legion of super-heroes

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
Forum rules
* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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legion of super-heroes

Post by jimc »

Has anybody ever made or seen any of DC legion of superheroes getting spankings? (Shadow lass, light lass, princess projecta, duo damsel, dream girl, supergirl, insect queen, shrinking violet, dawnstar etc.) or some of the older comic book legends black cat, fly girl,plantium (metal men), Zinda (lady blackhawk), wilma deering(buck rogers) etc?
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Re: legion of super-heroes

Post by web-ed »

Spankings for the girls of the LSH - ah Jim, that's a topic near and dear to my own heart! As far as commission ideas, I've had a few, none of which have as yet seen the light of day (for details, see my reply to Darkzone under a previous topic). Sure wish I knew how to draw! But as far as actual LSH spankings, the only one I can think of is a really clever one by El Manto Negro, in which Bouncing Boy prepares to paddle all three of Triplicate Girl's bottoms in progressively bent-over positions, with progressively fewer clothes! I really should have posted it some time ago, but I think I was waiting in the hope of discovering some other LSH spankings out there so I could make a whole series of them. Watch the Comics gallery - I'll get it out there eventually. Now as to some of the other girls you mentioned:

insect queen - I've never seen one in uniform, but of course she received two in her secret identity of Lana Lang back in Superboy, one of which is in the Comics gallery (not a true spanking because Professor Lang lets her off the hook at the last second) and the other of which I didn't post because it took place when she was still a little girl.

Supergirl - there have been lots of these, although none in a LSH context that I remember. I've got about 14 in the gallery. There was a rumor of a Superman/Supergirl spanking that supposedly actually took place in one of the "Superman Family" comic books themselves, but I have never been able to track it down and at this point I rather doubt its existence. I once dubbed it the "Holy Grail" of comic-book spankings.

Dawnstar - as written by Paul Levitz, she was so stuck-up she certainly had a spanking coming, but I've never seen one.

Shadow lass, light lass, princess projectra, dream girl, and Shrinking Violet - all likely candidates, although I haven't gone so far as to dream up any commission ideas for any of them. Maybe someday.

Fly Girl and Wilma Deering - I haven't seen any, and unless someone specifically commissions something, I probably never will! The sad truth is that the world is getting younger (another way of saying that we're getting older), and it's hard to imagine that any artists under the age of 40 would have any idea who these characters are. Honestly, even I don't remember them!

Black Cat and Zinda - these two have possibilities.

Tina (Platinum from the Metal Men) - what a truly perverted idea (I like it)! Though as a practical matter, spanking a platinum bottom would be pretty hard on the hand. Still, that never stopped anyone from wishing he could spank Supergirl.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: legion of super-heroes

Post by jimc »

I have never seen the one by el mantra negro but it sounds exciting. There is a Yahoo site called Theatre group where he does many of the LSH heroines getting spanked (some done by photoshop i would guess) i read the comment in the other post and in the golden age if you will the costumes were of course more demure, but i thought Phantom Girl, Triplicate Girl and Dream Girl were the most spankable. I really did not think of Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet or even Light Lass as having spanking outfits as it were. And i always think someone may have done a series somewhere of the older comic cook heroines fly girl, black cat, col. deering, etc. and sometimes these forums do produce those that mayhave been lost. I loved the one of Lana almost getting spanked i still think she should of been spanked anyway as she was not too old for a spanking as far as we know now.
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Missed Opportunity for a Sextuple Spanking!

Post by web-ed »

This could have been placed under the "Missed Opportunities" topic, but since it involves six of the girl Legionnaires(!) I decided to post it here with other Legion stuff.

Let's go back exactly 47 years to November 1964 and Adventure Comics #326. This was right in the middle of the Legion's long run in that book, and the story that concerns us is "The Revolt of the Girl Legionnaires!" written by Jerry Siegel and drawn by John Forte. The plot involves the girls coming under the evil influence of Queen Azura of the decidedly feminist planet Femnaz: six of them set their sights on seven of the boy Legionnaires, and plan to murder them using their super-powers and feminine wiles. What bad girls they became ;) !

