How Do People Find CSR?

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How Do People Find CSR?

Post by web-ed »

I haven't had very much time this year to look at CSR's stats, but I did so just now and got a few surprises. I was always amazed when some blog would report 1 million hits, knowing that at most 20,000 people visit CSR in a month. But there's a difference between "hits" and "visits", and in checking the stats I find I've had over 6 million hits this year! I still think the more significant number is unique visitors, and I've had 155,000 of them since January, which isn't bad. I'd been a little worried late in 2009 when I think we were down to maybe 8000 visitors one month - financially, it makes no difference since CSR is supposed to lose money (which it does brilliantly), but I was "worried" in the sense that I feared I might soon be playing to an empty house and that maybe no one would use the new bulletin board.

So, where are all these people coming from? They're broken up into three very roughly equal groups: (1) those who came from their own bookmarks (return visitors); (2) those who were referred by a link on another site; and (3) those who came via link from a search engine.

The principal referring site right now is Chross, which is unsurprising given his large number of visitors and status as a kind of spanking crossroads (no pun intended).

When it comes to search phrases, I don't have such a variety that I want to play "keyword chaos" as Bonnie does sometimes on My Bottom Smarts, but here's a few of the more and less common ones this month:

More Common (not including obvious ones like "Chicago Spanking"):
  • comic spanking
    superhero spanking
    wonder woman spanked
    fumetti con ragazze spank (this was a surprise, and it was used 26 times!)
    supergirl spanked
    batgirl gets spanked
Less Common:
  • vampirella spanking buffy (interesting that this worked, because although I have this cartoon I never posted it)
    captain woodshed spanking (a fair number of people were looking for this)
    kirk stiles cartoon
    lil abner spanking daisy mae
    bend over (one of my favorite phrases)
    qq (this was used 6 times - don't ask me how it worked!)
-- Web-Ed

Re: How Do People Find CSR?

Post by Ripley »

I know how you feel. Most visitors are quiet lurkers and do not speak up often, if ever, to let us know that the Forums are useful. Sometimes I feel the same way, like I'm simply talking to myself. They are there, we just can't seem them because they are too shy to speak up.

Re: How Do People Find CSR?

Post by daneldorado »

Yeah, I think most blog owners and moderators get discouraged at times, when traffic falls below expectations. But I have found that the owner/moderator of a blog or website must keep posting new material regularly, to keep the visitors coming. Here on The Chicago Spanking Review, that is not a problem. Thankfully, we have a moderator who keeps the engine running smoothly, by posting new items as they come up.

In my vanilla life, I am an enthusiastic contributor to a number of Classic Film sites. You know what I mean: Classic films, from the early silent movies to today's mega-hits. Theoretically, it's a great idea. But in more than one occasion, sites have failed or dropped out of sight because the owners simply turned their backs on them, thinking: Ah well. I got it started. Now the members can keep it going. Doesn't work that way.

Cheers to our Web-Ed, who keeps the material lively and up to date!

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Re: How Do People Find CSR?

Post by web-ed »

Thanks, Ripley and Dan! I appreciate both your accolades and your contributions here, since I know you're also busy contributing to other spanking boards (Dan), movie sites (Dan), and run your own board at (Ripley).
-- Web-Ed
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CSR Search Key Phrases

Post by web-ed »

I haven't said anything on this topic for awhile, so I'd like to share some of the recent key phrases people have used on search engines that led them to CSR. This is a popular feature ("Keyword Chaos") on Bonnie's blog "My Bottom Smarts," and certainly some of our contributors might like to know there are people out there interested in their work. I've left out very obvious phrases like "Chicago spanking" which are always in the top ten. I've decided to group some of these together.

