A Custom Fit

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Re: A Custom Fit #24

Post by web-ed »

Wow Phil - this scene is incredibly hot! Although I think we all like to see a strong and deserving woman humbled by a spanking "against her will" e.g. Phantom spanking Queen Pera, for a woman to willingly submit to a man by figuratively (or even literally) offering him a hairbrush to spank her with brings the essence of female sexuality (submission) out into the open. One really good thing here is the way you have captured the nervousness and uncertainty women all feel about submitting, even though it is what they most want to do. Men are not generally nervous and certainly not uncertain when about to dominate a woman, just filled with anticipation, which is one of the psychological differences between male and female sexual psychology.

We could summarize it this way in the case where the act of domination/submission is to be a spanking: the woman is both thrilled by knowing she's going to be turned over his knee and a little nervous and afraid at the same time, while the man is basically just thinking, "Oh boy!" :lol:

I can't remember Forsaking All Others, the film b00m mentioned, but it certainly sounds like it's worth looking at. I see that it's in Chross' movie data base.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Wow Phil - this scene is incredibly hot! Although I think we all like to see a strong and deserving woman humbled by a spanking "against her will" e.g. Phantom spanking Queen Pera, for a woman to willingly submit to a man by figuratively (or even literally) offering him a hairbrush to spank her with brings the essence of female sexuality (submission) out into the open. One really good thing here is the way you have captured the nervousness and uncertainty women all feel about submitting, even though it is what they most want to do. Men are not generally nervous and certainly not uncertain when about to dominate a woman, just filled with anticipation, which is one of the psychological differences between male and female sexual psychology.
hi web-ed,

i'm really glad you enjoyed this :D . in the past, i might have been tempted to leave out such a scene in favor of more spanking but i think the reasons you mentioned above are the perfect reason to include it................and i agree with you that it's hot! dominance and submission are, after all, the very essence of a relationship............especially a spanking one.
web-ed wrote:We could summarize it this way in the case where the act of domination/submission is to be a spanking: the woman is both thrilled by knowing she's going to be turned over his knee and a little nervous and afraid at the same time, while the man is basically just thinking, "Oh boy!" :lol:
i agree and apparently so do some women. this is where i have been heading with this toon since it's inception. a spankee friend of mine told me about a spanking her husband gave her, which she admits she deserved. a day or 2 later, she took a paddle to him and asked to be paddled again. i liked the scenario and decided to use it for this toon ;) . to give credit where credit is due, i have a few spankee friends who are willing to share stories and feelings with me which really helps me out in doing toons like this. thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by web-ed »

to give credit where credit is due, i have a few spankee friends who are willing to share stories and feelings with me which really helps me out in doing toons like this. thanks, phil
And nothing wrong with that, Phil - supposedly D. H. Lawrence asked some of his female friends to write down their thoughts and feelings to aid him in creating believable female characters. In general, we see that male writers have trouble creating female characters, and female writers have trouble creating male characters, although the greatest writers, who are male, are able to overcome this difficulty somehow. Probably not all of them went Lawrence's route in enlisting female help, although all of them had to get help somewhere. For me, it was a careful and critical observation of female behavior, including sexual behavior, beginning when I was about 20, that revealed the secrets of the female personality. But your way sounds easier - wish I'd thought of it back when :lol: !
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,
web-ed wrote: For me, it was a careful and critical observation of female behavior, including sexual behavior, beginning when I was about 20, that revealed the secrets of the female personality.
i too have made such a study. as a matter of fact, it started in high school and has become a life long fascination that i have enjoyed very much. still, it occurred to me that because i was sometimes able to understand what the behavior of girls was going to be in certain situations, that didn't necessarily mean that i understood why their behavior was the way it was or what they were thinking and feeling. then, as the internet became available and i started reading conversations at the various spanking discussion groups, i discovered that there were times when 2 different girls would have different thought and feelings about very similar situations which just further complicated things for me. anyway, long story short, that's when i started looking for girls who didn't mind sharing some of their feelings with me. i have found a few in recent years. somehow it seems to me that girls don't want younger men to know their thoughts but don't mind sharing them with an old timer like me...........perhaps because they know i have retired from the battle of the sexes :lol: . anyway, i feel more comfortable doing my toons since the ladies have started helping me :D . perhaps the differences in your approach and mine come about because your analytical skills are better than mine in this area..............whatever works ;) phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

more discussion
more discussion
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hi everyone,

this week's pics are a continuation of the scene we started last week and i am again posting 2 pics to move us along. it seems like Steve and Tina are still thinking about their relationship and still struggling to understand all it's intricacies, which I don't find surprising for a newlywed couple. i have a feeling that both Steve and Tina may yet find a few surprises in this process 8-) . i hope you enjoy this week's episode. phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

