A Custom Fit

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:This time we got a nice impact shot - poor Tina! (Not that any of us spankers feel too sorry for her :D ). I like moment-of-impact shots, though they're not easy to do properly. This one works because you subtly shaded the area of Tina's bottom around the outline of Steven's hand more lightly to indicate depression (i.e. physical depression of the buttock, not emotional depression).
hi web-ed,

thanks so much for noticing my efforts to make the impact look as realistic as possible............your comments made my day :D :D . you're exactly right that it's not easy to do. Poser has no provision for making contact between 2 objects look realistic.........if the objects or people are in contact, one just goes inside the other with none of the accompanying deformation or shadows that would take place in real life. that leaves it up to the artist to figure out. i used photoshop to actually draw that shading that you mentioned. i have been doing the impact shots this way ever since Dan suggested that i needed to include these but this is the first time anyone has mentioned it at all......let alone indicated if it looked right or not so i was very pleased with your comments above :D . i will say that i thought this was one of my best efforts at depicting this impact so perhaps that's why you noticed it this time.
web-ed wrote:As for Tina's emotional state, I'd say she's really coming around now and her attitude is changed or at least rapidly changing. The spanking has to go on for a little while longer, though, just to make sure, which I doubt will break anyone's heart around here :lol: .
it's been a slow process with our inexperienced spanker and spankee but i think you're right about Tina's attitude 8-) . the question is, where will all this lead as we continue our story 8-) ;) . thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

letting her stinging bottom argue with her
letting her stinging bottom argue with her
016.jpg (318.48 KiB) Viewed 2700 times
Hi everyone,

Now that's more like it! Tina seems to be understanding everything Steve's been trying to get across to her :D ...........or at least almost everything! Still, there's one more thing he has to make sure she understands so he's decided to let her stinging bottom work on convincing her while he explains 8-) ............all the while playing with her sore bottom cheeks to speed the process along :lol:...........which seems to be having some interesting side effects 8-) . I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by daneldorado »

Overbarrel, you have topped yourself with this latest panel of "A Custom Fit." Here, we see little Tina stretched all the way across her loving husband's lap, exposing those wonderful stems of hers. Truly, this panel shows my two favorite fetishes at their best: Pretty female legs, and a girl being spanked over a man's knee. This is wonderful!

As I've already told you a time or twenty, this new story of yours is the best I have ever seen. I didn't think it was possible to improve on your "One Good Turn" from a decade ago, but somehow you have managed to top it.

I've asked you before to devote a panel or two to a scene of the man's hand actually colliding with the girl's bottom, and I think you already followed through on that. But this new panel, no. 016, is not quite that. Here, Steve is merely resting his right hand on his bride's flaming red behind. That is one of the most arousing things a man can do in this position, this gentle caressing of the girl's bottom. With this move, he and his "victim" share fully in the passion. It surely is one of the most romantic things about a spanking -- for both parties.

Love it. Carry on, my friend.

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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Overbarrel, you have topped yourself with this latest panel of "A Custom Fit." Here, we see little Tina stretched all the way across her loving husband's lap, exposing those wonderful stems of hers. Truly, this panel shows my two favorite fetishes at their best: Pretty female legs, and a girl being spanked over a man's knee. This is wonderful!
hi Dan,

i'm glad you enjoyed the view :D ..............i am well aware of your favorite things so i had a hunch you might like this one ;). btw, just so you know, this panel is my favorite of the toon so far too :D .
daneldorado wrote: As I've already told you a time or twenty, this new story of yours is the best I have ever seen. I didn't think it was possible to improve on your "One Good Turn" from a decade ago, but somehow you have managed to top it.

i am also aware of your fondness for "One Good Turn" so comments like these certainly bring a grin to my face :D .
daneldorado wrote: I've asked you before to devote a panel or two to a scene of the man's hand actually colliding with the girl's bottom, and I think you already followed through on that. But this new panel, no. 016, is not quite that. Here, Steve is merely resting his right hand on his bride's flaming red behind. That is one of the most arousing things a man can do in this position, this gentle caressing of the girl's bottom. With this move, he and his "victim" share fully in the passion. It surely is one of the most romantic things about a spanking -- for both parties.

