A Sixth O.T. Katie Thread

The cartoons of hugob00m. Reader comments strongly desired!

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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Bullmoose fell asleep? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: What?!? Katie's nefarious plan worked? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: It sure looks that way! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Bullmoose is awake now! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

:D :D :D :D So... MAYBE... her plan didn't completely save her... :D :D :D :D
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And she's at it again!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Like Pete Townsend, he won't be fooled again! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Even Katie agrees!
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Katie has been spanked and all is right with the world! :D :D :D :D
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

Awwww! ;) ;) ;) ;)
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O.T. Katie

Post by hugob00m »

...And here we have the happy ending! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: A Sixth O.T. Katie Thread

Post by sunflower309 »

hello again!

i've tried what Katie did, and it did not work either. but sex does seem to be better after a spanking! i've tried bribery with food lso. i am a very good cook and baker, but that never worked either. even though he says he feels bad about spanking me after i make a good meal that does not stop him! i have offered to wash the car and or truck, or even paint the house! :lol: none of those worked either! but i guess i'm glad those didn't work for sure. i've tried wearing a flannel night gown to appear less appealing and that doesn't work either. so you've already delved into this spankees bag of tricks. and with the same results!

any thing else i can share with you, just let me know!

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Re: A Sixth O.T. Katie Thread

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Boom,

looking at panel 15 it seemed on the surface that Katie's plan had worked to perfection but i have to say that i found myself pretty suspicious about that :lol: . i have to figure that Bullmoose was just having a weak moment............or a particularly horny one 8-) . in panel 17, Katie certainly does look cute in her little outfit with her well spanked, red, little bottom sticking out and jiggling all around..........not to mention that happy grin on her face :D i always love a depiction of a girl changing clothes and in panel 18 we get an even better view of Katie's bottom as she slips on that T shirt 8-) . you are absolutely right that her bottom DOES call attention to itself, even if it is covered by that Tshirt...........which, i might add, outlines her shapely bottom nicely :D . you mentioned that her shirt was "un-sexy" but looking at the second pic in panel 18 and at panel 19, i don't think i'm buying your choice of adjectives. Katie is looking pretty good in it...........or maybe it's just that attention grabbing bottom again :lol: . i can tell in panel 20 that Katie is already suspecting that she's in trouble again............and even stronger suspicions in panel 21 :lol: . Katie looks very cute in panel 22 while she's trying to get her plan to work a second time............and even cuter when she realizes that it's not working this time :lol: . in panel 23, i love the way Bullmoose it holding Katie as he carries her off for her spanking 8-) . i also love his plan of attack.........spanking first and then quickie :D . it seems like Sunflower had some comments that would confirm that this is indeed a good plan :lol: 8-) then there's the look on Katie's face..........a look of realization that she is about to take a good spanking and also a good......ah.......ahem........well, you know what i mean. in panel 24 i love the expression on his face as he hears Katie swearing and sees the rather evil grin on her face :lol: . it looks like Bullmoose is blistering her bare bottom good but Katie's attitude and her expression make me wonder if she doesn't purposefully misbehave just to get a spanking 8-) . i love the view of her plump, naughty, little bottom in panel 25 :D . i can almost see it wobbling all around as the spanks land and she squirms and struggles 8-) . again, her bottom is so cute,peeking out from under that T shirt, bouncing and wiggling around and radiating waves of heat in panel 26 as he leads her off for their private moment :D . in panel 27, Katie does indeed look cute in her slip but what i really like about this one is the dialog :D . of course, it could be that Katie is just now consciously understanding this but i have a feeling that she has known it, at least on an unconscious level, for a long time now, which brings me back to an earlier question of whether or not she sometimes deliberately misbehaves in order to get a spanking. this would seem to support that theory 8-) . the main things i like about the last panel are the happy faces...........and of course, Katie's patented skip step as Bullmoose hurries her along with a swat to her bottom :D . great finish to the story. thanks, phil
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Re: Consequences #15-28

Post by web-ed »

You put in a lot of work in these last installments, b00m, so let me say "thanks" first of all.

Now as to the story, Bullmoose did "man up" as I predicted, if only after a good night's sleep, and spank Katie as she deserved. Your psychology is right on the money as women do indeed prefer men too strong and determined to be dissuaded by their feminine charms.