Steve seems taken by surprise
Steve seems taken by surprise
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by willjohn »

She is really getting a taste for it, isn't she?
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:She is really getting a taste for it, isn't she?
hi Willjohn,

i don't know about that but i would say that her attitude about a number of things has changed during this toon ;) . thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit #25-26

Post by web-ed »

Willjohn posits that our spankee, Tina, is developing a taste for being spanked. So the question before the House at this time is "Is Tina learning to like being spanked or is she just feeling guilty?" I will suggest the answer is "Both".

Women have a great capacity for guilt - so great in fact that it appears to me that occasionally non-spanko women (or at least non-natural spanko women) will accept a spanking, although perhaps significantly they won't actively seek one out. Along those lines, one of these days I'm going to present an article from a 60's magazine - I think it was Mr. - that relates a believable story along those lines. But for the present, let's take another look at Tina.

It's clear that what Phil is trying to get across is Tina's change of perspective after her recent spanking. In other words, her attitude has been adjusted on a more-than-temporary basis. She now understands how badly she treated her husband, feels guilty about it, and wants to atone for it.

That doesn't mean Tina isn't into spanking, at least a little - it's clear her spanking did awaken some submissive desires within her. Now there is a relationship in women between guilt and submission to discipline - their guilt makes it easier for them to submit. It make it all right to submit, we might say, for women need assurance about many things, even their own sexual desires. It is for this reason that many spanko women prefer their spankings to have some disciplinary flavor to them, so to speak, even if they aren't the more purely disciplinary spankings that some women do want. Without discipline, a woman is left with only her own desire to receive a spanking, a desire which may be uncomfortable or unwelcome. With discipline, a definite rationale for submitting to a spanking is present, making it psychologically easier for her to do so. A woman who genuinely believes she's done something wrong can more easily accept a spanking than one who doesn't and who isn't sure it's all right for her to want to be spanked.

It is extremely difficult for a woman to ask for a spanking because it is a confession of submissive desires. I mentioned above that even a guilt-ridden woman not into spanking might accept one but would probably not ask for it - that's the reason. (We should note the connection between guilt and submission, which is almost certainly why women have such a high capacity for guilt in the first place). We have also seen that even women with a strong desire to be spanked (Natural Spankos, to use my own terminology) find it difficult to express these desires to a man, although she will usually make some sort of attempt eventually. But when you put these two things together - guilt plus a desire to be spanked - they might just be strong enough to get a woman to in effect request a spanking (although even then she'll have a very hard time putting this into words). That is what we see here with Tina.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Willjohn posits that our spankee, Tina, is developing a taste for being spanked. So the question before the House at this time is "Is Tina learning to like being spanked or is she just feeling guilty?" I will suggest the answer is "Both".
hi web-ed,

i agree.........Tina either likes being spanked or at least she likes knowing that Steve will spank her to keep her in line ;) .
web-ed wrote: It's clear that what Phil is trying to get across is Tina's change of perspective after her recent spanking. In other words, her attitude has been adjusted on a more-than-temporary basis. She now understands how badly she treated her husband, feels guilty about it, and wants to atone for it.
again, i agree with your analysis. while there may be other emotions at play here besides just the guilt, Tina's attitude change is now permanent and it is part of the process they are going through to find what works best for them in their marriage 8-) .
web-ed wrote:That doesn't mean Tina isn't into spanking, at least a little - it's clear her spanking did awaken some submissive desires within her. Now there is a relationship in women between guilt and submission to discipline - their guilt makes it easier for them to submit. It make it all right to submit, we might say, for women need assurance about many things, even their own sexual desires. It is for this reason that many spanko women prefer their spankings to have some disciplinary flavor to them, so to speak, even if they aren't the more purely disciplinary spankings that some women do want. Without discipline, a woman is left with only her own desire to receive a spanking, a desire which may be uncomfortable or unwelcome. With discipline, a definite rationale for submitting to a spanking is present, making it psychologically easier for her to do so. A woman who genuinely believes she's done something wrong can more easily accept a spanking than one who doesn't and who isn't sure it's all right for her to want to be spanked.
this is very interesting and insightful. i have talked to some women and even have some first hand experience with a couple who could never ask for a spanking. for them, if they have to ask for a spanking, it isn't a real spanking in their minds and the whole thing is ruined. that's why they will brat or misbehave to get a spanking. it has to be their man's idea. your analysis above explains nicely why this is so.
web-ed wrote:It is extremely difficult for a woman to ask for a spanking because it is a confession of submissive desires. I mentioned above that even a guilt-ridden woman not into spanking might accept one but would probably not ask for it - that's the reason. (We should note the connection between guilt and submission, which is almost certainly why women have such a high capacity for guilt in the first place). We have also seen that even women with a strong desire to be spanked (Natural Spankos, to use my own terminology) find it difficult to express these desires to a man, although she will usually make some sort of attempt eventually. But when you put these two things together - guilt plus a desire to be spanked - they might just be strong enough to get a woman to in effect request a spanking (although even then she'll have a very hard time putting this into words). That is what we see here with Tina.

