for any cartoon with erotic overtones.

I'm rather fond of brother/sister spankings myself, but they're rare enough that I don't need to think about what that says about me :lol: .
butch wrote:Can`t wait to see Super Spanking Summer Fantastic blow out Ending!!!
Then I'd better get to work on it, Butch, to make that "Fantastic blow-out ending" a reality! Although Labor Day is Sept. 1, I'm going to extend Super Spanking Summer to Sept. 5. We'll have the conclusion of the Kim Possible Series as mentioned above, plus we're going to revisit a "mystery strip" spanking I posted in B & W back in 2010 - I've identified it at last, and have a fresh, all-color version to savor! And since we're doing this as part of SSS, you may have guessed that the mystery spanker turns out to have been a super-hero! :)
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Weekly Updates for 8/29/2014

Post by web-ed »

It's the penultimate week of Super-Spanking Summer 4!
  • An unusual pairing of Superman & Supergirl as they team up to spank three bad sprites - while juggling them in the air!
  • Kim Possible Series: Kim's friend Ron Stoppable may have to take the subordinate position on their missions together, but when they're alone it's a different story as we see in "Kim punished with Ron's paddle"
  • and then in a Kevin Karstens/Bawdy Bard presentation, "Kim Possible Missions".
  • Bonus: some more humor from Joe Gravel.
Next Week: The senses-shattering conclusion of SS4, including the Kim Possible Series with Ron taking Kim over his knee twice more, plus a special surprise update. Be here or be square 8-) !
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

well, the Superman_Supergirl jugging spanking is certainly an odd one but i do like the distressed expressions on the sprites faces.............one of them even has tears forming :D . their bottoms have been drawn nicely rounded and colored to indicate that they are being well spanked. of course, i would rather have seen Supergirl with her panties down on the receiving end but what the hell :lol: . the Kim paddled by Ron drawing is a bit odd and i'm really glad that you gave us the background on this one. the distressed expression Kim is sporting is entirely suitable considering her situation. i think i agree with you about Ron's expression though. he could be hesitant to spank Kim under the circumstances while still enjoying her predicament and the view of her bare bottom :D . i think the Kim possible missions drawing is a good one :D . i pretty much agree with your analysis and it's always a pleasure to see a scene where the girl is forced to submit to a man.............as you said, "natural and satisfying" :D .........especially if she is grateful afterwards 8-) . the OTK position seems a bit "floaty" in this one although it could just be that Karstens was just trying to show that Kim is bucking and struggling while Ron holds her down 8-) . in any case, i think it's nicely drawn and does indeed depict a good, sound spanking ;) . i like Kim's expression too and the tears are a nice touch. i'm giving this one 2 thumbs up and i'm glad you were able to share this one with us :D . good updates this week :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

Three balls in the air is good juggling. Three bums in the air is remarkable! :o
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB_ED CSR!!!!!!!!!!! The Superman and Supergirl teaming up to deal with Three bad Sprites drawing is outstanding 8-) eventhough there no otk just seeing Superman and his cousin Supergirl Kara Zor-El juggling three shaply bottom Sprites in the air while spanking them is Hot! love the look on the women faces as their rears are slap hard over and over agian while twerling in the air 8-) :lol: this is a very wierd spanking But I love it! GREAT DRAWING!! 8-) That one wicket looking paddle Ron Stoppable is using to spank KIm with :lol: and he had to restrain her over the bed to keep her in place :D this drawing is good except I don`t know why Ron seem not happy I mean he have Kim Possible bare bottom up over a bed :twisted: anyway GOOD DRAWING!! the second spanking of KIm by Kevin Karstem and Bawdy Bard is Great love the over the knee action and how Ron is spanking her bare bottom with his hand also like the tears flowing from Kim eyes :)Love over the knees spanking drawings 8-) THANKS!!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

This week, I got something I wanted! An M/F spanking from someone who is NOT the girl's father! I've never seen the cartoon that these characters come from, but I can tell that Ron is Kim's peer... agewise at least, and guesing from how most superheroine shows go, he's probabliy a subordinate to her. Good for him!
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Re: Weekly Updates for 8/29/2014

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote:This week, I got something I wanted! An M/F spanking from someone who is NOT the girl's father! I've never seen the cartoon that these characters come from, but I can tell that Ron is Kim's peer... agewise at least, and guesing from how most superheroine shows go, he's probabliy a subordinate to her. Good for him!
Then you should love this week's updates, b00m, because I've two more of Ron spanking Kim, plus another M/F pairing as Captain Triumph spanks Cairo! :D
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Re: Weekly Updates for 9/05/2014

Post by web-ed »

Super-Spanking Summer 4 finally comes to a close with the conclusion of the Kim Possible Series and the update of what was an unknown strip back in 2010. We want to go out on a high note, so this is an all M/F spanking week ;) .

For links to this week's updates please go to the Home Page by clicking on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page.
  • Kim Possible Series Concludes: Kim's friend Ron Stoppable spanks her twice more. First, Ron bares her bottom and shows her what it means to get spanked. We've got both still and animated versions!
  • Then in a scene inspired by an actual episode of the Kim Possible series, Ron spanks Kim for violating safety regulations!
  • Back in 2010 when we were doing a ton of newspaper strip spankings, we included a badly-reproduced panel from a strip we didn't recognize. It took us a while, but we identified the spanking as coming from not a newspaper strip but a comic book, Crack Comics #28, and the spanker turned out to be a super-hero! Let's take a look at some full-color, high-quality scans from this book as Captain Triumph Spanks Cairo.
Next Week: It's already past Labor Day but it came early this year which is why I extended SSS4, so next week we'll have a "Back to School"-themed spanking special based on a couple of items that pay homage to the classic 1975 "Back to School" issue of National Lampoon. :)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

I really liked the two Kim/Ron drawings you posted this time! In both of them, Kim's backside is nicely curved and looks like something Ron would find tempting! In the first, it looks like he's just getting started... Her cheeks are just beginning to turn a little pink, and the look on her face is more annoyed than anything else. In the other, she's got a fire-engine red little tushie, and the lookon her face is surprised... Is she surprised that Ron would have the nerve to turn her over his knee in the first place, or is she surprised that the spatula stings so much? Maybe a little of both.

It's nice to see that you found out the story of the Captain Triumph spanking panel... along with a higher-resulution scan! It's a shame Captain Triumph only doled out that one spanking. Maybe if he had spanked more pretty villainesses, Crack Comics migh've been more popular!
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