Their plot goes forward and all six boys fall victim to assorted doom-traps. But before it's too late, Queen Azura has a change of heart after Femnaz is saved by Mon-El and Ultra Boy. She frees the girls from their brainwashing, and they save the boys in time. Here is the final panel from the story where the female Legionnaires apologize for being such bad girls, first in its original form and then with the dialogue rewritten by you-know-who:



Now Siegel certainly didn't mind scripting the occasional spanking – he had done so several times in the Superman comic strip, for instance – but of course there was no way he was going to write a sextuple spanking here even though it was certainly deserved. Come to think of it, Queen Azura and the rest of her feminist harridans on Femnaz had spankings coming to them as well! Mon-El and Ultra-Boy shouldn't have let them off so easily.

After I completed the rewrite, I noticed that the smiles all around lent themselves to a new interpretation: it was as if both the boys and the girls secretly relished the thought of the mass-spanking to come!

Now as to the spanking partners: with six boys (there were actually seven, but only six are shown in the final panel) and six girls, there are 6! = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 = 720 permutations. That's too many for me to think about, so I just decided the simplest thing was for the aggrieved boy to spank the responsible girl, which leads to this specific pairing:

Superboy spanks Saturn Girl
Chameleon Boy spanks Supergirl
Element Lad spanks Light Lass
Star Boy spanks Phantom Girl
Invisible Kid, Brainiac 5, and Cosmic Boy each spank one of Triplicate Girl's three selves, plus they each get to spank Shrinking Violet as well since she helped Triplicate Girl try to murder all three of them. I can easily picture an after-spanking scene in which Triplicate Girl and Violet are both rubbing their sore bottoms and trying to figure out which of them got it worse :D .

While it might be fun to work out some of the other possible spanking pairs, I didn't want to do it since people might have thought I was obsessing over superheroine spankings. :lol:
Last edited by web-ed on Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: one clarification about seven boys being involved instead of six
-- Web-Ed
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Re: legion of super-heroes

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

well, i have to say that i certainly like your version better that the original :D . i agree too that from the expressions, it appears that all of them, spankers and spankees alike are looking forward to it :lol: . now if we could just get someone to draw the spankings. thanks, phil
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Re: legion of super-heroes

Post by Tanner »

Nothing wrong with "obsessing over spanking superheroines" as you put it :D
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Re: legion of super-heroes

Post by jimc »

I just saw the response to the Lsh spanking rewrite that web-ed did and I thought there was another story about the LSH involved in a female supremacy, but Supergirl overcame her control by having her love for Brainiac 5 overwhelm her and she was then able to destroy the machine that was controlling them. This was another spanking scene that just missed as well. I had always had other spanking pairings in mind. Although the romantic pairings had already been discussed (Supergirl/Brainiac 5; Ultra Boy/Phantom Girl; Lone Wolf/Light Lass; Lightning Lad/Saturn Girl etc.) my pairing was more designed by powers( Element Lad/ Phantom Girl as he could make something that would effect her even in Phantom State; Star Boy and Light Lass= super heavy versus super light; Triplicate Girl/Chameleon Boy as he could make himself into some multi-legged and multi-armed creature that could take each Triplicate Girl over the knee. Supergirl would be spanked by Color Kid as he could change the yellow to red of the sun for a few minutes as he spanked her; Brainiac 5 would spank Saturn Girl as his mind would come up with some logical reason for her to be spanked and when she read his mind she would have to agree with his conclusions and get over his knee. Of course the romantic pairings could also work Think of Ultra Boy has a special ultra Power he can spank Phantom girl even in her Phantom state. Bouncing Boy can block the Triplicate Girls by bouncing their bottoms for them and of course all the others would submit to otk because they all believe in DD. Have a great day.
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Re: legion of super-heroes

Post by web-ed »

jimc wrote:I just saw the response to the Lsh spanking rewrite that web-ed did and I thought there was another story about the LSH involved in a female supremacy, but Supergirl overcame her control by having her love for Brainiac 5 overwhelm her and she was then able to destroy the machine that was controlling them.
You know Jim, I do remember another storyline with the girl legionnaires revolting - it was years after this one, and I believe it was scripted by the young Jim Shooter and likely drawn by Win Mortimer. As I have almost the complete run of the Legion in Adventure Comics, it now behooves me to go through the collection and see if I can locate it. Let's hope there's another panel that lends itself to being rewritten ;) . If so, I'll present it right here. It will be some time, though, because I'm really stretched very thin just getting the weekly updates plus my regular searches done. It would be an excellent project for the upcoming Super Spanking Summer!