Love it. Carry on, my friend.

you did ask for an impact shot which happened in pic 15 and these last 2 pics are my favorites although, as i mentioned, i think i like pic 16 just a bit better. i have to agree with your analysis that playing with her bottom while lecturing her is both romantic and arousing for both spanker and spankee ;) . since this was suggested by Steve's dad, i'd have to say that this makes old dad look really smart :lol: . i'm glad you enjoyed this one. thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by hugob00m »

Mmmm! That's one of my favorite things to do when I spank a pretty girl! In-between swats, or after the spanking is over but before I let her up, I like to caress, or rub, or squeeze, or maybe... just rest my hand on her cute little red bottom while i deliver some sort of "lecture"! I don't really know how well any of my carefully-planned words really sink in... but it's sure a lot of fun! :D :D :D :D

Along with my appreciation of the part of the story you're on... the artwork is exquisite! I think it's one of your best so far!
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Mmmm! That's one of my favorite things to do when I spank a pretty girl! In-between swats, or after the spanking is over but before I let her up, I like to caress, or rub, or squeeze, or maybe... just rest my hand on her cute little red bottom while i deliver some sort of "lecture"! I don't really know how well any of my carefully-planned words really sink in... but it's sure a lot of fun! :D :D :D :D
hi Boom,

it's one of my favorite things to do too :D . i don't know if the words sink in but i have a hunch that my hand on her stinging bottom causes emotions that sink in.............such as embarrassment, helplessness, feelings of exposure and perhaps some sexual tension 8-) . in any case, you are right about it being fun :D .
hugob00m wrote:Along with my appreciation of the part of the story you're on... the artwork is exquisite! I think it's one of your best so far!
thanks! i'm glad you're enjoying the toon so far :D . phil
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Re: A Custom Fit #16

Post by web-ed »

Like Dan, I think the long extension of Tina's legs in this panel gives us a very fine view. Although we don't have the "moment of impact" here we did in the previous panel, you did have to overcome a similar problem because Steve's hand is resting on her bottom and as you explained last time, Poser doesn't make any provision for this (except that you can bring two very solid objects into contact with each other). To the physicist, the human body is a solid object, but to the artist it deforms under pressure, even the light pressure caused by the weight of Steve's hand as we have here. So once again, you handled this by shading using (I assume) Photoshop, and it came out just fine.

Tina's attitude is now well-adjusted, and Steve seems to have realized that while marriage is a partnership, he is the senior partner ;) :!: There are times when he must take charge. He mentioned only one - deciding to spank her for misbehavior - but he could have added serious or life-threatening emergencies and a few other cases.

So I guess it's time for the wind-up, which I hope to see next week. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Like Dan, I think the long extension of Tina's legs in this panel gives us a very fine view. Although we don't have the "moment of impact" here we did in the previous panel, you did have to overcome a similar problem because Steve's hand is resting on her bottom and as you explained last time, Poser doesn't make any provision for this (except that you can bring two very solid objects into contact with each other). To the physicist, the human body is a solid object, but to the artist it deforms under pressure, even the light pressure caused by the weight of Steve's hand as we have here. So once again, you handled this by shading using (I assume) Photoshop, and it came out just fine.
hi web-ed,