i suspect that a woman asking for a spanking, such as Tina is doing here, is not a very common scenario. still, i do know that it happens and this toon was inspired by such a story told to me by a spankee friend. i have a feeling that the spankee does indeed need a combination of guilt and a desire to be spanked as you have suggested above. i would add that her spanker has to be someone she loves and trusts for all the emotions to come into play. even at that, i would suggest that Tina asking for a spanking will be a rare thing and only under certain circumstances. those same emotions will always be in play though and i would suspect that in the future when Steve decides to spank her, Tina will be submissive and cooperative. although she may verbally protest as she goes OTK, she won't offer any physical resistance and won't need much help submitting from Steve. thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by hugob00m »

A great addition to your story! But now... you've given Steve a dilema! :? :? :? :? Now that she's handed him her hairbrush and requested that he paddle her with it, should he punish her severely, which might serve to alleviate both her guilt and his resentment over her haughty behavior since they've been married... or should he reward her submissive act with a milder spanking?

I'm eagerly waiting to see what he decides!
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:A great addition to your story! But now... you've given Steve a dilema! :? :? :? :? Now that she's handed him her hairbrush and requested that he paddle her with it, should he punish her severely, which might serve to alleviate both her guilt and his resentment over her haughty behavior since they've been married... or should he reward her submissive act with a milder spanking?

I'm eagerly waiting to see what he decides!
Steve does indeed have a dilemma. of course, any time you're in a relationship, you're gonna have those. then when you add spanking to the mix you'll probably get even more ;) . like any spanker, i think Steve will be watching Tina during the spanking so whatever decision he makes may be altered as the spanking goes along 8-) . i'm glad you enjoyed this episode in our story :D . thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

no resistance
no resistance
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hi everyone,

It appears Steve and Tina are still thinking things over.....still trying to figure things out :? . although, it seems Tina has figured at least one thing out :lol: . i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by hugob00m »

overbarrel49 wrote:It appears Steve and Tina are still thinking things over.....still trying to figure things out . although, it seems Tina has figured at least one thing out
Yeah. While Steve ponders how firmly he needs to apply the hairbrush... (I notice there's no question of WHETHER he's going to spank her! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) Tina has already decided that she doesn't need her panties for the moment... For one thing, Steve would've probably pulled them down to spank her anyway! AND... if the spanking is followed by some rip-roaring sex, she won't be wanting her panties for that either!

Meanwhile... while the two of them are lost in their own thoughts... we in the audience are treated to a view of Tina's cute little butt in the O.T.K. position! :D :D :D :D (Still looking a bit red from the previous night! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: )
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Yeah. While Steve ponders how firmly he needs to apply the hairbrush... (I notice there's no question of WHETHER he's going to spank her! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) Tina has already decided that she doesn't need her panties for the moment... For one thing, Steve would've probably pulled them down to spank her anyway! AND... if the spanking is followed by some rip-roaring sex, she won't be wanting her panties for that either!
hi Boom,

exactly...........there is no doubt that Steve has to spank Tina...........he's already promised her he would and trust is built on promises kept ;) . i think Tina not putting on any panties is a further show of submission on her part............aside from any other more practical considerations.
hugob00m wrote:Meanwhile... while the two of them are lost in their own thoughts... we in the audience are treated to a view of Tina's cute little butt in the O.T.K. position! :D :D :D :D (Still looking a bit red from the previous night! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: )
i'm glad you enjoyed the view :D . as for their thoughts..............i think both of them will have more thinking to do as they work through all this 8-) . thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit #27

Post by web-ed »