I liked the way the effect lines showed Katie feeling the effects of her previous spanking in panels 17-22 - ouch! :lol:
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A Sixth O.T. Katie Thread

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, sunflower. Thanks for being the first to comment on the conclusion to my latest story!
sunflower309 wrote:i've tried what Katie did, and it did not work either. but sex does seem to be better after a spanking!
I'm glad to know you feel that way. It's always seemed to me (from the other perspective, of course) that sex after a good spanking is really fun. Mmmmmm!
sunflower309 wrote:i've tried bribery with food lso. i am a very good cook and baker, but that never worked either. even though he says he feels bad about spanking me after i make a good meal that does not stop him!
Hmmmm! I've never tried that one in any of my stories. I haven't really thought much about whether Katie is a good cook or not. If she isn't, maybe she could enroll in a baking class with a really strict chef! When she burns a loaf of bread, he burns her buns! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
sunflower309 wrote: i have offered to wash the car and or truck, or even paint the house! none of those worked either!
Those are two ideas I've never considered either. I'll have to think about how I couuld use something like that in an O.T. Katie story! Maybe she could offer to do some chores to avoid a spanking... or maybe even perform those chores and mess things up somehow. You've started some wheels turning in my head! :D :D :D :D
sunflower309 wrote: i've tried wearing a flannel night gown to appear less appealing and that doesn't work either. so you've already delved into this spankees bag of tricks. and with the same results!
Yeah. I guess that was sort of like the "unsexy" T-shirt Katie wore in this episode! I can tell you, it sure wouldn't fool me!
sunflower309 wrote:any thing else i can share with you, just let me know!
O.K. And thinks for your input so far.
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Re: A Sixth O.T. Katie Thread

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, overbarrel. And thanks for your comments on the conclusion of this story!
overbarrel49 wrote:looking at panel 15 it seemed on the surface that Katie's plan had worked to perfection but i have to say that i found myself pretty suspicious about that. i have to figure that Bullmoose was just having a weak moment............or a particularly horny one.
Maybe a little of both. I think he decided that he couldn't wait until AFTER he spanked her to accept her offer of sex... and, like so many of us guys, he felt like falling asleep as soon as the sex was over! (@#$%!)
overbarrel49 wrote:in panel 17, Katie certainly does look cute in her little outfit with her well spanked, red, little bottom sticking out and jiggling all around..........not to mention that happy grin on her face
I'm glad you liked that one. It was sure fun to draw!
overbarrel49 wrote:i always love a depiction of a girl changing clothes and in panel 18 we get an even better view of Katie's bottom as she slips on that T shirt.
I'll have to keep that in mind. Maybe Katie should change her clothes more often... AND do so in full view of the audience! :D :D :D :D
overbarrel49 wrote: you are absolutely right that her bottom DOES call attention to itself, even if it is covered by that Tshirt...........which, i might add, outlines her shapely bottom nicely. you mentioned that her shirt was "un-sexy" but looking at the second pic in panel 18 and at panel 19, i don't think i'm buying your choice of adjectives. Katie is looking pretty good in it...........or maybe it's just that attention grabbing bottom again.
Good! My idea was that Katie would think that her T-shirt is "un-sexy", but NOT the audience! It's my intention that Katie should look good, even if she's wearing a burlap potato sack!
overbarrel49 wrote:i can tell in panel 20 that Katie is already suspecting that she's in trouble again............and even stronger suspicions in panel 21.
Yeah. She had been hoping to already be out of the house by the time Bullmoose woke up... But then... I don't think even that would've prevented him from giving another spanking. It would just postpone the inevitable! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
overbarrel49 wrote:Katie looks very cute in panel 22 while she's trying to get her plan to work a second time............and even cuter when she realizes that it's not working this time.
That was exactly what I wanted to accomplish.
overbarrel49 wrote:i love the way Bullmoose it holding Katie as he carries her off for her spanking.
My favorite part of an "over-the-shoulder" carry is putting my hand on the lady's backside while I take her where I want her to go... and I figure Bullmoose would be likely to feel the same way! ;) ;) ;) ;)
overbarrel49 wrote:i also love his plan of attack.........spanking first and then quickie. it seems like Sunflower had some comments that would confirm that this is indeed a good plan then there's the look on Katie's face..........a look of realization that she is about to take a good spanking and also a good......ah.......ahem........well, you know what i mean.
I guess she was beginning to realize that she secretly agreed with web-ed, and wanted him to "man-up"! ;) ;) ;) ;)
overbarrel49 wrote:in panel 24 i love the expression on his face as he hears Katie swearing and sees the rather evil grin on her face.
Heh heh! I'm glad you enjoyed that!
overbarrel49 wrote:it looks like Bullmoose is blistering her bare bottom good but Katie's attitude and her expression make me wonder if she doesn't purposefully misbehave just to get a spanking.
...Or maybe... As I've heard some "experts" say, regarding children who misbehave, maybe she's "testing the boundries".
overbarrel49 wrote:i love the view of her plump, naughty, little bottom in panel 25. i can almost see it wobbling all around as the spanks land and she squirms and struggles.
And... no matter how "naughty" she's been, or how "disciplinary" his intentions might be... don't think that Bullmoose doesn't notice how yummy Katie's wiggly jiggly bottom is! ;) ;) ;) ;)
overbarrel49 wrote: again, her bottom is so cute,peeking out from under that T shirt, bouncing and wiggling around and radiating waves of heat in panel 26 as he leads her off for their private moment.
And... without being TOO GRAPHIC about it... I'm thinking that MAYBE Bullmoose and Katie might want to indulge in their "private moment" in a way that takes full advantage of those waves of heat emanating from her freshly-spanked bottom! ;) ;) ;) ;) (I know I would!)
overbarrel49 wrote:in panel 27, Katie does indeed look cute in her slip but what i really like about this one is the dialog.
Good! I think web-ed agrees with you, and I hope the rest of the audience does too!
overbarrel49 wrote:of course, it could be that Katie is just now consciously understanding this but i have a feeling that she has known it, at least on an unconscious level, for a long time now, which brings me back to an earlier question of whether or not she sometimes deliberately misbehaves in order to get a spanking. this would seem to support that theory.
Or maybe... she just likes it that her man is so strong and resolute. But then... maybe on some level, she REALLY DOES enjoy the spankings... Hmmmm! I think I should let each of you draw your own conclusions about that one.
overbarrel49 wrote:the main things i like about the last panel are the happy faces...........and of course, Katie's patented skip step as Bullmoose hurries her along with a swat to her bottom.
Yeah... That's one of those images I've saved from a previous story to use over and over again! I agree that Katie looks really cute doing her little skip step whenever some man gives her a pat on her (usually tender) backside! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
overbarrel49 wrote:great finish to the story. thanks, phil
I'm gald you liked it, and thanks again for your very thorough comments!
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Re: A Sixth O.T. Katie Thread

