Captain Woodshed redux

The cartoons of Dan Rivera. Reader comments strongly desired!
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

i don't know if it's at my end or a problem at CSR but i wasn't able to get your newly colored drawings to open???? phil
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by daneldorado »

Not your fault, Phil. Something's wrong here. I'll try to fix it.

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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by daneldorado »

Hi... I've been trying to add some color to my old black & white comics. Here you can see some panels from my old "Captain Woodshed" stories.

If you look at this and decide, Aaaww, I've already seen that! Well, what you have seen is my original from the 1990s, in Black & White. This time, I present it for your enjoyment, In Living Color, as they say.

More panels will follow.


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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by daneldorado »

Continuing with the Captain Woodshed toon, in full color:



I hope you will enjoy seeing these new, colorized toons. If you do enjoy them, send me your messages telling me what you thought about them. Heck, even if you DON'T enjoy them, let me know that too. Further panels will ensue if you send me your comments.

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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by daneldorado »


Are you seeing these okay now?

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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Phil:

Are you seeing these okay now?

hi Dan,

i can see them just fine now :D i do remember this story from the b&w version but i always enjoy seeing them in color. for one thing, my opinion is that the facial expressions more clearly depict their reactions in the colored versions. also, i think the coloring process makes the folds in the clothing stand out more. i like comparing the colored and b&w versions directly, side by side. it appears that in the second drawing, 9-2778, in addition to coloring, you also slightly changed the position of her necklace chain to enhance the size of her breasts ;) . also, i think the shading is more effective in the colored versions. i always did like this story :D . having spent years in retail grocery business, i have dealt with a lot of shoplifters and of course, you know i've thought of spanking many of them :lol: . in panel 9-335 i see that our hero is sitting on a wooden box. i thought it was entirely appropriate that the box is upside down with the words, "this end up" and an arrow pointing towards the floor since our spankee is about to be in the same position :lol: . thanks for sharing these with us :D . i'll be looking for the rest. phil
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by web-ed »

I haven't checked lately, but I think more people enter "Spanky Sal" or "Sam Swatt" than "Captain Woodshed" into a search engine (I have numbers on the searches that lead people to CSR - of course, if they don't go to CSR then they don't show up in the site logs). Nonetheless, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the good Captain. He's the superhero I think we'd all like to be :lol: .

I can't remember this episode with Sharon the Shoplifter, so perhaps I never saw it. (I used to read Spank Hard and Stand Corrected, but not consistently). But as I've said before, I think that in general the color adds a great deal while losing nothing. The colors here are well-chosen and have been applied with enough skill to ensure that.

Like Phil, I noticed the "This End Up" on the crate and considered it an appropriate commentary on the action ;) . I think what strikes me most about this episode so far is Sharon's face - yes, I wrote "face" as we haven't yet gotten a glimpse of a certain other portion of her anatomy :lol: . Something about her features is a little sharper than most of your spankees - I think it may be the combination of her nose and chin - and it gives her a more "hardened" look which is altogether appropriate for a member of the criminal class. (Some other spankees have been of the "spoiled brat" type and had rounder features - they may have been spoiled, but they weren't all criminals). This is even true of those spankees of CW I was able to take a quick look at just now - The Queen of Tushmania and Olga the spy).

Anyway, this adventure is off to a great start and I look forward to seeing Sharon in the OTK position as she deserves! :)
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by hugob00m »

I remember the shoplifter story from earlier. One of the subtile touches I enjoyed the first time, which has already been commented on by Phil and Web-ed, is the crate marked "This End Up". The other thing i liked, which you haven't gotten to yet, this time, is the "tardis"-style purse!

I like that you've colorized it, and I look forward to seeing the next few panels, in which I hope to see Sharon's posterior turn a blazing red!
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by daneldorado »

Here are the remaining panels for my Captain Woodshed story, in full color.


Wait, there's more.
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by daneldorado »

...and here is the grand finale. Hope you will like this, and hope you will let me know. :D


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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by web-ed »

What a charming cartoon! We have lots to like:
  • Nice, full-panel spread of CW taking Sharon in the classic OTK position, which is very well done as always.
  • Good lecture from CW on the evils of shoplifting, all the while Sharon's tush turns an ever-brighter shade of red! :D
  • Sharon's purse is like Fibber McGee's closet - filled with an unbelievable assortment of junk! A T.V., frozen caviar(!), "Gator Barf" drink, a whole chicken, etc. :lol:
Unlike most of CW's spankees, Sharon is really turned on and is ready for action, taking the good Captain by surprise. I can't imagine him accepting Sharon's invitation, but you have to wonder what he said next. Overall, this colored version is a welcome addition to the good Captain's previous adventures. I only regret I can't really compare it to the older B & W version since I don't remember it.
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by daneldorado »

Web-ed wrote:

Good lecture from CW on the evils of shoplifting, all the while Sharon's tush turns an ever-brighter shade of red! :D
Sharon's purse is like Fibber McGee's closet - filled with an unbelievable assortment of junk! A T.V., frozen caviar(!), "Gator Barf" drink, a whole chicken, etc. :lol:

Glad you enjoyed seeing this, Nick. And I've learned something too: You're older than I thought you were, if you can remember "Fibber McGee's closet!" That was a beloved segment from the good ol' radio shows of yore.