i do have to agree with you and Dan about her legs....it does indeed give us a good view ;) . i think she's tensing up those muscles to try to get the sting in her bottom to ease up although i doubt that will be very successful :lol: . i did indeed have a similar problem with this one as i did with the last one where the swat was landing. it was my intention to depict Steve's hand lying on her bottom and perhaps squeezing her sore cheeks just a bit so your comments make me think i succeeded, at least to a certain extent :D . fyi, these last 2 pics are my favorites of the toon so far but i think i like this one just a bit more than the previous one.
web-ed wrote:Tina's attitude is now well-adjusted, and Steve seems to have realized that while marriage is a partnership, he is the senior partner ;) :!: There are times when he must take charge. He mentioned only one - deciding to spank her for misbehavior - but he could have added serious or life-threatening emergencies and a few other cases.
again, i agree with your comments. i think both Steve and Tina have slowly come to some realizations during the course of the spanking 8-) . i only used the one example of times when he might need to be in charge..........i'm sure they will find more as their lives together move forward although perhaps it will be easier to come to an agreement about such things as a result of what they have learned during this spanking ;) .
web-ed wrote:So I guess it's time for the wind-up, which I hope to see next week. :)
i had a hunch this was going to happen but this toon is not winding up at this time. as a matter of fact. it will extend well into January and maybe longer 8-) . in 2 weeks i am planing on posting a disclaimer with the pic so folks will know that it's not over then either :lol: . anyway, just stay tooned for more about Steve and Tina. thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

just to make sure
just to make sure
017.jpg (319.27 KiB) Viewed 2431 times
hi everyone,

it seems like Steve has discovered the value of dominating his new bride by blistering her bare bottom :D . Tina, on the other hand, has discovered the value of agreeing with him and promising to stop being a naughty girl while he's blistering her bare bottom :lol: . i have a spankee friend who always says, "just when you think you can't take any more, is when any spanking that IS a spanking, really gets going" 8-) . anyway, i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by hugob00m »

overbarrel49 wrote:it seems like Steve has discovered the value of dominating his new bride by blistering her bare bottom. Tina, on the other hand, has discovered the value of agreeing with him and promising to stop being a naughty girl while he's blistering her bare bottom. i have a spankee friend who always says, "just when you think you can't take any more, is when any spanking that IS a spanking, really gets going".
I can easily see why Tina would think she's had enough and doesn't need to be spanked anymore...but I'm glad to see that Steve realizes she's wrong!

I love seeing what a bright shade of red her cute little backside is getting to be! I think it's finally surpassed the blush of her face! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
overbarrel49 wrote:i had a hunch this was going to happen but this toon is not winding up at this time. as a matter of fact. it will extend well into January and maybe longer
Oh goody! This is a fun story and I was hoping it wasn't almost over.
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:I can easily see why Tina would think she's had enough and doesn't need to be spanked anymore...but I'm glad to see that Steve realizes she's wrong!

I love seeing what a bright shade of red her cute little backside is getting to be! I think it's finally surpassed the blush of her face! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
hi Boom,

i'm glad you're enjoying the view of Tina's well spanked bottom :D . it does look like Steve is starting to figure this spanking business, out doesn't it? 8-)
hugob00m wrote:Oh goody! This is a fun story and I was hoping it wasn't almost over.
i'm glad you've been enjoying this toon and i hope you'll continue to do so as we move forward ;) . thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit #17

Post by web-ed »

Well Phil, I must say you're full of surprises! I'm pleased by this one - "A Custom Fit" will continue into the New Year - yay! :D As to the latest installment, we come to that moment in the spanking when it's time to reinforce the lesson. When paddling, a few more swats - good ones! - are given; with OTK hand spanking, the palm rains down in a final flurry of activity guaranteed to hold the spankee's undivided attention :lol: And that's what we have here as Steve has figured out he mustn't end the spanking too soon.