Also, everyone should know an entire series of spankings of the female Legionnaires is never far from my thoughts, and if I can ever afford to I will certainly commission one :D .
-- Web-Ed
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Re: legion of super-heroes

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

It would be awesome to see the superheriones spanked at the same time :lol: 8-)
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Re: legion of super-heroes

Post by web-ed »

butch46163@yahoo.com wrote:It would be awesome to see the superheriones spanked at the same time :lol: 8-)
It sure would, Butch! However, that of course never actually happened in the comic books. I have managed to dig up the story Jim was referring to from my private collection, though, so we'll see some excerpts from it now followed by a 1-panel rewrite by yours truly. (I can't show the whole story because it's still under copyright).

"The Mutiny of the Super-Heroines" took place in Adventure Comics #368 (May 1968) with script and layouts by Jim Shooter. This was before the Win Mortimer era, though, so the pencils are by Curt Swan the the inks by George Klein (this is the same George Klein who did the spanking in Venus #2, as we recently revealed over in Comics Gallery 2 on the main site).

Looks like trouble! Cover art by Neal Adams. Copyright DC Comics Inc.

Our story begins with a visiting ambassador to earth meeting the Legion of Super-Heroes. She's from a planet ruled by women, and when told that Invisible Kid is the Legion's leader, she asks: "You're in charge? A male?"
The Kid's priceless reply: "Of course!"
Copyright DC Comics Inc.

Meanwhile, the girl Legionnaires are sewing new curtains for their quarters - a suitably girly task. The subject of female domination comes up but the girls must admit the boys are more powerful.
Copyright DC Comics Inc.

But this ambassador is full of tricks and she manages to hypnotize the girls, turning them into rebellious trouble-makers. Worse, she increases their might so they can challenge the boys :o
Copyright DC Comics Inc.

Shadow Lass remarks that she wants Braniac 5 to serve her. This jars Supergirl's mind loose from the hypnotic control, for she is super and has a thing for Braniac 5. (Note: this is not the same Brainiac who was Superman's deadly foe).
Copyright DC Comics Inc.

Supergirl is now resisting, but the rest of the girls are ready to kill, and they attack the boys - what bad girls they are :o !
Copyright DC Comics Inc.

What happened is that the girls attacked the boys, but Supergirl has caused the ambassador's hypnotic bracelet to explode, and the other girl Legionnaires are freed of her evil influence. However, it would have been far, far, better if the fed-up boys just put their feet down on all this feminist nonsense and administered spankings on the spot :D . Therefore, I took the liberty of rewriting that last panel slightly. I've actually tried to re-create the kind of dialogue DC favored at the time. It doesn't sound like Shooter- more like Bob Haney or Eddie Herron, I think.

By the way, to explain any obscure references, "Nura" is Dream Girl, "Tasmia" is Shadow Lass, and "Luornu" is Duo Damsel. Supergirl is, of course, Superboy's cousin.

The five-way spanking of our dreams!

The pairings: Invisible Kid/Dream Girl, Superboy/Supergirl, Karate Kid/Light Lass, Braniac 5/Shadow Lass, and Lightning Lad/Duo Damsel. Somebody should have spanked Princess Projectra also, but I didn't have room for any more dialogue balloons :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: legion of super-heroes

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

THINK the Female Ambassador should have got a good spanking in front of the Girls Legionnaire by SuperBoy showing her how male on Earth deals with headstrong females :lol:
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Idea for a Phantom Girl Spanking

Post by dmsherwood53 »

The Ghost Spanking trminded me of an idea for a Phontom Girl spanking a girl in Full Armour
Demateriualize rge arm + hasmd while the rest of the body remaiuls solid to hold the spankee OTK
Passd the hand thru the Armour; Materialize the hand to smack the bbum;l dematerialize the hand to raise fo9r the next stroke & repeat
At the least it would ned soime Presisw Timing
DM Sherwood
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Idea for a Phantom Girl Spanking

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Dmsherwood. Thanks for commenting.
dmsherwood53 wrote: Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:56 am The Ghost Spanking trminded me of an idea for a Phontom Girp spanking a girl in Full Armour Demateriualize rge arm + hasmd while the rest of the body remaiuls solid to hold the spankee OTK Passd the hand thru the Armour; Materialize the hand to smack the bbum;l dematerialize the hand to raise fo9r the next stroke & repeat

At the least it would ned soime Presisw Timing
Sounds like a good idea... except that I don't know what a Phantom Girp is. [Girl - Web-Ed]. Is that an actual ghost, or a live person with the ability to de-materialize and re-materialize?