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, web-ed. As usual, I appreciate your insightful comments!
web-ed wrote:You put in a lot of work in these last installments, b00m, so let me say "thanks" first of all.
You're right. It was a lot of work, but it was fun too. I appreciate that you can see the effort that went into this comic strip.
web-ed wrote:Now as to the story, Bullmoose did "man up" as I predicted, if only after a good night's sleep, and spank Katie as she deserved. Your psychology is right on the money as women do indeed prefer men too strong and determined to be dissuaded by their feminine charms.
Thanks for the confirmation! I think sunflower agrees too.
web-ed wrote:I liked the way the effect lines showed Katie feeling the effects of her previous spanking in panels 17-22 - ouch!
Heh heh! I'm glad you enjoyed that! I think that the spanking she got the night before is most likely something she woukl still be feeling the next morning! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Re: A Sixth O.T. Katie Thread

Post by daneldorado »

overbarrel49 wrote:
"in panel 24 i love the expression on his face as he hears Katie swearing and sees the rather evil grin on her face.
Heh heh! I'm glad you enjoyed that!"

Phil and b00m... I'm glad to see a cartoon panel that goes so far as to imply that a pretty girl can actually ENJOY being spanked!

In real life, we know that many M/F spankings are consensual. Just thinking about it turns me on. But it seems both spanker and spankee have to "pretend" that the spanking was for cause. Even at the many spanking parties that are held every summer, spankers will make comments like, "you've had this coming to you for a long time," and spankees will say things like, "oh, I am so sorry to be a bad girl." It's all just a game.

Panel no. 24 in your most recent OTKatie toon comes close to revealing that truth. Yes, Katie is going to get spanked by Bullmoose again, and that is what they BOTH like.

This is the same attitude that I've tried to build into my series of "Tommy and Miss Johnson" cartoons. First of all, I find it incredibly HOT that a young guy gets to put his pretty teacher over his knee and deliver a good spanking. But the best part of this scenario is that Miss Johnson actually ENJOYS being spanked by Tommy. It's like an oxymoron, isn't it? She's being spanked, but she likes it.

In the case of OTKatie, she loves the spankings she gets from her lover, Bullmoose... but please note: Over the course of the many OTKatie stories, she gets spanked by a large variety of horny men... Officer Yank, her boss, her coworkers, even a supermarket manager... and she hates all those spankings (or says she does). But when her lover wishes to put Katie over his knee, she is marvelously compliant. This reflects a popular truth, and it is to your credit that you are able to convey that awareness in a comic strip.

So... good for you, b00m. Keep 'em coming.

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