Great view of Tina's blazing buns :oops: by the way. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Well Phil, I must say you're full of surprises! I'm pleased by this one - "A Custom Fit" will continue into the New Year - yay! :D
hi web-ed,

thank you :D ............it's actually kind of difficult to maintain an element of surprise when doing a spanking toon since everyone already knows that the naughty, young lady in any of my toons is going to get a spanking at some point :lol: . anyway, it's nice to know that i have managed to provide at least a few surprises ;) . i am hoping before this is done, to provide a few more 8-) .............we will see.
web-ed wrote:As to the latest installment, we come to that moment in the spanking when it's time to reinforce the lesson. When paddling, a few more swats - good ones! - are given; with OTK hand spanking, the palm rains down in a final flurry of activity guaranteed to hold the spankee's undivided attention :lol: And that's what we have here as Steve has figured out he mustn't end the spanking too soon.
we have indeed reached exactly the moment you have described ;) . it does seem that Steve has learned not to end the spanking too soon............an invaluable lesson that will no doubt stand him in good stead in the coming years :D .
web-ed wrote:Great view of Tina's blazing buns :oops: by the way. :)
i can think of no reason that, in the midst of all these lessons learned, we shouldn't have some enjoyment from all this. i'm glad you enjoyed the view 8-) . thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

a burning bottom and sincere promises
a burning bottom and sincere promises
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hi everyone,

it looks to me like Steve and Tina have finally reached an understanding :D ...........even though neither of them may totally understand everything that's happened and everything that IS happening to them 8-) . i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by hugob00m »

overbarrel49 wrote:it looks to me like Steve and Tina have finally reached an understanding ...........even though neither of them may totally understand everything that's happened and everything that IS happening to them.
He's saying he can't believe it. I totally understand. I think he was afraid at first that he might turn her against him... After all, they went into the marriage with her firmly convinced that she was in charge and he'd meekly accept her orders. It's scary for a man to take charge sometimes... especially when the woman he loves acts as if she doesn't want him to be in charge!
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:He's saying he can't believe it. I totally understand. I think he was afraid at first that he might turn her against him... After all, they went into the marriage with her firmly convinced that she was in charge and he'd meekly accept her orders. It's scary for a man to take charge sometimes... especially when the woman he loves acts as if she doesn't want him to be in charge!
hi Boom,

that's an interesting point. it always seemed to me that the ladies were a bit of an enigma and perhaps it's this tendency to say one thing when it's just the opposite that they really want that causes this 8-) . thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit #18

Post by web-ed »

I would say our young couple has definitely reached an understanding! They both know now that Steve must occasionally take charge and that Tina must expect to be spanked if she misbehaves. Tina looks very contrite here with her blazing bottom pointed skyward and she'll be remembering this spanking every time she sits down for a while :lol: !

We have an interesting, worm's-eye view of the scene. It's a good angle to observe Tina's bottom, should we by any chance wish to do so ;) , and I have to wonder: is that an Overbarrel ant trap under the stove there?
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by willjohn »

Was Steve telling Tina she could get up so she could go down on him? :roll:
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Post by web-ed » Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:17 pm
I would say our young couple has definitely reached an understanding! They both know now that Steve must occasionally take charge and that Tina must expect to be spanked if she misbehaves. Tina looks very contrite here with her blazing bottom pointed skyward and she'll be remembering this spanking every time she sits down for a while :lol: !
hi web-ed,

Tina does INDEED look pretty contrite here, which is Steve's clue that he has administered a good, sound spanking :D ..............whether he totally realizes that yet or not. i'm betting that not only will Tina be remembering this spanking but also she will be secretly smiling when she does 8-) .
web-ed wrote:We have an interesting, worm's-eye view of the scene. It's a good angle to observe Tina's bottom, should we by any chance wish to do so ;) , and I have to wonder: is that an Overbarrel ant trap under the stove there?
i too thought this camera angle worked well in this situation :D . the Overbarrel ant trap is actually a screw up on my part. it was originally the tag on her panties. the problem is that in the previous pic i had her panties swinging around her right leg but when i first did this pic, i showed them on the floor at her left foot. realizing my mistake, i moved the panties to her right foot but forgot to move the logo :lol: . anyway, i'm glad you enjoyed the view. thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Was Steve telling Tina she could get up so she could go down on him? :roll:
hi Willjohn,

ah........er........that wasn't my intention but, as always, people viewing the pic are free to use their own imaginations to fantasize about it any way they like :D ;) . thanks, phil
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