I like the idea of being able to pass through armor but make solid contact with skin.
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Idea for a Phantom Girl Spanking

Post by dmsherwood53 »

hugob00m wrote: Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:25 pm Hi, Dmsherwood. Thanks for commenting.
dmsherwood53 wrote: Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:56 am The Ghost Spanking trminded me of an idea for a Phontom Girp spanking a girl in Full Armour Demateriualize rge arm + hasmd while the rest of the body remaiuls solid to hold the spankee OTK Passd the hand thru the Armour; Materialize the hand to smack the bbum;l dematerialize the hand to raise fo9r the next stroke & repeat

At the least it would ned soime Presisw Timing
hugob00m wrote: Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:25 pm Sounds like a good idea... except that I don't know what a Phantom Girp is. Is that an actual ghost, or a live person with the ability to de-materialize and re-materialize?

I like the idea of being able to pass through armor but make solid contact with skin.

Phantom Girp should be Phantom Girl -my Crap typing. A Member of DC Comics LEGION OF SUPERHEROES basically a girl who could Materialze and demateralize. Nothing much weas done with the character but I remeber one issue when she passed her hand thru the metal of na bank vailt lock and rematerialized her fingers inside to gimmick the lock hense my fantasy of spanking a villiuanese thruj amour . Feel free to steal my idea if you want to.
By the way have you passed on my message to the web-ed ?
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Idea for a Phantom Girl Spanking

Post by dmsherwood53 »

hugob00m wrote: Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:25 pm Hi, Dmsherwood. Thanks for commenting.
dmsherwood53 wrote: Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:56 am The Ghost Spanking trminded me of an idea for a Phontom Girp spanking a girl in Full Armour Demateriualize rge arm + hasmd while the rest of the body remaiuls solid to hold the spankee OTK Passd the hand thru the Armour; Materialize the hand to smack the bbum;l dematerialize the hand to raise fo9r the next stroke & repeat

At the least it would ned soime Presisw Timing
Sounds like a good idea... except that I don't know what a Phantom Girp is. Is that an actual ghost, or a live person with the ability to de-materialize and re-materialize?

I like the idea of being able to pass through armor but make solid contact with skin.
Phantom Girp should be Phantom Girl -my Crap typing. A Member of DC Comics LEGION OF SUPERHEROES basically a girl who could Materialze and demateralize. Nothing much weas done with the character but I remeber one issue when she passed her hand thru the metal of na bank vailt lock and rematerialized her fingers inside to gimmick the lock hense my fantasy of spanking a villiuanese thruj amour . Feel free to steal my idea if you want to.
By the way have you passed on my message to the web-ed ? [referring to the unfortunate difficulty of contacting me through the mail at times - Web-Ed]
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Re: Idea for a Phantom Girl Spanking

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Dmaherwood.
dmsherwood53 wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:36 pm Phantom Girp should be Phantom Girl -my Crap typing. A Member of DC Comics LEGION OF SUPERHEROES basically a girl who could Materialze and demateralize. Nothing much weas done with the character but I remeber one issue when she passed her hand thru the metal of na bank vailt lock and rematerialized her fingers inside to gimmick the lock hense my fantasy of spanking a villiuanese thruj amour . Feel free to steal my idea if you want to.
By the way have you passed on my message to the web-ed ?
Thanks for explaining. I haven't tried to I.M. Web-ed... but if he isn't getting your messages, he probably wouldn't get mine either.
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Re: Idea for a Phantom Girl Spanking

Post by dmsherwood53 »

hugob00m wrote: Thu Oct 20, 2022 12:43 pm Hi, Dmaherwood.
dmsherwood53 wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:36 pm Phantom Girp should be Phantom Girl -my Crap typing. A Member of DC Comics LEGION OF SUPERHEROES basically a girl who could Materialze and demateralize. Nothing much weas done with the character but I remeber one issue when she passed her hand thru the metal of na bank vailt lock and rematerialized her fingers inside to gimmick the lock hense my fantasy of spanking a villiuanese thruj amour . Feel free to steal my idea if you want to.
By the way have you passed on my message to the web-ed ?
Thanks for explaining. I haven't tried to I.M. Web-ed... but if he isn't getting your messages, he probably wouldn't get mine either.
Thanks.web-ed has since got in touch with me
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