Not to worry, though. Us old-timers still have a lot of vim and vigor.

Did you notice the old "Princess" phone in Sharon's purse? I tried to make it actually pink, 'cause that was a big selling point for the lady customers, back in the day.

Cheers, Dan
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by web-ed »

Did you notice the old "Princess" phone in Sharon's purse? I tried to make it actually pink, 'cause that was a big selling point for the lady customers, back in the day.
Honestly, although I saw the phone I had forgotten about the "Princess" model, although I vaguely remember it now that you reminded me. As to Fibber McGee's closet - the truth is, it was before my time, but then I'm a rather well-read fellow, and I believe I even saw a picture of it once in a Golden Age comic book! Who says comics aren't educational? :lol:
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by willjohn »

One thing for sure. Sharon is up for a spanking any place anytime. Just as long as the captain is delivering it.
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

looking at panel 732 i just love the position of our shoplifter's hands and arms, indicating her total surprise at what is happening to her bottom end :lol: . i also like the way our hero is holding her dress up and out of the way :D . in panel 9-5 i think the difference between the black and white pic and the colorized version really shows up in the details..........especially in her clothing. for example, in the b&w version we see an indication that her dress is a nice summer dress but in the colored version the fact that her dress is made of soft, feminine, rather thin material really stands out ;) . web-ed has already mention the great OTK position and her red bottom, but concentrating on her other end for a moment, i love her change of expression from one of shock and distress to one of total pain and regret :D . btw, i too remember Fibber McGee...........or at least his closet :lol: . i'm not sure i actually remember the show as much as i remember my mom complaining that some cluttered area looked like Fibber McGee's closet and speaking of that, i have to say that, looking at panel 9-6, that purse must have been bigger than it looks :lol: . in addition to the items web-ed already mentioned, i also liked your thought that her makeup was "Love Goop" :lol: . in the second drawing, i noticed that you changed the position of her eyes as she looks lovingly at our hero so that she appears to be looking more directly at him. apparently you suffer from a common affliction among artists............the finished product is never quite good enough and you feel a need to make minor adjustments if the opportunity presents itself. this is something that Dave Wolfe and i have discussed from time to time. thanks for sharing this with us :D . phil
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by willjohn »

Reminded me of the old Paul Peterson song, " She can't find her keys" about a girl rummaging around in her handbag to find her keys after a date.

After an unbelievable list of contents it finished up "Fire hydrants, ash cans, TV sets, electric fans."
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by hugob00m »

I was too young to remember Fibber McGee back when the show originally aired, but I've heard recordings of the famous closet. Being a sci-fi geek, I would compare Sharon's purse to Doctor Who's tardis, phone booth sized on the outside and immense on the inside. It was funny to see all of the stuff that the Captain was able to dump out of that purse!

As always, it's nice to see the villainess turned over the Captain's knee to receive her just punishment! But then, like all your villainesses (and your heroines too) Sharon has the kind of hiney that would invite a spanking, even if she HADN'T been so naughty!

However, your final panel seems to suggest that Sharon is one of those women who becomes aroused by a good spanking, and the Captain's notion of a deterrent may have been in vain! Can she seduce the Captain with her charms? She's sure giving it the old college try! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by bobj7188 »


Sorry to be so late to the discussion. I haven't been around in a while.

Thanks for posting the colorized version. I enjoyed the original black and white version, and the color is a nice addition for the reasons others have pointed out.

This storyline has some special significance to me, both positive and negative. Many years ago, I discovered that my wife had been caught shoplifting (she still doesn't know what possessed her to do it). She had tried to hide it from me, but broke down in a tearful confession when she had to go to court. I went to court with her and the judge gave her probation--but I'm afraid I did not. I took her home, put her over my lap, and paddled her.

The shoplifting, court appearance, and the long discussions are not pleasant memories. However, the paddling was like living out a scene from an old movie (or one of your comics) and therefore has a somewhat more positive place in my memories.

Thanks again for sharing your creations.

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Re: Captain Woodshed redux

Post by jimc »

Hi Dan, I do enjoy Captain Woodshed and I like the color as well. I have to admit this is one CW that I missed and I do enjoy it very much. Like some of the others I cannot visit as much as I would like so miss the opportunity to comment on them. I do wonder if Sharon expects another spanking where they get back to either her place or CW's place although I would imagine it is a secret after all Super-heros do have to keep the groupies away. Thanks for sharing the adventures of CW as I do enjoy them and do have to admit like Phil they do stand out a little better in color. Have a great day
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