Nice view here in this latest installment - we can't blame Steve for taking a minute just to enjoy the situation :D . Eventually, though, he'll have to get down to brass tacks and put that hairbrush to work. One good thing, although he probably doesn't realize it yet: when a woman is in the emotional state that Tina is, guilt-ridden and submissive, it won't take too much to overwhelm her. We might say that defiance has already been replaced by compliance, so there's not a lot of preliminary resistance that has to be overcome. Tears come easily to the spankee under these circumstances, and indeed Tina's are already beginning to fall.
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:Nice view here in this latest installment - we can't blame Steve for taking a minute just to enjoy the situation :D . Eventually, though, he'll have to get down to brass tacks and put that hairbrush to work. One good thing, although he probably doesn't realize it yet: when a woman is in the emotional state that Tina is, guilt-ridden and submissive, it won't take too much to overwhelm her. We might say that defiance has already been replaced by compliance, so there's not a lot of preliminary resistance that has to be overcome. Tears come easily to the spankee under these circumstances, and indeed Tina's are already beginning to fall.
hi web-ed,

first off, i'm glad you enjoyed the view :D . as for the rest of your comments, you are right on the money, as usual ;) . i have talked to many spankees who would love to cry during a spanking but the tears just won't come and in those rare instances where there are tears, they will tell you that it is emotional considerations...........such as disappointing or hurting their man...........that caused the tears. not the pain of the spanking. in Tina's case, i think that's exactly where she is. thanks for noticing that single tear rolling down Tina's cheek even though the spanking hasn't started yet. i put that tear there specifically to make the point you were talking about, that tears come easily under these circumstances and i thought it was just the right touch for this pic. unfortunately, many times, such details as this go unnoticed by viewers. you are the only one to mention it ;) . thanks, phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

that first spank is always a surprise.......no matter how prepared you are
that first spank is always a surprise.......no matter how prepared you are
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hi everyone.

it seems Steve is figuring out that there's more to giving a spanking than just smacking his sweetheart's bottom ;) ! i don't think Tina's aware of any of this though...........she has her own agenda going on :? . i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil
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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by daneldorado »

Beautiful artwork here, Phil. I delight in the way your style captures the innermost thoughts and longings of Tina and Steve. And of course you are a past master at depicting beautiful legs. Tina's legs are among the most perfect I have seen. :D What a shame she's only a drawing and not a real woman that we could all spank!

But I'm worried about Steve. Worried? Well, maybe that's not the right word. What I mean is, we have seen Steve clad in his walking shorts. Apparently he wears them all the time, since we saw him in those same shorts the day before, when he first spanked his bride. Now it's a day later and he's still wearing them.

What I'm saying is, the walking shorts are too flimsy to hide his throbbing schlong. Now he's got Tina over his knee -- again -- and how long will it be, before he erupts all over his bride's hips? 8-)

Just a small observation, Phil. I'd say you have a winning tale, here.

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Re: A Custom Fit

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Beautiful artwork here, Phil. I delight in the way your style captures the innermost thoughts and longings of Tina and Steve. And of course you are a past master at depicting beautiful legs. Tina's legs are among the most perfect I have seen. :D What a shame she's only a drawing and not a real woman that we could all spank!
hi Dan,

i'm glad you've been enjoying the view :D . this toon has always been about the emotions of our players and i thought a newlywed couple would be a good vehicle to show this so i was particularly pleased with your comment about their innermost thoughts and longings 8-) .
daneldorado wrote:But I'm worried about Steve. Worried? Well, maybe that's not the right word. What I mean is, we have seen Steve clad in his walking shorts. Apparently he wears them all the time, since we saw him in those same shorts the day before, when he first spanked his bride. Now it's a day later and he's still wearing them.

What I'm saying is, the walking shorts are too flimsy to hide his throbbing schlong. Now he's got Tina over his knee -- again -- and how long will it be, before he erupts all over his bride's hips? 8-)

Just a small observation, Phil. I'd say you have a winning tale, here.

the reason Steve appears to be wearing the same underwear is because that's the only one i currently have for my Poser men :lol: . i was assuming here that Steve had actually changed them but just had more than one pair in the same color. in this particular scene. they were getting ready for bed when Tina decided she needed another spanking so that's why he is dressed the way he is. as for the possibility Steve may erupt during the spanking...........i was personally planning on him being able to maintain without that until they actually get in bed after the spanking. in any case, i will not be depicting any eruptions in this toon :lol: . i hope that puts your mind at ease. thanks, phil
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