First, the top ten non-obvious search phrases were (repetitive ones excluded):
  1. spanking comics - that's us.
  2. tram pararam - this one comes up high in the ratings month after month (Doctor Cylon has embellished some of his work). I guess Tram has a loyal fan base.
  3. spanking cartoons
  4. spanky sal - Good old Sal is usually up there month after month also.
  5. spanking art
  6. site ot katie spanked - this guy knew what he wanted! "ot katie" was also searched on by those who didn't know she could be found on CSR.
  7. spanking animation - not too surprising.
  8. wonder woman spanked - boy, have you come to the right place!
  9. sam swatt - generally comes in behind Spanky Sal, but it's up there.
  10. supergirl spanked - I'm proud to say that if you type in the name of any superheroine plus "spanking" you'll find CSR high up in the search results. This means I'm doing my job! And I'm very proud of all my Supergirl stuff, because I gathered a lot of it the hard way (searching non-spanking sites) years ago. If I hadn't saved these items, they'd be gone from the Web completely by now.
Some less-obvious phrases:
  1. cartoon girls being paddled with ping pong paddles - I don't have too many of those, alas. In fact, only Winnie The Waitress comes to mind.
  2. avoiding domestic discipline - it's been several years since the artist cc created this series. Obviously, someone hasn't forgotten, and yes, I do have all the episodes here on CSR.
  3. f/m spanking - Not my forte by any means, although I am the discoverer of 4 of the 5 known Mary Marvel F/M scenes. Maybe that's where the engine directed the searcher?
  4. spankings in short stories the executive decision - this guy was looking for MD's "Executive Decision" which I do have in the Fiction Section. Interesting that he remembered the title.
  5. maid bending over - lovely image!
  6. bent over desk - I mentioned in an article that this was a useful paddling position.
Don't ask me how these worked:
  1. 検索 - I have no idea what this means.
  2. saturn girl - no "spanking" in the search phrase, but I've mentioned her as one of the superheroines I would most like to see spanked and especially, paddled.
  3. powered by phpbb don johnson - "Powered by phpbb" could have led to any phpbb forum in the world, not just this one. Don't ask me where Don Johnson fits into all this.
  4. powered by phpbb sun news paper - same remark. The Sun, of course, is a British tabloid. We've got some British-style caning here, but otherwise, I don't see the connection.
  5. 4dcfd157 - I could convert this from hexadecimal to decimal (the answer is 1305465175), but I still don't see the connection.
Miscellaneous, semi-humorous:
  1. cami-knicker spanking - I always knew my disquisition on women's underwear would come in handy some day :D !
  2. paddle her fanny - that's the place to paddle her, all right.
  3. otto spanking - Perhaps this worked because of all the mentions of Otto Binder. I hope he wasn't looking for "auto" spanking, because I really hate all those self-spanking videos, and he won't find any on CSR.
  4. spanking muvis lob - was this supposed to be "is spanking luv the mob?" Chicago is known for spanking (thanks to us) and the mob.
  5. spanking flattening of her - well, her bottom will flatten out for a fraction of a second after the moment of impact, if that's what you mean.
  6. how to paddle to cause maximum bruises - you may not be too popular with the ladies with an attitude like that.
  7. how to get a guy to spank you - first, write me a note ... :)
  8. spank me - O.K. if you insist... :lol:
If you guys like this, I'll do another some time.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: How Do People Find CSR?

Post by web-ed »

We haven't done one of these for a year and a half, so it's time for another - besides, I wanted to make sure our Resident Artists knew people were out there searching for their work. So to start with, here's a table I made of some relevant search phrases used by surfers who came to CSR from a search engine during Sept. 2013. The numbers refer to how many queries there were using that specific phrase:
Resident Artist Search Stats for Sept. 2013
Resident Artist Search Stats for Sept. 2013
resident_artists_sept_stats.jpg (84.74 KiB) Viewed 8534 times
As you can see, there is considerable interest, although some of the search phrases make me wonder how many other people didn't get enough correct to actually be taken here. When making up this table, I missed a couple of references to Phil (Overbarrel), but we'll get to those shortly.

Now, some people have a very definite idea of what they're searching for:

paula meadows caned in maids outfit februs magazine - talk about precise requirements!
supergirl spanked - always fun
barbara eden gets spank - ditto!
women migets getting spanked - well, o.k., even if he doesn't know how to spell "midgets".

Others seem less sure:

spanking만화책 - I have no idea what this means
spankin buttocks comics - yes, that is where we spank 'em
red rube - Well yes, the justly-forgotten superhero Red Rube did once administer a M/M spanking, and we did post it under "Weird Spankings", but we're astonished that anyone would actually search for it.

Here's a couple that might have been looking for Phil's stuff:

over a barrel spanking - unless he means this literally, which used to happen in the olden days when people actually had barrel lying around
overbarrel an alternate proposal – missed this one earlier, but it's obvious he was looking for Phil's latest

Finally, here's a few that are just plain fun, or at least weird:

gay site - well, we do sometimes have a good time here, if that's what you mean.
where to go for a spanking in Chicago - when I see one of these, I know I'd better get my toys ready!
how to paddle wife - Step 1: Instruct wife to bend over; Step 2: Swat wife's fanny with paddle. Somewhere out there, there's a married woman who's in for a very nice surprise!
feminist site - Well, I suppose we could be called a "feminist site" in the sense that any feminists visiting the premises get special treatment: they are immediately required to bend over and bare their behinds for 50 swats with the wooden paddle, just to remind them that man is the master. :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: How Do People Find CSR?

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

this is all very interesting information. i can understand that there would be lots of folks searching for Boom's O T Katie strip. i mean, if you've seen one of them you'd definitely be wanting more. i'm not sure just where all Boom has posted them in the past but anyone who belonged to Arild's Moviespanking group would be wondering if there was a site for them these days. since Dan's strips have been published in spanking magazines, i would assume that there would be multiple opportunities for today's spankos to run across some of them and, as i said about O T Katie, if you've seen one of them you'd definitely want to see more. i can't believe no one searched for Captain Woodshed though?? perhaps they just figured that if they found Spanky Sal or Sam Swatt, that Captain Woodshed would be there too. i was pleased to be included in some of these searches :D . hopefully, these searches lead folks here and they realize how much is here and decide to stay. the other search phrases that you have listed and interesting too and kind of remind me of some of my first excursions into the cyber spanking world years ago...............just trying different phrases hoping for the best. of course, in those days, search engines were way less sophisticated than they are now. it's really nice to know that folks are searching for our work and i really appreciate you taking time to provide this information for us :D , phil
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Re: How Do People Find CSR?

Post by web-ed »

I agree that it's strange about Dan's Captain Woodshed, because usually it would be there among the search phrases (although not used as much as "Spanky Sal"). I'm a little suspicious of all my September numbers - they seem a little low - so perhaps CW made a few appearances that didn't get recorded for some reason, or perhaps the service misread the site log. But the main thing is that people are searching for your work along with Dan's and B00m's - in fact, the numbers are probably higher because some of them may be using defective search phrases that never bring them to CSR, so I wouldn't know about them.
-- Web-Ed
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How Many People Are Looking at the Resident Artists Gallery?

Post by web-ed »

This question came up during hugob00m's latest O.T. Katie epic, The Imposter. Probably the best indicator is the counter that keeps track of how many times an attachment is viewed (it doesn't seem to work with links). Of course, a few of these are search robots. I took a quick look at the November stats - during the month we had 16461 unique visitors to CSR, but it's very difficult to say what pages they looked at.

Of course a lot of readers come to CSR directly (from a bookmark). We can't say how many of these are looking for the work of our Resident Artists. Others apparently don't have a bookmark, but remember the site name well enough to type "Chicago Spanking" or some variation on that into a search engine, which brings them straight to CSR (so does "Batgirl spanked" by the way!).

Here are some searchwords that indicate the viewer was searching for one of our Resident Artists:

spanky sal
captain woodshed

otk katie cartoon


And just for laughs, here's a few search phrases that suggest the viewer was looking for something other than spanking, only to wind up at CSR:

show greenbay spanking chicago bears pics - Sorry football fans, but here at CSR we take
spanking literally!

bill ward big tits - That's something of a redundancy, don't you think? :lol: In any case, you now
know that Bill Ward could draw something much more edifying than enormous bosoms, namely spankings!

1041 - ? This is one of those cases where I have no idea how the search engine came up with CSR. :?

1940s upskirt - Well, whatever the decade we do talk about raising the spankee's skirt

howard the duck x rated - That's a rather strange request, don't you think, out of all the
comic characters you could have requested? Little did you know that the ol' Web-Ed was the
only one in the entire spanking community to have a copy of the rare HTD Treasury Edition from 1976
with Howard's girlfriend Beverly getting spanked - but you do now!

dagwood and blondie - This guy was probably totally innocent since unlike the request above he
didn't specify "x-rated". Well, now he knows that there were a few spankings in that classic strip.

naked girl comics - Ah, my randy friend, we know what you were looking for! But girls get
naked for more than one reason, and around here, the reason will most likely be spanking! :lol:

she ra xxx - I suppose CSR has so much with She-Ra that we met the search criteria, since "xxx"
was not required. - here we see what happens when search engines assume that some typo has been made.
This poor guy was probably looking for septic tanks at a site he thought was "" - and
if you're hastily looking for septic tanks on the web you're probably having a very bad day! - when
the search engine decided he might have been looking for "" and brought him to CSR.
At least he'll have something to read while waiting for his new septic tank to be delivered...
-- Web-Ed
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